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Christianity is a Jewish sect.



Apr 13, 2024
I do not know why the "Christians" try to disguise this, it is obvious to those who know the primordial Jewish knowledge, that is, the Torah and the Talmud.

Jesus was killed literally for a political issue of the time, and not for a kind of "sacrifice to the sins of the people", even because in Islam there is no original sin (Islam is 95% Judaism). The idea about the supposed return of Jesus happened in the past, in Judaism the second round of Jesus has already happened, the Jews teach that who will arrive is the Messiah, he is who will bring peace to the nation of Israel in the midst of the revolts, Moses Maimonides himself says that, we should not expect any miracle because he will be a common man; as King David was. The question of the "end of the world", born with the Essen sect, is not a compatible doctrine. About Jesus being considered the Son of God, it is because He says in the mountains: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God." Jesus, in fact, was the son of a Roman soldier of Phoenician origin, Jesus is Ben Yossef, from always he had a knowledge in the Torah because he carried with him the Spirit of God, but, biologically its origin was the mentioned earlier.

Christianity has platonic foundations, and many of its foundations came from Paul. Catholics distort everything by overthrowing God's law with the sacrifice of Jesus, and besides, they idolize Jesus as an intercession of God, or as a kind of Divinity "at the same level" as God. Meanwhile, Jesus himself demystified the idea of the Trinity, where he is absent in being called "Good", because according to him only God is good. He himself says that everything he says does not come from himself, but from God, because Jesus alone is nothing.

The mystical question about "spiritual war" is a lie. This came from Persian, it's a totally current esotericism. There is no hell; there is no devil. And, the devil, in fact, in Judaism is an angel named Samael, with essence in doing evil with God's own permission, that is, his own function. That is, both evil and good belong to God's control, He does it by His own decision. And according to the interpretation of a Jewish philosopher best known in the Jewish community, called Moshé Maimônides, the devil are our emotions, all of us are born with good and evil within us, because as I said, in Islam there is no original sin, and Jesus did not come for us (neither for the Jews), He came to fulfill the Mitsvot and prove that you are "saved" alone through your own works, and as a reward God gives you the First World. Whenever someone reads the Torah, the impression is that the God of the Jews is "evil," but no, he is not... therefore, we see Gnostic esoteric interpretations calling Him "demiurge," it is purely esoterism.

As for hell, there are two thoughts for two types of people, but the superiors are those who command while controlling the masses. The idea of hell is precisely for people to do good, not for the purpose of being good, but for fear of "going to hell." That is why it is just another ideology for intellectual means of production.

Many Jews today follow various sides, so I also ignore many things said by them, such as Kabbalah, which is also considered an introduced paganism. It's a bit like Protestantism parting in "various sides", Christianity is included in one of those sides too, technically everything ended up being distorted.

I find it stupid when Catholics speak badly of Jews because of the oral tradition, which they also have, and theirs are purely esoteric, distorted mystics of the Jewish community. And all knowledge before it is pre-written is oral, so when someone discards that part it becomes useless the subject to be discussed. Of course human beings are tendency, but it is worth remembering that everything is influence of something and, with enough study you get to the beginning to know whether that influence is the fruit of a distortion, or a truth.

Here in this forum there are quite a few incels "Christian" and "Nazi", my topic is more religiously aimed at "Christians". With "Nazi" my subject becomes different, but also with religious issues. And I don't intend to argue with them about this. Neither with atheists, for the atheist's interpretation is equally that of Christians.

All philosophy was born of theology. All morality is born of a religion. If you, who call yourself "atheist" and follows morals, you are indirectly following some religion, and almost all pagan or non-pagan religions are composed of practice.

The contemporary world is fixed on three bases: existential philosophy, liberalism and science. And Scientificism is positivist philosophy, all philosophies by themselves, it is a religion, because philosophie was born of theology.

And the "Big Bang idea" is also mythology.

