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Do you agree with the anti-incel community on some points?



Nov 15, 2017
I actually agree with nearly all the points made by IncelTears and similar communities.

But with one condition: that every single one of their talking points is completed by "... if you are between 4 and 8 on the looks scale".

The advice given by anti-incels is good advice for 80% of a random population sample. Because most people, men and women alike, are physically average. The distribution of beauty, like the distribution of intelligence, obeys a bell curve:


When you happen to be in the exceptional 20% (exceptionally ugly, exceptionally pretty), normal rules and conventions of seduction cease to apply to you.

No I don't
Yeah. Most people here need to actually follow their advice, the ones who are average and like to LARP as virgins
I think any rational person is anti-incel, as in incelibacy is something which shouldn't exist.
No, they are deceiver's. How can you agree with those who deny the Blackpill?
The only thing I agree about them is a .308 going through their skulls.
A small number of them are more reasonable and make some legit points but usually no.
only a moron would because pretty much every single one of their points assume that the world is just and that if you can't get laid/get a gf/whatever, it's because you are a bad person.
I actually agree with nearly all the points made by IncelTears and similar communities.

But with one condition: that every single one of their talking points is completed by "... if you are between 4 and 8 on the looks scale".

The advice given by anti-incels is good advice for 80% of a random population sample. Because most people, men and women alike, are physically average. The distribution of beauty, like the distribution of intelligence, obeys a bell curve:


When you happen to be in the exceptional 20% (exceptionally ugly, exceptionally pretty), normal rules and conventions of seduction cease to apply to you.

No, they are pretty low iq.

Even for the average beta cuck their advice is wrong, red pill works much better for average people.
Male attractiveness is not a bell curve m8
bad thread bud

I actually agree with nearly all the points made by IncelTears and similar communities.

But with one condition: that every single one of their talking points is completed by "... if you are between 4 and 8 on the looks scale".

The advice given by anti-incels is good advice for 80% of a random population sample. Because most people, men and women alike, are physically average. The distribution of beauty, like the distribution of intelligence, obeys a bell curve:


When you happen to be in the exceptional 20% (exceptionally ugly, exceptionally pretty), normal rules and conventions of seduction cease to apply to you.

Male attractiveness is not a bell curve m8
80% of men are below average apparently. LMAO
only a moron would because pretty much every single one of their points assume that the world is just and that if you can't get laid/get a gf/whatever, it's because you are a bad person.

You are correct in summarizing the anti-incel worldview as a "just world hypothesis" worldview.

You are incorrect in attributing this worldview to intellectual stupidity. Frankly, IncelTear members don't strike me as dumb at all. Very disingenuous and partial, yes, but not dumb. Dumb is bodybuilding.com, it's not IncelTears.

I am convinced that it actually comes down to emotion. It is very advantageous psychologically to believe in a fair world (you can sleep more soundly at night + you feel in control of your life), and until you experience or see strong evidence that it is not, you don't want to believe that it is not. All of us actually begin life believing that the world is fair; it is our natural inclination. ("If only the bandit in this tale hadn't been so stupid/greedy/evil, he wouldn't have been killed").

Inceltearism is basically a failure of empathy and imagination, linked to a sheltered and privileged experience of life. This is pretty frequent, and even us are guilty of this sin from time to time.

Let me give two examples.

- Recently, someone living with diabetes corrected me on a forum post I had made. I was using diabetes, in my ignorance, as an example of an "annoying but benign disease that you can live with". He explained with graphic examples how diabetes can actually reduce your quality of life by 95%. I am now more sensible to the issue, but even then, I will never understand what living with diabetes is until I directly experience it.

- Discourses on famine and poverty had always annoyed me until I almost died of hunger a few years ago during a badly planned trip. I had to directly experience strong hunger to understand the horror it can be. It took direct, brutal emotional experience to give a weight in my brain to the very abstract concept of hunger.

