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Blackpill Debunking the “your bad personality is why you can’t get laid” argument once and for all



Chaos is a laddER
Jan 7, 2019
1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

the greater a male’s propensity for violence, the more likely he was to win a fight and therefore the more likely he was to prevent a woman from being raped. Therefore violent men were better protectors of women, also violent men were more likely to hoard resources from the men they had killed, thus able to use those resources to provide a more pleasurable life for the woman and her offspring and the greater the chances of survival for the woman and her offspring.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd‐Craven J. 2004. Evolution of human mate choice. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Also, we’re told that we can’t get women because women can just somehow sense our misogyny and get bad “vibes” from us as if they have in-built personality detectors, but if they are so good at being able to read a man’s personality, why do they find themselves in abusive relationships so frequently and so often? This leads us to conclude that not only do women prefer those types of men, but women dont have the magical power to read personality as normies like to claim, otherwise they wouldn’t end up with such men in the first place, they were really with those men because they found those men attractive.

3. Personality is out of your control

this fact is probably the most hard to swallow, but personality is out of your control due to a phenomenon known as the “Halo effect”.

An ugly guy may be confident, extrovertive and outgoing at the beginning. However; because he is ugly women will show no interest in him and nobody will want to include him in their social circles, so eventually after years of bullying and social/sexual rejection he will become shy, quiet and introvertive because of negative re-inforcement due to his looks.

conversely, an attractive guy may be shy, quiet and introvertive to begin with. But men will want to be his friend, women will fight over him and try their best to get his attention, and as a consequence of this positive reinforcement, he will become more confident, outgoing and extrovertive.

so you see, your personality is influenced by how people treat you based on your looks (which is out of your control).

therefore, personality is out of your control.

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

when an ugly guy playfully slaps a females ass, it’s sexual assault and the guy is a rapist. But when an attractive man does it all Of a sudden it’s “flirty” and “kinky”. You see how their personalities are judged differently because of their different looks, even though they are both performing the same action?

this thread was dedicated to the incel god, @BlkPillPres
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I and many other have already known that. But many people just don't want to accept this harsh realty because of two reasons.

  1. Men have been brainwashed by their parents and society in general to worship foids and be always nice to them regardless of how they get treated in return. Thus many men don't want to accept that foids are the shallow ones and not the men.
  2. Living in a delusion where everyone has a same chance of getting a gf and it's all based on "working on" you personality, confidence or what not is much easier to accept that many men have a clear disadvantage over others merly based on the way they were born. What is even more ironic is that these same people will say that foids, blacks or whatever are discriminated in schools, jobs etc while there is CLEAR proof that they are in fact very much privileged in society, but of course it's fine when they say it.
It was never an 'argument'. They were gaslighting us.
2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

The top 10% of antisocial men are responsible for 27% of pregnancies and 62% of violent assaults against women​

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

Normies are stupid, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder because someone thinks brunettes are hotter than redheads, how come no eye think short currycel is better looking than a Chad.
i have a stutter and im ugly if i could choose i would swap speech for looks any day of the week
Normies are stupid, they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder because someone thinks brunettes are hotter than redheads, how come no eye think short currycel is better looking than a Chad.

exactly, take 100 women and ask them if they rather sleep with a 5’2 balding dark-skinned curry or a 6ft white chad, I guarantee they will all go to the chad, looks are not subjective at all
high IQ post. i fucking hate foid whores who don't admit their true desires and use this as a flimsy defense shield. just fess up and say you're chad only, we already know it.
and how do their cuck simp beta male orbiters don't realize THEY are a direct victim of this. they also support this flimsy defense "hahaha silly inkwell, it's not all about looks! anyway why doesn't this stacy on onlyfans message me back :("
high IQ post. i fucking hate foid whores who don't admit their true desires and use this as a flimsy defense shield. just fess up and say you're chad only, we already know it.
and how do their cuck simp beta male orbiters don't realize THEY are a direct victim of this. they also support this flimsy defense "hahaha silly inkwell, it's not all about looks! anyway why doesn't this stacy on onlyfans message me back :("

