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Serious Consequences of the blackpill: what if being blackpilled turns you into a volcel? Let's discuss it.



Two worlds apart: theirs and ours.
Aug 1, 2018
Hello my dear incels,

Today I was surprising myself thinking about this weird theory. It sure was not the first time that it went through my mind, but now I decide to give it credits.

I will separate the post in two parts: a presentation of the theory and its consequences regarding the ideology of the blackpill and even the Incel status.

I - Presentation of the theory.

So what am I talking about since the beginning?
Basically, the theory is the following:
• As you know, the incel social status is described as something toxic, violent against women & chads, etc (media's and normies' definition) ; or: lonely men who can't get laid, are often anxious, have almost to no social interactions, etc (REAL description).
Studying the real description brings something interesting to the matter: some incels don't even try anymore to get laid as they know it won't suceed (look at how uninstall is turning out, he knows already that it's over for him - and he is right to think that!).
So here's the point of the theory: knowing that nothing will work, shouldn't we prefer to stay celibate? (especially since we know that if a miracle occurs and we get laid, there is a very high probability of the women cheating on us with Chad or just a better looking guy?)

II - Consequences of this theory.

Regarding the theory, it is clear that the first word that would describe this state of not wanting a relationship is "volcel", voluntary celibate.

Warning: I am by no means trying to denigrate the fact of being volcel because as stated above, there are reasons to want that as stated above. Though, we of course have to keep in mind that if you say your volcel, you are most likely an incel in denial. And that's not what I'm talking about.

What I'm talking about is if you know first that you ARE an incel. That you stand ZERO chances in society. That you know what the blackpill IS perfectly. That you understand the EXTREME influence of the Juggernaut law... and I continue.
So. You know all of this. Good for you, you are not in the illusion anymore, BUT you lost all hopes. All great feelings.
What if you try to stop thinking about all of these things? Sure, when you see how today's society is fucked up, it's difficult to ignore it. What I'm trying to sat is that maybe we should convince ourselves that we should stop fighting. Because we already said it many times before: it's over. It is really.
• We don't have the chance to get laid.
• Even with plastic surgery (if you get the money to do it), rape by deception WILL be a thing: as women standards are getting even higher, more men will lose in the battle against Chads and Gigachads. So plastic surgery will become more normal, but women will refuse it. Enjoy your 15 years in jail.
• Our only great quality? Being out of the illusion. Does that help us though? You know the answer already I guess.

We should, again, really applicate what "It's over" means:

Stop fighting. Concince yourself that you don't want a relationship. This might reduce your mental pain. And you won't lose time anymore, unlike uninstall for exemple (man really, stop doing this to yourself...).

Do you agree with this little weird theory? Tell me. We should discuss it a little bit I think. I don't really know...

Thank you all for reading. Have a great incel day.
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It is a thing.
The soys get their yearly rumble by agreeing to everything foids say and agreeing to getting cucked.
This could be you. :soy:
But the black pill prevents soymaxxing
Then you're basically cockblocking yourself.
It is a thing.
The soys get their yearly rumble by agreeing to everything foids say and agreeing to getting cucked.
This could be you. :soy:
But the black pill prevents soymaxxing
But being volcel doesn't mean agreeing to everything a cunt says. I won't get cucked lmao.
But thanks for taking care of me :feelsgah:

Then you're basically cockblocking yourself.
EDIT: Ok I'm really dumb. Real reply:
No you are not cockblocking yourself. Do you know why? It's over. We said it too many times.
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I agree with the part where the blackpill leads to a sort of voluntary inceldom. However, in my opinion it's not possible to let go of the resentment and hatred against femoids.

Since inceldom has been a forced choice, due to lockout from sexual market and unchecked hypergamy, it's not a real choice. It's much more productive doing what you like the most.