In the same way, IncelTears don't understand what it's like to be ugly, really ugly, really abnormal, or really unable to have any success with the opposite sex. The "gut level understanding" is simply not there. So they approach this problem like they would approach any other problem in their life; by insisting on behavior, by pulling out a bullet list of actions to take, a recipe for success. They can't admit that sometimes, there's truly nothing you can do.
I don't like the "we should legalize rape"/ "we should take away their rights" threads
The idea that a lot of people here aren't truly that ugly. Especially the white ones. It's only truly over for 1/3 of the users.
In the same way, IncelTears don't understand what it's like to be ugly, really ugly, really abnormal, or really unable to have any success with the opposite sex. The "gut level understanding" is simply not there.
I think they do understand being unable to have success with the opposite sex. 95% of the guys on IT are thirsty beta orbiters to fat IT landwhales. 100% of women do not have sex with 80% of men, they use their peak fertility window to only fuck the top 5% of chads and chad lites, then when they're old and roasted they look for a sub6 beta to cuck.
only a moron would because pretty much every single one of their points assume that the world is just and that if you can't get laid/get a gf/whatever, it's because you are a bad person.
This. If we were just better people we would get laid, according to them.
That's where all of their argumentation starts and ends. They don't actually ever say anything worth listening to, just "Follow my righteous ideology and you'll suddenly find yourself with a girlfriend"

At best their advice only works if you're a 4/10 to a 6/10 that is okay with being beta bux'd. Because they're right, if you follow their advice of just living a life as a good, righteous person until you're somewhere in your 30s and women are starting to settle down, one of those aging roasties might finally choose to settle down with you because you have a job and shit. That's basically what their advice boils down to -- prepare yourself to be a good beta bux partner. Their advice isn't to help you while you're in your 20s, they're just trying to groom guys to be giant fucking cucks.
At best their advice only works if you're a 4/10 to a 6/10 that is okay with being beta bux'd. Because they're right, if you follow their advice of just living a life as a good, righteous person until you're somewhere in your 30s and women are starting to settle down, one of those aging roasties might finally choose to settle down with you because you have a job and shit. That's basically what their advice boils down to -- prepare yourself to be a good beta bux partner. Their advice isn't to help you while you're in your 20s, they're just trying to groom guys to be giant fucking cucks.

And their advice isn't to help you in the slightest. They want you, and ugly males of your ilk, to be the reliable 47th option to provide for them if men they're actually attracted to slip away from them. As always, everything a female does is based on improving her status.
I agree with them on some Incels having high standards.
dont really frequent areas where people go out of their way to bully lonely virgins, so no opinion tbh.

And their advice isn't to help you in the slightest. They want you, and ugly males of your ilk, to be the reliable 47th option to provide for them if men they're actually attracted to slip away from them. As always, everything a female does is based on improving her status.

Very true.
At best their advice only works if you're a 4/10 to a 6/10 that is okay with being beta bux'd. Because they're right, if you follow their advice of just living a life as a good, righteous person until you're somewhere in your 30s and women are starting to settle down, one of those aging roasties might finally choose to settle down with you because you have a job and shit. That's basically what their advice boils down to -- prepare yourself to be a good beta bux partner. Their advice isn't to help you while you're in your 20s, they're just trying to groom guys to be giant fucking cucks.
Their advice is only semi applicable to normieS and non applicable to incels
At best their advice only works if you're a 4/10 to a 6/10 that is okay with being beta bux'd. Because they're right, if you follow their advice of just living a life as a good, righteous person until you're somewhere in your 30s and women are starting to settle down, one of those aging roasties might finally choose to settle down with you because you have a job and shit. That's basically what their advice boils down to -- prepare yourself to be a good beta bux partner. Their advice isn't to help you while you're in your 20s, they're just trying to groom guys to be giant fucking cucks.
Not only will they get betabuxed, they won't even get sex and will probably be cheated on. Fuckin IT whores just want to keep getting away with riding chad dick and putting average men on the back burner because she believes they will swoop into the rescue whenever they get desperate.
Not only will they get betabuxed, they won't even get sex and will probably be cheated on.

