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JFL Chadstralian fights 5-6 ricecel policemen in Changi airport singapore.

Sory it wasn't two. One Chadstralian vs 5 or 6 Ricecels. :feelshaha::feelskek:
@Cayden Zhang
@Made in Heaven
rices are weak and small, almost every race can physically dominate them bar SEAs and curries
rices are weak and small, almost every race can physically dominate them bar SEAs and curries
Not really tamils in Singapore are taller and stronger then Ricemen. Those other airport stuff was Tamil, if it wasn't for them he wouldn't have stopped fighting. But most other Curries are weaker.
Rices as a race are a failed experiment. High IQ, high inhib, short, little body hair or odour, low-T, etc. They are viable on their own and in isolation (e.g. north korea) but under globalism/multiculturalism the men get mogged physically and neurotypically, and the women crave whittu cocku even if the only exposure they get it on TV. Finally having high IQs is only good if rices are in Africa or something, in a country with millions of rices you only need so many STEMcels and they become less successful as they dilute each others work options.
Not really tamils in Singapore are taller and stronger then Ricemen. Those other airport stuff was Tamil, if it wasn't for them he wouldn't have stopped fighting. But most other Curries are weaker.
@Rapist Tamils are fakecels, Just go to Singapore or Malaysia to slay hard. You are fakecel wtf are doing here :feelsseriously:
I think in the age of AI where automation is slowly going to take away many high IQ jobs blacks are going to start doing better and better. Giga low-inhib and physically dominant; it's more a niche in such a world than what rices offer.
in a country with millions of rices you only need so many STEMcels and they become less successful as they dilute each others work options.
Yeah they kill themselves the most also, because the high competition in their countries
Rices as a race are a failed experiment. High IQ, high inhib, short, little body hair or odour, low-T, etc. They are viable on their own and in isolation (e.g. north korea) but under globalism/multiculturalism the men get mogged physically and neurotypically, and the women crave whittu cocku even if the only exposure they get it on TV. Finally having high IQs is only good if rices are in Africa or something, in a country with millions of rices you only need so many STEMcels and they become less successful as they dilute each others work options.
Completely Agree. That's why Korea and Japan dying out is a good thing.
Yeah they kill themselves the most also, because the high competition in their countries
Rices should go to Africa. An IQ of 105 in China is 50th percentile, but in Africa it's 95th percentile. Just need to get business savy; labor is very cheap, etc.
Rices as a race are a failed experiment. High IQ, high inhib, short, little body hair or odour, low-T, etc. They are viable on their own and in isolation (e.g. north korea) but under globalism/multiculturalism the men get mogged physically and neurotypically, and the women crave whittu cocku even if the only exposure they get it on TV. Finally having high IQs is only good if rices are in Africa or something, in a country with millions of rices you only need so many STEMcels and they become less successful as they dilute each others work options.
Characteristically, their civilizations & societies have always essentially been hyper-collectivist, whilst also being governed by a few individuals(let’s say 2-5%) who are capable of thought in the sense Whites are, whilst having most of the population as essentially serf-classes

This is in contrast to European civilizations/societies, which have always had populations with a wide-variety of traits, especially those in NW Europe.
Characteristically, their civilizations & societies have always essentially been hyper-collectivist, whilst also being governed by a few individuals(let’s say 2-5%) who are capable of thought in the sense Whites are, whilst having most of the population as essentially serf-classes

This is in contrast to European civilizations/societies, which have always had populations with a wide-variety of traits, especially those in NW Europe.
white nationlists also say muh asians are less creative as cope when asains have same iq stormfrontcels are a joke
white nationlists also say muh asians are less creative as cope when asains have same iq stormfrontcels are a joke
Their thinking patterns are different though, they’re more convergent in terms of thinking, hence why they are hyper collectivist. Whites are more divergent in thinking, allowing for multiple possibilities to be theorized

And i don’t think you can throw around an epithet such as that-calling others a “joke” when you’ve just joined & can hardly spell.
This makes me want to fight 10 ricecels on my own :feelsdevil:
Poor ricecels. It took like 6 of them to stop him
white nationlists also say muh asians are less creative as cope
They patentmog pretty badly:worryfeels:.


Brutal, it’s like the Netflix movie Extraction
Their thinking patterns are different though, they’re more convergent in terms of thinking, hence why they are hyper collectivist. Whites are more divergent in thinking, allowing for multiple possibilities to be theorized

And i don’t think you can throw around an epithet such as that-calling others a “joke” when you’ve just joined & can hardly spell.
And what are you going to say to disprove this?

I never said they can't be creative, it's just their thinking pattern is more linear.
I don’t need to prove a negative.
I don’t need to prove a negative.
How is this a negative.