Having neither hope nor "intentions" with femoids, I still gymcell and bitcoincell, just because I like it. The positive part is that not getting your time wasted by trying to tame a roastie can lead you to enjoy the good things of life, albeit with an outlook of bitterness.
I agree with the part where the blackpill leads to a sort of voluntary inceldom. However, in my opinion it's not possible to let go of the resentment and hatred against femoids.

Since inceldom has been a forced choice, due to lockout from sexual market and unchecked hypergamy, it's not a real choice. It's much more productive doing what you like the most.

Having neither hope nor "intentions" with femoids, I still gymcell and bitcoincell, just because I like it. The positive part is that not getting your time wasted by trying to tame a roastie can lead you to enjoy the good things of life, albeit with an outlook of bitterness.
Resentment and hatred will never go. And that's good honestly. Hating them keeps you in reality. Of course, being volcel does not mean being bluepilled. Fortunately.

True. Again, being volcel just means that you won't even try anymore to get in a relationship. This frees time to do things that you potentially enjoy for sure.
Inceldom is not a choice indeed. Ignoring it, is (without getting bluepilled! just in way to stop suffering that much).

Yes, do what you enjoy. For example, studying science is one of the really few things that I like to do.
this is true,
i've also seen incels clamining to be mgtow (this is in mgtow community), and i was one of those fucking idiots
this blackpill of accepting who you really are, an incel, is brutal and really shakes your world
when i was younger i always knew something was off about me but i never knew quite well what was wrong
people said i was just depressed and for a long time thats all i thought my problem was
i started finally taking the redpill seeing the mgtow movement in youtube and larped like i was one of them
but i was still always trying to chase women in any pathetic way and getting turned down
finally heard about incels but tried very hard to ignore, but deep down i knew it was where i belong
finally i accept who i am an incel, an incel who copes yes
i think thats what it means when we truly are blackpilled, we either have to start coping or planning to rope
Good post OP - an issue well worth discussing.

Hello my dear incels,
So here's the point of the theory: knowing that nothing will work, shouldn't we prefer to stay celibate?
Unfortunately this is easier said than done. Our biology is powerful - we are simply hard-wired to desire sex with girls, even those who have developed a hatred for them.

The distinction between incel and volcel is a key point. I have seen users on here saying they have never asked out a girl in their lives - in these cases, there wouldn't appear to be much that's 'involuntary' about their celibacy. On the other hand, there will be those who have approached/asked out hundreds and been constantly rejected. Even if they gave up years ago, they can say they tried hard. It wouldn't be fair to dismiss them as volcels because of the time elapsed since they tried.

To answer your question, I would say yes - in the circumstances, it's probably best for us to try and find other pursuits and try to enjoy our lives. It's just not always easy when we're hard-wired the way we are.
Good post OP - an issue well worth discussing.

Unfortunately this is easier said than done. Our biology is powerful - we are simply hard-wired to desire sex with girls, even those who have developed a hatred for them.

The distinction between incel and volcel is a key point. I have seen users on here saying they have never asked out a girl in their lives - in these cases, there wouldn't appear to be much that's 'involuntary' about their celibacy. On the other hand, there will be those who have approached/asked out hundreds and been constantly rejected. Even if they gave up years ago, they can say they tried hard. It wouldn't be fair to dismiss them as volcels because of the time elapsed since they tried.

To answer your question, I would say yes - in the circumstances, it's probably best for us to try and find other pursuits and try to enjoy our lives. It's just not always easy when we're hard-wired the way we are.

Biology is horrible. I perfectly agree. First it fucked us up with our genes, and secondly, the lust for sex is one of the most powerful pulsions, even for us unfortunately. Not much more to say about it.

Regarding people who tried to ask girls out, yes they really tried hard indeed, though I'm not calling them volcels. I'm just saying that they should try to convince themselves that they're kind of volcels. But the problem with these kind of people who tried way too hard is that they already lost their time. Which in a sence can make understandable the fact that you don't even want to try honestly.
Of course, they are more respectable, we both agree with that I think.