This, as well. Many normies fall to this behavior by women. See MGTOW.
This, as well. Many normies fall to this behavior by women. See MGTOW.
It's not like, "I'll just be a good beta-bux to a post wall roasted roastie and I'll finaly get my peepee wet"
Haha, they do need to check out mgtow and the blackpill.
It's not like, "I'll just be a good beta-bux to a post wall roasted roastie and I'll finaly get my peepee wet"
Haha, they do need to check out mgtow and the blackpill.

That's one of the benefits of being blackpilled. We know the truth.
Cucktears advice only work if you are 6 and above. Their advice doesn't work for us, I know it because I tried it during my bluepill years and I got nowhere with it. I used to be the sort of guy who had a lot of female friends and not a single girlfriend. I used to be an emotional tampoon to women, they'd talk about their boyfriends and hook-ups and if I asked them out they would reject me. We simply CANNOT make a woman fall in love with us. We do not have the looks to back it up. It's like entering a marathon when you don't have legs. You'll get nowhere. Just like the laws of physics break down at the center of a black hole, the laws of normie society cease to work if you do not meet the minimum requirement to attract a female.
I disagree with a lot of things. Someone said you are a cuck if you have a daughter. Wtf.
-And the remaining advices are for stopping you from spreading the blackpill. "leave the forum" "don't take the label incel" "just forget relationships and dedicate your time to other acitivities"
Tbh i just want to know why the cucks want to stop the blackpill.For me it's funny how every day these guys want to stop the black pill and cope with the blue pill.it's so enjoyable.
They don't want it to spread because the beta cucks will lose their female deity, the black pill exposes how flawed femoids are, if it spread femoids can never get a betabux. Old roasties will only be seen as cheap hookers, and not potential wives.
hahhahhaha the time when words like incel,betabux,cock carousel become mainstream, that day i will fucking laugh at them for trying to stop this.
It's the only thing keeping me going. I think we have a good shot too.
I actually agree with nearly all the points made by IncelTears and similar communities.

But with one condition: that every single one of their talking points is completed by "... if you are between 4 and 8 on the looks scale".

The advice given by anti-incels is good advice for 80% of a random population sample. Because most people, men and women alike, are physically average. The distribution of beauty, like the distribution of intelligence, obeys a bell curve:


When you happen to be in the exceptional 20% (exceptionally ugly, exceptionally pretty), normal rules and conventions of seduction cease to apply to you.

The reason Cucktears are bad is because they actually hate incels and will attack anything male. I would say that their advice( ie normie advice such as personality, fashion, working out) only works if you are a normie(4-6). The part where I agree with you is that if a person is either extreme(extremely ugly or extremely handsome) normie advice will not work. But if you are ethnic it is still over if you are in the West because of the predominantly western beauty standards
IncelTears did nothing wrong and have good well-meaned advice sometimes.
they're stupid and I don't take advice from stupid people
I disagree with a lot of things. Someone said you are a cuck if you have a daughter. Wtf.

you support the thing for many many years both financially and emotionally, dote over it in every way, etc. and it ends up jumping from lap to lap, get slapped around by random strangers like the sex toy it is and ingest God knows how many people's semen, urine and shit. can you truly not see how it is not a desirable situation to have a daughter, especially in this day and age?
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you support the thing for many many years both financially and emotionally, dote over it in every way, etc. and it ends up jumping from lap to lap, get slapped around by random strangers like the sex toy it is and ingest God knows how many people's semen, urine and shit. can you truly not see how it is not a desirable situation to have a daughter, especially in this day and age?
which would be worse, having a daughter knowing she might grow up to be like that or having a son and knowing he could become an incel? I wouldn't want to put anyone through that hell. No one deserves it.
No, they twist even the most fundamental realities. It’s true that at extreme ends of the looks spectrum, little else is relavent. Sure, other things can matter when you are statistically average. But what does matter? Sure as fuck not what they claim does. Your kindness, humor, “respect for women”, etc. do not mean a DAMN thing. But your race, cockiness, and status do.
I agree with them that a lot of incels still have child mentality. Which is not a huge suprise tbh... the biggest segment of our community are late teens.
Adding the part about being between a 4 and 8 stops it from being an anti-incel/normie point.
I actually agree with nearly all the points made by IncelTears and similar communities.