Asiatics have more linear thinking patterns & think in a manner far more logic & single-problem driven, they can still be creative, but it's a different type of it.
How is this a negative.

Asiatics have more linear thinking patterns & think in a manner far more logic & single-problem driven, they can still be creative, but it's a different type of it.
No evidence of this claim whatsoever.
Their anime/manga stories are far more creative than anything coming out of faggywood, so I think that’s evidence enough for me to say it’s a cope.
No evidence of this claim whatsoever.
Their anime/manga stories are far more creative than anything coming out of faggywood, so I think that’s evidence enough for me to say it’s a cope.
Look at their entire history, their civilizations have all followed a similar pattern which is much more collectivist, follows a much more uniform & rigid standard, etc.

You do realize also a lot of Manga & Anime as inspired by early Disney?

Also, look at this:

Cultural psychological research has compellingly demonstrated that reliable East-West differences exist in basic cognitive styles: in contrast to the analytic, focal, linear thinking prevalent in the West, East Asians prefer to engage in more holistic, contextual, and intuitive thinking. However, despite the consensus on these cultural differences in thinking style, the literature on cross-cultural variation in actual cognitive biases is far more equivocal.
Look at their entire history, their civilizations have all followed a similar pattern which is much more collectivist, follows a much more uniform & rigid standard, etc.

You do realize also a lot of Manga & Anime as inspired by early Disney?

Also, look at this:

Why does it matter what they were inspired by in the past? The fact they are much more creative than anything pedowood produces now is proof enough they are creative if they want to be.
As for history I can’t really comment because I don’t know enough about the totality of rice history to assess that statement. But I would assume if that’s true (big IF), then maybe they simply didn’t have an incentive to be creative back then like they do now where they have an outlet for it and succeed.
white nationlists also say muh asians are less creative as cope when asains have same iq stormfrontcels are a joke
Why havent chinks ever created anything of meaning? why are all chink countries shitholes like africa?
Why does it matter what they were inspired by in the past?
Because they took something that they didnt originally conceive?
The fact they are much more creative than anything pedowood produces now is proof enough they are creative if they want to be.
Never denied they can't be creative, I just said it's a very different form of it.
As for history I can’t really comment because I don’t know enough about the totality of rice history to assess that statement. But I would assume if that’s true (big IF),
Why "big if?"

I'm mainly versed in European & American history, but I do know a bit of rice history. They have always held a far more socially-collective view of factors, and also have valued working towards a unified single-goal. Now yes, you can argue Europeans did this in a way, but our societies allowed for more individualistic pursuits, thinking manners etc.

Asian societies have always had a few elites at the top, and by elites I don't just mean leaders, I mean thinkers, writers, etc. whereas European, especially Germanic societies, allowed for their to be a wide array of individuals with certain manners & traits for thinking, creativity, etc.
then maybe they simply didn’t have an incentive to be creative back then like they do now where they have an outlet for it and succeed.
Pedowood also has been under certain influences for quite some time.
Because they took something that they didnt originally conceive?
That’s like saying no civilizational achievement by anyone else mean anything because sand niggers made civilization first and almost everyone else based their models off that originally.

Never denied they can't be creative, I just said it's a very different form of it.
How so?

Why "big if?"
Seem quite silly to me. The few things I have read about super ancient rice culture like the Tao Te Ching or Zen Koans seem super creative and not conformist at all in nature.

I'm mainly versed in European & American history, but I do know a bit of rice history. They have always held a far more socially-collective view of factors, and also have valued working towards a unified single-goal. Now yes, you can argue Europeans did this in a way, but our societies allowed for more individualistic pursuits, thinking manners etc.
In Europe there has more recently in history been clashed of the individualist liberal attitude with collectivist ideas like communism, fascism, nazism, etc. The same seems to be true in Chinese history with the more creative “flow like water” Taoism ideas vs the rigid Confucius systemization of life. Ricecels seemed very creative when it came to warfare, like creating gun powder, Mongols using biological warfare with corpses to spread diseases, or the Art of War. But Europe had a much better way to explore these creative avenues due to the industrial revolution to mass produce any newly innovated good, capitalism to make money off them, and scientific innovation research funded by the elites of society (to feed into helping the other factors).

Asian societies have always had a few elites at the top, and by elites I don't just mean leaders, I mean thinkers, writers, etc. whereas European, especially Germanic societies, allowed for their to be a wide array of individuals with certain manners & traits for thinking, creativity, etc.
Can you go more into depth into this, I’m curious.

Pedowood also has been under certain influences for quite some time.
That influence has been there since the beginning, just look at this list.
Jewish directors have been very influential since the silent film era.
In America hed be a pile of guts on the floor before you know it

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