So it's a yes. Thanks for answering the question lol.
I agree by the way. We should indeed just try to live our lives, even if being lonely will lead you to undesirable moments of depression. But hey. That's what it takes to be an incel.

[Eventually I will repeat it: obviously, I'm distinguishing two types of volcels in this thread right? The ones who are incels in denial, and the others who understands why it's not even worth to try or to keep trying.]
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Quality post.
Men sent their own way logic?
good post, i would many people here are normies fucked up by the blackpill and youngcels who gave up too early because of it.
I personally don't consider accepting defeat and rotting the same thing as conscientiously objecting to sex, even though both are '''technically''' volcel, volcel itself is a stupid and vague word that can refer to anything from a basement dwelling neckbeard on wizardchan, to a picky chadlite-roastie, to a hopeless romantic, to a christian chad like Tim Tebow.

The entire concept of "volcel" is incredibly low iq binary-thinking. I say this a lot but it's honestly what I believe, srs.

You can accept that you're a loser permavirgin and acknowledge it, without pulling some (frankly pathetic) fox-and-the-grapes Wizchan MGTOW delusion.

I think the black pill is all about seeing things for what they are and with a clear mind, that whitepill/bloomer shit is taking a step back into the fog because you can't handle reality.
Who gives a fuck if someone identifies as MGTOW or Volcel? I don't get why it bothers white knight cunts so much when it just means less competition for them. A lot of people have this innate instinct that makes them hate men who don't bother to pursue pussy. I would assume its because men who don't try to pursue women don't invest as much effort or money into their local economy. This probably goes back to ancient times too where men who we're not interested in wageslaving for puss could possibly end up as layabouts, mercenaries or bandits. If you're an eternal bachelor there's no need to spend money at bars, clubs, and on other stupid unnecessary shit. I'm done with the dating game because why bother when it requires so much effort for so little gain. I'll just continue to acquire money and chill for the short time I have left on this shitty planet.
Quality post.
Thank you.

Men sent their own way logic?
No? As stated, it's just a little theory. I absolutely don't force you to believe it or anything lol. Just an idea that went though my mind. The said idea seems pretty fucked up I know.

good post, i would many people here are normies fucked up by the blackpill and youngcels who gave up too early because of it.
I wouldn't accuse anyone of being a normie who is fucked up by the blackpill. Accepting that you lost since the very beginning is pretty hard to do. But I get what you mean...

I personally don't consider accepting defeat and rotting the same thing as conscientiously objecting to sex, even though both are '''technically''' volcel, volcel itself is a stupid and vague word that can refer to anything from a basement dwelling neckbeard on wizardchan, to a picky chadlite-roastie, to a hopeless romantic, to a christian chad like Tim Tebow.

The entire concept of "volcel" is incredibly low iq binary-thinking. I say this a lot but it's honestly what I believe, srs.

You can accept that you're a loser permavirgin and acknowledge it, without pulling some (frankly pathetic) fox-and-the-grapes Wizchan MGTOW delusion.

I think the black pill is all about seeing things for what they are and with a clear mind, that whitepill/bloomer shit is taking a step back into the fog because you can't handle reality.
Very interesting post.
Regarding the exact definition of the "volceldom": all the types of people that you quoted are volcels by the general definition, unless if, in addition to their high standards, they are ugly, not tall, etc (they would be incels in denial then).
The kind of volcel that I'm talking about is the incel who understood that it's over for him and for that reason, who doesn't try (anymore). But I don't know if you could call him a "volcel" accurately. A new kind of incel? I don't know.

I don't think that the concept of volcel is low iq. Though, yes it's binary-thinking because of that: you are voluntary celibate, or you are not. As simple as that honestly.

The theory does not mean to lead you to a delusion. It simply deals with the fact that trying to being this new kind of incel might help you reduce your mental pain by a bit. Nothing more. To be frankly honest, once you took the blackpill, it's impossible to go back to the illusion of the bluepill. I'm simply trying to present a weird theory that might help you to think about something else than attempting to pathetically chase women. Rude world.

