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JFL Cucks and agecucks from here being praised on IT

I reported it for not censoring usernames
Any pedophile or rapist is a friend of mine. They are just other misunderstood victims of society's absurd sexual norms
most of the people on the internet who are super visceral and opinionated about "pedophilia" are women who were the biggest sluts in high school and were getting fucked really hard in their tight underage pussies every friday night

the only people who unironically think "sexualization of children" is wrong are retards on the internet and reddit. no one agrees with them irl. by their logic most women are "children" when they lose their virginity. according to the CDC, the average age that women lose their virginity is 17.1, meaning that half of women have sex before that. keep in mind that the actual age is way lower because women think oral, handjobs, and anal "don't count". teen sex is the most normal and socially accepted thing of all time

I wonder what the average ITcel would say if you asked him what he thinks the average age that women lose their virginity at is. he'd probably say "25" or some shit unironically :lul:
I don't have an account there. But now you interact there directly through Google, right?
Idk but both are controlled by jews anyways. I have an alt there and I exploit the rules to get people banned
Any pedophile or rapist is a friend of mine. They are just other misunderstood victims of society's absurd sexual norms
Pedophiles have to go their entire lives without any sexual relief (particularly if exclusive). If they manage to do it, they're basically ascetic saints. 10000000 times morally superior to degenerate faggots and sluts. If they succumb to temptation once in their lives, downloading as little as a jpg for free, their lives can be utterly ruined. Imagine living like that. I only like teens and I already feel paranoid about it, imagine being an actual exclusive pedophile who only likes children.

My biggest problem with all that shit is that usually, people are not even talking about actual rape and pedophilia. They're talking about attraction to teens and any manifestation of sexuality as a non-Chad in the presence of a female.
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Any pedophile or rapist is a friend of mine. They are just other misunderstood victims of society's absurd sexual norms
I agree. Anyone who rapes or kills a minifoid is a friend of mine. Pedophiles are based. Also most of the so called “pedophiles” are usually just based jbpillers.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTear/comments/m6m5sh/thank_you_jesus/

Maybe now some landwhale from IT will give you pity sex for valiantly defending underage women from our dangerous thoughts and vents, who knows? Nah, they're too busy fucking malignant narcissistic Chads :feelskek:

I hope that every ITfag dies of cancer. Imagine stalking a forum full of suicidal and hopeless virgins all day, in order to find something to be outraged about. We are literally the bottom of the barrel in society, and yet they feel an immense sense of accomplishment for putting us down. I hope every IT faggot redditor dies.
most of the people on the internet who are super visceral and opinionated about "pedophilia" are women who were the biggest sluts in high school and were getting fucked really hard in their tight underage pussies every friday night

the only people who unironically think "sexualization of children" is wrong are retards on the internet and reddit. no one agrees with them irl. by their logic most women are "children" when they lose their virginity. according to the CDC, the average age that women lose their virginity is 17.1, meaning that half of women have sex before that. keep in mind that the actual age is way lower because women think oral, handjobs, and anal "don't count". teen sex is the most normal and socially accepted thing of all time

I wonder what the average ITcel would say if you asked him what he thinks the average age that women lose their virginity at is. he'd probably say "25" or some shit unironically :lul:
You don't get it sweaty, when it's JBs getting their assholes torn apart in orgies with minichads, it's totes different, it's just healthy experimenting. But if some 18+ guy even kisses a girl under 18, she'll be scarred for life, even if the kiss was non-violent and non-coervice :feelsclown:
So apparently we deserve a cookie for not being pedophiles.
Meanwhile their sub is full of pedophiles that got arrested and convicted.
I reported it for not censoring usernames
beyond based

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/lvrle8/i_fucked_up_i_fucked_up_bad_and_feel_like_i/
>16 years old
>"severe parental issues"
>routinely lets guys who are twice her age destroy her pussy
>attacks virgins on the internet for being "pedophiles"
>16 years old
>"severe parental issues"
>routinely lets guys who are twice her age destroy her pussy
>attacks virgins on the internet for being "pedophiles"
Those people are walking memes. She's most likely a BPD whose biggest fetish is being raped by big evil daddy. Those people hate themselves a lot more than even the worst cases here. It would be sad if it wasn't so odious.
I don't care about "pedophila" one way or the other, however the modern hysteria about "pedophila" "sex offenders," and "child sexual abuse" is complete madness and is causing far more harm than good. Young people need close relationships with men other than their fathers, but in this society that is no longer possible. The pedophila/child sexual abuse/sex offender moral panic and hysteria is just another way to denigrate men and further entrench matriarchal rulership.
isn't that the 16yo slut who fucked more than 200 guys?
For fuck's sakes why is a nymphomaniac roastie stalking us non-sexhavers on .co?

