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Cuck Violence: Exposing the True Colors of /r/IncelTears

Deleted member 677

Deleted member 677

Nov 8, 2017
Son of Sam: Sadness, Major General of the 69th incels.is battalion, speaks!

*walks on stage shakes Berkowitz's hand, salutes, and approaches mic*

*holds for applause and REEEEE screeches*

My fellow incels, two days ago, I, Maj. Gen. Sadness, made a thread about a Stacy…

*boos and hisses*

No, no… you didn't let me finish… the brutal pwnage of a Stacy by a deathnic. The Stacy was ræp'd and beaten with a hammer until 3 of her teeth were knocked out, 6 more chipped, and was hit so hard on the back of the skull that her spine snapped in two.


But… that is not why I am addressing you tonight. Last night, as is their MO, our longtime adversaries, /r/IncelTears…

*boos and REEEEE screeches*
*chants of "Cucks! Cucks! Cucks!*

…our longtime adversaries screenshotted my thread to complain about in their own pathetic base. Normally, this would just be another attack that we were familiar with, but this thread went viral, with over 5,000 updoots and 1,000 comments. *flips page* We may have finally pushed them to their limits. This thread contains multiple combatants threatening to have us arrested (for doing nothing remotely illegal), dox us, and even kill us. Here are some comments on the thread:

…Are we sure about that doxxing rule? Because somebody's entire family needs to see this. Multiple somebodies' families. - DoubleXXCross

I feel so sorry for that girl. If anyone knows who owns these accounts. Link Em on this comment. I hope people are gonna back me on this one. Find who ever done this and spam everything there on fb,family etc. You name it - Fuuuuuuck1

Am I wrong for wishing someone would dox all these little shitbirds so society could cull them? - Admfinch

Why is it still considered wrong to dox people like that? I feel like there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and advocating for rape and murder should definitely qualify you for all of the pain, suffering and danger that comes with being doxed - frontflipfaceplant

Remember when hackers hacked Ashley Maddison and released the names of the members? (I know it was a lot easier because credit card info was involved, but...) Come ON, Anomyous! Reveal who these fuckers are and send their comment history to their parents, local law enforcement and the FBI. - QueenShnoogleberry

There has to be a way to find out who these pieces of shit are. People like this need to be exposed. Its easy to type hateful garbage like this behind the anonymity of a computer. Any hackers up for a challenge? - junohale13

*loud boos and hisses*

But that's not all. See, we perceive soyboys as weak, which they are, but every once in a while, you can push one to the point where he snaps and laughably tries to be intimidating. Take a look:

I would fucking love to torture these people. I would love to watch them crumble from the brutal pain I inflict on them. Few things would make me happier. - AnIllusionOfSelf

I never threaten nor even get super angry at somoene over something they wrote on the internet but I would gladly beat the living shit out of that guy. - abikus

These people need to be exterminated. - Hiccaries

I would love for the little girls victimized dad to get the IP addresses of each of those losers and go see them face to face. 0% chance any of them would say a single word besides apologies and begging for mercy when confronted by a REAL man. - MarcusBuildsThings

These people are dangerous and should be culled from society before they do something bad to someone. Cleansing by fire is the best way. - SteeMonkey

These people should be put down. - areallybigbird

This makes me wanna live in a world like AOT but instead of Titans we just have fat worthless incels who we kill for fun - SenuaHellblade

This is seriously fucking disturbing. How in the world is this even legal. This isn't free speech. I am sorry. This isn't like calling donald trump an idiot or liberals a cuck or none of that. These people should be hunted down, and made into quadriplegics and then tossed into the gutter to starve. I even acknowledge this violates rule 2 for this sub. I would gladly take the ban if it meant that something was done to these people. I don't want them in the same world as my kids. - vanzir

Can we organize an Incel cruise? Maybe offer them free waifus then Sink it halfway ? - SciFiHiFive

Can we commit genocide against incels? - truly-wants-death

Oh my god I wanna find these people and I’m not gonna go into detail what I would do if I did... a 14 year old being raped and killed helps you sleep at night? Or her death prevented her from being those “thot roasties” yeah I know two wrongs don’t make it right but reading that is enough to piss somebody off. These guys would be beaten unconscious or worse but no they are safe behind their computers... they need serious help asap, sick bastards - AlexAlexisAlexa

Seriously, I just hope one day I find a bunch of these keyboard warriors and run 'em over. Make Columbine look like a fucking joke. - Kami_O_Tanagata

