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JFL Daily reminder that cuckservatives hate us.

  • Thread starter TakeTheBlackPill
  • Start date


Sep 5, 2018
(((PragerU))) made a video encouraging men to basically be betabuxxing cucks or “providers” (disguised under the notion of masculinity) for the modern used up and worthless woman.

One high iq manosphere person made a comment suggesting that the video should have talked of the female problem which causes men to abandon the betabuxxing and traditional role.

CC1434E6 B23E 4FC4 9E96 CE6A8F4A184D

This is how the conservacucks replied:

612BF93D EE52 40C8 93EC AC77139F2BAE

Just lol at these cucks.

“You need to be a provider dude but don’t dare tell women to improve or else I’ll call you incel as an insult!”
Israel didn't start the US war in Vietnam, the Amerikkkan financial bourgeoise did, because they wanted the rubber plantatiobs that once belonged to the French.

PraegerY also say that the Korean War and the Vietnam War were justified and loss was caused by the ' damn libtards', that the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified, eyc etc. Suprised they haven't claimes that cattle slavery in the Antebellum South was a form of Social Security.
Chattel slavery, cows are still slaves. And the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were justified, just brutal. The firebombing of Dresden was far less justified, they were not a strategic target and the war was already wrapping up, they wanted to test whether they could start a firestorm with them.

PS 40% of Jews were slave owners, and they were the biggest profiteers of the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
Yeh I'm just going to ignore you, firebombing white people was bad and firebombjng asians was okay, got it, thanks
I'm Indian, I don't blame british oppression of I dia on jews because of Disraeli
Israel didn't start the US war in Vietnam, the Amerikkkan financial bourgeoise did, because they wanted the rubber plantatiobs that once belonged to the French.

Actually, it had nothing to do with rubber plantations. Vietnam was an unfortunate mix of misguided domino theory American idealism and the machinations of the military industrial complex. The pivotal point were the French basically blackmailing the US into confrontation with the Viet Minh ("Or we'll end up in the Soviet sphere of influence!")

If the Americans had been blackpilled enough to realize good old fashioned ethnicist nationalism was the driver behind the Vietnamese resistance and not a universalist ideology like Communism, they could have arranged a deal with Ho Chi Minh back in the 40's and 50's, and you'd had a rightwing socialist Vietnam, safely guarded from leftie world revolution crap.

But the US, built on universalist ideals itself, was too cucked to get it.
(((These Prager-U niggas))) are promoting American soldiers going to war for to benefit (((them))).
Actually, it had nothing to do with rubber plantations. Vietnam was an unfortunate mix of misguided domino theory American idealism and the machinations of the military industrial complex. The pivotal point were the French basically blackmailing the US into confrontation with the Viet Minh ("Or we'll end up in the Soviet sphere of influence!")

If the Americans had been blackpilled enough to realize good old fashioned ethnicist nationalism was the driver behind the Vietnamese resistance and not a universalist ideology like Communism, they could have arranged a deal with Ho Chi Minh back in the 40's and 50's, and you'd had a rightwing socialist Vietnam, safely guarded from leftie world revolution crap.

But the US, built on universalist ideals itself, was too cucked to get it.
That's what (quality) books like The Perfect War by W. Gibson say, but it's not true.
To be honest every mainstream political movement hates us. You take the good with the bad; conservatives & right wingers make getting welfare or surviving on lesser paying jobs harder, but they don’t go after free speech or try to give an unfair advantage to fringe groups.

Left wingers / greens / labor / democrats etc are the opposite in terms of getting by financially, but you have to deal with all the social engineering and social narrative made to unfairly benefit women / minorities / etc basically everyone that’s not white or middle & upper class and male.
Hitler should have won WW2.

If Hitler won ww2 then half the guys on this would be euthanized. Hitler's master race is full of tall blonde chads. Us mutants and those with disabilities would be wiped out.
Fuck, we've became an insult. The whole world shuns us.