There is no atheism

In the ancient world, all societies and civilizations attached great importance to their pagan religions, their gods, their temples and their sarcedotes. Our contemporary world is basically based on three principles: sciatism, liberalism and existential philosophy. The first influenced the second, the second the third, and so our society was constituted.


As everyone knows, the medieval period is characterized by the influence of religion, mainly of the Catholic and Islamic religions, which were the great forces. It is important to note that this idea that religion is contrary to science is one of the greatest stupidities one could say. During this period there were several scientists and philosophers who contributed to the improvement of people's lives. From a certain moment, which we know as "renation," man began to leave God aside, and put man as the great theme of the world. What we call "anthropocentrism". Science was no longer seen as an instrument for improving life and understanding the world, it became "The New Religion". God was replaced by "reason", the prophets were replaced with "philosophers", the sarcedoids were substituted by "scientists", the temples replaced the "universities". The great pretension of these people was so great that they believed that they would discover the first foundations of existence through a simple material scientific method. Just as scientists accuse the religious of persecuting those who did not follow their doctrine, today, scientist missionaries expel, ridicule and persecute all those who disagree, or at least doubt their new religion: the Sacred Academic Consensus!


Not satisfied with the replacement of religion with science, the European bourgeoisie also wanted to replace the old state model with a new one, the "Liberal Democracy". Following the liberals, all human beings have natural rights to life, freedom and property, so it is necessary to create a state that guarantees these rights above all else. As the Liberal Illuminati were good, they overthrew the evil monarchy and evil clergy to impose their model, so that all the problems in the world would be solved, how can you observe the paradise that is your day-to-day, right? From liberalism, the concepts of civil rights, social rights, political rights, human rights, gender equality, free market, freedom of expression, press freedom and religious freedom came to exist and make up the theology of our era. In our contemporary world, virtually every country follows this political system of liberal democracy, and also has its ethics guided by it. All these concepts cited above constitute the pantheon of the sacred liberal doctrine, if you question any of the cited garbage, you will be arrested, after all, the pillar of liberalism is to defend the freedom to disagree, unlike religious evil.


Not yet satisfied with the replacement of religion with science and monarchy with liberal democracy, the European bourgeoisie has conquered itself and replaced the obvious with schizophrenia. Jean Paul Sartre, the vague prophet, is a kind of Jesus Christ for our days, at least for the backward. Ancient philosophy is very concerned with the question of essence. But the essence is all that is, and that cannot be modified. For example, if you, dear reader, are a man, you are a guy, end of conversation. Don't you think that's obvious? Yeah, yeah. However, the vague prophet Sartre tells us that there is no essence, it is our existence that gives essence to things. For example, if you are a man 1.90m tall, 120kg, hairy and with a thick voice, that doesn't mean you're a man. If you happen to wake up in the morning feeling like a woman, wearing a wig and changing your name to "Alice", then you are a woman because your existence, your will, defines what you are. This is the predominant philosophy in our time, nothing else is, nothing needs to be, we invent reality, physiologists approve, academia approve. If you don't agree with that, you're illiterate, a man without culture.

These three "philosophical" conceptions make up the three religions of our time, many people call themselves "atheists", but actually follow at least one of these religions in a way as extremist as a member of ISIS, and also use violence against those who disagree. There are no atheists, there is a "contempagone".
Christianity only exists because a whore got pregnant before getting with her husband, so she had to lie and say that it was "God's child". Why do you think the born again virgin trope exists only in Christianity, the religion was literally made for whores.
Dnr but jews thought this guy was the Messiah
He’s also my boxing world champion