Literally a body count of hundreds. You have to Chads to fuck. Go live your life.
For fuck's sakes why is a nymphomaniac roastie stalking us non-sexhavers on .co?
@Atavistic Autist can explain better than me. Many people like @GoffSystemQB and @your personality are skeptical about it, but those BPD foids do stalk us an will sometimes choose a guy here to ensnare with their idealize/devalue/discard trap. It happened not only to Brendio but also to Minjaze and according to Incelwiki, others users as well.

You don't get to a body count of fucking 270 (assuming it's true; I don't doubt it is tbh) at 16 fucking only Chads. Those BPD foids do have lower standards than most foids, and this is the case because they are not even seeing you accurately, they are projecting their father onto all these man they fuck. The hypersexuality and top tier disgust tolerance also come in handy, those foids can reach orgasm with everything basically.
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@Atavistic Autist can explain better than me. Many people like @GoffSystemQB and @your personality are skeptical about it, but those BPD foids do stalk us an will sometimes choose a guy here to ensnare with their idealize/devalue/discard trap. It happened not only to Brendio but also to Minjaze and according to Incelwiki, others users as well.

You don't get to a body count of fucking 270 (assuming it's true; I don't doubt it is tbh) at 16 fucking only Chads. Those BPD foids do have lower standards than most foids, and this is the case because they are not even seeing you accurately, they are projecting their father onto all these man they fuck. The hypersexuality and top tier disgust tolerance also come in handy, those foids can reach orgasm with everything basically.
I mean they browse here for sure and every single day basically women try to sign up here. A part of this is I realized is that they were "always there." When we were on 4chan they were there and as we left and scattered away from 4chan they followed. A ton of them browse there. The whole "femcel" community nonsense was just them copying literally what we believe word for word, reversing it, and trolling us. I wonder what happens when FDS gets banned.

Are they going to start an internet forum? :lul:

I just think none of the people they get with are incels physically or at least the ones I've seen. Tahlia definitely fucked over tons in the incelosphere, but that's different from going after actually physically ugly guys because we never had and will never have anything resembling a remotely pure community
We're rapists? Has anyone on here raped anyone?
I mean they browse here for sure and every single day basically women try to sign up here. A part of this is I realized is that they were "always there." When we were on 4chan they were there and as we left and scattered away from 4chan they followed. A ton of them browse there. The whole "femcel" community nonsense was just them copying literally what we believe word for word, reversing it, and trolling us. I wonder what happens when FDS gets banned.

Are they going to start an internet forum? :lul:

I just think none of the people they get with are incels physically or at least the ones I've seen. Tahlia definitely fucked over tons in the incelosphere, but that's different from going after actually physically ugly guys because we never had and will never have anything resembling a remotely pure community
Both Brendio and Minjaze are failed normies. But I fully believe even an incel tier dude (like 3-4/10) can be targeted.

BPD is a serious mental issue, those foids are emotionally arrested at around age 2. They don't have object constancy and they don't know where one person ends and the other begins at the emotional level. This is incomprehensible to (minimally) normal people but it's true.
You don't get it sweaty, when it's JBs getting their assholes torn apart in orgies with minichads, it's totes different, it's just healthy experimenting. But if some 18+ guy even kisses a girl under 18, she'll be scarred for life, even if the kiss was non-violent and non-coervice :feelsclown:
I will never understand this. Like what type of laws do we have where a foid can choose whoever she wants to fuck but the second it’s a guy 18 or older it’s illegal. Most of the whores don’t even follow the law and end up fucking some high schooler as a middle schooler or some college student as a high schooler

This is why these laws are retarded. To stop the problem you have to cut it off at the source, the foid is giving all this sex to guys then when it’s convenient, then turning around and giving them a sex offender charge.

This is why pornhub got shoahed, because some foid sent naked pictures and shit of herself to Chad, and he was like, “oh sweet I’ll show everyone.” That’s not PH’s fault at all, that’s to settle between those two retards, especially the foid.

You expect me to believe she was “magically manipulated into believing he was a great guy”, Get Real! She knew he was a piece of shit and was turned on by it, like the degenerate zoomer she is!