*roaring laughter*

Heh, heh… some of them are little bit too afraid to kill us directly, so instead they cowardly ask us to do it ourselves:

Hmm, that's enough internet for today. This shit ain't safe for life or sanity. I hope they get help or a hose long enough to connect a car's exhaust to the interior cabin. - bayareola

This is why suicidal incels will always be funny to me. Fucking hang yourselves already you worthless pieces of shit. - Cull_The_Gamers

The stupidest thing is that the guy didn't just kill himself. We should be pushing these people towards suicide, they are all already depressed. - higgleopsss

*boos and jeers*

At the behests of President Pepe, Secretary Morgan LaHaye, General Big Man Tyrone, and St. Hammercel, and given that the enemy has now taken extreme measures against our people, even violating Reddit's rules, I hereby declare a state of total war between our empires!

*crowd goes into a frenzy*

5DC9D505 7EFF 443B 896D 5343E880082F

*chants of HEIL! HEIL!*


*slaughter and murder shouts*
*autistic screeching*
FE9E671B 9768 4372 8776 E6375D216F10

D3A47C83 938A 4DB6 9CE7 88BB6E2FFCB5

Aw how cute, incels in denial attacking other incels
Of course inceltears is a watchdog group and we're the bad ones
Damn br0 after reading this, I am literally shaking right now.
I am so fucking scared of all these raging cucks, the sign is not good, the Justice Roastie will come and round all of us up. The end of the incels is nigh.

Be prepared to face the wrath of The Justice Roastie:

violent and genocidal, hate us because we're not cucking ourselves into the sick degenerate mess they are. wimps and trannies, beefs who can't find a penis to fit in them. cucks who have nothing going on in their lives

THEY LOATHE US BECAUSE WE HAVE A COMMUNITY TO COPE WITH, they have too much pride even for that after years of sticking dildos in themselves and watching tranny porn. they are genetic trash who get off of our suffering

they have no one, this is how we gon'do this

lmaaaaaaao imagining one of these bushybearded nucucks throwing a tantrum is hilarious :feelskek:

if i ever had the chance i wouldnt kill these cucks i'd just torture them until the end of time until they were begging me to end them
We should start exposing Cucktears for their violence. They blame every little thing wrong in the world on us. When shit happens, we’re somehow the bad guys for discussing it when we’re not the ones who started it. E.g. after a shooting, instead of the shooter, we’re somehow the bad guys. We should start calling them out on starting shit in the first place.

E.g., incels would not be celebrating foids dying if Cucktears didn’t kill foids in the first place.
Well put together post ngl
I have nothing to lose. I have no family, no friends.
Perhaps I have undiagnosed cancer - in my stomach. It's been hurting for a while. I'm scared to see a doctor.
The immigrants took all the good jobs.
Even if they burn my house down - I'm losing it anyway, because it has to be used to pay for my mother's nursing home
People hate me anyway.
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Lmao at these little pushed-to-their-limit cucks, a massacre is all what these IT pieces of shit and that entire Sub's founders deserve.
I don’t even understand what they are mad about.
not really a noteworthy thread but not to redditors
I had screenshots of about half these comments from yesterday and was about to post them.

What a coincidence. :feelsokman:

But this is honestly hilarious how they're defending a 14 year old thot who basically caused her own problems.
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A 14 year old foid slut that was having incestual sex with her stepfather is worth more than our whole community. Cucks would gladly massacre us if they could save one slut.

I’ll be so glad when the nukes drop, I hope I live long enough to see all these cucks vaporized from nuclear heat. I’ll probably laugh myself to death.
Liking the Goebbels reference tbh.
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Uhm... I am SHAKING rn! :confused::(
I can understand their coping strategy, they are just trying to put other males down, so they can feel superior in moral in comparison to them.

What a bunch of bastards, they truly deserve to burn in hell.
Have you sent these quotes/screenshots to Reddit admins? @Sadness @ordinaryotaku
These are just average SJWs really. They all think this way, it's just most subs have rules against advocating for violence, which stops a lot of them from making such posts.

As most of you know, I used to moderate /r/incels, and once it started getting big, the sub would get literally hundreds of posts like this everyday. Posts advocating for the genocide of incels, posts encouraging suicide, death threats, etc. I also noticed they heavily gravitated towards threads and posts where people talked about being suicidal. They go on full attack mode whenever they see weakness.

