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Do USAcels and EUcels like their country?



Nov 8, 2017
You think your society is making things harder for incels or it's universal nature of humans.
Tfw canadacel
It's both. Back in the day if women stepped out of line with society the consequences could be severe. They might be left without a male provider, and without the protection of society which was a death sentence back then. Men on the other hand are the disposable sex, so men have to take risks in order to compete with other men. But men are also more capable of surviving on their own. Because we have greater physical strength and/or intelligence than women, who are physically weak in comparison and rarely significantly above average intelligence.

That's why women often end up mirroring their society and culture more than men. They always want to seek attention, validation and approval from society. If they notice something is getting popular, many of them will latch on to it and agree with it. They have a limited capacity for independent thought. So if women are fat Chad chasing sluts and whores with high standards, that's a reflection of their culture and society but also part of female nature.
What dictates the value of a society is the NEETbux on offer.
I'm from Spain and here all the girls think they are fucking divas. Many of them are so stupid. Feminism is also a cancer that is very rooted in society. For me it is impossible to date someone.
Fuck no, I wish my parents stayed in pakistan
Living in a city in USA is literally the definition of hell. EVERYONE around you is in a relationship, there is NO escape. Sometimes I feel like it's actually rigged against me. There are literally zero incels or like-minded people here either, they're all white knights or black dudes who rap about "fuck bitches," but as soon as you actually start talking some shit about them to them, they're like NAH NAH CHILL BRUH DAFUQ NIGGA
coldmachinery said:
Tfw canadacel

I know that feel bro. Canada is one of the most cucked countries on the planet with probably the highest incel population too outside of India. Imagine a turbo jewified degenerate wasteland populated primarily by cucktears users in country form. Thats Canada.
Life as an incel would be hell anywhere on this Earth, so I don't really care.
Krispinwah said:
Fuck no, I wish my parents stayed in pakistan
This. But then again, corruption is rampant in Pakistan. Maybe things will be better if Imran Khan wins. He is the only one who is not going to loot and plunder our country, and he is anti-American to boot.
Both, OP. I like what my country used to be, but like other Western nations, it is now totally cucked and doomed to collapse thanks to terminal liberalism.
/pol/cel said:
I know that feel bro. Canada is one of the most cucked countries on the planet with probably the highest incel population too outside of India. Imagine a turbo jewified degenerate wasteland populated primarily by cucktears users in country form. Thats Canada.

Nice description man.
USA is really not that bad
Darktharion said:
I'm from Spain and here all the girls think they are fucking divas. Many of them are so stupid. Feminism is also a cancer that is very rooted in society. For me it is impossible to date someone.

Lol I remember when Spain was a great place for girls

more and more incels are coming from Spain these days, how interesting 

Escortcelling is very good in Spain, that I do know
I’ve lived in 3 anglosphere countries (the biggest 3) and they are all Hell On Earth for ugly men. Absolute feminist paradise; femoids and chads run the show. Incels are basically just resources to generate money to fund the welfare state.
/pol/cel said:
I know that feel bro. Canada is one of the most cucked countries on the planet with probably the highest incel population too outside of India. Imagine a turbo jewified degenerate wasteland populated primarily by cucktears users in country form. Thats Canada.

So praise St Marc Lepin
DutchCEL lol try live in the Netherlands with al the 6 foot 2 average/chad dutch guys.
Even the femoids here are blond 5 foot 10 stacies.
Its over LDAR
Incel_Dikshit said:
DutchCEL lol try live in the Netherlands with al the 6 foot 2 average/chad dutch guys.
Even the femoids here are blond 5 foot 10 stacies.
Its over LDAR

I guess Dinarics are taller than you. You are not tall due to genetics. Meanwhile, Serbian guys eat shitty, drink always, smoke and get taller than you Germanic twinks.
Sparky said:
UK is a nightmare

If I’d been born in pretty much any other country I may not have even ended up here.

Ikr UK is a jungle esp london full of aggressive Tyrones and chads but you are Chadlite/Chad so should have no problem if you tried how many times have you actually approached
Sparky said:
Thankfully I don’t live near London (although I might end up going uni there). However if you see how hard actual 6ft+ Chads mogged me at my sixth form you’d understand the struggle. 

