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SuicideFuel DO NOT ENTER - women hitting wall myth destroyed AGAIN ! FB group



Jul 16, 2019
Just do not enter any FB dating group !
It´s more brutal than Tinder, Badoo, because you can observe it by your own eyes every single post, every photo uploaded, everything confirms black pill. Every post is

Vber 41

good afternoon
I would like to thank admin of this group.
I was able to find heart of my life.
I wish you all good luck.
Vber 42

Vber 43

if he moggs you it´s over
They hit the wall, it's just that it doesn't decrease their smv.
Over for czechoslovakiancels
Men are way too desperate and starved for attention. Women hittin the wall does not effect them at slll
He is not even ugly
They do hit the wall, but it doesn't mean anything. lol. The MGTOWs think that once a woman "hits the wall" she'll become completely undesirable and unable to get a boyfriend. MGTOWs think that a post-wall woman will finally understand how it feels to be lonely and miserable. Their revenge fantasy, unfortunately, is not true. Although a woman who hit the wall will have less options and lower quality options than a pre-wall woman, she'll still have more options than the average man will have in his whole lifespan.
They do hit the wall, but it doesn't mean anything. lol. The MGTOWs think that once a woman "hits the wall" she'll become completely undesirable and unable to get a boyfriend. MGTOWs think that a post-wall woman will finally understand how it feels to be lonely and miserable. Their revenge fantasy, unfortunately, is not true. Although a woman who hit the wall will have less options and lower quality options than a pre-wall woman, she'll still have more options than the average man will have in his whole lifespan.

If autism or weight makes no difference to their SMV why should age?
:feelswhat:If you have Facebook you are normoid scum.
If autism or weight makes no difference to their SMV why should age?
Well fertility is still a big deal to men. We are biologically hardwired to seek out the most fertile women. I'd rather fuck a fat, autistic young girl with a cute face than a 40+ year old woman. I don't care if the 40+ year old is fit, well preserved, and very attractive for her age. I'd still rather have the fat autistic girl. But just because a woman hits the wall doesn't mean she has no options. MGTOWs are delusional to think that a post-wall woman will be a femcel and that she will finally understand what it feels liek to be lonely and miserable. That's simply not true. She just has to adjust her standards a bit and she'll easily find men who want to date her. She won't have access to giga Chads anymore, but she'll still have tons males vying for her attention.
Well fertility is still a big deal to men. We are biologically hardwired to seek out the most fertile women. I'd rather fuck a fat, autistic young girl with a cute face than a 40+ year old woman. I don't care if the 40+ year old is fit, well preserved, and very attractive for her age. I'd still rather have the fat autistic girl. But just because a woman hits the wall doesn't mean she has no options. MGTOWs are delusional to think that a post-wall woman will be a femcel and that she will finally understand what it feels liek to be lonely and miserable. That's simply not true. She just has to adjust her standards a bit and she'll easily find men who want to date her. She won't have access to giga Chads anymore, but she'll still have tons males vying for her attention.

40s women complain that their inboxes are full of younger men begging to fuck them.
40s women complain that their inboxes are full of younger men begging to fuck them.
yeah but those guys are probably normies. I doubt there are any giga chads in their inboxes. Keep in mind that women have different standards than us. A guy in his 40s would be ecstatic to have an inbox filled with messages from younger women. But a woman in her 40s would be annoyed to have attention from younger men if those men are unattractive. It's the same reason why women don't like to be approached by men on the street. They don't find it flattering. Because most of the men approaching them are not Chad. They get offended when average or ugly men dare talk to them. :feelskek:
I don't like kikebook
Just google Aaron Johnson’s wife
60 year old woman has lower SMV than 20 year old woman and MGTOW is surprised by this
No one would marry and betabux them. All they can do is get fucked by normies.
40s women complain that their inboxes are full of younger men begging to fuck them.
True. Women are in demand. Regardless of age. Perhaps incels won't go for her but a lot of normies would.
Just fuck an old roasty with a son the same age as you bro.
There's a reason why cougars exist. MGTOW is full on coping
I believe the wall is real for most women and not just a myth or a meme but yeah sometimes there are exceptions to the rule such as broads that age incredibly well like Cindi Crawford or Salma Hayek or an ugly old broad just gets lucky that there's a thirsty enough cuck/nu-male/soyboy or sicko granny fetishist out there that actually wants to slap uglies with her.
They hit the wall, it's just that it doesn't decrease their smv.
Infinity minus one or even any other number isn't that much of a difference
Infinity minus one or even any other number isn't that much of a difference
Used up old holes don't have the value of infinity, or in the past fathers wouldn't have sold off their prime jb daughters for two goats.
Used up old holes don't have the value of infinity, or in the past fathers wouldn't have sold off their prime jb daughters for two goats.
current year, it's over
They do hit the wall, but it doesn't mean anything. lol. The MGTOWs think that once a woman "hits the wall" she'll become completely undesirable and unable to get a boyfriend. MGTOWs think that a post-wall woman will finally understand how it feels to be lonely and miserable. Their revenge fantasy, unfortunately, is not true. Although a woman who hit the wall will have less options and lower quality options than a pre-wall woman, she'll still have more options than the average man will have in his whole lifespan.
But the wall is also related to when a woman's reproductive ability start to flatline in her late 30s. There are foids out there trying to ride the carousel in their 40s thinking they still have time to find the perfect Chad of their dreams and can have 2 or 3 children before they hit menopause, and its just pure feminist delusion.

