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SuicideFuel [destroying one cope at a time] a story about my uncle who bought a bride from ukraine



Its not over - its just never began
Aug 13, 2018
i just searched for copes idea's and saw couple of threads on this subject so i thought to maybe share the story of my uncle.

some information first: (lets call my uncle bob)
bob is 45+-, got 2 kids from his ex-wife (so ofcourse not an incel). he got destroyed during the divorce ofcourse. ex-wife was a ugly evil bitch.
idc about the fact he is not an incel, the guy is the DEFINTION of a loser. cheap, ugly, minimum wagecucker4life, weird annoying attiude. alot of times he say really mean and inappropriate things to people. most of my family cant stand him (i find his loserness funny af so i dont have something against him. also i think he's (deep deep down) a good person and i wish only good for him.)
anyway obviously after the divorce he met 0 womens.

+-10 years after he divorced he decided to just buy a wife from ukraine.
first disadvantage of this cope - everyone just laughed on him when they heard his idea. his image as a loser was even bigger.
my grandpa&ma (his parents) were mad and against it. anyway it didnt change his mind, he even asked me to help him with the website (he dont know much about internet) and he showed me alot of pictures. most girls looked okay.
honestly its INSANE. tons of pictures and information about every girl - and you just need to choose which one will be your wife lol. he even went to ukraine couple of times to meet some girls.
second disadvantage - money. you pay the "real state office" some good money + you will probaly fly there at least once and shit.
anyway bob chose one (4/10, even less) and brought her home. married her in the most awkward wedding ever - everyone just knew how patethic the all thing was.
anyway he assumed (like an idiot) he will just get a wife that will admire him, clean and give sex all day. the opposite was the true - those girls just want to get out of that shitty country named ukraine. after that they dont give a shit about you.
and thats the third and biggest disadvantage - you just get to spend your life with some women that hate you and dont give a shit about you. when i understood how things are going for them and that they fight alot i checked on some forums and alot of people said its that bad. It's a miserable relationship.

anyway, to my opinion the first disadvantage is also really really big. from the moment he brought her home - everyone lost all the little respect they had for him. all the family and "family friends" would just talk shit behind is back. from that point everyone see him as a complete loser. and im sure my grandpa&ma will use their Will to "revenge" him on the embarassment he brought to the family. and im sure cheap bob hope to get a house from them lol...

i hope u enjoyed reading,. DO NOT USE THIS COPE.
My uncle did something similar. He hid the fact that she was bought though. Now my nana loves her more than her own daughter.
i thought buying wives was a meme jfl
Your family sounds pretty shitty if they "talk bad about him behind his back and call him a loser" for doing something that he's only doing to make himself happier.
I also have an uncle that married an ukranian woman. One day, this woman lost some jewelery and accused my father. He said he didnt touch them at all (and that was true). Everybody in our family knew that my father is not a robber. It was 20 years ago. Today this woman is still living in her low social class when actually my father became rich.

And my uncle and his wife got 4 girls. All gone Stacies......
All generalizations in matters of sexpatting are copes. Not all marriages with mail-order brides end badly. Not all foreign girls want to jump on your dick.

Stop seeing everything in black and white and start to see the world under the lens of statistics and probabilities.
Your family sounds pretty shitty if they "talk bad about him behind his back and call him a loser" for doing something that he's only doing to make himself happier.
my family is shitty. anyway i guess part of their problem with this was bob intentions which were not socially accepted - he didnt looked for love, just for some woman to clean his shit cuz his lazy and to fuck him when he wants.
i thought buying wives was a meme jfl
ukraine is one of the poorest countries outside of Afrika.
people there get like 300€/month wages or less.
you can't fathom the amount of girls who want to escape this hellhole.
I sometimes think about this actually. Not buying lol, but travel to Ukraine and met some girl there. I live in Poland so it's like trip to another state for American, and in comparison to average Ukrainian male I'm pretty wealthy. Plus slavic culture no matter if western or eastern is not that different from each other. I imagine that Ukrainian girls are more like polish ones 20 years ago, when sickness of western world didn't touched them already. There are A LOT of goldigging ukrainian and russian females but I think(maybe I'm delusional) that it a lot easier to fool westerner that doesn't know shit about Ukraine
All generalizations in matters of sexpatting are copes. Not all marriages with mail-order brides end badly. Not all foreign girls want to jump on your dick.

