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Serious Do men actually ask women out?



Dec 27, 2021
Maybe it’s because I live under a rock, but I’ve never in my life actually seen men approach women in public. I’ve seen it happen a couple times to female family members, but that’s about it I think. I almost never see guys just ask a girl out in a public setting.

And I also recently learned that it is common for guys to try to show women interest. I’m in my 20s and I just recently learned this. My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”. I didn’t think that I had to actually make an effort to talk to women to get a relationship.

I saw a comment on reddit saying “many men get used to being rejected at a relatively early age” and it blew my mind because I didn’t know it was normal to approach women as often as most guys apparently do? Did you guys know about this? Apparently there are dudes out there who have asked out dozens of women in their life like it is nothing. And meanwhile I can only count like a couple times in my whole fucking life where I have shown interest in a girl. What the fuck? I feel like if you are Chad you can approach several women like it’s a breeze because you already know your success rate is going to be higher than your failure rate. For a lot of us incels, we likely don’t approach for the opposite reason. Our minds can intuitively sense that we are going to be rejected more often than not so we don’t even bother.
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Idk I am pretty autistic myself, but I think if 2 people really like each other there is no asking out phase, you just ask to "hang out" and the relationship happens.

It's like if I asked you to be my friend, thats stupid.

But if I reccomended you a good burger join and suggested we could go together thats more natural.

Your not meant to shoot a direct shot.
but I think if 2 people really like each other there is no asking out phase, you just ask to "hang out" and the relationship happens.
and you'd be correct, its just natural
Idk I am pretty autistic myself, but I think if 2 people really like each other there is no asking out phase, you just ask to "hang out" and the relationship happens.

It's like if I asked you to be my friend, thats stupid.

But if I reccomended you a good burger join and suggested we could go together thats more natural.

Your not meant to shoot a direct shot.
Exactly. Even normies admit to this, when there is mutual attraction things just fall into place. The problem is, for most of us incels the attraction is always one sided. which is why the dating scene always felt weird and out of place for us and like we didn’t “get it” like normies did
I'd assume most of it is by text and by dating apps so physically just going up and asking a woman out would be less commonplace. This contributes to the blackpill by showing us all how much more difficult it is to find a relationshio because for most of these men it comes from prior contact or the woman is already interested in them based on looks alone making it impossible for us as we would have none of those benefits. All femoids are whores and they gravitate towards men they think they can gain from anyway, most men understand this which would make an approach obsolete when eventually they would form it over mutual lust and naturally online of course. I don't notice it at all in public because the type of men that do approach and ask out femoids in public do so in a manner that is so natural and casually that it looks like they are already friends, of course their looks, voice, and naturally perfect social skills influence this reaction heavily.
Asking women out is chad only.
Have you ever heard of 'the look'? It's the loving stare foids will give Chad. Its pretty much an invitation for him to talk to her and fuck her hard.
Have you ever heard of 'the look'? It's the loving stare foids will give Chad. Its pretty much an invitation for him to talk to her and fuck her hard.
Yup. Women show obvious hints to guys they like. If it doesn’t happen to you it’s over.
If you haven't tried asking out a girl and getting rejected rhat's some fakecel stuff. I've been rejected every time I asked a girl out.
Yes, I worked at libraries and saw it often. But, I never saw any random approaches work once.

Any couples were already formed social circles.
If you haven't tried asking out a girl and getting rejected rhat's some fakecel stuff. I've been rejected every time I asked a girl out.
Honestly it’s kinda cucked to expect men to be the ones to initiate all the time. Foids need to do their part and start participating too. It’s not fair if it’s one gender doing the majority of the work
Do men actually ask women out?

Attractive men do. All the time. Because it's easy.

A woman should ask you out, approach you, simp for you. Otherwise she has no genuine interest in you.
A woman should ask you out, approach you, simp for you. Otherwise she has no genuine interest in you.
This. Anyone who says otherwise is fucking retarded and doesn’t understand how basic human attraction works
Honestly it’s kinda cucked to expect men to be the ones to initiate the mating ritual. Foids need to do their part and start participating too. It’s not fair if it’s one gender doing the majority of the work

Foids don't need to initiate the mating ritual.

They have plenty of men lined up to date them.
Honestly it’s kinda cucked to expect men to be the ones to initiate all the time. Foids need to do their part and start participating too. It’s not fair if it’s one gender doing the majority of the work
It's biology whether they acknowledge it or not. Just like females craving chad cock inside them. Toilets always cry for gender equality but in practice it's just putting them on a higher status than men. They still expect to have the men do all the work because their fragile egos can't handle the fact a guy might not be into them.
Foids don't need to initiate the mating ritual.

