Left and right, liberals and conservatives ... all agree on one talking point: that women are not responsible for their bad actions but that somehow the men are to blame.
While liberals believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of the patriarchy and sexism, conservatives believe that anything bad a woman does is the fault of liberals and feminists tricking them: women don't even have agency when it comes to abortions which are the results of trickery by unchristian men who refuse to "man up" ... rich men force women into jobs and careers they actually don't want.
Old-fashioned conspiracy theorists believe that anything bad a woman does is the result of the Rockefellers, the Bilderbergers, Jesuits, Freemasons, and other rich people conspiring to trick women into feminism. Hence, the real enemy is the Rockefellers, the Jesuits, etc. who are conspiring to depopulate the world so women aren't responsible for their behavior.
The Red Pill claims that women's bad acts are the correct biological response to men who have no game and that women can't be held responsible for their own biology. Finally, the alt-right is essentially a Pagan fertility cult in which white women are worshipped as motherhood goddesses; obviously, anything bad a woman does is the result of the Jews and minorities tricking them into feminism and multiculturalism.
In one of the most popular alt-right memes, a group of Jewish feminists is listed, while the text reads "Feminism: A Jewish War On Women." Feminism isn't something (white) women
do but something that is
done to (white) women. It's not even a "Jewish war on men", but a war on white women; white women are depicted as these innocent little wheat field princesses men have to protect since they themselves have no agency.
Cuckservatives believe in "honorable masculinity" and "good leadership" (or "stewardship" in reference to the Biblical concept of man being the "steward" of God's creation); and a lack thereof as an almost justified reason for women to become feminists. It's always about how women actually DESERVE to destroy you when you don't give them what they want. They can't quite agree on WHAT it is, women want, but they do share this notion, that women have the right to hurt you if you don't get them what they want. I've read a great many white nationalists claiming that women will of course protest for open borders and mass immigration of Muslims when you don't give them what they want ("masculinity"). So if you don't behave "manly" in a way that is non-threatening but arousing for women, they basically have the right to turn your country Islamic.
All proper antifeminism should start with the notion that WOMEN ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR BAD ACTIONS. If you are responsible, you are liable and can be brought in front of a court etc. And instead of focusing what is wrong about MEN (are they not masculine enough? Or are they, quite the opposite, too toxically masculine? They can't agree, but they do agree that men are the problem) ... we should focus on what is wrong about women.