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SuicideFuel "Confessions of a cucked Asian male"


Med Amine

Dec 29, 2022
i found this on neet.net, it's a totally brutal read and he's one of the victims of the interactial relationships in asian countries:
I live in a country where majority of my women are easy whores towards foreigners. I've seen less and less brown children over the years for obvious reasons, anyone can get laid here as long as you're not a local.

I used to be angry when I see WMAF on a daily basis, however I can no longer deny the truth. I struggled with acceptance for years that even the ugliest white man can easily get a JB while us local cucks will get lynched, but I have reached the point where I can't function without watching wmaf a couple of times a day.

I cannot deny the my women's dreams Is to have fun getting creampied by white men they barely know in her youthful years then antagonizing her own once she's settled.

A couple of years ago I used to try my shot on this female asian redditor in my country but she brutally turned me down because she only preferred white men. For context I'm a stereotypical short, unemployed Asian guy despite being in my 30s. I couldn't help but get turned on from her rejection, she chose a future where she carries superior seed.

So many of our women are being bred from Central, East Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia. They're moaning in ways our rice dicklets could never provide.

Eventually, colonization will repeat itself but with the replacement of Asian men. Vietnamese women will beg for their french masters to breed their fertile pussy while their men fall to their deaths in a tar factory. Filipino women will be taking Spanish and American cocks to ensure the survival of the supreme white race while Filipino men helplessly watch in their slums.

Asian women no longer want premature asian "dicks." Giving them the freedom to choose their mate has been beneficial to the natural order of the world. I might be a traitor and a bit ashamed but... If the world will be filled with colonized superior hapa children then so be it.

I invite all ricecucks to post "WHITE SUPREMACY" to please our masters, the founders of our countries

over for ethnics when you can't even attract your own females from your own race and they're mass leaving you and going to white males.
we ethnics should just perform auto self destruction right now and kill ourselves since there's no way we can reproduce anymore. no arranged marriage since even ethnic countries like china, india, japan, thai, middle east (lebanon and iran), and north africa and even some places in africa are getting more and more westernized by western media and women don't even cover themselves in public. rape or hookers are probably the only way you can reproduce right now.
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Cucked. I wish his country gets 1000 trucks of peace to run over sexpats and their noodlewhores
Cucked. I wish his country gets 1000 trucks of peace to run over sexpats and their noodlewhores
all ethnic countries should get nuked and bombed to death than become giant brothels for passport bros. ethnic men should kill all their women then kill ourselves by seppuku and suicide bombing.
Cucked. I wish his country gets 1000 trucks of peace to run over sexpats and their noodlewhores
Looking at his other treads he is a Pilipino
I've said this before but I'll say it again -

Racemixing is a phenomenon exclusive to White man and Ethnic female or Light Ethnic man and Dark Ethnic female (Sand or Latino and Sheboon)
cope I've seen lots of white foids fucking ethnic males
jfl this @ThirdWorldcel is really deep down on the cuck rabit hole. better death than staying alive as a cuck tbh.
Looking at his other treads he is a Pilipino
i think he's philipino+rice. he's mixed
Racemixing is a phenomenon exclusive to White man and Ethnic female or Light Ethnic man and Dark Ethnic female (Sand or Latino and Sheboon)
asian males (japs and Chinese) do race mix with sheboons in african countries. i saw a lot of examples of asian / black relationships in PPD since sheboons want a male with lighter skin and straight hair.
ricecels should import sheboons (without importing niggers) from sub saharan african countries to reproduce. maybe the new generation will have bigger genitalia, taller and more robust physique.
they should also import slav women even if paid just to mass reproduce kids for them.
cope I've seen lots of white foids fucking ethnic males
in blacked.com
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If incels had a caste system, whites would be at the very bottom
I've said this before but I'll say it again -

Racemixing is a phenomenon exclusive to White man and Ethnic female or Light Ethnic man and Dark Ethnic female (Sand or Latino and Sheboon)
I've said this before but I'll say it again -