There is literally no way anyone can argue that bad personality is the reason we can’t get laid after reading this post, there is so much scientific evidence which supports the blackpill, humans have selected mates based on physical features and characteristics since the beginning of human history, as physical attributes are an indicator of genetic strength which correlated to probability of survival for the offspring. Personality never had anything to do with sexual selection
1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

the greater a male’s propensity for violence, the more likely he was to win a fight and therefore the more likely he was to prevent a woman from being raped. Therefore violent men were better protectors of women, also violent men were more likely to hoard resources from the men they had killed, thus able to use those resources to provide a more pleasurable life for the woman and her offspring and the greater the chances of survival for the woman and her offspring.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd‐Craven J. 2004. Evolution of human mate choice. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Also, we’re told that we can’t get women because women can just somehow sense our misogyny and get bad “vibes” from us as if they have in-built personality detectors, but if they are so good at being able to read a man’s personality, why do they find themselves in abusive relationships so frequently and so often? This leads us to conclude that not only do women prefer those types of men, but women dont have the magical power to read personality as normies like to claim, otherwise they wouldn’t end up with such men in the first place, they were really with those men because they found those men attractive.

3. Personality is out of your control

this fact is probably the most hard to swallow, but personality is out of your control due to a phenomenon known as the “Halo effect”.

An ugly guy may be confident, extrovertive and outgoing at the beginning. However; because he is ugly women will show no interest in him and nobody will want to include him in their social circles, so eventually after years of bullying and social/sexual rejection he will become shy, quiet and introvertive because of negative re-inforcement due to his looks.

conversely, an attractive guy may be shy, quiet and introvertive to begin with. But men will want to be his friend, women will fight over him and try their best to get his attention, and as a consequence of this positive reinforcement, he will become more confident, outgoing and extrovertive.

so you see, your personality is influenced by how people treat you based on your looks (which is out of your control).

therefore, personality is out of your control.

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

when an ugly guy playfully slaps a females ass, it’s sexual assault and the guy is a rapist. But when an attractive man does it all Of a sudden it’s “flirty” and “kinky”. You see how their personalities are judged differently because of their different looks, even though they are both performing the same action?

this thread was dedicated to the incel god, @BlkPillPres
You mean their ratings have a standard deviation of 2 on a 10 point scale right?
Tbh. Even if redditors were right and personality was the reason I can’t get laid, it’s not like I can control how I act around people.

And I’m fairly good at lying to people so I doubt they would be able to sense my misogyny

Foids only care about looks. Full stop.
Personality is just halo effect
I just wish society would accept the fact that humans are shallow by nature and it’s all about looks. But I noticed more and more people are becoming blackpilled so there’s hope.
It was never an 'argument'. They were gaslighting us.
Women either can't admit how viciously savage they are because most of them are ignorant as fuck where they just look at the entire world as a given for themselves only with no questions asked or they know about it very well and just don't care. Gaslighting, manipulating, or blowing smoke up our asses that's all they do. :feelsjuice:
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1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

the greater a male’s propensity for violence, the more likely he was to win a fight and therefore the more likely he was to prevent a woman from being raped. Therefore violent men were better protectors of women, also violent men were more likely to hoard resources from the men they had killed, thus able to use those resources to provide a more pleasurable life for the woman and her offspring and the greater the chances of survival for the woman and her offspring.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd‐Craven J. 2004. Evolution of human mate choice. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Also, we’re told that we can’t get women because women can just somehow sense our misogyny and get bad “vibes” from us as if they have in-built personality detectors, but if they are so good at being able to read a man’s personality, why do they find themselves in abusive relationships so frequently and so often? This leads us to conclude that not only do women prefer those types of men, but women dont have the magical power to read personality as normies like to claim, otherwise they wouldn’t end up with such men in the first place, they were really with those men because they found those men attractive.

3. Personality is out of your control

this fact is probably the most hard to swallow, but personality is out of your control due to a phenomenon known as the “Halo effect”.

An ugly guy may be confident, extrovertive and outgoing at the beginning. However; because he is ugly women will show no interest in him and nobody will want to include him in their social circles, so eventually after years of bullying and social/sexual rejection he will become shy, quiet and introvertive because of negative re-inforcement due to his looks.

conversely, an attractive guy may be shy, quiet and introvertive to begin with. But men will want to be his friend, women will fight over him and try their best to get his attention, and as a consequence of this positive reinforcement, he will become more confident, outgoing and extrovertive.

so you see, your personality is influenced by how people treat you based on your looks (which is out of your control).

therefore, personality is out of your control.

