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Discussion Comparing sexlessness to starvation is dumb and needs to stop



Buff Auschwitz Escapee
Jan 17, 2018
It's a false equivalence. "Hurr durr it layk u sturrving an all u see aroond yuo izz guarmee dushes wile u get slop!"

Stop. Just stop. Anyone who's experienced actual starvation knows that after you've gone long enough without food, even the grayest, least appetizing slop looks and tastes good. Don't believe me? Go on a month-long water fast and see how picky you are about food by the end of it. Sexlessness isn't comparable to starvation because you 1. don't need sex or affection to survive and 2. can only be alleviated by a service from another living being rather than a lifeless resource. Inceldom is also a much deeper issue than sexlessness; it's exclusion from society in general, and only the dating market in particular. You make us look like a bunch of spoiled brats when you make this comparison, which you probably are in the first place if it's seriously in your mind.
We use starvation as a metaphor or hyperbole

quit your whining

It's a false equivalence. "Hurr durr it layk u sturrving an all u see aroond yuo izz guarmee dushes wile u get slop!"

Stop. Just stop. Anyone who's experienced actual starvation knows that after you've gone long enough without food, even the grayest, least appetizing slop looks and tastes good. Don't believe me? Go on a month-long water fast and see how picky you are about food by the end of it. Sexlessness isn't comparable to starvation because you 1. don't need sex or affection to survive and 2. can only be alleviated by a service from another living being rather than a lifeless resource. Inceldom is also a much deeper issue than sexlessness; it's exclusion from society in general, and only the dating market in particular. You make us look like a bunch of spoiled brats when you make this comparison, which you probably are in the first place if it's seriously in your mind.
I completely agree and would never compare something so inequivalent.
Nope. Its pretty comparable to me.

1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable. Sure you can live a life without sex but life isnt about your own survival but survival of your genes too. Food/sex are necessary for the survival of your genetics.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.
U never stop whining tbh
quit your whining
9E467625 2667 44E1 B07B A1DAD988F58E
We use starvation as a metaphor or hyperbole

quit your whining

This, wtf OP? fakecel chad low T cuck if u dont think sex/affection starvation is real, fuck you honestly OP
1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable.

It is not even unbearable, life would be impossible because nobody would be able to reproduce.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.

That is also true.
Nope. Its pretty comparable to me.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.
This, society can exlude me aslong as i have a loving female giving me the affection/sex i need
Isaac Newton IQ. Comparison is silly to say the least.
This, wtf OP? fakecel chad low T cuck if u dont think sex/affection starvation is real, fuck you honestly OP
It is real, but it's so different from literal starvation that comparing the two is braindead.
It’s a good analogy. A starving person is miserable because of no food, we’re miserable because of no love and sex. Obviously it isn’t the same thing but it’s the same point
This comparison is lazy and low iq but seems plausible to me.

Should remember that we're being brainwashed since early childhood to have lots of sex. The culture,the media,the society all tell us that love is is the anwser for us, and the highest act of love-sex is:.a must to being a man, necessary for relationships,self-fulfillment.happiness,indicator of status etc. It clearly empowers women and raises their value because of creating this massive demand since an early age (especially by porn).
Slut-shaming is almost non-existent and whoremongering is the ultimate flex a man can do.

Eating food doesn't require another participant and you can actually earn it in its true form by work. There is no bubble created around it.
Food isn't an active judge of your value as a man like a woman is
While you're starving you don't think about anything else than your empty stomach.disregard things such as sex. But being starved doens't hurt your masculinity nor self-esteem nor mental health. It doesn't make you feel belittled and worse than everyone.
It obviously is lower in pyramid of needs than sex since it only regards your body. It doesn't chip away at your soul and it's just a temporary thing in the current world.
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It’s a good analogy. A starving person is miserable because of no food, we’re miserable because of no love and sex. Obviously it isn’t the same thing but it’s the same point
The difference of degree and nature distracts from the overall point too much for the analogy to work in practice.
It is real, but it's so different from literal starvation that comparing the two is braindead.

Not sure why you dont find the comparison valid enough to make a point to someone who enjoys sex on a regular basis. Food is necessary for the vehicle (the body) to survive. Sex is necessary for the passengers (genes) to survive.

