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Currycel hero destroys staceys



Nov 11, 2017
From TRP:

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"I am fucking tired of how I get treated, and how other Indians like myself get treated, by white women in the US. They are racist, bigotted, and don't even give Indians a chance.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I approached these white women and tried to do my thing with them. Was confident, was ready for any shit tests, and tried to execute my game. I still failed. They shrugged me off and didn't even give me the time of day. I tried to ask them out to coffee and they said no. I said OK and walked away and heard them laughing as I was walking away.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]So I turned around and cussed them out and called them out for being racist. I drew all the attention around to them, as I was screaming out loud that these women were racist and bigots. They were really embarrassed and had to scurry away quickly so others would not see them for the racist bigots they are.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I have fucking had enough. Pretty sure TRP only works for white men. Because I do what TRP says to do. I lift. I eat right. I read the sidebar and other Red Pill texts. I dress well, I practice my game, I know how to beat shit tests. Yet, white women still treat me like some kind of a joke.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Fucking sick of it. Maybe I should find more white women to cuss out, it was the best I have felt all year, putting those racist hateful anti-Indian, anti-brown people, slut bitch bigots in their place."[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/5yah8b/black_knighted_these_white_women_for_being_racist/[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This guy has more balls than all the other Indians on TRP(probably 80% of the site's members) combined.[/font]
If true, absolutely gold. They are really afraid of being seen as any -ism (or -ist), at least some of them of course.
He's on to something. Hopefully he'll become a frequent poster on this site.
Oh look, it's another "Pajeet is pissed that white women won't fuck him" episode. Maybe you should try going back to your own country.
theson said:
Oh look, it's another "Pajeet is pissed that white women won't fuck him" episode. Maybe you should try going back to your own country.

I won't be going back but I think the others should.
Nothing racist about not finding other ethnicities attractive. We should have all stuck to our own, tbh.
Fuck him for targeting White women.
Why doesn't he try a different race of women? Wtf?
Stacy only wants Chad and sometimes Tyrone, GG Pajeet.
He got downvoted to hell and reamed out. lol

The top comment is gold. Another Indian telling him he should change everything and, the funniest part, telling him he's beta. TRP is hilarious.
Nautica1983 said:
Why doesn't he try a different race of women? Wtf?

No race of women wants Pajeet poo in the loo.
Hero? He just fucked it up x10 for other curries

NegroKing said:
From TRP:
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"[/font][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I do what TRP says to do. I lift. I eat right. I read the sidebar and other Red Pill texts. I dress well, I practice my game, I know how to beat shit tests. Yet, white women still treat me like some kind of a joke."[/font]

Many FOB Asians and Indians feel like religious fanatics who converted to a Western religion to me. (My own father increasingly believes that Vladimir Putin plans to take over the world, and makes jokes about how we'll soon be forced to speak Russian.) Now they do everything the cult leaders tell them to do, pray five times a day, eat only dates, sleep without pillow, nofap, lift, practice comebacks for shit tests ... and then they wonder why it doesn't work out. Because it's just a fucking cult, man. 

And holy fuck, THIS is the most upvoted comment: 

"stop blaming "being Indian" like a little beta bitch. Black guys are pumping blonde hoe pussy all the time. I am Indian and here is some advice: (...) Stop eating curry because its' smells come through your skin the next day. Lift more and do some sprinting. You are so beta I want to pull my hair out."


JFL at that currycel cope. "White women in the US are racist", no you coping subhuman you're just a fucking freak of nature. 8+ curries still slay, good luck in the next life.
nigger said:
JFL at that currycel cope. "White women in the US are racist", no you coping subhuman you're just a fucking freak of nature. 8+ curries still slay, good luck in the next life.

But its EXTREMELY RARE to see 8+ curryes. They are very rare, different from Chad and Tyrone.
KilluminoidBR said:
But its EXTREMELY RARE to see 8+ curryes. They are very rare, different from Chad and Tyrone.

Yes. Curries by default usually have multiple bad facial features, unlike blacks or whites. The only good quality is probably cheekbones and everything else is garbage.
ItheIthe said:
Nothing racist about not finding other ethnicities attractive. We should have all stuck to our own, tbh.
That is the definition of racism, they are discriminating based on race.

