My dad is a bum ass loser who has not taught me any in life.
He has no homework skills. He has no Electrician skills. He cant really cook either or knows of a healthy diet. He is a gaming, gambling and porn addict for as long as I know.
He has worked all kinds of jobs, never had a consistent carrier despite having a Bachelor degree and a completed apprentanceship as a painter.
He is a fat diabetic loser who can't live by himself and would have been a Incel guaranteed if he was a Zoomer instead of a Gen X.
Edit: Plus for the past 30 years he basically always took care of his parents who are even bigger losers.
My grandma is a ultra-low-IQ diabetic and cronically narcisstic women who has never worked in her life and has no internet and let herself be manipulated by so called "friends" lol. She expected these so called "friends" to help her out in old age despite that those "friends" are all 70+ yo as well and have their own problems. She is a gullible, naive idiot who has no money but ALLLLL the expectations on my loser dad and me - her loser grandson despite that it was her who fucked this family up the most by giving away her little money to scammers and basically sitting on her ass and watch TV and go to Restaurants fine dining all the damn time.
My dad whos getting older still travels to them pretty much every 2 weeks for the past 30 years to bring them things, to help them out with finance, to copy their documents and clean their bathrooms because they are too demented to do thst now.
Its crazy really. They need to Die already.