I so badly want to do a holiday to EE. Not only could I potentially escape inceldom but the quality of girls there is much higher than in the UK.
Is it man I go uni in london yeah I feel you easier chance to slay in EE and many options but many EE girls came to london so you might escape when you go uni
I would have fucked hundreds of girls for free in Asia

I would have fucked tons of high-quality prosts in countries where it's legal

In the US it's hard to find a worthy prostitute for a reasonable price

Also hate the specific area in which I live (Miami) because bitches have the highest standards ever.  You have to look modelesque just to get a non-fat, non-ugly girlfriend
Incel_Dikshit said:
DutchCEL lol try live in the Netherlands with al the 6 foot 2 average/chad dutch guys.
Even the femoids here are blond 5 foot 10 stacies.
Its over LDAR

I have the same problem in Belgium though it's probably a bit less than in NL.
I'm also a bit ashamed to be Belgian as we have a reputation of being a bit dumb and the country isn't prestigious to mail order brides like France or the UK. I even fake a French accent lol
The USA is a great place... if you have money. I would be so happy if I was rich.
What I like about the US is that it's big. You have more options of moving and trying to find a woman in different states. More women means more probability of finding someone (although slim chance).
FeminismsCancer said:
I have the same problem in Belgium though it's probably a bit less than in NL.
I'm also a bit ashamed to be Belgian as we have a reputation of being a bit dumb and the country isn't prestigious to mail order brides like France or the UK. I even fake a French accent lol

Whahahahahaha je kan gwn nederlands spreken ofja vlaams in jou geval.
Fucked up man, dat dom zijn is niet waar man belgie is plezant.
Wat maakt je incel daar dan?
Fuck America. The Jews run it. It's over for everyone here.
Incel_Dikshit said:
Whahahahahaha je kan gwn nederlands spreken ofja vlaams in jou geval.
Fucked up man, dat dom zijn is niet waar man belgie is plezant.
Wat maakt je incel daar dan?

French is my mother tongue actually though I can understand Dutch.
Well I'm short, bald, poor, jobless and in my parents basement at 40.
FeminismsCancer said:
French is my mother tongue actually though I can understand Dutch.
Well I'm short, bald, poor, jobless and in my parents basement at 40.

Ce n’est pas agréable d’entendre que vous êtes aussi vierge?
Je parle aussi francais :)
FeminismsCancer said:
French is my mother tongue actually though I can understand Dutch.
Well I'm short, bald, poor, jobless and in my parents basement at 40.

My father is 44, dude I feel sorry for f(c)ucked up Western men. In Turkey, if a guy wants to get marry, he can find looks, age match, virgin wife after 25. I can't understand what went wrong with Western societies. Now you are lazy to breed, dykes, sluts, Chads, cucks and incels sadly.
Incel_Dikshit said:
Ce n’est pas agréable d’entendre que vous êtes aussi vierge?
Je parle aussi francais :)

Out of courtesy for other readers it may be better to continue in English though.
Tbh I'm not virgin but that was before, when I had a job and hair. Still only a whorish mail order bride who nearly divorce raped me.

ironcrusher38 said:
My father is 44, dude I feel sorry for f(c)ucked up Western men. In Turkey, if a guy wants to get marry, he can find looks, age match, virgin wife after 25. I can't understand what went wrong with Western societies. Now you are lazy to breed, dykes, sluts, Chads, cucks and incels sadly.

You mean to say I could easily find a Turkish wife? I find some Turkish girls attractive here but only ever see them with Turkish Chads.
USA is a jewish run shithole, I at least wish I was living in the lands I'm native too in Europe, not this shopping mall of a nation.
Living in the degenerate USA

Fuck this place
love my country, hate my fucking state.
Incel_Dikshit said:
DutchCEL lol try live in the Netherlands with al the 6 foot 2 average/chad dutch guys.
Even the femoids here are blond 5 foot 10 stacies.
Its over LDAR

how tall r u?
Definitely not. I am currycel in the west. Kinda speaks for itself.
FeminismsCancer said:
Out of courtesy for other readers it may be better to continue in English though.
Tbh I'm not virgin but that was before, when I had a job and hair. Still only a whorish mail order bride who nearly divorce raped me.

You mean to say I could easily find a Turkish wife? I find some Turkish girls attractive here but only ever see them with Turkish Chads.

No, I didn't mean it. You Western people lost totally arranged marriage and other kind of old-fashioned male friendly things.
ironcrusher38 said:
No, I didn't mean it. You Western people lost totally arranged marriage and other kind of old-fashioned male friendly things.

Nothing new there, with other words water is wet and the sun is yellow.
Pre-WWII USA was great. It's been going down the shitter since then. However I'm still pretty nationalistic, I have hope that my country resigns degeneracy one day.
No, I don't hate my country, but the opportunities here are pretty slim.
Any cels who don't like their country can fuck off to india then try this question again.

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