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[COMEDY] Vloggers Give Advice to Incels that is Totally not Projection



Apr 12, 2018
"Lift some weights"
"You need to go watch some Jordan Peterson videos"


And the femoid speaks for itself.
"Join Tinder, go on Tinder"


But...isn't that...what we do already?

That fucking roast with a nose ring telling us to find some divorced slut...

The Indian with the red shirt trying to be blindly positive.

There is too much concentrated low iq in one video.
I am just so sick of these dumb fucking pseudo-intellectual normies subhumans. Seriously these fucking dumb faggots have NEVER experienced what we've experienced yet are so quick to give out advice. So sick of these people always looking to virtue signal and look smart despite knowing absolutely nothing. Fuck these people and all those circle jerking faggot normies pieces of shit thinking they know shit. Seriously all fucking day I hear the same dumbass bluepilled shit from these dumb numale retards. They have zero understanding of the reality around them and only view it through their rose tinted glasses.
Thanks for making this. Fuck those cucks and whores. Now they will be exposed for the vile pieces of shit they are. Cucktears fags.
jfl@ at the skinny cuck telling you to lift weights.
This makes me so fucking angry. Why is the fucking whore talking in such a patronizing manner. Why do fucking normal faggots have to kick people while they are down. We get shit on our whole lives and you just have to shit on us more. I tried tinder you fucking whore I got 0 matches you fucking slut.
I think they read one fucking article on incels and think understand exactly the problem. All of them offer the most shit, cliched, unoriginal and useless advice, and you can pretty much predict what everyone will say before even watching there video. It's like they don't even try to understand life from our perspective.

I genuinely wish the worst for each and everyone of them in that video, especially the femoid cunt in the glasses at the start
I only had to see the thumb of the video to know that he is himself an incel.
I only had to see the thumb of the video to know that he is himself an incel.
I think he has a decent face, just too skinny. If he's uncut I bet he can slay a little.
I think he has a decent face, just too skinny. If he's uncut I bet he can slay a little.
Isn't being cut or uncut something the girl will only see when already in the bed with you? How can that make a difference?
Isn't being cut or uncut something the girl will only see when already in the bed with you? How can that make a difference?
They are more NT and more relaxed and laid back looking, because their dick wasn't mutilated. They even have bigger dicks on average.
They are more NT and more relaxed and laid back looking, because their dick wasn't mutilated. They even have bigger dicks on average.
I got cut at 17 (regret it hard), do you think it made that much difference on my personality as well?
I got cut at 17 (regret it hard), do you think it made that much difference on my personality as well?
Maybe, if you're still bothered by it, or unsatisfied with how masturbation feels.
Maybe, if you're still bothered by it, or unsatisfied with how masturbation feels.
I don't really know how it feels without it, it hurt when I tried before, but I regret because exercises would have solved it. No need for surgery, but of cour$e my doctor recommended it.
I don't really know how it feels without it, it hurt when I tried before, but I regret because exercises would have solved it. No need for surgery, but of cour$e my doctor recommended it.
Damn, so you never had the joy of feeling it when it functions properly? Fucking cucked doctors, they would never exploit femoids in such a way.
I kind of agree with some of this, and Peterson makes some good points. For all of the shit the far left eliteist know it alls who couldn't even see the obvious with the 2016 election, alot of his stuff is common sense and he tries for a more balanced approach to stuff.
I am just so sick of these dumb fucking pseudo-intellectual normies subhumans. Seriously these fucking dumb faggots have NEVER experienced what we've experienced yet are so quick to give out advice. So sick of these people always looking to virtue signal and look smart despite knowing absolutely nothing. Fuck these people and all those circle jerking faggot normies pieces of shit thinking they know shit. Seriously all fucking day I hear the same dumbass bluepilled shit from these dumb numale retards. They have zero understanding of the reality around them and only view it through their rose tinted glasses.
He's a white supremacist, and white supremacists have great personalities, amirite? (Sarcasm)

You're following leftist narrative and labeling every right wing person as a "muh white supremacist."

And yes, actual white supremacists are mostly incels who relate with us the most and get abused by SJWs like us.

You should be gassed tbh for speaking like some dumb liberal.

You're following leftist narrative and labeling every right wing person as a "muh white supremacist."

And yes, actual white supremacists are mostly incels who relate with us the most and get abused by SJWs like us.

You should be gassed tbh for speaking like some dumb liberal.

I myself am not that conservative, nothing personal, there are some points I don't see eye to eye with them on, but holy shit are you right about the left having no fucking clue, being so out of whack with everyone else, refusing teamwork/fairness/middle ground, refusing to change, no debate or discussion, not even over big things or ideas, I am talking common sense shit that when someone says something, your logical side goes how that makes no sense or can't be right, and you try to explain this to them and they are just not having it. Oh and the SJWs are a whole other shitshow.
Not only have I been working out for 13 years.. and on tinder for like 4 straight years. I also watch jordan peterson videos.
NICE ADVICE ugly woman and fellow incel in red shirt
I am just so sick of these dumb fucking pseudo-intellectual normies subhumans. Seriously these fucking dumb faggots have NEVER experienced what we've experienced yet are so quick to give out advice. So sick of these people always looking to virtue signal and look smart despite knowing absolutely nothing. Fuck these people and all those circle jerking faggot normies pieces of shit thinking they know shit. Seriously all fucking day I hear the same dumbass bluepilled shit from these dumb numale retards. They have zero understanding of the reality around them and only view it through their rose tinted glasses.
JFL at this compilation of literal garbage
IMG 20180506 024445

You're following leftist narrative and labeling every right wing person as a "muh white supremacist."