5232B7A9 9048 4E2F 99AF B6BBCDD9634C
02AC1EC5 B419 4720 B854 50A55097ED1A
These three "philosophical" conceptions make up the three religions of our time, many people call themselves "atheists", but actually follow at least one of these religions in a way as extremist as a member of ISIS, and also use violence against those who disagree. There are no atheists, there is a "contempagone".
I fully agree, you can makes a very good case for why moral / ideological systems are religions. It is however a little self evident nowadays, at least from my perspective. But hey people will always find some vague idea to worship, I bet that you you dig deep enough in your psyche you can find some preconceptions of your own.
@Pancakecel did you read?:feelsPop:
no fucking way i do not have the brain capacity to read all of that shit
either way idgaf what you typed in this post but i will say that the new testament is the non jewish part of the bible, so thats what you should be reading if you arr a christcuck.
You can tell from the gospel that the evil jews of modern day that read the talmud and suck baby penis are the ones that came from the same jews that would have sided with the pharisees and sadducees and conspired to kill jesus.
so unless you are reading the talmud or taking the old testament seriously you arent a kike.
Copy pasted varg vikenres interview (the title is 1:1)
Christianity only exists because a whore got pregnant before getting with her husband, so she had to lie and say that it was "God's child". Why do you think the born again virgin trope exists only in Christianity, the religion was literally made for whores.
virgin births are a traditional part of a lot of indo-european mythology
a notable example is the birth of Romulus and Remus, the two mythical founders of the city of Rome, who were said to have been birthed of a vestial virgin mother and the god Mars
no fucking way i do not have the brain capacity to read all of that shit
either way idgaf what you typed in this post but i will say that the new testament is the non jewish part of the bible, so thats what you should be reading if you arr a christcuck.
You can tell from the gospel that the evil jews of modern day that read the talmud and suck baby penis are the ones that came from the same jews that would have sided with the pharisees and sadducees and conspired to kill jesus.
so unless you are reading the talmud or taking the old testament seriously you arent a kike.
I am a considered teacher, I have training in three areas: theology, philosophy and geopolitics.

I know what I'm talking about, you don't, so the idiot here is you. Shut up, you're not on my level.

Fuck it, if you don't want to read it, I'm not gonna need your approval. Go study the Torah, you platonic idiot.
I am a considered teacher, I have training in three areas: theology, philosophy and geopolitics.

I know what I'm talking about, you don't, so the idiot here is you. Shut up, you're not on my level.

Fuck it, if you don't want to read it, I'm not gonna need your approval. Go study the Torah, you platonic idiot.
aint readin allat
Good post, although I think some of it is copypasta. I agree that Christianity is the “Gentiles” extension of Judaism, based on what I’ve learned about the two religions

Some sources say that Samael is the “original Satan” who served the Abrahamic God by acting as a sort of adversary towards subjects of God’s creation, like the Story of Job and the Plagues of Egypt. But Christians manipulated the identity of Samael by portraying him as a “demon lord” figure who operates against the interest of the Abrahamic God

You also mentioned that Christians manipulated the purpose of Jesus Christ by idolizing him as an intercession or ambassador of God, although several times Jesus said it was not by my power that I did XYZ, but the power of my Father who is in Heaven. I agree with this to some degree, although I’m not sure where is “Heaven”

I also agree with the part on “Existentialism”. You have explained the situation very well in this part. Although I cannot agree with the part on “Scientificism”. There’s a difference between the religious doctrines of “science” and “mysticism”. The difference is that one of them is founded on empirical observations, and is empirically demonstrable to a degree that surpasses reasonable doubt. I think you would already know which one it is. Also “science” isn’t necessarily assertive of truth; “science” is based on methodologies and axioms

A “scientific law” is purported as true on the basis that it has not been proven false in every instance where the “scientific law” was tested in a specific realm of existence. But it doesn’t automatically mean that a “scientific fact” cannot be proven false in some theoretical alternate universe that is administered under different laws. I cannot say that I’m a physicist, but I think the Schrodinger’s Cat experiment is related to this problem about “scientific truth”

