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RageFuel Canada is getting trashed by curries



Heil I.N.C.E.L.
Sep 30, 2019
Look at this shit. In one image you can get idea how bad things are getting in Canada.


View: https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1723958984812683310?t=v4K5b5id3PTFISfuxanafA&s=19

Yes this Canada. It's just outside of Toronto. The shitskins have taken over. The Hindus and Sihks are having fights in the streets during some Indian holday that isn't recognized in Canada. I guess they're arguing about which group has worse smelling poop. There's no white people anywhere anymore. I don't know where they're going, but I want to leave too.

I had made a thread on this long time ago

Enjoy your diversity cucknada
Curries seem to do good as a group overseas
I'm getting the fuck out of here. Canada can burn to the ground for all I care.
Where will u even go? Shitskins/Nigs are everywhere these days

They ruin their own nation due to their low Iqs then move to western countries like leeches.

Prolly eastern Europe/Switzerland/basically countries with very very selective immigration laws are an option
Curries seem to do good as a group overseas
Yeah out of all the immigration groups I mind my curry n rice bros the least. All in all they don't cause much trouble and just keep their heads down n work

this is my preference list

Rice bros>>> Curries> Slavic wiggers>>>>>>>Nigs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SandNiggs
Genocide NOW!
Where will u even go? Shitskins/Nigs are everywhere these days
I'll become a digital nomad and travel Asia, Central, and South America.

Wherever there's not many curries and niggers.
Look at this shit. In one image you can get idea how bad things are getting in Canada.


View: https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1723958984812683310?t=v4K5b5id3PTFISfuxanafA&s=19

Yes this Canada. It's just outside of Toronto. The shitskins have taken over. The Hindus and Sihks are having fights in the streets during some Indian holday that isn't recognized in Canada. I guess they're arguing about which group has worse smelling poop. There's no white people anywhere anymore. I don't know where they're going, but I want to leave too.

Already made a thread about this

The reason curries are industrious in USA and Singapore is because those are South Indian Dravidian Curries. These Northern gangu pajeets are the lowest of the low. Little better than Nigs. Actually they are even worse than Nigs. All negative curry stereotypes you can think of(Israel worship, cow poop eating, raping) is due to them. Canuckcels need to throw these mofos into the Atlantic Ocean immediately. They are zero redeeming qualities.
Yeah out of all the immigration groups I mind my curry n rice bros the least. All in all they don't cause much trouble and just keep their heads down n work

this is my preference list

Rice bros>>> Curries> Slavic wiggers>>>>>>>Nigs>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>SandNiggs
You seriously prefer Rice and Curries over white slavs ?
You seriously prefer Rice and Curries over white slavs ?
yeah idk just personal preference cuz the white slavs in my university just get drunk and sometimes break shit n create trouble n pick up fights in the name of masochism while the curry n rice bros are incels like me just put their heads down n study diligently
Why are there so many curries?
Even with loose immigration policies Canada is still expensive as fuck
Diversity is our strength!
Immigrating to a country and bringing all your religious conflicts with you making it miserable for everyone kek
Currys are the most loyal slaves for Anglos. If i was anglo i would also import currys instead of niggers because currys are wanna whites "we waz aryans and shit" Niggers will sooner or later start revolutions every now and again like every 200-300 years but currys will be good servants. They cope with money maxxing to try attract white beckys but end up betabuxxing a pajeeta from curryland because the Western born pajeetas are white Chad only
oh and by the way, Currys can deal with niggers for their white masters because they cant be called racist and BLM'nd

I'm getting the fuck out of here. Canada can burn to the ground for all I care.
and go where exactly? I doubt you'd be willing to move out of north america
These Northern gangu pajeets are the lowest of the low. Little better than Nigs. Actually they are even worse than Nigs. All negative curry stereotypes you can think of(Israel worship, cow poop eating, raping) is due to them.
:yes: :yes: :yes:

“Butt vhe arr aryan and vhite, saar! Vhe arr Cockazean race, South Eendians are black!”
Immigrating to a country and bringing all your religious conflicts with you making it miserable for everyone kek
The fact that this applies to so many shitskin immigrant groups
Currys are the most loyal slaves for Anglos. If i was anglo i would also import currys instead of niggers because currys are wanna whites "we waz aryans and shit" Niggers will sooner or later start revolutions every now and again like every 200-300 years but currys will be good servants. They cope with money maxxing to try attract white beckys but end up betabuxxing a pajeeta from curryland because the Western born pajeetas are white Chad only
Muslim curries literally run rape gangs and target little Anglo girls
Someone should’ve went there with a flamethrower and enhanced their “festival of lights” with a bunch of burning curryniggers :ahegao::feelsohh:
imma just say it that i have a cousin who was THIS near to immigrate to cucknada but at final moment he got the really honest opinion of lives of immigrating curries there from some other relative, and he decided to rather go to russia for doing some masters in biotechnology and other degree (dual degree thing) at Moscow State University;
he is a well of researcher in some field of medicine now and earning euros at a big lab with french acronym name