And yes, actual white supremacists are mostly incels who relate with us the most and get abused by SJWs like us.

You should be gassed tbh for speaking like some dumb liberal.
Cuck and Traitor.

You're following leftistWhite Supremacist (You're literally a WN and a "Nazicel" fam what can I do?) narrative and labeling every right wingnon-White person as a "muh white supremacistthreat to gayian h'white wamens and methnostate."

And yes, actual white supremacists are mostly incels who relate with us the most and get abused by SJWs like us.
>Victims of Incel Genocide who do not wish to fight alongside their brothers (Currycels, Ricecels, etc.) and instead keep fighting for women ("we must brotecc haur wamens in haur h'white methnostate!", the Alt-Right is led by women like Lana Lokteff, Lauren Southern, Tara McCarthy, etc. ) do not deserve the title of Incelistani. They deseve the full Wrath of God.

You should be gassed tbh for speaking like some dumb liberalDividing Incelistanis among race, thus ensuring that Incelistan will never be created. You have committed mutiny against the state.

Neck Yourself, Skinhead. Your h'white gayrian wamens will still shit on you whether you're in your methnostate or not. They don't want an Incel. They want a Chad. Deal with it.
He's never said anything pertaining to white supremacy
Pretty Sure he has. He's a racist and we really shouldn't be defending him, especially seeing how he also dislikes Incels.
"Genetically Inferior". At least SOME, EVEN A TINY AMOUNT of evo-bio got to them. At last. Incelistan Zindabad.
@0:52 "That's just you being a fucking loser, deal with it!"

Remind me again how OUR personalities are the bad ones here?
Who the fuck is that curry and how did he beat incel
The advice the woman gives at the end is somewhat legit I will say

the only good one in whole video
Pretty Sure he has. He's a racist and we really shouldn't be defending him, especially seeing how he also dislikes Incels.
In what videos have you seen him being racist in? I don't support him either but it's because of his self improvement bs.
"Go find a really drunk girl and fuck her" LMAO
This makes me so fucking angry. Why is the fucking whore talking in such a patronizing manner. Why do fucking normal faggots have to kick people while they are down.

Obviously because social hierarchy is real. They view themselves above you. They pity and mock you in turns.
Pretty Sure he has. He's a racist and we really shouldn't be defending him, especially seeing how he also dislikes Incels.
Degenerate leftist fuck. Not wanting your country to be fucked over by kikes, niggers, Chads, feminists, and spics =/= hating incels.
Degenerate leftist fuck. Not wanting your country to be fucked over by kikes, niggers, Chads, feminists, and spics =/= hating incels.
Explain to me how Blacks and Hispanics are bad? If anything, YOU'RE promoting degeneracy by encouraging Incels to fight each other so women can benefit! I can understand why Jews are bad (They promote racism, see Palestine, how Jews created the Alt-Right, etc.), but being racist to other Incels is what keeps Incelistan from forming.
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Basically some other dude has to give a nonsensical defense for Peterson's actions and it turns out that Jews, some of humanity's greatest racists, are on Jordan Peterson's side. How is this supposed to DEFEND him again?
Explain to me how Blacks and Hispanics are bad? If anything, YOU'RE promoting degeneracy by encouraging Incels to fight each other so women can benefit!
This is MGTOW tier thinking. Spics and niggers are literal pawns of the Left who cause unrest wherever you put them. There is a reason as to why their American communities are the scum of the world.

Also, most niggers especially aren't incels- but crypto Tyrones who experience casual sex. Same goes for most Spics too. It's whites who are getting more into inceldom each year.
Basically some other dude has to give a nonsensical defense for Peterson's actions and it turns out that Jews, some of humanity's greatest racists, are on Jordan Peterson's side. How is this supposed to DEFEND him again?
I just thought it was funny that a jew was on the side of the picture kek
This is MGTOW tier thinking. Spics and niggers are literal pawns of the Left who cause unrest wherever you put them. There is a reason as to why their American communities are the scum of the world.

Also, most niggers especially aren't incels- but crypto Tyrones who experience casual sex. Same goes for most Spics too. It's whites who are getting more into inceldom each year.
This is MGTOW tier thinking. Spics and niggers are literal pawns of the Left who cause unrest wherever you put them. There is a reason as to why their American communities are the scum of the world.
>Got Proof? If anything, I haven't really seen any terrorists from them besides Antifa (but then again, more Whites are members of Antifa than Blacks/Hispanics because of the % population in the US), but White Supremacist terrorists I've seen many, Such as David COPEland, Wade Michael Page, Timothy McVeigh, and numerous others.

Also, most niggers especially aren't incels- but crypto Tyrones who experience casual sex. Same goes for most Spics too. It's whites who are getting more into inceldom each year.
>Again, Proof? If anything, at least Whites can go to Thailand and the Philippines...

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