Hating something you have no control over is only detrimental to you. Unless you have some clear achievable goal that can be reached by hating women (there are not many). Then persistently subjecting yourself to the emotion of hate will only be detrimental to your quality of life. Even if you dislike the way they have treated you in the past, you are still only hurting yourself more by indulging your hatred. That’s why it is smarter to just stop giving a shit and get on with the things you can control, like learning skills or improving your career. Continuing to actively hate women will only bring you down in these areas. As you cannot control women or their effect on society, I see it as senseless to continue viewing them in a way that will negatively affect your progression in the areas of life that you can control, why harbour an emotion that only impacts you negatively? I’m not saying some of you don’t have legitimate reason to feel hatred, all I’m saying is; if is un useful to you then why not discard it? Life is easier if you just don’t give a shit, everyone knows this.