As a child I had to deal with people brushing themselves off after contact with me. This is neither new nor anything short of amusing.
Left and right, liberals and conservatives ... all agree on one talking point: that women are not responsible for their bad actions but that somehow the men are to blame.

While liberals believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism, conservatives believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them: women don't even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who refuse to "man up" ... rich men force women into jobs and careers they actually don't want.

Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists believe that anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren't responsible for their behavior.

The Red Pill claims that women's bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game and that women can't be held responsible for their own biology. Finally, the alt-right is essentially a Pagan fertility cult in which white women are worshipped as motherhood goddesses; obviously, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism.

In one of the most popular alt-right memes, a group of Jewish feminists is listed, while the text reads "Feminism: A Jewish War On Women." Feminism isn't something (white) women do but something that is done to (white) women. It's not even a "Jewish war on men", but a war on white women; white women are depicted as these innocent little wheat field princesses men have to protect since they themselves have no agency.

Cuckservatives believe in "honorable masculinity" and "good leadership" (or "stewardship" in reference to the Biblical concept of man being the "steward" of God's creation); and a lack thereof as an almost justified reason for women to become feminists. It's always about how women actually DESERVE to destroy you when you don't give them what they want. They can't quite agree on WHAT it is, women want, but they do share this notion, that women have the right to hurt you if you don't get them what they want. I've read a great many white nationalists claiming that women will of course protest for open borders and mass immigration of Muslims when you don't give them what they want ("masculinity"). So if you don't behave "manly" in a way that is non-threatening but arousing for women, they basically have the right to turn your country Islamic.

All proper antifeminism should start with the notion that WOMEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR BAD ACTIONS. If you are responsible, you are liable and can be brought in front of a court etc. And instead of focusing what is wrong about MEN (are they not masculine enough? Or are they, quite the opposite, too toxically masculine? They can't agree, but they do agree that men are the problem) ... we should focus on what is wrong about women.

I thought everyone hated us, is there any group of people that at least kind of agrees with us?
PragerU are market fundamentalists. the third position is the only affable position for an incel to have.
we are virgin losers, of course everyone hates us.
Colossal IQ. There are no mainstream political movements who are honest about female biology. Even local neo-fascist parties accept women in their ranks, it's over.
If anything, our world has become more "masculine", not more "feminine." Women have definitely become ultra masculine. What do women even have to do to be considered "crossdressers"? "Female crossdressers" do not exist anymore in this culture, because we're all so used to see women in business pants and jeans, etc. But just try to remember that a a woman in pants was - until recently - seen much as a man in a skirt.

And while women become more and more masculine, men MUST still be "masculine" as well. Because a) women are not attracted to soy boys and the more masculine women become, the more brutal, muscular, thug, sadistic, violent BDSM like the Chads they desire. Previous generations of women might have blushed when you gave them a slap on the butt - these generation of masculine whores need to be tied up and gagged 50 Shades of BDSM style by Chad and whipped, they all have rape fetishes. And b) economy in late stage capitalism / monopolism is MUCH MUCH MUCH more brutal than in the past. Monopolization means that there is fewer and fewer competition between the capitalists (because everything belongs to a few billionaires) and more and more competition between those who only have their work to sell: and who then have to compete with more and more other workers. And the more brutally they have to compete with an increased number of other workers, the lower the wages get. And the rents for housing get higher and higher. So you cannot afford to be soft.

