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Debate with Inceltears

Should we debate Inceltears

  • Yes

    Votes: 45 59.2%
  • No

    Votes: 32 42.1%

  • Total voters
Honestly the greatest argument against them is to outline that most of us are not anti-social, have lives of our own and have decent personalities. If that's the case, then the only thing impeding us from getting into relationships is a lack of sexual attractiveness.

It's easier to gauge someone by voice than by text. Even easier to gauge face-to-face then through voice chat.
What are you trying to achieve?
Inceltears has dodged the debate, like the cowards they are. It must suck standing on flimsy things like "muh feelings" and not have any facts to support one's side besides anecdotal evidence.
blickpall said:
Inceltears has dodged the debate, like the cowards they are. It must suck standing on flimsy things like "muh feelings" and not have any facts to support one's side besides anecdotal evidence.

They did? Lol pussies
@blickpall Yep, goes to show which group is close minded and unable to process differing opinions. This debacle is definitive proof their whole aim is to bully us, not to 'improve' us in anyway nor do they believe what we're saying is wrong and can be challenged.

Next time they accuse us of being a group that does nothing but encourage each other of taking the blackpill, just remember that they were offered the chance to challenge our ideologies but backed down.
alsalsk said:
@blickpall Yep, goes to show which group is close minded and unable to process differing opinions. This debacle is definitive proof their whole aim is to bully us, not to 'improve' us in anyway nor do they believe what we're saying is wrong and can be challenged.

Next time they accuse us of being a group that does nothing but encourage each other of taking the blackpill, just remember that they were offered the chance to challenge our ideologies but backed down.

Such fucking cowards.
alsalsk said:
@blickpall Yep, goes to show which group is close minded and unable to process differing opinions. This debacle is definitive proof their whole aim is to bully us, not to 'improve' us in anyway nor do they believe what we're saying is wrong and can be challenged.

Next time they accuse us of being a group that does nothing but encourage each other of taking the blackpill, just remember that they were offered the chance to challenge our ideologies but backed down.


"If you want peace, 
 prepare for war."
They seem to have this SJW mentality of ignorant avoidance. They are indeed like the PC and LGBT crowd Jordan Peterson invited to debate, but instead of participating in the discussion they just screamed buzzwords and played loud music to make sure the strong arguments he brought up can't be heard by anyone.
I dont wanna debate incel tears. I wanna go to war with them and take their women as booty
blickpall said:
Inceltears has dodged the debate, like the cowards they are. It must suck standing on flimsy things like "muh feelings" and not have any facts to support one's side besides anecdotal evidence.

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Not a surprise LOL.[/font]
NeverSubmit said:
I dont wanna debate incel tears. I wanna go to war with them and take their women as booty

low standards mate, good.
Umm, I voted no. I find it ridiculous that ANYONE would want to "debate" them lol.

Very average and mediocre people want a chance to feel superior to others, because they don't get to feel that in their shitty, wasted, failed normoid lives. They turn to places like incels/neckbeards/etc because unattractive men are one of the only groups left that are somehow socially acceptable to bully. Ugly, fat, females with no personality lurk incel forums because it reminds them that although they put minimal effort into bettering themselves, they still have an easier and better life than any sub-7 male who isn't rich.

The slave(inceltears poster), in contrast, is a weak and sickly human being, who suffers from himself and is filled with what Nietzsche called ressentiment – a festering hatred of life generated by feelings of impotence in the face of an external reality he feels to be overpowering and threatening.
“There is among men as in every other animal species an excess of failures, of the sick, degenerating, infirm, who suffer necessarily; the successful cases are, among men, too, always the exception” (Beyond good and Evil)

The presence of ressentiment conjures feelings of envy within the slave towards all those who do not suffer as they do – namely, the higher human beings(incels). This envy motivates the slave to take vengeance on the higher humans. Banding together to obtain a “communal feeling of power”(r/inceltears) – the only type of power available to the slave – and under the pretext of calls for equality, the slave attempts to bring down to a more mediocre level all those higher than him through the construction of a slave, or herd, morality.

Personally, I don't need evidence or a debate to understand that "people" that dedicate their VALUABLE time to male virgin shamming over the interwebs might not be the brightest or the most outstanding members of the society.


Words in the human language do not exist, to fully capture the depth of discrimination, injustice, and suffering we experience on a daily basis.

Most people do not even comprehend what we have to endure, how a true solitude to a social animal such as a human, is the cruelest, the most unbearable punishment imaginable.

Sure you can get set on fire, you can get skinned alive, and have salt poured on your open wounds, but the body will not endure much of this type of suffering, you will die and leave your suffering. But solitude, or inceldom, lasts a whole lifetime, it reduces an individual into the empty hollow husk, into in an impenetrable marble statue, it vegetates the intellect, dulls the senses, completely eliminates all of the emotions from the body, all in an attempt to escape this never-ending suffering.


