@FastBananaCEO Well I'm in rehab. So today I laid in bed watching stuff on my Firestick, posted on here, my Soyboy Nu-Male support worker (he's literally the definition of the Nu-Male Soyboy meme, see attached picture) asked of he could record an interview with me, basically of me saying how wonderful this place is and how it saved my life and all this other ass-kissing shit so they can secure more funding.
Apparently I was chosen because I'm the most articulate and less Mentalcel than the rest of them. Spoiler Alert: I'm not, I have Disassociative Personality Disorder ffs, plus I'm a dying, recovering alcoholiccel
but I'm just good at putting a front on and deceiving/manipulating people.
Then some do gooders came around to the place and cooked us all a meal, and now I in my mentalcel hospital pyjamas chilling out with my Youtube mix on. The guy I share the room with is asleep so have me headphones on.
My Nu-Male Soyboy support worker.
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Here's a link to a thread with videos and pictures of some of the other paitents in this place, if anyone is interested.