There's no "whitepill". I honestly think that this theory is one of the most terrible description of the desaster that the society is. Taking the blackpill to this point is dangerous; you play with the illusion without falling for it: even if you (how?) get back to the bluepill, saying how fucked up the world is will instantly send you straight into the blackpill once again.
Hello my dear incels,

Today I was surprising myself thinking about this weird theory. It sure was not the first time that it went through my mind, but now I decide to give it credits.

I will separate the post in two parts: a presentation of the theory and its consequences regarding the ideology of the blackpill and even the Incel status.

I - Presentation of the theory.

So what am I talking about since the beginning?
Basically, the theory is the following:
• As you know, the incel social status is described as something toxic, violent against women & chads, etc (media's and normies' definition) ; or: lonely men who can't get laid, are often anxious, have almost to no social interactions, etc (REAL description).
Studying the real description brings something interesting to the matter: some incels don't even try anymore to get laid as they know it won't suceed (look at how uninstall is turning out, he knows already that it's over for him - and he is right to think that!).
So here's the point of the theory: knowing that nothing will work, shouldn't we prefer to stay celibate? (especially since we know that if a miracle occurs and we get laid, there is a very high probability of the women cheating on us with Chad or just a better looking guy?)

II - Consequences of this theory.

Regarding the theory, it is clear that the first word that would describe this state of not wanting a relationship is "volcel", voluntary celibate.

Warning: I am by no means trying to denigrate the fact of being volcel because as stated above, there are reasons to want that as stated above. Though, we of course have to keep in mind that if you say your volcel, you are most likely an incel in denial. And that's not what I'm talking about.

What I'm talking about is if you know first that you ARE an incel. That you stand ZERO chances in society. That you know what the blackpill IS perfectly. That you understand the EXTREME influence of the Juggernaut law... and I continue.
So. You know all of this. Good for you, you are not in the illusion anymore, BUT you lost all hopes. All great feelings.
What if you try to stop thinking about all of these things? Sure, when you see how today's society is fucked up, it's difficult to ignore it. What I'm trying to sat is that maybe we should convince ourselves that we should stop fighting. Because we already said it many times before: it's over. It is really.
• We don't have the chance to get laid.
• Even with plastic surgery (if you get the money to do it), rape by deception WILL be a thing: as women standards are getting even higher, more men will lose in the battle against Chads and Gigachads. So plastic surgery will become more normal, but women will refuse it. Enjoy your 15 years in jail.
• Our only great quality? Being out of the illusion. Does that help us though? You know the answer already I guess.

We should, again, really applicate what "It's over" means:

Stop fighting. Concince yourself that you don't want a relationship. This might reduce your mental pain. And you won't lose time anymore, unlike uninstall for exemple (man really, stop doing this to yourself...).

Do you agree with this little weird theory? Tell me. We should discuss it a little bit I think. I don't really know...

Thank you all for reading. Have a great incel day.

I basically agree.
Axiom 1: There is a finite number of women.
Axiom 2: It is possible for a man to have sex with more than 1 woman.
Conclusion 1: Women are a zero-sum game.
Conclusion 2: By declaring volceldom, you are not decreasing the prize given out, just giving up the negligible chance that you will get a negligible part of it.

Women get worse as you flirt with them, meaning that the total sum even decreases when you try to flirt which they don't want you to do as you're repulsive to them.
You are actually performing a good moral action by entering celibacy; you are leaving the women to the rest.
It is liberating to be volcel; it is said that 90% of our behaviour is due to the urge to mate. Men have become monks in all societies and it has always been known that they just leave the women for the rest.
I declared celibacy in the summer of 2017. I will not have sex voluntarily regardless of what happens. My confidence increased. It is not the foids who reject me; I reject them. Unless you leave women to the others you will not feel this weight leave your shoulders so that you can live the more relaxed life for yourself. All men should basically become celibate too, not just incels. There are those few who read this who perhaps should not but even if you are self-centered, it is the best thing to do; it is most definitely the best thing to do if you think of humanity or the world as a whole. I thought about this after having entered celibate, that this in itself is a good reson to declare celibacy in itself even if it was just on of many for me.
Hello my dear incels,

Today I was surprising myself thinking about this weird theory. It sure was not the first time that it went through my mind, but now I decide to give it credits.