A woman will never understand you or truly know who you are. It's not possible. Her experience in life will have invariably been far too different from yours for her to comprehend you. Even if she did acid and meditated under a waterfall every single day for decades, she won't get you. This is true for every man, but it is infinitely more true for outcasts like you who have been shielded from the shaping drills of cultural indoctrination by your own introversion, allowing your mind to grow like weeds down wildly divergent paths that women can never glimpse. You are upset that women don't like you, yet they don't even have the sensory organs to perceive you.

All of human actions are driven by self-interest and fear, often times even the self-interest isn't really the true "self" interest of the individual, it's just the interest of the selfish gene playing and manipulating the humans to do it's bidding.

I believe no one can argue, against this statement. That the meaning of life, for us biological machines is to ultimately reproduce and to pass our genes on to the next generation, ensuring the survival of our genetic code.

Human beings are born as animals, in human form. Meaning we are born without knowledge, our actions are not governed by reason, or logic, rather they are governed by the survival mechanism, by the selfish gene, by feelings, and passion, by fear, by herd mentality, we act as sophisticated animals at best, but not as humans.

"Another aspect of the particulates of the gene is that it does not grow senile; it is no more likely to die when it is a million of years old than when it is only a hundred. It leaps from body to body down the generations, manipulating body in its own way for its own ends, abandoning a succession of mortal bodies before they sink in senility and death." - Selfish Gene, Richard Dawkins

The falling in love isn't your desire, it's more accurately the selfish desire of your germline for survival. So the selfish gene will manipulate the thoughts and feelings of the individual to do it's bidding... what you thought were "innocent","noble" feelings, are carefully refined bio-evolutionary strategies played out by the genes that are controlling you, all done to ensure their survival. You think you've fallen in love, rather not so much you the individual has fallen in love, but rather your germline recognizes that you are playing out your biological duty, and is simply manipulating your individual self to be the "provider of resources" for the inheritor of your genes, namely your upcoming child, by giving you these feelings and thoughts of loyalty, morality...when in reality you are nothing more than a disposable pawn in a succession of countless generations of other disposable pawns, just fufilling their duties, before succuming to old age, becoming senile diseases wrinckled up shells of a man, and perishing into the void of non existence...

I feel most of our lives, we are like a leaf being carried by the current of the river, as long as there are no interruptions, the leaf will just blindly follow the current wherever the river takes it. So just like the leaf being carried by the current, as long as no hurdles or tribulations take place in our lives, we will blindly(just like the lower animals) just follow the design of our genes, without really understanding on contemplating why we are doing what we are doing.

It is only when things are not going our way, do we contemplate and reflect on our actions.

“Individual men, and even whole nations, little think, while they are pursuing their own purposes that they are advancing unconsciously under the guidance of a purpose of nature which is unknown to them.” — Immanuel Kant (1784), “Idea of a Universal History from a Cosmopolitan Point of View” I could write a lot more, but I feel like you are turning into a bluepilled provider, or just another mindless cog in the cosmic watch.


I use to be a very fluent, articulate orator(speaker), but long years of social isolation completely eroded my ability to speak.  If I were put into a really high intensity social enviroment with other fluent speaks, I could probably build my self back up in a couple of weeks/months, but I have NO SOCIAL circle, no relatives, or anyone to talk to. I could not be a part of a back and forth dialogue, simply because my faculty of speech is eroded away.

Secondly the "back and forth" debate, isn't really a debate, or a means to find the truth... it's rather a circus/theathre ... the aim of the debate and the result of it, is NEVER to further the truth, it's just which side can make the other side look worse, and which side is able to gain more symphathy from the audience.

There really is NO DEBATE, if you just look at the evidence lol.  I don't care what some cunt/neckbeard from inceltears has to say, all of them are insecure,low intellgence trash of society lol.

Psychology/Evolution read 19 pages

Beautiful=Good, Ugly=Bad

This study on Y chromosomes shows that men have always been less attractive than women. At one point 1 man was reproducing with 17 women and that today's preference ratio of ~8 women wanting ~2 men has always been
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
Words in the human language do not exist, to fully capture the depth of discrimination, injustice, and suffering we experience on a daily basis.

Most people do not even comprehend what we have to endure, how a true solitude to a social animal such as a human, is the cruelest, the most unbearable punishment imaginable.

Thank you
Tempus Edax Rerum said:
There really is NO DEBATE, if you just look at the evidence lol.  I don't care what some cunt/neckbeard from inceltears has to say, all of them are insecure,low intellgence trash of society lol.

I think there's definitely a strong need for some kind of debate or discourse and I'd love to watch the points we are tying to make here on a daily basis to be discussed between equally prepared/educated people with contrary or at least differing opinions. But I think IncelTears wouldn't be an appropriate choice, because it's only a bullying sub, that takes pleasure and even satisfaction from what Schopenhauer called the "tragische Fallhöhe", the cathartic effect on the mob confronted with the unbearable misery of "higher" (from their own perspective probably lower people) and the cleansing effect these spectacles have on their own passions, emotions but especially shortcomings. Any newly found common ground and any form of agreement or consensus can't really be in their interest so it's a huge waste of time and energy. But the idea in general is still good and it's about time to drag certain aspects of the black pill into the spotlight of a more public audience.

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