Our currycel brother is on the right path. A brutal realism for currycels like us is that all roasties are racist and females of all races hate us including our own.
He sure showed those whoes, maybe if more women are called out for their racist bullshit they will stop rejecting curries and start dating them like they did with Black guys.
Freaking currycel, what's the problem with your own women? Why white? Freaking deluded piece of shit.
chudur-budur said:
Freaking currycel, what's the problem with your own women? Why white? Freaking deluded piece of shit.

Even Indian femoids would have likely rejected him, also Indian females themselves shamelessly whore themselves out to White males in the west, why should they be able to get away with race mixing while currycel males are denied. Why the double standards?
chudur-budur said:
Freaking currycel, what's the problem with your own women? Why white? Freaking deluded piece of shit.

They are stuck up cunts who whore themselves out to white dorks. More white women have liked me than Indian women. That should really tell you something.
universallyabhorred said:
Even Indian femoids would have likely rejected him, also Indian females themselves shamelessly whore themselves out to White males in the west, why should they be able to get away with race mixing while currycel males are denied. Why the double standards?

Yup, sure. Then why have I never a seen "a single" indian chasing a black woman? Are you trying to say that "indian + black" is not race mixing?

Also, the white chasing currybitches are mostly the western breds, FOB currybitches generally don't chase white guys, he should at least get some FOB currybitches.

These street shitting deluded pajeets will never be able to free themselves from that "colonial era slave mentality (a.k.a white worshipping)", even if they are brought up in the west. Pathetic.

NegroKing said:
They are stuck up cunts who whore themselves out to white dorks.

White women can also be stuck up cunts too. The thing is that I never a seen "a single" indian guy chasing a black woman, why?

Also, the white chasing currybitches are mostly the western breds, FOB currybitches generally don't chase white guys, he should at least get some of those. What is the problem with the FOB currybitches?

These street shitting deluded pajeets will never be able to free themselves from that "colonial era slave mentality (a.k.a white worshipping)", even if they are brought up in the west. Pathetic.

NegroKing said:
More white women have liked me than Indian women. That should really tell you something.

You have been liked by women then why the fuck you are still an incel?
chudur-budur said:
Yup, sure. Then why have I never a seen "a single" indian chasing a black woman? Are you trying to say that "indian + black" is not race mixing?

Also, the white chasing currybitches are mostly the western breds, FOB currybitches generally don't chase white guys, he should at least get some FOB currybitches.

These street shitting deluded pajeets will never be able to free themselves from that "colonial era slave mentality (a.k.a white worshipping)", even if they are brought up in the west. Pathetic.

I admit that Indian men are biased in favor of light skin however I am sure if a Black female offered sex or dating to a currycel they'd accept. There are at least a few cases of Indian males with Black females in the west. Also most Black females date Black men.

This is cope, femoids become spoiled upon entering the west. Most of them might not marry or openly date a White male but they will gladly fuck them on the side. Also this type of femoid never puts out and generally expect arranged marriage to a wealthy curry.  

It is not slave mentality consider the fact that an Indian male fucking a White female would be cucking the entire so called superior White race, who is the real man then, I doubt most of these curries would marry them. I agree FOB curry males have a tendency to worship White females but any curry who has actually grown up in the west realizes what disgusting whores these sexually empowered femoids really are.
Lately, I feel most comfortable around women who are neither white nor Asian. A room feels immediately more comfy to me when it's not only white women and some Asians there, but also women who are neither white nor Asian. Like secular Turks and Arabs (without hijab) for instance.
Sexual preference =/= racism.

universallyabhorred said:
He sure showed those whoes, maybe if more women are called out for their racist bullshit they will stop rejecting curries and start dating them like they did with Black guys.

Not being attracted to certain features of a certain race does not constitute racism.
CopingGymcel said:
Sexual preference =/= racism.

Not being attracted to certain features of a certain race does not constitute racism.

there's nothing wrong with all women having a chad preference either then, shut it down
hindustan_zindabad said:
there's nothing wrong with all women having a chad preference either then, shut it down

It's about Indians generally not being good looking and having facial features and a skin tone that most people don't find attractive. It's not people being racist, it's nature being cruel.
CopingGymcel said:
It's about Indians generally not being good looking and having facial features and a skin tone that most people don't find attractive. It's not people being racist, it's nature being cruel.