Stop seeing everything in black and white and start to see the world under the lens of statistics and probabilities.
i did checked this subject. i read alot of similar stories on other forums and heard some stories from people at work about their family member or a friend that did it. all of them said it was bad.
I sometimes think about this actually. Not buying lol, but travel to Ukraine and met some girl there. I live in Poland so it's like trip to another state for American, and in comparison to average Ukrainian male I'm pretty wealthy. Plus slavic culture no matter if western or eastern is not that different from each other. I imagine that Ukrainian girls are more like polish ones 20 years ago, when sickness of western world didn't touched them already. There are A LOT of goldigging ukrainian and russian females but I think(maybe I'm delusional) that it a lot easier to fool westerner that doesn't know shit about Ukraine
lol you live at poland and never went there? you fuck there stacies (or svetlana's lol) for 50-70$/hour.
ukraine is one of the poorest countries outside of Afrika.
people there get like 300€/month wages or less.
you can't fathom the amount of girls who want to escape this hellhole.

300€ is for people living in Kiev(where expenses are higher too). People outside it, and especially in poorer region(like western Ukraine) earns more like 200 euro or less. JFL
i just searched for copes idea's and saw couple of threads on this subject so i thought to maybe share the story of my uncle.

some information first: (lets call my uncle bob)
bob is 45+-, got 2 kids from his ex-wife (so ofcourse not an incel). he got destroyed during the divorce ofcourse. ex-wife was a ugly evil bitch.
idc about the fact he is not an incel, the guy is the DEFINTION of a loser. cheap, ugly, minimum wagecucker4life, weird annoying attiude. alot of times he say really mean and inappropriate things to people. most of my family cant stand him (i find his loserness funny af so i dont have something against him. also i think he's (deep deep down) a good person and i wish only good for him.)
anyway obviously after the divorce he met 0 womens.

+-10 years after he divorced he decided to just buy a wife from ukraine.
first disadvantage of this cope - everyone just laughed on him when they heard his idea. his image as a loser was even bigger.
my grandpa&ma (his parents) were mad and against it. anyway it didnt change his mind, he even asked me to help him with the website (he dont know much about internet) and he showed me alot of pictures. most girls looked okay.
honestly its INSANE. tons of pictures and information about every girl - and you just need to choose which one will be your wife lol. he even went to ukraine couple of times to meet some girls.
second disadvantage - money. you pay the "real state office" some good money + you will probaly fly there at least once and shit.
anyway bob chose one (4/10, even less) and brought her home. married her in the most awkward wedding ever - everyone just knew how patethic the all thing was.
anyway he assumed (like an idiot) he will just get a wife that will admire him, clean and give sex all day. the opposite was the true - those girls just want to get out of that shitty country named ukraine. after that they dont give a shit about you.
and thats the third and biggest disadvantage - you just get to spend your life with some women that hate you and dont give a shit about you. when i understood how things are going for them and that they fight alot i checked on some forums and alot of people said its that bad. It's a miserable relationship.

anyway, to my opinion the first disadvantage is also really really big. from the moment he brought her home - everyone lost all the little respect they had for him. all the family and "family friends" would just talk shit behind is back. from that point everyone see him as a complete loser. and im sure my grandpa&ma will use their Will to "revenge" him on the embarassment he brought to the family. and im sure cheap bob hope to get a house from them lol...

i hope u enjoyed reading,. DO NOT USE THIS COPE.

I still respect your uncle for:
1) Being low-inhib
2) Not giving a single fuck about what his incel nephew or his useless family thought about his decisions
i did checked this subject. i read alot of similar stories on other forums and heard some stories from people at work about their family member or a friend that did it. all of them said it was bad.

lol you live at poland and never went there? you fuck there stacies (or svetlana's lol) for 50-70$/hour.

You mean escorts? Why should I travel there then if escort rates are similiar here? 30-40 USD for cheap hooker, 50-70$ for standard escort, and ~90-100 for top class.
I'm not convinced about using escorts, I also fear of STDs. Rates of those are low in Poland, but high in Ukraine. Plus with crimes and shit I would be in fear that escort ad is fake and someone want to attack me and rob lol. But I will travel there next year maybe, it's super cheap even for polcel like me. I earn like 800 dollars per month(and save half of it), in Ukraine it's some serious money :D
I imagine that Ukrainian girls are more like polish ones 20 years ago, when sickness of western world didn't touched them already

You are very naive if you truly believe that. Ukrainian women are degenerate whores. It's not a coincidence that Ukraine is one of the biggest producers of pornstars in the world (after Czech).