Racemixing is a phenomenon exclusive to White man and Ethnic female or Light Ethnic man and Dark Ethnic female (Sand or Latino and Sheboon)
brutal racepill
i never thought that the mental effects of interracial marriage on ethnics could be this brutal. the moment young ethnic men start thinking like this, it's the moment you know your country is going to get culturally destroyed and male suicide rates are going throught the roof.
prepare yourself for millions of ethnic young males killing themselves due to depression.
@Transcended Trucel
Yeah there was a Kenyan user here a while ago who said even curries can come and geomaxx there. Lighter skin and straight hair helps in sub Saharan Africa.
yeah, we should also open our own "passport bro" movement but go to sub saharan africa and take sheboons living in poor tribes instead.
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Self hating ethnic thread nr: 9005670836288
Asians could have avoided this if they historically didn't massacre caucasions present in western China. Even now, those slant eyed flat faced gooks are stupidly killing the uigurs who are 1/4 caucasion rather than letting uigur men fuck chinksect females. So they deserve whatever fucking miserable existence comes their way.
I suspect Uyghur genocide is just cumskin propoganda since China is posing a great threat to the West, the reality is minorities in China get more priorities because they're trying to integrate them, there's been a ton of videos of vloggers going to Xinjiang and roaming around. They used the same nasty tactics on the Middle East and their interests were fulfilled through occupation. They can't do it to China because they have stronger security measures (mass censorship and extremely centralised government). I wouldn't fully dismiss the idea of the genocide happening, I just think it's unlikely due to the mindset of Europeans.
Perhaps the genocide is or isn't happening. The point is that these chinks have hapa looking uygurs available to fuck chinksect women and give them better genes yet they don't do this.

And this isn't some modern phenomenon either. Even in ancient history, demented savages ricecucks killed turkic (hapa) races like the kipchaks. Meaning these dumb yellow fucks had the opportunity since ancient times to get bleached yet they just killed the turkic people

And now they suffer getting cucked by white men, so good fucking riddance.
Nice to see the “Ethnics are using incel forums to share their cuckold fantasies and pretend they are true,” (in the same way that whites use Stormfront and other such sites) theory getting harder to disprove with more evidence backing it yet again.

No in real life actually. In NY I seen lots of white foids with curries and blacks, some with Asian males too.
Alot of MENAs have white wives.
Yup, real life doesn’t exactly fit those barely-disguised cuck fantasies:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Self hating ethnic thread nr: 9005670836288
Nice to see the “Ethnics are using incel forums to share their cuckold fantasies and pretend they are true,” (in the same way that whites use Stormfront and other such sites) theory getting harder to disprove with more evidence backing it yet again.
It is going to keep getting more and more obvious until the JBW coping ethnics literally admit it.
Yup, real life doesn’t exactly fit those barely-disguised cuck fantasies:feelskek:
What is that link supposed to prove?

MENAs with white features (light hair, light eyes) aren't ethnic to me.
maybe so but theyre still not european. Plus even MENAs with dark hair and dark eyes do well with white women. Bill gates daughter is ginger and married some egyptian guy
If you're talking about the Rich Gulf men with all the Slavic foids then that's self explanatory but I meant on raw attraction and no buying females from poorer lands, the majority of ethnics aren't rich enough to import women from Slavia, or anywhere really.
Yeah, but alot of sands DO have good phenotypes.

Berberid, proto-Iranid, Pontic, and other similar phenotypes do exist among MENAs
If I wasn't scared of the disease problem in Sub Saharan Africa I would have saved money and done it later in my late 20s
i am still in my mid twenties, maybe i can have some luck with an immigrant sheboon in libya. at such point, i don't really have any problem with any race of woman no matter how ugly they're
Nice to see the “Ethnics are using incel forums to share their cuckold fantasies and pretend they are true,” (in the same way that whites use Stormfront and other such sites) theory getting harder to disprove with more evidence backing it yet again.
this is only an evidence on how whites have it easier on interracial marriages. some ethnics will enter a cuckold phase and some will enter a depression phase.
OP is a another proof on how interracial marriages are becoming more and more common on asian countries.
Yup, real life doesn’t exactly fit those barely-disguised cuck fantasies:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.
What is that link supposed to prove?
worthless link. not a single click.
@proudweeb pin this shit
i have been droping major nuclear bomb kamikaze nagazaki (literally) racepills for the past day and didn't get a single pin, WTF nigger?
@proudweeb pin this shit
i have been droping major nuclear bomb kamikaze nagazaki (literally) racepills for the past day and didn't get a single pin, WTF nigger?