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

when an ugly guy playfully slaps a females ass, it’s sexual assault and the guy is a rapist. But when an attractive man does it all Of a sudden it’s “flirty” and “kinky”. You see how their personalities are judged differently because of their different looks, even though they are both performing the same action?

this thread was dedicated to the incel god, @BlkPillPres
Genius thread fren, well researched and articulated. :feelsjuice:

Petyr baelish littlefinger
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what I hate most about their argument is that they imply that THEY have good personalities when they are probably as reddit/twitter as they are in real life-- that is rude, pompous, snarky, and quick to anger.

They think that just because they listen to women that gives them the right to be psuedo intellectual thugs to treat men that disagree with them like shit.
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what I hate most about their argument is that they imply that THEY have good personalities when they are probably as reddit/twitter as they are in real life-- that is rude, pompous, snarky, and quick to anger.
Most women have dogshit personalities themselves, for them, they don't even like you unless you come from a fancy family pedigree, have lots of money, flash wealth around, have a professional career occupation, fancy education title, or have a wardrobe that strikes them as bourgeois and higher.

Today's bitches are prostitutes in every sense of the word, they look at all men through the economically classist lens on whether you're a good candidate or suitor for them where their entire attitude is that basically men are butlers everywhere meant only to serve them concerning all social relations. We're just a fucking doormat to them and that's it.

Everything in the eyes of women today revolves around perfection and every time these bullshit discussions of self-improvement pop up are basically one where men must appease them for them to even like us where men are just reduced to being subservient, servile, or submissive only. :feelsjuice:
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lol personality was never subjective. a confident charming guy will get way more positive social and romantic experiences than a shy and introverted guy. it is subjective for women since everything is a tutorial mode for them but as a man, it was never subjective.
Personality is irrelevant.
Instead of all this scientific high IQ stuff you could just write two words: Jeremy Meeks.
Instead of all this scientific high IQ stuff you could just write two words: Jeremy Meeks.
Perhaps, but some people need more intellectual stimulation than that.
Instead of all this scientific high IQ stuff you could just write two words: Jeremy Meeks.

I don’t think simply writing “Jeremy Meeks” will convince normies about the blackpill as Jeremy Meeks is an individual case, we have to present the theory AS A WHOLE.
I don’t think simply writing “Jeremy Meeks” will convince normies about the blackpill as Jeremy Meeks is an individual case, we have to present the theory AS A WHOLE.
Perhaps, but some people need more intellectual stimulation than that.
I agree that some people need more intellectual stimulation, but usually for me in debates those two words are like the two nukes on Japan. It ends the debate.
Anyway, great job.
A certain section of people will always be in denial when it comes to this subject. It's very uncomfortable harsh truth to swallow.
Most women have dogshit personalities themselves, for them, they don't even like you unless you come from a fancy family pedigree, have lots of money, flash wealth around, have a professional career occupation, fancy education title, or have a wardrobe that strikes them as bourgeois and higher.

Today's bitches are prostitutes in every sense of the word, they look at all men through the economically classist lens on whether you're a good candidate or suitor for them where their entire attitude is that basically men are butlers everywhere meant only to serve them concerning all social relations. We're just a fucking doormat to them and that's it.

Everything in the eyes of women today revolves around perfection and every time these bullshit discussions of self-improvement pop up are basically one where men must appease them for them to even like us where men are just reduced to being subservient, servile, or submissive only. :feelsjuice:
[UWSL] Women don’t have to work a day in their life for men to be attracted to them. Women’s attractiveness comes from their looks (body and physical beauty), hence their value comes from something that is inherent to nature, women are BORN with value.[/UWSL]

men on the other hand are not born with any value, we have to CREATE our value (which comes from wealth, resources, money). These things for the most part require effort and investment to acquire, unlike women who have value from the moment they are born.