Nature has designed us to "starve" in the absence of either of these basic needs. In the absence of this starvation, the organism isnt motivated to go out and seek these important resources.
The difference of degree and nature distracts from the overall point too much for the analogy to work in practice.
Not really. Food and sex/love are basic needs and not getting to have one will cause someone to suffer. I mean yea starving of food is more extreme. But it’s the same reason causing someone to suffer, not ever getting to have a basic need
I've fasted and fail to see why the comparison is not apt
Life is maintained through food and hunger is a powerful compulsion
Life is created through sex and sex drive is a powerful compulsion.
Denying someone sex is killing their psyche.
Yeah but I have lowered my standards.
OP is just volcel
The fatal end of sex starvation is sui
Not really. Food and sex/love are basic needs and not getting to have one will cause someone to suffer. I mean yea starving of food is more extreme. But it’s the same reason causing someone to suffer, not ever getting to have a basic need
If you have your hand, you can satisfy your bare basic psychological need for sexual release in the same way you can satisfy your bare basic physical need for food if you have a bowl of gruel. You're comparing a situation where you have a basic need met to one where you don't. Maybe there's a valid point underneath all the stupidity, but the stupidity is there and it's abundant, so making the comparison is awful rhetoric.
The fatal end of sex starvation is sui

The fatal end is you dont get to pass on your genes. Your genetic line which has started from the beginning of the first living cell is now discontinued. Of course if you have siblings/cousins, they still continue but thats not how nature has programmed our brains.
The fatal end is you dont get to pass on your genes. Your genetic line which has started from the beginning of the first living cell is now discontinued. Of course if you have siblings/cousins, they still continue but thats not how nature has programmed our brains.
True dat
If you have your hand, you can satisfy your bare basic psychological need for sexual release in the same way you can satisfy your bare basic physical need for food if you have a bowl of gruel. You're comparing a situation where you have a basic need met to one where you don't. Maybe there's a valid point underneath all the stupidity, but the stupidity is there and it's abundant, so making the comparison is awful rhetoric.
I can survive by eating worms and grass but it is immensely lacking in satisfaction
starvation doesn't necessarily mean literally no food at all. just scraps.
If you have your hand, you can satisfy your bare basic psychological need for sexual release in the same way you can satisfy your bare basic physical need for food if you have a bowl of gruel. You're comparing a situation where you have a basic need met to one where you don't. Maybe there's a valid point underneath all the stupidity, but the stupidity is there and it's abundant, so making the comparison is awful rhetoric.
In operating system speak a thread is being starved when it's priority level is so low that it never receives resources because higher priority threads hog them. It's called using an analogy. Grief
But its not a 1:1 comparison, its to make sex havers understand.
And it's been a resounding failure in precisely that because it's so ridiculous on the surface that any deeper meaning is made moot. You'd think a blackpiller would understand this.
If you have your hand, you can satisfy your bare basic psychological need for sexual release in the same way you can satisfy your bare basic physical need for food if you have a bowl of gruel. You're comparing a situation where you have a basic need met to one where you don't. Maybe there's a valid point underneath all the stupidity, but the stupidity is there and it's abundant, so making the comparison is awful rhetoric.
You know jerking off isn’t going to fix the problem. It’s like a starving person tearing some bark off a tree and eating it. It might give you a temporary release, but your needs aren’t being met. The reason being starved of love/sex is a good comparison to being starved of food is that both are basic human needs, and not getting to have either one will cause a man to suffer. And men who are starved of either of these are going to primarily focus on what he is deprived of. We focus on women and getting intimacy, starving people focus on getting food
Does OP understand the concept of analogy and idiom? Basic English my man
If you have your hand, you can satisfy your bare basic psychological need for sexual release in the same way you can satisfy your bare basic physical need for food if you have a bowl of gruel. You're comparing a situation where you have a basic need met to one where you don't. Maybe there's a valid point underneath all the stupidity, but the stupidity is there and it's abundant, so making the comparison is awful rhetoric.
I don't think that's quite right:

Although at the end he says:
Sexual release without a partner, is nothing but surface level satisfaction, it won't truly satisfy you, it will always be "just enough to get you by", but it will never satisfy

I will agree though that the comparison sounds low IQ and bluepillers (rightfully) say "did you just compare lack of sex to starvation?".
But its not a 1:1 comparison, its to make sex havers understand.