Of course the vast majority of them aren't going to actually do shit in real life. They'll dox, get people fired, get people banned, deplatformed etc, but basically everything they do involves getting other people to punish their enemies for them while sitting behind their computers or smartphones. So they aren't going to kill anyone themselves....but instead want a hyper authoritarian government to kill (or imprison) people they disagree with for them.

The problem is...most millennials are like this...so what is going to happen when the older generations die off and they are the ones running the world? This is the main reason I want to permanently expatriate to eastern europe (or SEA) before this happens....though it's possible, perhaps even likely, that no country will be safe by then. Only time will tell.

Made this myself
Aw how cute, incels in denial attacking other incels
Of course inceltears is a watchdog group and we're the bad ones
Fucking SJW neckbeard losers always painting us with a broad brush.
Hope they are okay with potentially doxxing and "torturing" minors and kids like me that are incel
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Have you sent these quotes/screenshots to Reddit admins? @Sadness @ordinaryotaku
I reported the entire thread to the admins. It finally got cleansed and locked by a moderator, probably under duress from admins - unless their mods were just asleep for two whole days. Damn shame tbh, I was hoping to give them a taste of their own medicine by getting their subreddit axed.
I reported the entire thread to the admins. It finally got cleansed and locked by a moderator, probably under duress from admins - unless their mods were just asleep for two whole days. Damn shame tbh, I was hoping to give them a taste of their own medicine by getting their subreddit axed.
Keep doing this. Make IT a thorn in admin's sides. Make them WANT to shut it down. Keep fighting the good fight.
can you imagine if these fucking cucks would do anything they said?

like, i cant imagine some fucking numale cuck coming up to me and saying, "i hear you post on an incel site. im gonna fucking kill you, you misognist."

jfl at their impotent rage fantasies. they'd piss their pants at the thought of real life confrontation and they know it. thats why they stroke their dicks online writing fantasies about how tough they are.

Keep doing this. Make IT a thorn in admin's sides. Make them WANT to shut it down. Keep fighting the good fight.

Even if imho, cucktears' existence is actually beneficial for us.
They're basically our propagandists.
View attachment 73479

Even if imho, cucktears' existence is actually beneficial for us.
They're basically our propagandists.
You're not wrong, but at the same time it would be a step in the right direction to acknowledge that vapid, blind, emotion-driven hate towards incels is no different from other forms of stereotyping that liberals seem to be opposed of.
I am so fucking scared of all these raging cucks, the sign is not good, the Justice Roastie will come and round all of us up. The end of the incels is nigh.

Be prepared to face the wrath of The Justice Roastie:

The fuck did I just see? :lul:
Man, I’m trying to avoid visiting Cucktears but posts like this always tempt me to return.
Damn br0 after reading this, I am literally shaking right now.

Keep doing this. Make IT a thorn in admin's sides. Make them WANT to shut it down. Keep fighting the good fight.
I reported the entire thread to the admins. It finally got cleansed and locked by a moderator, probably under duress from admins - unless their mods were just asleep for two whole days. Damn shame tbh, I was hoping to give them a taste of their own medicine by getting their subreddit axed.

Good man.


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I would fucking love to torture these people. I would love to watch them crumble from the brutal pain I inflict on them. Few things would make me happier. - AnIllusionOfSelf
HOLY SHIT :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
We need some sort of violent cucktears comments megathread for shits and giggles
These are just average SJWs really. They all think this way, it's just most subs have rules against advocating for violence, which stops a lot of them from making such posts.

As most of you know, I used to moderate /r/incels, and once it started getting big, the sub would get literally hundreds of posts like this everyday. Posts advocating for the genocide of incels, posts encouraging suicide, death threats, etc. I also noticed they heavily gravitated towards threads and posts where people talked about being suicidal. They go on full attack mode whenever they see weakness.

Of course the vast majority of them aren't going to actually do shit in real life. They'll dox, get people fired, get people banned, deplatformed etc, but basically everything they do involves getting other people to punish their enemies for them while sitting behind their computers or smartphones. So they aren't going to kill anyone themselves....but instead want a hyper authoritarian government to kill (or imprison) people they disagree with for them.

The problem is...most millennials are like this...so what is going to happen when the older generations die off and they are the ones running the world? This is the main reason I want to permanently expatriate to eastern europe (or SEA) before this happens....though it's possible, perhaps even likely, that no country will be safe by then. Only time will tell.