The same logic could be applied to people disliking those of a certain race or believing they are inferior yet this would clearly be considered racism. The fact is female sexual preferences themselves are racist greatly favoring Whites although I personally believe this is due to White domination in history, if the same type of domination had been done by Indians, they would be near the top in terms of attractiveness to females. I think femoid sexual attraction is  based on both nature, in terms of looks and racial perception which is largely influenced by societal perception.
universallyabhorred said:
The same logic could be applied to people disliking those of a certain race or believing they are inferior yet this would clearly be considered racism. The fact is female sexual preferences themselves are racist greatly favoring Whites although I personally believe this is due to White domination in history, if the same type of domination had been done by Indians, they would be near the top in terms of attractiveness to females. I think femoid sexual attraction is  based on both nature, in terms of looks and racial perception which is largely influenced by societal perception.

It may be unfair, but it still isn't racism. 

Indians would never be considered the most attractive, no matter what happened throughout history. Stop coping, boyo.


Average Indian guy.


Average white guy.
universallyabhorred said:
I admit that Indian men are biased in favor of light skin however I am sure if a Black female offered sex or dating to a currycel they'd accept. There are at least a few cases of Indian males with Black females in the west.

Yup, I personally know couple of black women who are into curries but curries don't show any interest to them, they are obsessed with white bitches.

universallyabhorred said:
There are at least a few cases of Indian males with Black females in the west.

I have been in the west for quite a long time (more than 2 decades) but I have never seen a single curry-black couple, where the male is the curry. I have seen 2 couples where the female is a curry.

universallyabhorred said:
This is cope, femoids become spoiled upon entering the west.

Nope, middle class FOB currygirls generally don't fuck around.
chudur-budur said:
Yup, sure. Then why have I never a seen "a single" indian chasing a black woman? Are you trying to say that "indian + black" is not race mixing?

Also, the white chasing currybitches are mostly the western breds, FOB currybitches generally don't chase white guys, he should at least get some FOB currybitches.

These street shitting deluded pajeets will never be able to free themselves from that "colonial era slave mentality (a.k.a white worshipping)", even if they are brought up in the west. Pathetic.

White women can also be stuck up cunts too. The thing is that I never a seen "a single" indian guy chasing a black woman, why?

Also, the white chasing currybitches are mostly the western breds, FOB currybitches generally don't chase white guys, he should at least get some of those. What is the problem with the FOB currybitches?

These street shitting deluded pajeets will never be able to free themselves from that "colonial era slave mentality (a.k.a white worshipping)", even if they are brought up in the west. Pathetic.

You have been liked by women then why the fuck you are still an incel?

Because Indian women have no restraint when it comes to arrogance. And plus theirs
Is extremely unjustified. Usually a stuck up white chick will be a hot blonde but even an ugly Indian lady is stuck up. And there’s no reason at all.

And you are clueless if you think females liking you at some point in your life means you’re not incel.
CopingGymcel said:
It may be unfair, but it still isn't racism. 

Indians would never be considered the most attractive, no matter what happened throughout history. Stop coping, boyo.


Average Indian.

Lol that is a bad pic of Aziz Ansari since he has a goofy smile which is intentionally meant to make him look funny also he did date a White female.You are the one that is coping. Take Black males for example they went from undesirable to White females to among the most desirable  due to media influence mainly promoting Blacks in a cool sexually positive way Attached below is a better image of Aziz. Apart from his large eyes and recessed jaw he has decent bone structure.

universallyabhorred said:
Lol that is a bad pic of Aziz Ansari since he has a goofy smile which is intentionally meant to make him look funny also he did date a White female.You are the one that is coping. Take Black males for example they went from undesirable to White females to among the most desirable  due to media influence mainly promoting Blacks in a cool sexually positive way  Attached below is a better image of Aziz. Apart from his large eyes and recessed jaw he has decent bone structure.


Face it, boyo, most Indians just don't have attractive features. A heavily rendered pic where he still looks like shit is not going to change that. 


Why do you think this guy is attractive? I know why.
NegroKing said:
Because Indian women have no restraint when it comes to arrogance. And plus theirs
Is extremely unjustified. Usually a stuck up white chick will be a hot blonde but even an ugly Indian lady is stuck up. And there’s no reason at all.

And you are clueless if you think females liking you at some point in your life means you’re not incel.

Fair enough. If both groups are stuck up then why they don't approach black women? I personally know a few black women who are interested in curries (even some of them approached curries at some point), but those deluded curries never show a single bit of interest, why?