I agree that “atheism” is unfounded. Philosophy may be derived from a question about a “higher power” or “higher being”. But I also think religion can be appropriated to divinize earthly things that aren’t “formidable” or “intellectually advanced”. For instance, the religion of gynocentric society is based on a perception of the woman as a “divine-like entity”, but women are overall weaker than men, and the world’s most intelligent people are mostly men. Sometimes “divinity” is projected onto things that are practically inferior in strength or intellect, not always projected onto things that are stronger and intellectually superior

The “New Era Religion” of modern society looks like a sort of doctrine with predominant themes of hedonism, self-righteousness, denial of biological restrictions, slave morality
That makes no god damn sense
Jesus was hated by kikes

The reason Jesus was jewish was the same reason why he was ugly and poor
Underrated post I wish you weren’t banned
I do not know why the "Christians" try to disguise this, it is obvious to those who know the primordial Jewish knowledge, that is, the Torah and the Talmud.

Jesus was killed literally for a political issue of the time, and not for a kind of "sacrifice to the sins of the people", even because in Islam there is no original sin (Islam is 95% Judaism). The idea about the supposed return of Jesus happened in the past, in Judaism the second round of Jesus has already happened, the Jews teach that who will arrive is the Messiah, he is who will bring peace to the nation of Israel in the midst of the revolts, Moses Maimonides himself says that, we should not expect any miracle because he will be a common man; as King David was. The question of the "end of the world", born with the Essen sect, is not a compatible doctrine. About Jesus being considered the Son of God, it is because He says in the mountains: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the Sons of God." Jesus, in fact, was the son of a Roman soldier of Phoenician origin, Jesus is Ben Yossef, from always he had a knowledge in the Torah because he carried with him the Spirit of God, but, biologically its origin was the mentioned earlier.

Christianity has platonic foundations, and many of its foundations came from Paul. Catholics distort everything by overthrowing God's law with the sacrifice of Jesus, and besides, they idolize Jesus as an intercession of God, or as a kind of Divinity "at the same level" as God. Meanwhile, Jesus himself demystified the idea of the Trinity, where he is absent in being called "Good", because according to him only God is good. He himself says that everything he says does not come from himself, but from God, because Jesus alone is nothing.

The mystical question about "spiritual war" is a lie. This came from Persian, it's a totally current esotericism. There is no hell; there is no devil. And, the devil, in fact, in Judaism is an angel named Samael, with essence in doing evil with God's own permission, that is, his own function. That is, both evil and good belong to God's control, He does it by His own decision. And according to the interpretation of a Jewish philosopher best known in the Jewish community, called Moshé Maimônides, the devil are our emotions, all of us are born with good and evil within us, because as I said, in Islam there is no original sin, and Jesus did not come for us (neither for the Jews), He came to fulfill the Mitsvot and prove that you are "saved" alone through your own works, and as a reward God gives you the First World. Whenever someone reads the Torah, the impression is that the God of the Jews is "evil," but no, he is not... therefore, we see Gnostic esoteric interpretations calling Him "demiurge," it is purely esoterism.

As for hell, there are two thoughts for two types of people, but the superiors are those who command while controlling the masses. The idea of hell is precisely for people to do good, not for the purpose of being good, but for fear of "going to hell." That is why it is just another ideology for intellectual means of production.

Many Jews today follow various sides, so I also ignore many things said by them, such as Kabbalah, which is also considered an introduced paganism. It's a bit like Protestantism parting in "various sides", Christianity is included in one of those sides too, technically everything ended up being distorted.

I find it stupid when Catholics speak badly of Jews because of the oral tradition, which they also have, and theirs are purely esoteric, distorted mystics of the Jewish community. And all knowledge before it is pre-written is oral, so when someone discards that part it becomes useless the subject to be discussed. Of course human beings are tendency, but it is worth remembering that everything is influence of something and, with enough study you get to the beginning to know whether that influence is the fruit of a distortion, or a truth.

Here in this forum there are quite a few incels "Christian" and "Nazi", my topic is more religiously aimed at "Christians". With "Nazi" my subject becomes different, but also with religious issues. And I don't intend to argue with them about this. Neither with atheists, for the atheist's interpretation is equally that of Christians.