Women are the carrot on the stick used by society to convince/coerce men to “innovate, invent, create” etc. all for the purpose of acquiring wealth which they can then use to attract women, who are seen as the “prize” or “reward” by society for which men have to become slaves in order to win them over.
[UWSL] Women don’t have to work a day in their life for men to be attracted to them. Women’s attractiveness comes from their looks (body and physical beauty), hence their value comes from something that is inherent to nature, women are BORN with value.[/UWSL]

men on the other hand are not born with any value, we have to CREATE our value (which comes from wealth, resources, money). These things for the most part require effort and investment to acquire, unlike women who have value from the moment they are born.

Women are the carrot on the stick used by society to convince/coerce men to “innovate, invent, create” etc. all for the purpose of acquiring wealth which they can then use to attract women, who are seen as the “prize” or “reward” by society for which men have to become slaves in order to win them over.
All very true, yes. :feelsjuice::yes::yes::yes:
How do you explain females who prefer kpop over typical western "alpha"?

Otherwise, please pin this thread permanently. It needs to be spread as far as possible
Top tier post:bigbrain:
Good one

It's weird, I didn't get an alert for this thread
Instead of all this scientific high IQ stuff you could just write two words: Jeremy Meeks.

"This is motivation to work HARD, yo" :feelsclown:
KEK’d at ur BlkpillPress worship at the end there. Good thread though. Women love good looking psychopaths who can kill them and other men.
1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

the greater a male’s propensity for violence, the more likely he was to win a fight and therefore the more likely he was to prevent a woman from being raped. Therefore violent men were better protectors of women, also violent men were more likely to hoard resources from the men they had killed, thus able to use those resources to provide a more pleasurable life for the woman and her offspring and the greater the chances of survival for the woman and her offspring.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd‐Craven J. 2004. Evolution of human mate choice. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Also, we’re told that we can’t get women because women can just somehow sense our misogyny and get bad “vibes” from us as if they have in-built personality detectors, but if they are so good at being able to read a man’s personality, why do they find themselves in abusive relationships so frequently and so often? This leads us to conclude that not only do women prefer those types of men, but women dont have the magical power to read personality as normies like to claim, otherwise they wouldn’t end up with such men in the first place, they were really with those men because they found those men attractive.

3. Personality is out of your control

this fact is probably the most hard to swallow, but personality is out of your control due to a phenomenon known as the “Halo effect”.

An ugly guy may be confident, extrovertive and outgoing at the beginning. However; because he is ugly women will show no interest in him and nobody will want to include him in their social circles, so eventually after years of bullying and social/sexual rejection he will become shy, quiet and introvertive because of negative re-inforcement due to his looks.

conversely, an attractive guy may be shy, quiet and introvertive to begin with. But men will want to be his friend, women will fight over him and try their best to get his attention, and as a consequence of this positive reinforcement, he will become more confident, outgoing and extrovertive.

so you see, your personality is influenced by how people treat you based on your looks (which is out of your control).

therefore, personality is out of your control.

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

when an ugly guy playfully slaps a females ass, it’s sexual assault and the guy is a rapist. But when an attractive man does it all Of a sudden it’s “flirty” and “kinky”. You see how their personalities are judged differently because of their different looks, even though they are both performing the same action?

this thread was dedicated to the incel god, @BlkPillPres
On number 3,
It's actually "looks = personality" by design, humans are completely dependent on their senses, sight being the most critical.
We see, hear, smell, etc. We observe others and we're completely isolated within our own perception, so every single aspect will get filtered through looks first.
You don't see a dangerous man, as in seeing the state of being dangerous itself, but a tall bulky f*cker whom you wouldn't like to test your endurance against.... and by extension, all other possible "states".
I'm having a hard time explaining it because our language itself has this same characteristic as an integral part of it.
1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

the greater a male’s propensity for violence, the more likely he was to win a fight and therefore the more likely he was to prevent a woman from being raped. Therefore violent men were better protectors of women, also violent men were more likely to hoard resources from the men they had killed, thus able to use those resources to provide a more pleasurable life for the woman and her offspring and the greater the chances of survival for the woman and her offspring.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. The Dark Triad personality: Attractiveness to women. Personality and Individual Differences. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd‐Craven J. 2004. Evolution of human mate choice. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Also, we’re told that we can’t get women because women can just somehow sense our misogyny and get bad “vibes” from us as if they have in-built personality detectors, but if they are so good at being able to read a man’s personality, why do they find themselves in abusive relationships so frequently and so often? This leads us to conclude that not only do women prefer those types of men, but women dont have the magical power to read personality as normies like to claim, otherwise they wouldn’t end up with such men in the first place, they were really with those men because they found those men attractive.