They have plenty of men lined up to date them.
if a woman is only gonna choose you if you get in line for her then she doesn’t really love you tbh. SHE should be the one pursuing YOU if she has genuine interest. Otherwise you’re just one of her many options to be discarded at any time
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Foids don't need to initiate the mating ritual.

They have plenty of men lined up to date them.
They don't need to, but they will if they find a man attractive.

And with rampant hypergamy, if the woman isn't doing this, it's understandable to not waste your time with any woman.
No, technically chads only asked toliets out..
Exactly. Even normies admit to this, when there is mutual attraction things just fall into place. The problem is, for most of us incels the attraction is always one sided. which is why the dating scene always felt weird and out of place for us and like we didn’t “get it” like normies did
To relatable. Being autistic is hard
Sub5 + autism is literally suicide fuel to live
You obtain a white van windowless van, duct tape, rope, a crowbar, a video camera, and a big piece of carpet you idiot. As is tradition
Maybe it’s because I live under a rock, but I’ve never in my life actually seen men approach women in public. I’ve seen it happen a couple times to female family members, but that’s about it I think. I almost never see guys just ask a girl out in a public setting.

And I also recently learned that it is common for guys to try to show women interest. I’m in my 20s and I just recently learned this. My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”. I didn’t think that I had to actually make an effort to talk to women to get a relationship.

I saw a comment on reddit saying “many men get used to being rejected at a relatively early age” and it blew my mind because I didn’t know it was normal to approach women as often as most guys apparently do? Did you guys know about this? Apparently there are dudes out there who have asked out dozens of women in their life like it is nothing. And meanwhile I can only count like a couple times in my whole fucking life where I have shown interest in a girl. What the fuck? I feel like if you are Chad you can approach several women like it’s a breeze because you already know your success rate is going to be higher than your failure rate. For a lot of us incels, we likely don’t approach for the opposite reason. Our minds can intuitively sense that we are going to be rejected more often than not so we don’t even bother.

It’s about half true. The actual reality is women are the choosers. They start by giving men the look or being flirty with them or showing intense interest, and from there it’s really not difficult to ask a woman out.

If it doesn’t happen to you it’s over.
I've asked out over 50 women irl in a row all of them resulting in rejection. Not an over-exaggeration. Generally whenever I asked out women, I always waited until they were alone or until at least most of their friends were gone. I think a lot of guys do the same thing I did so it's less embarrassing getting rejected in front of a group of foids.
I have cold approached at least one woman in public, I've given my number several times but it led to nothing just like all approaches in school since I was 12. No success on tinder either.
If the foid isn't the one pursuing you it's ovER, the foid should be the one approaching.
Only chad can approach cause he has the looks, but if you're ugly like me you'd be seen as a creep.
Only chad can approach cause he has the looks, but if you're ugly like me you'd be seen as a creep.
Get a haircut, take a shower and hold a masculine frame bro! :soy: :soy:
i`ve never seen it
Maybe it’s because I live under a rock, but I’ve never in my life actually seen men approach women in public. I’ve seen it happen a couple times to female family members, but that’s about it I think. I almost never see guys just ask a girl out in a public setting.

And I also recently learned that it is common for guys to try to show women interest. I’m in my 20s and I just recently learned this. My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”. I didn’t think that I had to actually make an effort to talk to women to get a relationship.

I saw a comment on reddit saying “many men get used to being rejected at a relatively early age” and it blew my mind because I didn’t know it was normal to approach women as often as most guys apparently do? Did you guys know about this? Apparently there are dudes out there who have asked out dozens of women in their life like it is nothing. And meanwhile I can only count like a couple times in my whole fucking life where I have shown interest in a girl. What the fuck? I feel like if you are Chad you can approach several women like it’s a breeze because you already know your success rate is going to be higher than your failure rate. For a lot of us incels, we likely don’t approach for the opposite reason. Our minds can intuitively sense that we are going to be rejected more often than not so we don’t even bother.
Normies do hahq they think they have a chance
No and men shouldn't.

In nature females select their mates. Not the other way around. Its not any different in humans. Women are the ones who select.

If she wanted, she would.
I did it in my early 20’s when I was into PUA and stuff, can only bat 0% for so long before you give up and LDAR.

And being rejected constantly is definitely not good for mental health/self-esteem so I would definitely not recommend it.
iam not part of society or any type of social circle but i assume if it happens irl it happens at partys, school or other social gatherings amongst friends and friends of friends and friends of friends of friends where all the NT fags concentrate in one area and do their degenerate shit like drinking, smoking weed, listening to rap music or whatever NT faggots do after a week of school or wageslavery
Am sure they do.
Maybe it’s because I live under a rock, but I’ve never in my life actually seen men approach women in public. I’ve seen it happen a couple times to female family members, but that’s about it I think. I almost never see guys just ask a girl out in a public setting.