Analogies exist to make a point. OP nitpicking on the subtle technical differences serves little purpose.
Nope. Its pretty comparable to me.

1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable. Sure you can live a life without sex but life isnt about your own survival but survival of your genes too. Food/sex are necessary for the survival of your genetics.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.
From dictionary.com entry for starve
4 to feel a strong need or desire: The child was starving for affection.
:dafuckfeels: so you compare masturbation to eating gruel like that's anything close to ideal, who the fuck wants to eat gruel every day? Like someone else said it's more like eating bark or rather something completely lacking in all nutrition like boiled gym shorts because it doesn't actually take care of the problem, which is the survival/propagation of your genes and your genes know it that's why you continue to feel lonely, you don't release needed chemicals that you do with actual sexual intercourse, etc. Sex is to the survival/propagation of the genes (which will cause loneliness, and things that actually attack the body and brain), what food, water, and shelter are to the survival of the human organism that is starving, thirsty and exposed to the elements.
It's obviously not ideal, but saying it's the same as or comparable to going completely without is wrong and makes you look like an entitled little boy. The comparison requires far too much mental gymnastics to work. It's bad rhetoric, as proven time and time again by the sheer number of times it's been laughed at by the very people it was made for and even used as ammunition against us.
It's maybe more like eating water and bread every day.
They laugh at everything even if it's a simple and obvious truth without any abstract thinking required. Their minds are closed, the best rhetorician in the world wouldn't change them.

What is the point of seeking their approval anyway?
There is none, but the purpose of it is to make our experience more relatable to outsiders, a purpose for which it has been a resounding failure because it's idiotic. We don't need it for ourselves because we don't need deeply flawed analogies to understand one another, and we don't need it for outsiders because it's worthless for its intended purpose.
U never stop whining tbh
Its pretty comparable to me.

1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable. Sure you can live a life without sex but life isnt about your own survival but survival of your genes too. Food/sex are necessary for the survival of your genetics.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.
Sexlessness and starvation are not exactly analogous but they are nevertheless not completely incomparable. Sex is a drive, like you mentioned it's about the survival of your genes not the survival of your organism (selfish gene theory). Sexual "thirstiness" isn't as severe as thirst or starvation but it still happens, and that's why you see high tier normies and low tier chads lining up to fuck downies and pig women on dating apps.

OP your threads nitpicking internet shit talk are more annoying than any of the internet shit talk in the first place.
Nope. Its pretty comparable to me.

1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable. Sure you can live a life without sex but life isnt about your own survival but survival of your genes too. Food/sex are necessary for the survival of your genetics.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.
It's not idiotic, you can't see the forest for the trees.

Also convincing the outsiders is a lost cause. You convince the ones that are in the same or similar boat, the ones willing to be convinced. A rich person born with a silver spoon that never had to face any adversity without a strong support structure wouldn't understand a poor man's plight.
From dictionary.com entry for starve
4 to feel a strong need or desire: The child was starving for affection.
Not really. Food and sex/love are basic needs and not getting to have one will cause someone to suffer. I mean yea starving of food is more extreme. But it’s the same reason causing someone to suffer, not ever getting to have a basic need
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It's not idiotic, you can't see the forest for the trees.

Also convincing the outsiders is a lost cause. You convince the ones that are in the same or similar boat, the ones willing to be convinced. A rich person born with a silver spoon that never had to face any adversity without a strong support structure wouldn't understand a poor man's plight.
It should go without saying that convincing the outsiders is a lost cause, but we shouldn't go out of our way to debase ourselves with statements that are ridiculous and melodramatic, at least on a surface level if not a fundamental one. We know what inceldom is like without comparing ourselves to starving Africans or Holocaust victims, so why does the statement need to be made?
I have talked about this before and I stand by it. Inceldom leads to death just as starvation does. Starvation doesnt kill you like sleeplessness does, nor does physical trauma kill you like starvation does and dying due to inceldom is different from all of that as well, still leads to death though. Loneliness makes your body weaker to illness, reduces your life expectancy and obstructs the healing process, you can look that up on the blackpill wikia boyo.