The crazy part is if you get laid at like a party or some crap, and she said she was 18, she can turn around and lie to the police then ruin YOUR life because of her actions.
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I will never understand this. Like what type of laws do we have where a foid can choose whoever she wants to fuck but the second it’s a guy 18 or older it’s illegal. Most of the whores don’t even follow the law and end up fucking some high schooler as a middle schooler or some college student as a high schooler
The laws are based on feminist sensibilities.
Rosties who shame non-chads about liking jb's need to die.
It's worse than that, she's a JB who fucks older guys herself and she does criticize the "pedophiles" (men who like foids around her age) here.
Rosties who shame non-chads about liking jb's need to die.
It’s always the roasts too.
“Muh innocent jbs”
Meanwhile she’s already a 15 year old crack whore
It's worse than that, she's a JB who fucks older guys herself.
The rosties who are adults now were probably the same as her when they were young, and only cry about "pedos" when a non chad is involved. There was an omegle of jb's lusting over an adult chad, then when they moved to a fat bald guy they started screaming and saying "ewww, pedo".
100% damaged goods at the tender age of 16.

I honestly would feel bad for her, but the fact is, if she had dated a guy like me instead of fucking around, things would have been different. So it gets hard to sympathize.
When she's 39 and "experienced" she'll be ready for you (to betabux).
99% of us here aren't pedos either lol. These morons don't even know what a pedophile is, they just redefine the term to fit their narrative. Typical foid move tbh.
I think women shouldn't have the right to choose who they have sex with at any age
99% of us here aren't pedos either lol. These morons don't even know what a pedophile is, they just redefine the term to fit their narrative. Typical foid move tbh.
The proportion of men who are "pedos" vary wildly depending on the criteria for the definition.

If you define "pedo" as feminists and cucks do (being able to feel attracted to teens when you're at least a couple of years older than them) 90%+ of men are "pedos".

If you define it as being capable of feeling some degree of attraction to prepubescent females, most men are pedos as well. Around 60% according to this data. But of course most wouldn't actually fuck a child. It's tough to use this definition because how can you consider a behavior that occurs in MOST members of a group a deviation?

I prefer the definition of being PRIMARILY attracted to children. If you feel more attracted to children than to postpubescent foids (or men for that matter), or only feel attracted to children, then yeah, you're undoubtedly a pedophile. Using this definition, the proportion of pedos is certainly very small. Something like 1%, 0,1% who knows.

I think women shouldn't have the right to choose who they have sex with at any age
High IQ. Another feminist thing about defending (particularly if high) AoC laws is that it implies that you think girls after a certain age are qualified to make good choices concerning who they have sex with, when all the evidence supports that they're permachildren led by their pussy tingles, which are in turn driven by primal instincts that don't benefit society, or even themselves for their matter, the least. That's why foids are so commonly in "abusive relationships", so commonly become single mothers, etc. They get tingles for criminals, thugs, psychopaths, etc, it's been proven over and over that such men attracted women more.
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I just think none of the people they get with are incels physically or at least the ones I've seen.
So the moral of the story for mentalcels is "just fuck a mentally ill hyperslut" theory. Brutal.

Probably a high chance of false rape accusations too JFL.
So the moral of the story for mentalcels is "just fuck a mentally ill hyperslut" theory. Brutal.

Probably a high chance of false rape accusations too JFL.
Probably? Certainly!

The temptation as an incel/mentalcel/failed normie is huge, but I always reiterate here: DON'T get involved with BPD foids. Those are extremely dangerous; as a low-tier man, you most likely won't "out-manipulate" them, and even if you do, it will most likely only get them more pissed at you so expect false accusations coming your way.

The most likely scenario is basically what happened to Brendio though. You will catch feelings and you will get destroyed when they invariably discard/ghost/cuck you.
If you define "pedo" as feminists and cucks do (being able to feel attracted to teens when you're at least a couple of years older than them) 90%+ of men are "pedos".
Deep down everyone one of us (humans), including foids, has an attraction to hot teens. Those who claim they don't are merely lying to themselves. That's just the way humans are. Societal norms cannot overwrite that - it's impossible for us to transcend our biology. So more accurately, 90%+ of humans are pedos according to this definition, including cucks and feminists who shit on us.

If you define it as being capable of feeling some degree of attraction to prepubescent females, most men are pedos as well. Around 60% according to this data. But of course most wouldn't actually fuck a child. It's tough to use this definition because how can you consider a behavior that occurs in MOST members of a group a deviation?
That definition is problematic tbh, because it the feeling is all that matters then we can apply this to other labels as well. Is anyone who experiences genocidal thoughts a murderer? I don't think so. I think both feelings and acting out on them are what makes someone something, whatever that may be.