But with one condition: that every single one of their talking points is completed by "... if you are between 4 and 8 on the looks scale".

The advice given by anti-incels is good advice for 80% of a random population sample. Because most people, men and women alike, are physically average. The distribution of beauty, like the distribution of intelligence, obeys a bell curve:


When you happen to be in the exceptional 20% (exceptionally ugly, exceptionally pretty), normal rules and conventions of seduction cease to apply to you.

1. Yeah I call bullshit, because that's not how it works at all, you see because what is considered "average" is increasing, you are trying to apply rational thinking to a group of which there is no such thing, that group being women, you are assuming there is a "cap" on their standards, but there isn't, they are insatiable, like I've said before its like the "leaky faucet" analogy I told a guy online once who was arguing that the government should issue plastic surgery to all males so that we can be attractive and have a chance.

Now lets say one day your sink gets clogged and the faucet is leaking, the sink is now slowly but surely filling up with water, the plastic surgery guy, much who you sound like - "just improve your looks and personality", is basically foolishly advocating that we simply deepen and widen the sink as a solution to the problem of the sink overflowing, its an idiots choice, you see because like that leaking faucet, women's standards are limitless, they are insatiable, nothing will ever be truly good enough, so if all you do is widen and deepen the sink (improve the average looks and personality of the general male populace) then all you've created is a wide sink to be filled, at some point its still gonna get filled.

In short you are attacking the problem at the wrong end, on the male end, what you need to fix is the leaky faucet, you need to force women to have realistic standards, if you merely increase the maximum container for the standards women will fill it no matter what, in fact my analogy doesn't even fit in some respects because for it to truly fit the faucet would have to start leaking faster respective to the extent in which the sink was widened and deepened lol, basically making it as though no change was even made. Women cannot be reasoned with or "logicked" into making good and "fair" decisions, they are inherently terrible people, there is no changing that, they have to be forced to do the right thing, this is why the "patriarchal" society of the past was so productive and prosperous, because basically every man had a chance because we force the faucet not to leak.

2. There arguments are disingenuous because all the guys that fall into that bracket get are scraps, so we have to make all those changes about ourselves, go through all the struggle, just to get some used up whore whose finished her term on the cock carousel. Is that even worth the effort, I say no, so ironically even if their arguments did make sense, and women were reasonable and had reasonable standards with a "cap" on it, it still wouldn't be a good deal, we'd still be getting the short end of the stick settling for used up whores who only now think were good enough because they depreciated their sexual market value by waiting for their eggs to begin to worsen in quality (their fertility is getting in the shit tier range) and their body count is high and they are loose as fuck.

The only thing I agree about them is a .308 going through their skulls.
Kek too bad there is no +1 to give you
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which would be worse, having a daughter knowing she might grow up to be like that or having a son and knowing he could become an incel? I wouldn't want to put anyone through that hell. No one deserves it.

it’s not just that it “might” become a brainless whore with no self respect, but WILL. it’s a guarantee. a son at least has the chance to be something you can be proud of, rather than a source of shame.
you support the thing for many many years both financially and emotionally, dote over it in every way, etc. and it ends up jumping from lap to lap, get slapped around by random strangers like the sex toy it is and ingest God knows how many people's semen, urine and shit. can you truly not see how it is not a desirable situation to have a daughter, especially in this day and age?
Real shit homie
you support the thing for many many years both financially and emotionally, dote over it in every way, etc. and it ends up jumping from lap to lap, get slapped around by random strangers like the sex toy it is and ingest God knows how many people's semen, urine and shit. can you truly not see how it is not a desirable situation to have a daughter, especially in this day and age?
If nothing changes it's the only way to have grandkids. Cuck means you put in parental effort but do not get to pass on your genes. So by definition having a daughter makes you a cuck is false, she has your genes and is going to pass them on. Nowadays cuck is also used to describe a situation in which you put romantic effort into a woman but she disrespects you, exploits you and cheats on you and you keep investing. The statement is still false to me because I don't have a romantic interest in my own offspring kek.
Anyone here who does is a cuck that should be banned on sight.

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