All philosophy was born of theology. All morality is born of a religion. If you, who call yourself "atheist" and follows morals, you are indirectly following some religion, and almost all pagan or non-pagan religions are composed of practice.

The contemporary world is fixed on three bases: existential philosophy, liberalism and science. And Scientificism is positivist philosophy, all philosophies by themselves, it is a religion, because philosophie was born of theology.

And the "Big Bang idea" is also mythology.

There is no atheism

In the ancient world, all societies and civilizations attached great importance to their pagan religions, their gods, their temples and their sarcedotes. Our contemporary world is basically based on three principles: sciatism, liberalism and existential philosophy. The first influenced the second, the second the third, and so our society was constituted.


As everyone knows, the medieval period is characterized by the influence of religion, mainly of the Catholic and Islamic religions, which were the great forces. It is important to note that this idea that religion is contrary to science is one of the greatest stupidities one could say. During this period there were several scientists and philosophers who contributed to the improvement of people's lives. From a certain moment, which we know as "renation," man began to leave God aside, and put man as the great theme of the world. What we call "anthropocentrism". Science was no longer seen as an instrument for improving life and understanding the world, it became "The New Religion". God was replaced by "reason", the prophets were replaced with "philosophers", the sarcedoids were substituted by "scientists", the temples replaced the "universities". The great pretension of these people was so great that they believed that they would discover the first foundations of existence through a simple material scientific method. Just as scientists accuse the religious of persecuting those who did not follow their doctrine, today, scientist missionaries expel, ridicule and persecute all those who disagree, or at least doubt their new religion: the Sacred Academic Consensus!


Not satisfied with the replacement of religion with science, the European bourgeoisie also wanted to replace the old state model with a new one, the "Liberal Democracy". Following the liberals, all human beings have natural rights to life, freedom and property, so it is necessary to create a state that guarantees these rights above all else. As the Liberal Illuminati were good, they overthrew the evil monarchy and evil clergy to impose their model, so that all the problems in the world would be solved, how can you observe the paradise that is your day-to-day, right? From liberalism, the concepts of civil rights, social rights, political rights, human rights, gender equality, free market, freedom of expression, press freedom and religious freedom came to exist and make up the theology of our era. In our contemporary world, virtually every country follows this political system of liberal democracy, and also has its ethics guided by it. All these concepts cited above constitute the pantheon of the sacred liberal doctrine, if you question any of the cited garbage, you will be arrested, after all, the pillar of liberalism is to defend the freedom to disagree, unlike religious evil.


Not yet satisfied with the replacement of religion with science and monarchy with liberal democracy, the European bourgeoisie has conquered itself and replaced the obvious with schizophrenia. Jean Paul Sartre, the vague prophet, is a kind of Jesus Christ for our days, at least for the backward. Ancient philosophy is very concerned with the question of essence. But the essence is all that is, and that cannot be modified. For example, if you, dear reader, are a man, you are a guy, end of conversation. Don't you think that's obvious? Yeah, yeah. However, the vague prophet Sartre tells us that there is no essence, it is our existence that gives essence to things. For example, if you are a man 1.90m tall, 120kg, hairy and with a thick voice, that doesn't mean you're a man. If you happen to wake up in the morning feeling like a woman, wearing a wig and changing your name to "Alice", then you are a woman because your existence, your will, defines what you are. This is the predominant philosophy in our time, nothing else is, nothing needs to be, we invent reality, physiologists approve, academia approve. If you don't agree with that, you're illiterate, a man without culture.

These three "philosophical" conceptions make up the three religions of our time, many people call themselves "atheists", but actually follow at least one of these religions in a way as extremist as a member of ISIS, and also use violence against those who disagree. There are no atheists, there is a "contempagone".
I don’t think Christian have ever tried to hide their Jewish heritage.

You just interpret the whole in your particular way.

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