3. Personality is out of your control

this fact is probably the most hard to swallow, but personality is out of your control due to a phenomenon known as the “Halo effect”.

An ugly guy may be confident, extrovertive and outgoing at the beginning. However; because he is ugly women will show no interest in him and nobody will want to include him in their social circles, so eventually after years of bullying and social/sexual rejection he will become shy, quiet and introvertive because of negative re-inforcement due to his looks.

conversely, an attractive guy may be shy, quiet and introvertive to begin with. But men will want to be his friend, women will fight over him and try their best to get his attention, and as a consequence of this positive reinforcement, he will become more confident, outgoing and extrovertive.

so you see, your personality is influenced by how people treat you based on your looks (which is out of your control).

therefore, personality is out of your control.

Judging someone based on personality is really not much better than judging someone on looks. Because at the end of the day, LOOKS = PERSONALITY.

when an ugly guy playfully slaps a females ass, it’s sexual assault and the guy is a rapist. But when an attractive man does it all Of a sudden it’s “flirty” and “kinky”. You see how their personalities are judged differently because of their different looks, even though they are both performing the same action?

this thread was dedicated to the incel god, @BlkPillPres[/US
Black pill made me realize that I need jaw surgery,braces, maybe chin implants ,orbital decompression,mewing, gym and limb lengthening.
[QUOTE="IncelKing, post: 7917257, member: 16643"]

Looks cannot be separated from personality. In movies main hero is usually good-looking and tall, not 5.2 balding Indian janitor.
1. Looks are objective, personality is subjective

It has long been debated whether there is an objective, biological basis for the experience of beauty or if it is subjective and individually or culturally driven. To determine this, researchers showed average people images of masterpieces of Classical and Renaissance sculpture, and modified versions of these arts with less mathematically ideal proportions.

They then used fMRI to measure activation of the subjects' brains when they were exposed to either the beautiful ideal art or the less beautiful modified art. Researchers observed clear differential patterns of brain activation. It was shown that average people could easily come to consensus on which version was "beautiful" or not, and when beauty was encountered, it activated predictable pathways in the brain to process

Wood (2009) found people agree strongly about the extremes (very attractive and unattractive), but they have diverse tastes about the mid range. For a person with average attractiveness, their ratings generally vary with about 2 standard deviations on a 10-point scale. Hence, the bluepill regarding diversity in preferences holds true for people of average
attractiveness but not for ugly people (and maybe also not for very attractive people).


Di Dio C, Macaluso E, Rizzolatti G. 2007. The Golden Beauty: Brain Response to Classical and Renaissance Sculptures. PLoS ONE. 2(11): e1201.

* Wood D, Brumbaugh C C. 2009. Using Revealed Mate Preferences to Evaluate Market Force and Differential Preference Explanations for Mate Selection.

This is common sense really, if you look at physical features and facial structures of men and women which the opposite sex finds attractive, by analysing the appearance of individuals whose professions require attractive looks in order to succeed (models, actors/actresses etc.) you will find a many commonalities.

Attractive men are typically tall and have trauma-resistant skull structure: square jaw, prominent chin, hunter eye area. Attractive women have more neotonous and feminine features: rounded jaw, small chin.

unlike looks, personality is actually subjective. Everyone is unique and has different interests, hobbies, mindset; philosophy and beliefs. And based on that everyone’s perception of what constitutes a “good personality” will differ from one another, so nobody can make an objective statement and say that “bad personality” is the reasons we incels can’t get laid, there is no such thing as an objectively good or objectively bad personality as the whole concept of personality is subjective.

2. Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy

We’re told to be respectful to women and that our misogyny is preventing women from being attracted to us, but research has confirmed the fact that the phrase “nice guys finish last” is true.

In a study by Carter et al. (2014), 128 women presented with male characters of varying degrees of dark triad personality. Physicality was held constant. Men with dark traits were rated as dramatically more attractive to women compared to control characters who lacked these traits (with >99.9% statistical certainty, p < 0.001).

