I have been and still am in therapy for about 4 years now and I have never mentioned that I was an incel/participate in incel spaces. Mainly because I don't want to be raided by the authorities and tortured on an airplane circling international waters.
Should I mention it? Is it too risky? Will it help me in any way because so far therapy has done nothing for me. Have you ever mentioned you're an inkwel to a "professional"?
Do you never mention the fact that you're sex-deprived?
If you merely say "I am [something]" any thERapist will merely ask back: "...and what does that [something] mean to you?" and you both will follow from there, from the meaning rather than from the label.
If you tell that "being an inkwell" means something on the order of: "I am an active duty cadre of the I.N.C.E.L. party, which is a Marxist-Rodgerist revolutionary horde that aims to SEIZE THE MEANS OF REPRODUCTION by any means necessary including, but not limited to, worldwide revolution followed by thermonuclear annihilation (purging) of all opponents and heretics with "Cobalt Thorium G" munitions that shall render the surface of the Earth uninhabitable for thousands of years only to usher forth the FOIDLESS SOCIETY, a new model of society wherein sex is illegal and all means of reproduction are collectively owned and breeding is centrally planned by keeping all foids in a permanent coma and using their bodies for robotized breeding. This model of society is as far advanced from mere "civilization" as civilization is from primitive hunter-gatherer tribes --- and is the only alternative that Marxist-Rodgerist theory predicts to total demographic collapse caused by feminism and the subsequent inevitable human extinction"
Then, in this case, expect getting sent to the loony house.
But if you entail the "...and what does being an incel mean to you?" with a normiecuck answer such as:
"I cAn'T gEt nO giRLfRiEnD, dOc. PLz hELp mE bEcOmE yEt aNoThER betabuxx cuck divorce-rapee in-the-making, DoC, pretty please? All I ever wanted was to wife up a whore and raise chadspawn from her whorish years, please doc, help me become another submissive cuck hubby, pleaseeee"
Then you'll platitudes such as "talk to her", "wear cologne", "go out more", "do some church activities" etc. for the remainder of the session.
One thing for sure: no thERapist will teach you how to become more formidable as a revolutionary and achieve your goals ---- unless your goal is to achieve conformity with the CUCKED feminist society we live in, shaped by the political-economical-sexual contradictions of cunt-capitalism.