It's not really that a roastie can't get attention from betabux, they always will. But they won't be able to both find a Chad and have children with him, and without children there's no way an aging foid can keep Chad in her life. The wall is just natures way of letting Chad know to move onto greener pastures.
But the wall is also related to when a woman's reproductive ability start to flatline in her late 30s. There are foids out there trying to ride the carousel in their 40s thinking they still have time to find the perfect Chad of their dreams and can have 2 or 3 children before they hit menopause, and its just pure feminist delusion.

It's not really that a roastie can't get attention from betabux, they always will. But they won't be able to both find a Chad and have children with him, and without children there's no way an aging foid can keep Chad in her life. The wall is just natures way of letting Chad know to move onto greener pastures.
Women don't want kids. They don't give a single fuck about having kids anymore. That's another MGTOW cope.
Women don't want kids. They don't give a single fuck about having kids anymore. That's another MGTOW cope.
Women use children to trap men into relationships all the time. It's the only bargaining chip they have. And once they hit the wall the chances of cashing that chip in starts to go away. Betabuxing is always on the table, but Chad isnt.
Betabuxing is always on the table, but Chad isnt.
Only a few would be willing to betabux a chad dick rider. They'd be retarded to think a used whore can pair bond with them and help raise a stable family.
I never believed in THE WALL meme ever. It's a cope, a low IQ cope.
They hit the wall, it's just that it doesn't decrease their smv.
It does decrease their SMV slightly, like by one point. Bluepilled cucks believe there is sentimental value to relationships rather than simply breeding and having someone to make you coom and maintain your home. The problem is that femoids know it's all about breeding and genetics but most men believe in "love", which is a bigger lie than the 9/11 official report.
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Women use children to trap men into relationships all the time. It's the only bargaining chip they have. And once they hit the wall the chances of cashing that chip in starts to go away. Betabuxing is always on the table, but Chad isnt.
That's my point though. Women might use kids as a bargaining chip but they don't actually want or desire kids anymore.
Women use children to trap men into relationships all the time. It's the only bargaining chip they have. And once they hit the wall the chances of cashing that chip in starts to go away. Betabuxing is always on the table, but Chad isnt.

They do want kids but not for traditional reasons. They want kids for:

1) Swindling money out of a rich man. If an NBA star, or any rich guy, gets her pregnant she isn't aborting the kid. If it's average Joe then she will. Abortion is the biggest expression of hypergamy.
2) Chad. Either to trap him into commitment or just for his top tier genetics
3) Government bucks. This also doubles up with number 2. They'll have Chad's kid and get the government to pay for it via your tax dollars
So THIS is the average looksmatched couple in 2019...wow....
Images 23
Main qimg 1d71ed7a1709806b5e03b744ae159de2 c
Main qimg ac4af9679e744bbf21a7d835067c9f97 c
Main qimg ed8013356c567ea93588655dc5fe87ab c
Government bucks. This also doubles up with number 2. They'll have Chad's kid and get the government to pay for it via your tax dollars
Jfl at paying taxes to these entitled whores to raise chad's kids, only to get accused of harassment by those whores at work or at a bus stop.
So THIS is the average looksmatched couple in 2019...wow....
Main qimg ed8013356c567ea93588655dc5fe87ab c
How can a fat ugly foid walk so confidentially next to a man who mogs her from new england to botswana?
Jfl at paying taxes to these entitled whores to raise chad's kids, only to get accused of harassment by those whores at work or at the bus stop.

Anyone who pays for another man's kid is a cuck (certainly if he's no relation to the kid). So anyone who pays taxes is a cuck.
anyone who pays taxes is a cuck.
Without foids knowing they have constant access to government money and services, they'd be more likely to marry their looksmatch at a young age, instead of wasting their prime years riding the cock carousel expecting tax payers and their orbiters to foot their bills.
Without foids knowing they have constant access to government money and services, they'd be more likely to marry their looksmatch at a young age, instead of wasting their prime years riding the cock carousel expecting tax payers and their orbiters to foot their bills.

The current sexual market place has a lot to do with women never having to take responsibility for their choices.

They can ride as many cocks as they want in their teens and 20s there's always a cuck and government who'll save them from the consequences. That's why the wall is pretty much irrelvant to women, beyond their ability to lockdown Chad.

Even fertility wise now they IVF max well into their 40s if they do decide they want a kid.
Even fertility wise now they IVF max well into their 40s if they do decide they want a kid.
That's expensive and doesn't work in most cases. They can't count on it.
They can ride as many cocks as they want in their teens and 20s there's always a cuck and government who'll save them from the consequences. That's why the wall is pretty much irrelvant to women, beyond their ability to lockdown Chad.
That's why the best thing non-chads can do is wake up and see the truth about whores, and boycott the cucked government until they give all non-chads free weekly hookers, and use the same money they give to single mom whores to fund sex robot development.
OP is wrong.

There is definitely a wall.

It's just that the thirst is so great that betas are willing to dig tunnels under it to let women get sex anyway.


Anyone who pays for another man's kid is a cuck
No, it's only cuck if you're unaware it's another man's kid.

If you voluntarily "cuck yourself" (you're not being deceived) it's not true cuck. It's merely pseudocuck.

That's why it is called "bid" or "biddy" instead.

If you voluntarily let men fuck your wife or pay for other men's kids, you are a biddy, not a cuck.

Cucks are tricked while Biddys embrace their own abuse.
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Looks like a low key slavpill to me.

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