From an evolutionary standpoint this makes sense. Prior to the formation of civilisations in which women would be given protection from the State, women had to rely on individual males for protection.

quanto maior a propensão de um homem para a violência, maior a probabilidade de vencer uma briga e, portanto, maior a probabilidade de impedir que uma mulher seja estuprada. Portanto, os homens violentos eram melhores protetores das mulheres, também os homens violentos eram mais propensos a acumular recursos dos homens que haviam matado, podendo assim usar esses recursos para proporcionar uma vida mais prazerosa para a mulher e seus filhos e maiores as chances de sobrevivência para a mulher e sua descendência.


  • Carter GL, Campbell AC, Muncer S. 2014. A personalidade Dark Triad: Atratividade para as mulheres. Personalidade e Diferenças Individuais. 56: 57-61.

  • Geary DC, Vigil J, Byrd-Craven J. 2004. Evolução da escolha do companheiro humano. Journal of sex research, 41(1), pp.27-42.
Além disso, nos dizem que não podemos ter mulheres porque as mulheres podem de alguma forma sentir nossa misoginia e obter “vibrações” ruins de nós como se tivessem detectores de personalidade embutidos, mas se elas são tão boas em ser capazes de ler personalidade de um homem, por que eles se encontram em relacionamentos abusivos com tanta frequência e tanta frequência? Isso nos leva a concluir que não apenas as mulheres preferem esses tipos de homens, mas as mulheres não têm o poder mágico de ler a personalidade como os normies gostam de reivindicar, caso contrário, elas não acabariam com esses homens em primeiro lugar, elas eram realmente com aqueles homens porque achavam aqueles homens atraentes.

3. A personalidade está fora de seu controle

este fato é provavelmente o mais difícil de engolir, mas a personalidade está fora de seu controle devido a um fenômeno conhecido como “efeito Halo”.

Um cara feio pode ser confiante, extrovertido e extrovertido no começo. Contudo; porque ele é feio, as mulheres não mostrarão interesse por ele e ninguém vai querer incluí-lo em seus círculos sociais, então, eventualmente, após anos de bullying e rejeição social/sexual, ele se tornará tímido, quieto e introvertido por causa do reforço negativo devido a sua aparência.

por outro lado, um cara atraente pode ser tímido, quieto e introvertido para começar. Mas os homens vão querer ser seu amigo, as mulheres vão brigar por ele e tentar o seu melhor para chamar sua atenção e, como consequência desse reforço positivo, ele se tornará mais confiante, extrovertido e extrovertido.

então você vê, sua personalidade é influenciada por como as pessoas te tratam com base em sua aparência (que está fora de seu controle).

portanto, a personalidade está fora de seu controle.

Julgar alguém com base na personalidade não é muito melhor do que julgar alguém pela aparência. Porque no final das contas, APARÊNCIA = PERSONALIDADE.

quando um cara feio dá um tapa de brincadeira na bunda de uma mulher, é agressão sexual e o cara é um estuprador. Mas quando um homem atraente faz tudo, de repente é “flerte” e “excêntrico”. Você vê como suas personalidades são julgadas de forma diferente por causa de sua aparência diferente, mesmo que ambos estejam realizando a mesma ação?

este tópico foi dedicado ao deus incel, @BlkPillPres
Looks cannot be separated from personality. In movies main hero is usually good-looking and tall, not 5.2 balding Indian janitor.

exactly, and villain is usually some ugly subhuman.
"personality" doesn't exist. All that matters, to foids, is looks.

Wormen date serial killer rapists cannibals that beat them up everyday and don't give a fuck.
They marry Tyrones and dindus that chimp out on them and then ditch them out when they get pregnont.

To foids, looks and ""Personality(tm)" are the same thing.
I get what you're saying, but dark triad traits are known to provide a significant dating advantage, looks being equal. Personality, perhaps, is a tie-breaker among otherwise equally-matched suitors.
a lot of truth in this.
but many think it is over anyway and they try no maxxing at all. literall 5'10 guys going for LL stating it is so over for them
coming from bad families and sitting at home all day

yes, you can never make it in terms of leaving your league, but but why not find another short curry when you are curry. i think this is possible and needs more encouragement
Instead of all this scientific high IQ stuff you could just write two words: Jeremy Meeks.
That POS system needs to be taken out back the way of old Yella'

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