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Serious Did it ever get better for anyone here?



The Senator of Suffering & Minister of Misery
Jun 8, 2022
Whenever I talk to oldcels the vast majority of the time they tell me that "it got worse by the year" when I ask them if it ever got better for them.

Did life actually ever get better for anyone here? Is decades of exponential suffering really what I should be looking forward too?
the ones that would say yes stopped posting
Is the same.

The difference is that the body increasingly weighs more. One already sees how youth is leaving.
No, it's gotten a little worse
Yes, for the larpers who posted here for a few months and then left to fully enjoy their nice lives.

For the rest of us, not so much.

the ones that would say yes stopped posting
dropping out of school made my life much better
It did for a bit, then things went downhill 10 times faster and harder so I came back
Did life actually ever get better for anyone here?
Even if it did, hope shouldn't rely on exceptions.

Is decades of exponential suffering really what I should be looking forward too?
Yes. You may experience periods of relief, but over all yes. You'll get out of copes, bored, depressed, tired, and so on.
for close to a decade now it's been downhill for me
Whenever I talk to oldcels the vast majority of the time they tell me that "it got worse by the year" when I ask them if it ever got better for them.

Did life actually ever get better for anyone here? Is decades of exponential suffering really what I should be looking forward too?
No, my life is the exact same, im not oldcel yet but im not a youngcel either anymore. Maybe im a late bloomER

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVdcU-xWk-c
You'll get out of copes, bored, depressed, tired, and so on.
Really? I'm only 24 so maybe I'm still too young but for the past 8 years or so I feel like I've had the opposite problem. Not running out of copes, but running out of time for them.
The only "ascension" examples we have are guys wasting their time with mentally ill women that are worse off than before.
Really? I'm only 24 so maybe I'm still too young but for the past 8 years or so I feel like I've had the opposite problem. Not running out of copes, but running out of time for them.
Lucky you. Hope it lasts.
@Corvus @TBIcel what do you boyos have to say?
Lucky you. Hope it lasts.
Did you even read what I wrote? What exactly are you hoping lasts for me? My descent? How does running out of time for my copes make me lucky?
Whenever I talk to oldcels the vast majority of the time they tell me that "it got worse by the year" when I ask them if it ever got better for them.

Did life actually ever get better for anyone here? Is decades of exponential suffering really what I should be looking forward too?
nah man

I wouldnt say it got worse tho it stagnated

21-22 was worst years of my life

then it stagnated from there
Did you even read what I wrote? What exactly are you hoping lasts for me? My descent? How does running out of time for my copes make me lucky?
Sorry I misunderstood, I thought you had so many copes that you lacked time for managing all of them. But still, at least you have copes. Maybe you have no time for them right now, and maybe you're suffering from this situation, but it's likely to change. Trust me, it's far better having "delayed" copes than no copes at all.
Btw, why don't you have enough time?
The only "ascension" examples we have are guys wasting their time with mentally ill women that are worse off than before.
Yup. ScornedStoic got cucked by his Irish BPD, Brendio got cucked by Tahlia and lastly Komesarj got cucked by Zoe.
I'm 30 now and a day doesn't go by I wonder why I haven't roped.
Yup. ScornedStoic got cucked by his Irish BPD, Brendio got cucked by Tahlia and lastly Komesarj got cucked by Zoe.
Brendio is the only case where I guess he improved, but it could be argued he was a normie that was just fat and stupid.
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It's getting worse each year
Oldcel here. It gets much worse.
Oldcel here.

Better in some ways, worse in others. I can afford more hobbies now, can afford to eat different kinds of food. However, life as an adult post-school is extremely isolating if you haven’t built a strong social network (alternate translation for yellow part: “if you didn’t grow up good looking or with other desirable physical traits , NT, or with strong social support from family, or some combination of those”). From an emotional perspective, I’ve become numb to most things, unfortunately I cannot really enjoy things as I used to, but I also do not feel pain as sharply.
It’s been a slow, steady decline.
I've been attending college online and have been overall good. Definitely better than my shitty high school days.
It can only get better if you can moneymaxx. Money will help you afford better copes and distractions. But by every other metric, inceldom only gets worse as you get older. Your subhumanity only becomes more apparent to everybody and the stigma gets harder to deal with. Your peers will move on with their lives and it will be impossible to relate with them. You just grow increasingly isolated and bitter.
My life peaked at Elementary school. Over.
the ones that would say yes stopped posting
Yeah... About that

It wont ever get better unless you get surgery or pack up your life and move to a developing country. If you do neither of these, you're going to do what you did today... everyday for decades, but each day you get just a little uglier and have diminished opportunities for things to possibly get better.

That's why it's said that it only gets worse, because it does only get worse. Anybody saying anything different is coping. Plus, the time you spend being incel is time you will never have back. Even if you magically woke up and had 6'2 height and 8+ face, you would have spend the previous 3, 5, what, 10 years being incel. That's forever a part of you, and it wasn't a choice you made.
Oldcel here.

Better in some ways, worse in others. I can afford more hobbies now, can afford to eat different kinds of food. However, life as an adult post-school is extremely isolating if you haven’t built a strong social network (alternate translation for yellow part: “if you didn’t grow up good looking or with other desirable physical traits , NT, or with strong social support from family, or some combination of those”). From an emotional perspective, I’ve become numb to most things, unfortunately I cannot really enjoy things as I used to, but I also do not feel pain as sharply.
christian bale GIF
No it wasn't!
Start life negative and never got into positive
It gets worse because the sexual frustration, loneliness, and mental health issues build up. There is no such thing as a mentally healthy 40 year old virgin. Most incels deteriorate over time, to varying degrees of course.

I know I will get hate for this but most people on this forum will ascend and stop posting here. The average age here is likely 18. Most will meet a foid in their 20s.
It's true that theoretically the ones who got better would stop posting (survivor bias).

But I think it usually does get WORSE. As you age, your problems don't decrease THEY INCREASE. Every few years adds new problems that you didn't even consider when you were younger. And it's not like your old problems went away.


19 y/o - I wish I could kiss a girl

39 y/o - I wish I could kiss a girl, go on dates, go on vacation, not have to worry about my job/rent/savings, have a more dependable transportation, have a family, not have back pain, not be addicted to alcohol to escape, etc....etc...

That's why male suicide steadily increases with age:
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I'm 30 now and a day doesn't go by I wonder why I haven't roped.
Same, I'm too much of a retard to improve my life but I'm too intelligent to the fact that I'm self aware of my faults and I understand I can't improve on them I wish I was aborted

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