Do those ugly ass motherfucking currycels think that the black women are ugly? Or do they think they are better looking than the blacks? Hilarious.
chudur-budur said:
Fair enough. If both groups are stuck up then why they don't approach black women? I personally know a few black women who are interested in curries (even some of them approached curries at some point), but those deluded curries never show a single bit of interest, why?

Do those ugly ass motherfucking currycels think that the black women are ugly? Or do they think they are better looking than the blacks? Hilarious.

As nice as they have been to me I just don’t find them attractive same as most men. I’ll date a a hot black woman though.
NegroKing said:
As nice as they have been to me I just don’t find them attractive same as most men. I’ll date a a hot black woman though.

Yup, curries don't show interest in black women because they don't find them attractive. The thing is that curries need to know their place, they are the lowest tier ugliest male population in the west and they should re-align their preferences accordingly.

I would also be very happy to date, fuck, even marry a black girl but I am an hideosly ugly currycel mongrel, so ugly that no sane women would step onto my shadow.
chudur-budur said:
Yup, curries don't show interest in black women because they don't find them attractive. The thing is that curries need to know their place, they are the lowest tier ugliest male population in the west and they should re-align their preferences accordingly.

I would also be very happy to date, fuck, even marry a black girl but I am an hideosly ugly currycel mongrel, so ugly that no sane women would step onto my shadow.
I'd go for a black female if it showed interest too bad they are just as shallow as other femoids and would not even give me a chance.
NegroKing said:
From TRP:

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]"I am fucking tired of how I get treated, and how other Indians like myself get treated, by white women in the US. They are racist, bigotted, and don't even give Indians a chance.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I approached these white women and tried to do my thing with them. Was confident, was ready for any shit tests, and tried to execute my game. I still failed. They shrugged me off and didn't even give me the time of day. I tried to ask them out to coffee and they said no. I said OK and walked away and heard them laughing as I was walking away.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]So I turned around and cussed them out and called them out for being racist. I drew all the attention around to them, as I was screaming out loud that these women were racist and bigots. They were really embarrassed and had to scurry away quickly so others would not see them for the racist bigots they are.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I have fucking had enough. Pretty sure TRP only works for white men. Because I do what TRP says to do. I lift. I eat right. I read the sidebar and other Red Pill texts. I dress well, I practice my game, I know how to beat shit tests. Yet, white women still treat me like some kind of a joke.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Fucking sick of it. Maybe I should find more white women to cuss out, it was the best I have felt all year, putting those racist hateful anti-Indian, anti-brown people, slut bitch bigots in their place."[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]https://www.reddit.com/r/TheRedPill/comments/5yah8b/black_knighted_these_white_women_for_being_racist/[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]This guy has more balls than all the other Indians on TRP(probably 80% of the site's members) combined.[/font]

If he truly respects himself he'll go back to India and chase curry pussy
chudur-budur said:
Yup, curries don't show interest in black women because they don't find them attractive. The thing is that curries need to know their place, they are the lowest tier ugliest male population in the west and they should re-align their preferences accordingly.

I would also be very happy to date, fuck, even marry a black girl but I am an hideosly ugly currycel mongrel, so ugly that no sane women would step onto my shadow.

Well you have my respect brother. I admire your lack of racism.
not_here_4_points said:
He got downvoted to hell and reamed out. lol

The top comment is gold. Another Indian telling him he should change everything and, the funniest part, telling him he's beta. TRP is hilarious.

He just needs Tony Robbins new motivational self-help product "how to fuck white women as a pajeet."
Lol @ pajeets trying to score with Stacies that's so funny. The worst part is the fact most pajeets outside of their country are absolutely obsessed with aryan stacies and nothing but aryan stacies. He is racist in first place for selecting their women for their race.
Tuttle said:
Fuck him for targeting White women.

That's just how white women act. He isn't targeting anyone.
White women are definitely racist when it comes to curries. This is due to a lack of representation in pop culture, as well as the thirsty curries messaging them on Facebook constantly.
Who cares? Some currynigger failed at mixing with some whores, either way it would have ended poorly. He ought to keep to his own.
Someone give this man an invitation to this forum, posthaste.
I'm curry and got rejected by all females of all races. If you're slightly brown it's over. Females are extremely racist.
Why are ethnics so obsessed with white women?
Life fuel. Currycels must be the ones to initiate the blackpill uprising.

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