Boomer cucks and their fetish for "stronk men" with stronk womyn is totally ridiculous. It's a fucking jungle out there and it's getting harder every year. This whole idea of the current society being a "nanny state" where you can afford to be soft because "big government" will take care off you anyway is ridiculously wrong. And one of the reasons why the right loses the young generations.
In most of political theory, incels don't exist.
In context of american two party system, incels have no place to call home. It's kind of amazing if you think about it.
PragerU are market fundamentalists. the third position is the only affable position for an incel to have.
What kind of third position? There's alot of them. THE third position? That's even more socially darwinistic than current one in some sense.
Capitalism and liberalism drive women to be whores, Sonny boy
One high IQ manosphere person made a comment suggesting that the video should have talked of the female problem which causes men to abandon the betabuxxing and traditional role.
He's still a tradcuck though. Old times when women were worth sacrificing for. :feelstastyman:

Cuckservatives and right-wingers in general btry and get brownie points from the left (and young people in general who almost universally hate them) by taking easy shots at incels. And fuck PragerU. It's just some unaccredited scam bullshit for conservative white trash that want to homeschool their kids and brainwash them into believing this nonsense.
(((PragerU))) made a video encouraging men to basically be betabuxxing cucks or “providers” (disguised under the notion of masculinity) for the modern used up and worthless woman.

One high iq manosphere person made a comment suggesting that the video should have talked of the female problem which causes men to abandon the betabuxxing and traditional role.

View attachment 39710

This is how the conservacucks replied:

View attachment 39711

Just lol at these cucks.

“You need to be a provider dude but don’t dare tell women to improve or else I’ll call you incel as an insult!”

Betabuxxers on suicide watch

Truth is like a flame to an ants nest for these betabux providers thinking they found true love in a washed up roastie. JFL.

They know in the back of their head that their wife is only staying to leech off of them, but they don't want to acknowledge it because then their world and marriage falls apart. Too funny. I might be incel, but at least I'll never be a beta-cuck.
I love how people assume you’re an incel if you say something even slightly negative about women, as if incels are the only people who hate women.
I love how people assume you’re an incel if you say something even slightly negative about women, as if incels are the only people who hate women.

>implying I care about other peoples' opinions.
When you point out that women are shit, women shame you. Nothing new.
Left and right, liberals and conservatives ... all agree on one talking point: that women are not responsible for their bad actions but that somehow the men are to blame.

While liberals believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism, conservatives believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them: women don't even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who refuse to "man up" ... rich men force women into jobs and careers they actually don't want.

Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists believe that anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren't responsible for their behavior.

The Red Pill claims that women's bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game and that women can't be held responsible for their own biology. Finally, the alt-right is essentially a Pagan fertility cult in which white women are worshipped as motherhood goddesses; obviously, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism.

In one of the most popular alt-right memes, a group of Jewish feminists is listed, while the text reads "Feminism: A Jewish War On Women." Feminism isn't something (white) women do but something that is done to (white) women. It's not even a "Jewish war on men", but a war on white women; white women are depicted as these innocent little wheat field princesses men have to protect since they themselves have no agency.

Cuckservatives believe in "honorable masculinity" and "good leadership" (or "stewardship" in reference to the Biblical concept of man being the "steward" of God's creation); and a lack thereof as an almost justified reason for women to become feminists. It's always about how women actually DESERVE to destroy you when you don't give them what they want. They can't quite agree on WHAT it is, women want, but they do share this notion, that women have the right to hurt you if you don't get them what they want. I've read a great many white nationalists claiming that women will of course protest for open borders and mass immigration of Muslims when you don't give them what they want ("masculinity"). So if you don't behave "manly" in a way that is non-threatening but arousing for women, they basically have the right to turn your country Islamic.

All proper antifeminism should start with the notion that WOMEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR BAD ACTIONS. If you are responsible, you are liable and can be brought in front of a court etc. And instead of focusing what is wrong about MEN (are they not masculine enough? Or are they, quite the opposite, too toxically masculine? They can't agree, but they do agree that men are the problem) ... we should focus on what is wrong about women.

Great post
Most cuckservatives are incels themselves
If Hitler won ww2 then half the guys on this would be euthanized. Hitler's master race is full of tall blonde chads. Us mutants and those with disabilities would be wiped out.
Cope, hitler and goebels were ugly as fuck. Most german soldiers were not that attractive
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