I prefer the definition of being PRIMARILY attracted to children. you feel more attracted to children than to postpubescent foids (or men for that matter), or only feel attracted to children. Using this definition, the proportion of pedos is certainly very small. Something like 1%, 0,1% who knows.
Yeah, that's a more reasonable definition, and a more realistic one.
Probably a high chance of false rape accusations too JFL.
We've discussed this before, haven't we?

Rape is a pretty loose term these days. Foids define rape however they please so it fits their narrative. And in most cases it's not actually rape. For them, regretting having sex with someone is considered rape, but in reality that's not even close to rape.
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I don’t understand the immense amount of hatred towards rapists and real pedophiles from bluepillers on this forum and society, while at the same time they worship people like psychopathic murderers, “hot” serial killers, and mass murders by sending them love letters or making excuses for their bizarre behavior like ”oh they probably just had a bad childhood:soy:.” Rapists and real pedophiles (Roughly ages 11 & under) are technically also victims of societies strict man-made sexual norms which they couldn’t properly grasp/follow either due to the fact of how they were brought up and taught, or they themselves were also victimized and never got help for it, and ended up becoming a perpetrator themselves. But society never seems to make excuses for rapists and pedophiles like they do with other psychotic killers that they praise. I have even seen some JB slayers who consensually fucked a 14yo foid get more hate than some of these killers which I just find fucking ridiculous. Also not forget to mention, most real pedophiles (Again, roughly ages 11 and under) are not even bad people, they are usually just people who did not mentally develop properly and had their mentality stuck at their pre-pubescents years while their bodies physically grew. Most of them also just want to see good things happen to children since they love them (Pedo meaning = Child-lover, not child-rapist) but this clown society still hates on them for something that’s completely out of their control and even themselves they can’t properly explain this hatred that they have towards them and that’s because they were all brainwashed by the news and media. Most normies don’t even care about children, I’ve seen some videos on gore websites of young children who were brutally tortured and murdered for no reason and all of the cucks in the comments were making jokes about it and laughing about children being killed, but god forbid an adult shows slight attraction towards them and they area apparently “scum of the earth.” Fuck this clown world.
It's because we live in a gynocentric feminist society. Foids get pussy tingles for psychopaths and murderers, that's why the official narrative often makes excuses for them or even glamourizes them (shows like Dexter, shows about famous powerful narcos such as Pablo Escobar, etc). On the other hand, men who molest kids, on top of being usually ugly and old, are also seen as creepy cowards trying to sneakily "cheat" the way out of their inceldom with people who'd normally be out of their league but are vulnerable due to being small children. Not to mention the lookism component, as most kids look cute, innocent and attractive.

Summing things up:

Murderous torturer psychopath: seen as strong, smart, desirable and hot by foids
Old child molester: seen as weak, dumb, undesirable and creepy by foids

Even though touching a child sexually is a much less heinous crime than killing and torturing people. But foids don't care about objective morality or having a sense of proportions.
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@Atavistic Autist can explain better than me. Many people like @GoffSystemQB and @your personality are skeptical about it, but those BPD foids do stalk us an will sometimes choose a guy here to ensnare with their idealize/devalue/discard trap. It happened not only to Brendio but also to Minjaze and according to Incelwiki, others users as well.
Not saying they aren't interested but that that interest doesn't carry over into sexual attraction. It's more of a weird fascination. Have pointed out how irritating it is that IRL no one cares who we are yet some of these same people stalk us online just because we express inconvenient observations about women. I'd rather they leave us alone both IRL and online.
It's because we live in a gynocentric feminist society. Foids get pussy tingles for psychopaths and murderers, that's why the official narrative often makes excuses for them or even glamourizes them (shows like Dexter, shows about famous powerful narcos such as Pablo Escobar, etc). On the other hand, men who molest kids, on top of being usually ugly and old, are also seen as creepy cowards trying to sneakily "cheat" the way out of their inceldom with people who'd normally be out of their league but are vulnerable due to being small children. Not to mention the lookism component, as most kids look cute, innocent and attractive.

Summing things up:

Murderous torturer psychopath: seen as strong, smart, desirable and hot by foids
Old child molester: seen as weak, dumb, undesirable and creepy by foids

Even though touching a child sexually is a much less heinous crime than killing and torturing people. But foids don't care about objective morality or having a sense of proportions.
Not saying they aren't interested but that that interest doesn't carry over into sexual attraction. It's more of a weird fascination. Have pointed out how irritating it is that IRL no one cares who we are yet some of these same people stalk us online just because we express inconvenient observations about women. I'd rather they leave us alone both IRL and online.

:feelsclown: :feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:

Can we first define what pedophiles actually are. I reject the definition of it in most western countries. Human biology doesn't work like that.

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