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- Apr 14, 2021
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Great work.
Or just use a vpn and the app Wink,>go to shops
>using cash, buy new phone, and some pre-paid sim cards
>register those sim cards to a stolen ID
>create a new email on protonmail
>use that new numbers and your new recovery email to sign up for: whatsapp, snapchat, tinder, bumble, hinge, snapchat
>create a fake facebook and instagram account (not using chad's name) so you research your targets
>download 5 chad profile tinder pics, and 20+ chad pics to send them (if chad has an onlyfans, rip every pic and video and remove the onlyfans text at the bottom by cropping). Download chad's entire tiktok and his entire instagram using an instagram pic downloader.
>create dating app profiles: use real features about chad. List his job as marketing or traveller. List his height as his real height. List hobby 1, hobby 2 and hobby 3 are my thing (smiley face) in bio then chads height on next line.
>format for texting bitches:
- Heyyy (bitch name) (wave emoji) how is your (weekend/day/week) going?
- Send that to every bitch
- If bitches don't reply within 24 hours with in depth replies, block them
- If any woman says looking for friends on her bio, block her - they're looking for beta orbiters to pay for their dates
- If she has her instagram/snapchat on her bio, block her - they're looking for followers/validaiton
- Those who put effort into their replies, focus on them
- After they reply how their day was they will always say wbu.
- Reply: Can't say the same! I got laid off today. Spent the day cleaning out my office
- Can't say the same! My car broke down on the way back from the beach. Spent 5 hours on the highway waiting for a tow. Or something sad i had a funeral etc
- Wait until she offers sympathies.
- Then change the topic: anyway, what are you looking for on here?
- After their shit reply, you message back: Tbh I'm just taking things casual, I'm moving to X in a few months. But I'd love to grab a drink and see if there's a vibe
- If she asks for isntagram, tell her you got banned for covid memes it's apparently disinformation (laugh emoji)
- Give her your whatsapp/snapchat
- Move it to snapchat/whatsapp. get on hackforums and find an app mod that lets you send camera roll pics as live snaps. I have one that I modified as a developer on snapchat, then made into an APK. I can link you the hackforums link to show you. But you can just buy one like Spiral or SNXP.
- From there you just arrange the logistics of the date. Ask when she is free. I'm located in (give your chad's supposed suburb), where are you? When she replies, find a bar that is bar away from her as possible - make the bitch drive. Keep communication to a minimum. Reply to your bitches late at night, 1nce per day, go severa days without replying. Use lots of hahaha and emojis.
- If you sends pics on whatsapp, make sure it is on the single view timer so they cannot screenshot and reverse image search them.
- TIps on arranging dates: send them to movies if they're in 20s. If they're older send them to a nice restaurant. Roasties love walks along the beach then getting take out pizza or some shit as a first date.
- Get a free GPS spoofer from play store, It will help to convicne them you're on your way by spoofing whatsapp live location to near the bar.
- Bulk of my chadfish are done on whatsapp - make sure you have a chad proflie pic uploaded, and your read receipts are turned off.
- Some bitches will ghost, lose interest. Who cares! There are dozens of other thots out their waiting to take the chad bait.
- From first tinder message to standing her up, it should be less than a 4 days. If they want to "get to know you more" block them. If they play hard to get block them. If they refuse to give you their number, block them.
BasedMy new chadfish strategy: set age range from 30-45; match with the fat single mothers and stand them up; reject them for their weight; show no sympathy for these landwhales.
This fat single mother lives 159km north of my tinder location. It took 3 days of texting to gain her trust, sending lots of chad snaps. We arranged a date and I convinced her it would be fun. Earlier today she drove to the city. Tinder says she was 159km away before she left. Google maps says it is 220km by road. When she got here, she spent the day checking out the city - she sent multiple snaps of her at the tourist spots. She got her nails done, then went to the cinema in the evening. She waited 27 minutes outside before I told her to fuck off as she was fat.
Funniest thing is that around lunch time, she sent a snap video of her waddling up a hill to the lookout over the city, complaining that her legs hurt. I told her to drive up, then she got angry about me making fun of her weight. Yet she still wanted to meet tonight. She also asked could she stay at chad's place tonight as she didn't want to do the drive back home late at night. She was interested in my great personality am I right??
I've had 2 phone calls from a private number since I stood her up and blocked her on snapchat. She has my chadfish number so it might be her, but I can't be sure.
Legendary threads, keep baiting these entitled whores.![]()
my penis is erect
220 kilometers? Are you fucking kidding me? Women will literally climb Mount Everest for Chad. WHAT THE FUCK.
It's okay to tell men to lift weights for years, drown in creatine, inject roids, etc. But god forbid if you tell a woman to eat a salad.Maybe if she had simply taken more showERs, attended more thERapy sessions, improved hER pERsonality, this wouldn’t have happened
Because they would. Even the most ugly foid has a million simps interested in her. It's sickening.How can that land whale believe that someone would go out with her?
my niggaMy new chadfish strategy: set age range from 30-45; match with the fat single mothers and stand them up; reject them for their weight; show no sympathy for these landwhales.
This fat single mother lives 159km north of my tinder location. It took 3 days of texting to gain her trust, sending lots of chad snaps. We arranged a date and I convinced her it would be fun. Earlier today she drove to the city. Tinder says she was 159km away before she left. Google maps says it is 220km by road. When she got here, she spent the day checking out the city - she sent multiple snaps of her at the tourist spots. She got her nails done, then went to the cinema in the evening. She waited 27 minutes outside before I told her to fuck off as she was fat.
Funniest thing is that around lunch time, she sent a snap video of her waddling up a hill to the lookout over the city, complaining that her legs hurt. I told her to drive up, then she got angry about me making fun of her weight. Yet she still wanted to meet tonight. She also asked could she stay at chad's place tonight as she didn't want to do the drive back home late at night. She was interested in my great personality am I right??
I've had 2 phone calls from a private number since I stood her up and blocked her on snapchat. She has my chadfish number so it might be her, but I can't be sure.
Holy shit that video is life fuelDisgusting fat whore deserved every bit of that, considering how woke these fatties are i doubt she would use this rejection by chad to lose weight.
The only reason she goes to gym is to take pic for instagram showing her fat yoga pants assView attachment 925953
holy shit she carries all the fat around her quads and hamstrings then none around her calves it looks funny
I would still smash though something about chubby pale white skin girls makes me really horny
You can tell this bitch doesnt actually workout though, aside from her being fat that bar has no weight on it, its too close to the floor, fat bitches love to pretend they workout and on the occasion they do it is always the wrong excercise selection.