“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”
It was Goebbels, who said that. I like the guy, I must say openly, many of his remarks were true. But this case, shows the ugly truth about the current system we live in. Liberal Democracy, Liberal-Marxist society is exactly the same as Hitler's National-Socialism/National-Darwinism. I see no difference in totalitarian character of both systems. Yes, we live in the totalitarian system, I may give plenty of examples.
EU and all these Western, Marxist or Liberal/Conservative parasites, act exactly in the same way as Hitler, Goebbels or Stalin, Mao Tse Tung did. And they dare to criticize people who support Nationalism, National-Socialism, Fascism? This is their true face, face of Hypocrites.
I prefer to be a neo-Fascist or a neo-Nazi, than a Hypocrite.
The core problem of so called "democratic principles". Parliamentary Democracy is not a Democracy at all. Only Democracy which can be called this way is classical, Athenian Democracy. Direct-Democracy, I would call it.
Switzerland in many ways is a Direct Democracy, but not fully, and yet becoming a totally degenerate country, just like whole WE. We do not need Parliament to live in Democracy. We do not need any elections, to live in Democracy. It is misunderstanding. Only Democracy we can, as citizens support and we should support is National Corporatist system, where it is the Nation and its Elite, which holds the power. I support such a system, where State is a Nation-state, ruled by the People, on behalf of People. I don't need any Parliament, President or anything like that.
In many ways, Communist countries were such countries, but their problem was the ideology. Marxism, which is an anti-thesis to Nationalism and Corporatism.
So, yes, I would like to see a country like Poland to be a "National Dictatorship", ruled by the Polish Nation, same for Hungary. I consider Liberal Democracy we live in as nothing more than a Communism. Communism is about the Equality, not about Autocracy. Communists were Autocrats, because they knew, that their ideology, complete absurdity can be implemented only the hard way, through dictatorship. We, Corporatists believe in Freedom and Free Will of the People. So, let the Nations decide, what kind of the Democracy they really want.
I am against Democracy, just like Plato who considered it as a form of degenerated tyranny. I use the word Corporatism to describe the "perfect" political system, just like Plato and Aristotle proposed. Corporatism in many ways means "Fascist Democracy". Democracy itself is not a system, but a notion. Poland under Communism was also a Democracy, People's Democracy. There were elections, there was parliamentary with 3 political groups, dominated by Polish United Workers' Party. Today, we have Liberal Democracy, something what I call Soft Communism or Democratic Communism.
And this is the true problem – what is Communism? What is Democracy? Democracy without Equality, that's fine, I support that. This is Corporatism or Fascist Democracy. Italy, under Mussolini was also a Democracy, a Fascist Democracy. Just like Austria under Dolfuss, Norway under Quisling. Even Nazi Germany, in many ways was a Democracy, NSDAP took power in democratic way, am I right?
So, in case of Polish/Hungarian-EU problem it is the ideologic division. Communism or anti-Communism. EU represents Communism just like so called "opposition". They speak about Equality and Equality is the core of Communism. I am against Communism, because I am against Equality. I believe in mutual respect, not in Equality. We are not equal, we are all different.