Remember when hackers hacked Ashley Maddison and released the names of the members? (I know it was a lot easier because credit card info was involved, but...) Come ON, Anomyous! Reveal who these fuckers are and send their comment history to their parents, local law enforcement and the FBI. - QueenShnoogleberry

JFL at this and the threats by these cucks
You guys can use this message to report the incident to the Reddit admins. This is what I wrote:

There was a post on /r/inceltears where someone made a post on our forums about a current event. There was a thread made on /r/inceltears about the thread on our forums and there was lots of distasteful comments (many of which are now deleted). I've brought this up before and nothing was done about it. I hope that something can be done about it this time. I don't want to have to resort to showing the media these comments that break reddit rules when you have banned subreddits for much less.

Link to post:

Here is an example of such comments:

…Are we sure about that doxxing rule? Because somebody's entire family needs to see this. Multiple somebodies' families. - DoubleXXCross

I feel so sorry for that girl. If anyone knows who owns these accounts. Link Em on this comment. I hope people are gonna back me on this one. Find who ever done this and spam everything there on fb,family etc. You name it - Fuuuuuuck1

Am I wrong for wishing someone would dox all these little shitbirds so society could cull them? - Admfinch

Why is it still considered wrong to dox people like that? I feel like there is a line that shouldn’t be crossed and advocating for rape and murder should definitely qualify you for all of the pain, suffering and danger that comes with being doxed - frontflipfaceplant

Remember when hackers hacked Ashley Maddison and released the names of the members? (I know it was a lot easier because credit card info was involved, but...) Come ON, Anomyous! Reveal who these fuckers are and send their comment history to their parents, local law enforcement and the FBI. - QueenShnoogleberry

There has to be a way to find out who these pieces of shit are. People like this need to be exposed. Its easy to type hateful garbage like this behind the anonymity of a computer. Any hackers up for a challenge? - junohale13

I would fucking love to torture these people. I would love to watch them crumble from the brutal pain I inflict on them. Few things would make me happier. - AnIllusionOfSelf

I never threaten nor even get super angry at somoene over something they wrote on the internet but I would gladly beat the living shit out of that guy. - abikus

These people need to be exterminated. - Hiccaries

I would love for the little girls victimized dad to get the IP addresses of each of those losers and go see them face to face. 0% chance any of them would say a single word besides apologies and begging for mercy when confronted by a REAL man. - MarcusBuildsThings

These people are dangerous and should be culled from society before they do something bad to someone. Cleansing by fire is the best way. - SteeMonkey

These people should be put down. - areallybigbird

This makes me wanna live in a world like AOT but instead of Titans we just have fat worthless incels who we kill for fun - SenuaHellblade

This is seriously fucking disturbing. How in the world is this even legal. This isn't free speech. I am sorry. This isn't like calling donald trump an idiot or liberals a cuck or none of that. These people should be hunted down, and made into quadriplegics and then tossed into the gutter to starve. I even acknowledge this violates rule 2 for this sub. I would gladly take the ban if it meant that something was done to these people. I don't want them in the same world as my kids. - vanzir

Can we organize an Incel cruise? Maybe offer them free waifus then Sink it halfway ? - SciFiHiFive

Can we commit genocide against incels? - truly-wants-death

Oh my god I wanna find these people and I’m not gonna go into detail what I would do if I did... a 14 year old being raped and killed helps you sleep at night? Or her death prevented her from being those “thot roasties” yeah I know two wrongs don’t make it right but reading that is enough to piss somebody off. These guys would be beaten unconscious or worse but no they are safe behind their computers... they need serious help asap, sick bastards - AlexAlexisAlexa

Seriously, I just hope one day I find a bunch of these keyboard warriors and run 'em over. Make Columbine look like a fucking joke. - Kami_O_Tanagata

Heh, heh… some of them are little bit too afraid to kill us directly, so instead they cowardly ask us to do it ourselves:

Hmm, that's enough internet for today. This shit ain't safe for life or sanity. I hope they get help or a hose long enough to connect a car's exhaust to the interior cabin. - bayareola

This is why suicidal incels will always be funny to me. Fucking hang yourselves already you worthless pieces of shit. - Cull_The_Gamers

The stupidest thing is that the guy didn't just kill himself. We should be pushing these people towards suicide, they are all already depressed. - higgleopsss

It looks like the mods are refusing to remove this comment

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