Girls from Belarus and Moldova are more like what you think - but the language issue is a bigger deal in those countries.
Worked for The Donald.
i did checked this subject. i read alot of similar stories on other forums and heard some stories from people at work about their family member or a friend that did it. all of them said it was bad.
As a rule, only the unhappy talk about their discontent. Happy people don't talk about their happiness.
You mean escorts? Why should I travel there then if escort rates are similiar here? 30-40 USD for cheap hooker, 50-70$ for standard escort, and ~90-100 for top class.
I'm not convinced about using escorts, I also fear of STDs. Rates of those are low in Poland, but high in Ukraine. Plus with crimes and shit I would be in fear that escort ad is fake and someone want to attack me and rob lol. But I will travel there next year maybe, it's super cheap even for polcel like me. I earn like 800 dollars per month(and save half of it), in Ukraine it's some serious money :D
the different is at kiev you fuck MODELS MATERIALS.
lol i envy you so much. from poland its so cheap!
lets say rynaiar from warsaw to kiev is 50$ round trip. cheap apartment for 3 days = around 100-150$. food beers very cheap. 2 escorts = around 110$.
You are very naive if you truly believe that. Ukrainian women are degenerate whores. It's not a coincidence that Ukraine is one of the biggest producers of pornstars in the world (after Czech).

Girls from Belarus and Moldova are more like what you think - but the language issue is a bigger deal in those countries.

Well not for me. Belarusian language is more similiar to polish + actually on border with Poland people use(or at least used not that long ago) a language that is mix of polish and belarusian.
Plus nowadays all fairly young people can speak basic english.
Of course problem is that Belarus is not a total shithole, that everybody wants to escape from. Moldova is actually together with Ukraine biggest shitholes in Europe, but fuck that, it's too far away and it's crime ridden as fuck
the different is at kiev you fuck MODELS MATERIALS.
lol i envy you so much. from poland its so cheap!
lets say rynaiar from warsaw to kiev is 50$ round trip. cheap apartment for 3 days = around 100-150$. food beers very cheap. 2 escorts = around 110$.

Shiet, now when you talk about it, I have to check it out more closely. I'm still not convinced about losing virginity like that, but soon I'm gonna be a wizard and I don't know if I want to become one
If the girl is good looking, once she gets her visa she can flag down a better man and trade up. It's the "land of opportunity", you see.
As a rule, only the unhappy talk about their discontent. Happy people don't talk about their happiness.
i think most people would like to justify their decisions.
Well not for me. Belarusian language is more similiar to polish + actually on border with Poland people use(or at least used not that long ago) a language that is mix of polish and belarusian.
Plus nowadays all fairly young people can speak basic english.
Of course problem is that Belarus is not a total shithole, that everybody wants to escape from. Moldova is actually together with Ukraine biggest shitholes in Europe, but fuck that, it's too far away and it's crime ridden as fuck

Shiet, now when you talk about it, I have to check it out more closely. I'm still not convinced about losing virginity like that, but soon I'm gonna be a wizard and I don't know if I want to become one
bro just go to forums on this topic and see what they say about kiev.. you would go tomorrow lol. i hope ill be there this november/december.
Luckily Uncle didnt smash, His offspring wouldve been fucked by his mail order brides radioactive genes
Luckily Uncle didnt smash, His offspring wouldve been fucked by his mail order brides radioactive genes
i pretty sure the genes he have are probaly worst
ukraine is one of the poorest countries outside of Afrika.
people there get like 300€/month wages or less.
you can't fathom the amount of girls who want to escape this hellhole.
Ukraine is poor for a European country but it isn't nearly as big a shithole as virtually any place in Africa, the middle east, Latin America or SEA.
makes me wonder how my parents would react if they discover my escortcelling habit
You mean escorts? Why should I travel there then if escort rates are similiar here? 30-40 USD for cheap hooker, 50-70$ for standard escort, and ~90-100 for top class.
I'm not convinced about using escorts, I also fear of STDs. Rates of those are low in Poland, but high in Ukraine. Plus with crimes and shit I would be in fear that escort ad is fake and someone want to attack me and rob lol. But I will travel there next year maybe, it's super cheap even for polcel like me. I earn like 800 dollars per month(and save half of it), in Ukraine it's some serious money :D
makes me wonder how my parents would react if they discover my escortcelling habit

My mom once suggested this option to me, and then was like 'no... you are not like that, right? You don't want to lose your virginity like that?' I don't know if she was taunting me or what. Dad wouldn't care, and my mom would want me to be sure no one else knows.
ukraine is one of the poorest countries outside of Afrika.
people there get like 300€/month wages or less.
you can't fathom the amount of girls who want to escape this hellhole.

Crazy that it's such a poor country with so many hot girls.

My mom seriously tried to convince me to get a Ukrainian/Russian mail order bride after I blackpilled her.

She also tried to convince me to buy some hookers.
Crazy that it's such a poor country with so many hot girls.

My mom seriously tried to convince me to get a Ukrainian/Russian mail order bride after I blackpilled her.

She also tried to convince me to buy some hookers.
fucking lmao. mom of the year/10
My uncle did something similar. He hid the fact that she was bought though. Now my nana loves her more than her own daughter.
The bride dint leave at first hint of freedom? Does she enjoy being with him?

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