My brain wants me to die, like I can FEEL that I dont want to die actually, but my brain is calling it fucking quits, Ive been rejected by every fucking foid Ive ever met, my biological imperative to procreate is impossible to fulfill, my brain can no longer deny it, Ive tried fucking everything in terms of maxxing, acting like other people who succeed, act wildly other than people who succeed, acting so that I feel well, fucking everything, to no avail.
The process of trying to continue living is just too fucking taxing, Im denied having positive encounters, Im denied having fun, feeling accepted by anyone except people here, my mind cant take it anymore, its fucking tired boyo, its an endless nightmare the moment I try to be a part of the outside world and I cant keep up anymore. Final stage of this is having something triggered inside you that cries out "ALARM! ALARM! HELP!" to the other people around you as a last desperate bid to make them change your shitty life conditions, thats why people get "depressed" and stop eating, stop getting up from bed, their mind is at a stage where it tries to either force others to help or starts up a routine that leads to death, through either starvation or immobility.

There isnt much to it actually, makes sense from a biological point of view, make others help you through terrible life conditions by saying "Im going to die otherwise." and if youre not valuable enough to the group thats just what happens, you sort out your own genetic material, you die, either by suicide through physical force or starvation or isolation. Isnt even restricted to humans, read something about how primates do that as well, "depression" and all that.
Here's what a much wisER man thought:


Starvation from food tortures the body. Starvation from sex tortures the mind and body.

Well think about this:

Would you rather be limited to 1000 calories a day and have a sex life with beautiful girls, or have all the food you want but forever be a virgin?
Nope. Its pretty comparable to me.

1. Food/sex are basic needs without which living becomes unbearable. Sure you can live a life without sex but life isnt about your own survival but survival of your genes too. Food/sex are necessary for the survival of your genetics.

2.For me the lack of sex/warmth/companionship is the biggest issue. I couldnt care less about being excluded from soyciety.

3. Just like your standards for food drop when you starve, your standards for the opposite sex drops when you dont have sex. Thats why you see cucks lining up on tinder to fuck hideous monstrosities.
Sexlessness is starvation of the mind.
Here's what a much wisER man thought:

View attachment 172131

Damn. Based.
Sexlessness is starvation of the mind.

& bodily hormones & functions.
I have talked about this before and I stand by it. Inceldom leads to death just as starvation does. Starvation doesnt kill you like sleeplessness does, nor does physical trauma kill you like starvation does and dying due to inceldom is different from all of that as well, still leads to death though. Loneliness makes your body weaker to illness, reduces your life expectancy and obstructs the healing process, you can look that up on the blackpill wikia boyo.

My brain wants me to die, like I can FEEL that I dont want to die actually, but my brain is calling it fucking quits, Ive been rejected by every fucking foid Ive ever met, my biological imperative to procreate is impossible to fulfill, my brain can no longer deny it, Ive tried fucking everything in terms of maxxing, acting like other people who succeed, act wildly other than people who succeed, acting so that I feel well, fucking everything, to no avail.
The process of trying to continue living is just too fucking taxing, Im denied having positive encounters, Im denied having fun, feeling accepted by anyone except people here, my mind cant take it anymore, its fucking tired boyo, its an endless nightmare the moment I try to be a part of the outside world and I cant keep up anymore. Final stage of this is having something triggered inside you that cries out "ALARM! ALARM! HELP!" to the other people around you as a last desperate bid to make them change your shitty life conditions, thats why people get "depressed" and stop eating, stop getting up from bed, their mind is at a stage where it tries to either force others to help or starts up a routine that leads to death, through either starvation or immobility.

There isnt much to it actually, makes sense from a biological point of view, make others help you through terrible life conditions by saying "Im going to die otherwise." and if youre not valuable enough to the group thats just what happens, you sort out your own genetic material, you die, either by suicide through physical force or starvation or isolation. Isnt even restricted to humans, read something about how primates do that as well, "depression" and all that.
Extreme low IQ post tbh

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