And I also recently learned that it is common for guys to try to show women interest. I’m in my 20s and I just recently learned this. My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”. I didn’t think that I had to actually make an effort to talk to women to get a relationship.

I saw a comment on reddit saying “many men get used to being rejected at a relatively early age” and it blew my mind because I didn’t know it was normal to approach women as often as most guys apparently do? Did you guys know about this? Apparently there are dudes out there who have asked out dozens of women in their life like it is nothing. And meanwhile I can only count like a couple times in my whole fucking life where I have shown interest in a girl. What the fuck? I feel like if you are Chad you can approach several women like it’s a breeze because you already know your success rate is going to be higher than your failure rate. For a lot of us incels, we likely don’t approach for the opposite reason. Our minds can intuitively sense that we are going to be rejected more often than not so we don’t even bother.
I think it never happens honestly
mostly women initiate not guys
I did some approaching and asking, mostly on clubs and parties though. Cold approaching in public places in broad daylight is awful because people are doing things and don't want to deal with anyone.

When you're a man nothing will ever happen if you do not make it happen. We are not women.

You never get used to rejection. It's always bad. The difference is that some normies and chads have successes in between that keep them going
when there is mutual attraction things just fall into place.


Have you ever heard of 'the look'? It's the loving stare foids will give Chad. Its pretty much an invitation for him to talk to her and fuck her hard.

This is how it happens. Nothing more suifuel than seeing how foids eye-fuck chadlites while you're a repulsive ghost to them
I don't think "asking women out" has been a thing since the 80s.

The way relationships happen these days is basically the woman does all the work. She will be friendly to the guy she is attracted to, find an excuse to get his contact info. Once that happens, then every message the guy sends her she will respond with a bunch of smileys and emojis, and then finally he asks her to hang out, because by that point it's fucking obvious.

This is how it happens. Nothing more suifuel than seeing how foids eye-fuck chadlites while you're a repulsive ghost to them
Yep meanwhile we can't even get a foid to acknowledge our existence :feelsrope:
My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”.
Yeah, I also feel lied to, it's crazy how people lie without even realizing, that's why I don't listen to anyone anymore.

In my opinion, men normally ask women out, but not through cold approach, but what do I know?
Yes they do, but it's only normies who do so mostly because they have a chance at getting foids to accept. Chads don't need to ask them out because it's the other way around for me. And we don't need to bother because we've already been rejected numerous times and no foid would accept us anyways.
Maybe it’s because I live under a rock, but I’ve never in my life actually seen men approach women in public. I’ve seen it happen a couple times to female family members, but that’s about it I think. I almost never see guys just ask a girl out in a public setting.

And I also recently learned that it is common for guys to try to show women interest. I’m in my 20s and I just recently learned this. My entire life I thought that you don’t actually have to actively pursue people you like, things will just magically happen. I feel lied to. Like I knew people did it, but it wasn’t until recently that I learned that guys regularly show romantic interest in women. I honestly feel like my whole life was a fucking lie. I always believed the bluepilled cope of “things happen when you least expect it”. I didn’t think that I had to actually make an effort to talk to women to get a relationship.

I saw a comment on reddit saying “many men get used to being rejected at a relatively early age” and it blew my mind because I didn’t know it was normal to approach women as often as most guys apparently do? Did you guys know about this? Apparently there are dudes out there who have asked out dozens of women in their life like it is nothing. And meanwhile I can only count like a couple times in my whole fucking life where I have shown interest in a girl. What the fuck? I feel like if you are Chad you can approach several women like it’s a breeze because you already know your success rate is going to be higher than your failure rate. For a lot of us incels, we likely don’t approach for the opposite reason. Our minds can intuitively sense that we are going to be rejected more often than not so we don’t even bother.
I have seen only people fail and never succeed , if the female don't approch Frist it's kinda over, or she doesn't give you IOS
No of course not. Fefails pick and approach the guys they like.
I did several times.

The fact I'm here must show you how foids answered.
I kind of doubt total cold approaching is really a thing outside of red pill circles, where it is usually doomed to fail. For guys who are attractive/NT enough it does seem to just sort of happen through existing social connections. Also, the majority of relationships now are just from online dating. The cold approach is a meme.
I kind of doubt total cold approaching is really a thing outside of red pill circles, where it is usually doomed to fail. For guys who are attractive/NT enough it does seem to just sort of happen through existing social connections. Also, the majority of relationships now are just from online dating. The cold approach is a meme.
Back in the time it was normal and encouraged
Nowadays it's impossible to see a cold approach outside
It's easy if you're conditioned to expect positive responses.

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