You answered your own question, boyo
I guess Sands are the exceptions to the rule and the Latinos with good phenotypes as well.
that's bullshit. all the sands that live with me look like monkeys with wide noses and dark brown skin. the only deffirence is that they're a bit more caucasoid than curries but they have less straight hair than curries since they're mixed with nigger genes and maybe a bit taller.
the average PHENO of sandnigger looks like this in north africa:
Close Up Front Portrait Of Serious Young North African Man With Serious  Expression In The City Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image  135316776.

the only "white passing" sands are some levantines sands. even syrian and iraqi sands are still browner than japs and chinesse males.
the only reason made in heaven is saying that sands are "white passing" is because he got a bit lucky and ended up with a white skin but most syrians and iraqis are brown.
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No need to immerse yourself in the local culture just pay 2 play and you'll skip all the time wasting guaranteed a plane ticket is worth your daily wage.
It is going to keep getting more and more obvious until the JBW coping ethnics literally admit it.
Exactly, it’s already at a point where I don’t get how anyone can deny it tbh:feelshaha:. Every day, you have self-hating ethnics spamming bullshit here about how it’s completely impossible for nonwhites to attract women and how the world would be better if it were all white, and when you ask them to justify those comical levels of self-hate and unironic, barely disguised cuckold fetishism, they’ll just whip out some random study which had nonwhites get 10-20% less matches on Tinder than whites and completely unironically act like that justifies anything they are saying:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

What is that link supposed to prove?
Just a bit of reality to contrast with the cuckold fantasy land a lot of people here seem to exist in:feelsjuice:. You have people in this thread, along with all the other such threads that are regularly posted on this forum, unironically try to claim that it’s nigh-impossible for ethnic males to pair up with white women and that an absolutely overwhelming majority of interracial couples are white men with ethnic women, to the point that the opposite may as well be a miracle.

The single least pitiful, self-hating, white-worshipping ethnic cuck in the incelosphere:feelsPop::feelsgah:.
Exactly, it’s already at a point where I don’t get how anyone can deny it tbh:feelshaha:. Every day, you have self-hating ethnics spamming bullshit here about how it’s completely impossible for nonwhites to attract women and how the world would be better if it were all white, and when you ask them to justify those comical levels of self-hate and unironic, barely disguised cuckold fetishism, they’ll just whip out some random study which had nonwhites get 10-20% less matches on Tinder than whites and completely unironically act like that justifies anything they are saying:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Just a bit of reality to contrast with the cuckold fantasy land a lot of people here seem to exist in:feelsjuice:. You have people in this thread, along with all the other such threads that are regularly posted on this forum, unironically try to claim that it’s nigh-impossible for ethnic males to pair up with white women and that an absolutely overwhelming majority of interracial couples are white men with ethnic women, to the point that the opposite may as well be a miracle.

The single least pitiful, self-hating, white-worshipping ethnic cuck in the incelosphere:feelsPop::feelsgah:.
i don't know why are you talking about jbw
this thread is about interracial relationship in asia, no one said that you're a fakecel, no need to get triggered.
every one knows that you and all the 6ft+cels are the truest trucel in the whole forum. but you keep defending your truceldom without the need to do that.
it's funny that whitecels get extremely triggered over the smallet most ridiculous posts that indicate that white features are more desired by women.
maybe i should start trolling you guys even more.
also, i never said i have a cuck fetish, i said that if interracial couples keep on growing more then we ethnics should kill ourselves than let our countries turn into giant brothels.
also no female have ever been attracted to an ethnic in the history of human being. that's just the bitter ugly truth
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all ethnic countries should get nuked and bombed to death than become giant brothels for passport bros. ethnic men should kill all their women then kill ourselves by seppuku and suicide bombing.
the average PHENO of sandnigger looks like this in north africa:
Close Up Front Portrait Of Serious Young North African Man With Serious  Expression In The City Stock Photo, Picture And Royalty Free Image. Image  135316776.
That's a mixed race nigger invader. Average north ageican doesn't look like that at all
i don't know why are you talking about jbw
this thread is about interracial relationship in asia, no one said that you're a fakecel, no need to get triggered.
That’s how it started, then others started talking about more general stuff, and that’s what I reacted to with the first post:feelsthink:.