I will separate the post in two parts: a presentation of the theory and its consequences regarding the ideology of the blackpill and even the Incel status.

I - Presentation of the theory.

So what am I talking about since the beginning?
Basically, the theory is the following:
• As you know, the incel social status is described as something toxic, violent against women & chads, etc (media's and normies' definition) ; or: lonely men who can't get laid, are often anxious, have almost to no social interactions, etc (REAL description).
Studying the real description brings something interesting to the matter: some incels don't even try anymore to get laid as they know it won't suceed (look at how uninstall is turning out, he knows already that it's over for him - and he is right to think that!).
So here's the point of the theory: knowing that nothing will work, shouldn't we prefer to stay celibate? (especially since we know that if a miracle occurs and we get laid, there is a very high probability of the women cheating on us with Chad or just a better looking guy?)

II - Consequences of this theory.

Regarding the theory, it is clear that the first word that would describe this state of not wanting a relationship is "volcel", voluntary celibate.

Warning: I am by no means trying to denigrate the fact of being volcel because as stated above, there are reasons to want that as stated above. Though, we of course have to keep in mind that if you say your volcel, you are most likely an incel in denial. And that's not what I'm talking about.

What I'm talking about is if you know first that you ARE an incel. That you stand ZERO chances in society. That you know what the blackpill IS perfectly. That you understand the EXTREME influence of the Juggernaut law... and I continue.
So. You know all of this. Good for you, you are not in the illusion anymore, BUT you lost all hopes. All great feelings.
What if you try to stop thinking about all of these things? Sure, when you see how today's society is fucked up, it's difficult to ignore it. What I'm trying to sat is that maybe we should convince ourselves that we should stop fighting. Because we already said it many times before: it's over. It is really.
• We don't have the chance to get laid.
• Even with plastic surgery (if you get the money to do it), rape by deception WILL be a thing: as women standards are getting even higher, more men will lose in the battle against Chads and Gigachads. So plastic surgery will become more normal, but women will refuse it. Enjoy your 15 years in jail.
• Our only great quality? Being out of the illusion. Does that help us though? You know the answer already I guess.

We should, again, really applicate what "It's over" means:

Stop fighting. Concince yourself that you don't want a relationship. This might reduce your mental pain. And you won't lose time anymore, unlike uninstall for exemple (man really, stop doing this to yourself...).

Do you agree with this little weird theory? Tell me. We should discuss it a little bit I think. I don't really know...

Thank you all for reading. Have a great incel day.
Massive Fucking Cope

Not A Single Word was read.

It's being involuntary celibate that leads you to the blackpill. Wondering why you cant get female attention despite putting effort, and watching other guys get into relationships as if it was nothing.
@Dionysus never doubted in you tbh
Stop fighting. Concince yourself that you don't want a relationship. This might reduce your mental pain. And you won't lose time anymore, unlike uninstall for exemple (man really, stop doing this to yourself...).

Problem is that it's a cope. I am 38 and I have tried to simply accept it and give up countless times. And yeah a relationship with a modern western foid is pointless and will end you up in nothing but trouble. Still when you are sitting at home lonely on a Sunday like today you can't help but wonder what it would be like to have someone to cuddle with. And of course it would be very beautiful and we all know it.

So while I think you can give up and accept that you won't ever have a relationship you will never really be able to make peace with it and this is why you are not really a volcel and never will be. You can't stop to want a foid because it is too much of an elementary part of your human nature.

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