Also, I specifically avoided talking about SEA and instead focused on places that actually have a notable amount of racemixing, because frankly, WMAF sex in SEA is such an anomaly that it’s effectively irrelevant. Most of the sex tourists that are going there are getting laid with prostitutes who would fuck anyone, not to mention that most sex tourists there are almost certainly other Asians.

also, i never said i have a cuck fetish,
You probably don’t, but the dude whose thread you posted definitely does:feelshaha:. Sorry, but looking at the stuff he wrote, there’s absolutely no way he wasn’t getting off on that.

i said that if interracial couples keep on growing more then we ethnics should kill ourselves than let our countries turn into giant brothels.
also no female have ever been attracted to an ethnic in the history of human being. that's just the bitter ugly truth
Kinda contradicting yourself with not having a cuck fetish here ngl, I’ve seen raceplay stories less extreme than this.
The fate of all ethnic, if there was a god he would kill all whites because this shit is not fair, never began for deathnics
we ethnics should just perform auto self destruction right now and kill ourselves since there's no way we can reproduce anymore.

Actually, thERe is a bettER way.

Become a Marxist-Rodgerist and send all foids to underground breeding barns.
The fate of all ethnic, if there was a god he would kill all whites because this shit is not fair, never began for deathnics
God is a comedian, he loves laughing at us jfl
The fate of all ethnic, if there was a god he would kill all whites because this shit is not fair, never began for deathnics
i am an ethnic, i rather kill myself than live as a cuck.
Actually, thERe is a bettER way.

Become a Marxist-Rodgerist and send all foids to underground breeding barns.
this is the same as becoming an islamist or advocating religion to fix hypergamy, it never works, it just make females hate their own males even more.
it's all genetics and we have lost it.
I want to breed north korean traffic ladies

Average thai or flipcel :feelsseriously: @Martes
Ah sweet, a white worship thread
this is the same as becoming an islamist or advocating religion to fix hypergamy, it never works, it just make females hate their own males even more.
it's all genetics and we have lost it.

In a Marxist-Rodgerist society all foids will be kept in a coma, serviced by robot nurses in underground breeding facilities men cannot enter, and used exclusively for procreation.

This is VERY DIFFERENT than telling girls to be well-behaved and pray 5x a day while whoring themselves online; or sending them to "Bible camp" to be dicked down by Chad all weekend.

Marxism-Rodgerism is not a "fix" for a gynocentric foidocratic soyciety... instead it is a new model of society wherein the Breeder class --- men --- will finally seize the means or rEpRoduction from the vulvosie, that is, put an end to the current dictatorship of the pussytariat and establish a dictatorship of the dicktariat.
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In NY I seen lots of white foids with curries and blacks, some with Asian males too.
I would’ve believed this if you had only said blacks. Your curry pride delusions are on another level
Nicholas Cage Film GIF
brutal racepill
i never thought that the mental effects of interracial marriage on ethnics could be this brutal. the moment young ethnic men start thinking like this, it's the moment you know your country is going to get culturally destroyed and male suicide rates are going throught the roof.
prepare yourself for millions of ethnic young males killing themselves due to depression.
@Transcended Trucel
yup. We will be living in crazy times
Asians could have avoided this if they historically didn't massacre caucasions present in western China. Even now, those slant eyed flat faced gooks are stupidly killing the uigurs who are 1/4 caucasion rather than letting uigur men fuck chinksect females. So they deserve whatever fucking miserable existence comes their way.
Like at any higher-echelon private university, a huge part of the student population is Asian at my school. I have some East Asian foid friends that I acquired through smoking weed, and have actually asked them why they don’t like Asian men.

Their answers were one of two:

1. They live boring lifestyles. Asian-American foids are increasingly leaning towards the liberal arts. And they are not attracted to business, medicine, computer, math, engineering guys. They want an Alt/Skater/Artist type. And there are very few Asian men NOT doing STEM fields in college.

2. (The most important answer) Asian men are generally effeminate with few exceptions. Usually short, feminine face, etc.
I've said this before but I'll say it again -

Racemixing is a phenomenon exclusive to White man and Ethnic female or Light Ethnic man and Dark Ethnic female (Sand or Latino and Sheboon)
@Adolf Hitler see?
That’s brutal ofc, but it is too self-hated and cucked to do something like that, I rather do a mass shooting on jbw

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