he was about to waste himself in cucknada but life saved him
Muslim curries literally run rape gangs and target little Anglo girls
still loyal currys, hindus do tax fraud, sikhs do credit card fraud, they all still loyal to the brits
They already make up about 10% of the total population and their numbers just keep growing. I can't go 5 minutes without seeing a curry in public.
still loyal currys, hindus do tax fraud, sikhs do credit card fraud, they all still loyal to the brits
They’re loyal to themselves and their own shitty nations

Curries also ruin nations in a different way compared to nigs, sands, etc. They’re less crime-prone, but being in the presence of curries is a literal assault on all five senses. They look like shit (and are even the color of it), they smell like shit, their food tastes like shit, their unga grunga caveman languages are disgusting to listen to, and they leave their nasty dirt, grime, germs, and cockroach essence on everything they touch
They’re loyal to themselves and their own shitty nations

Curries also ruin nations in a different way compared to nigs, sands, etc. They’re less crime-prone, but being in the presence of curries is a literal assault on all five senses. They look like shit (and are even the color of it), they smell like shit, their food tastes like shit, their unga grunga caveman languages are disgusting to listen to, and they leave their nasty dirt, grime, germs, and cockroach essence on everything they touch
white flight my nigga. Currys live in their own neighbourhoods and only go to white areas to work for their white masters
This is what happens when you import millions of third world rats like @PLA1092
This is what happens when you import millions of third world rats like @PLA1092
im orangutan, keep your dirty little homosexual fantasies away from me incel you already have @kay' :feelswhat:
im orangutan, keep your dirty little homosexual fantasies away from me incel you already have @kay' :feelswhat:

I hope you buy some deodorant from your salary
and go where exactly? I doubt you'd be willing to move out of north america
No I'm serious. I've been Costa Rica, it was lovely and would definitely move there. I also plan to visit Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Panama, and maybe Argentina. I'd make a longer term decision after visiting all of them and in the meantime I'm moneymaxxing my ass off.
from what i observe, i think most indians just come to canada and end up doing nothing everyday besides taking the bus and working shitty jobs
No I'm serious. I've been Costa Rica, it was lovely and would definitely move there. I also plan to visit Thailand, Vietnam, Bali, Panama, and maybe Argentina. I'd make a longer term decision after visiting all of them and in the meantime I'm moneymaxxing my ass off.
yeah go move to a country where you will earn like 300 dollars a month bro I'm sure you're gonna do that
yeah go move to a country where you will earn like 300 dollars a month bro I'm sure you're gonna do that
I'm going to go after I have enough saved up to retire. Or when Bitcoin is worth $300k.
I'm going to go after I have enough saved up to retire. Or when Bitcoin is worth $300k.
I have the same idea, rn I'm investing most of my income, but at the rate it's going to get a million dollars I'll have to retire at like 60. Then yeah, great I have a lot of money, but I just slaved away my entire life, not having fun in life because it's all getting invested and now I'm an old fart and if I buy a ferrari my heart will probably stop beating.
I have the same idea, rn I'm investing most of my income, but at the rate it's going to get a million dollars I'll have to retire at like 60. Then yeah, great I have a lot of money, but I just slaved away my entire life, not having fun in life because it's all getting invested and now I'm an old fart and if I buy a ferrari my heart will probably stop beating.
I was buying bitcoin all the past year and a half, so if it goes to the fucking moon I'm all good.
Maybe one
Look at this shit. In one image you can get idea how bad things are getting in Canada.


View: https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1723958984812683310?t=v4K5b5id3PTFISfuxanafA&s=19

Yes this Canada. It's just outside of Toronto. The shitskins have taken over. The Hindus and Sihks are having fights in the streets during some Indian holday that isn't recognized in Canada. I guess they're arguing about which group has worse smelling poop. There's no white people anywhere anymore. I don't know where they're going, but I want to leave too.

Maybe one day you will ascend with an Indian foid
:no: us orangutans have never accepted joo propaganda unlike humankind
Being curry is so embarrassing for you that you literally larp as another species :feelskek:
Already made a thread about this

The reason curries are industrious in USA and Singapore is because those are South Indian Dravidian Curries. These Northern gangu pajeets are the lowest of the low. Little better than Nigs. Actually they are even worse than Nigs. All negative curry stereotypes you can think of(Israel worship, cow poop eating, raping) is due to them. Canuckcels need to throw these mofos into the Atlantic Ocean immediately. They are zero redeeming qualities.
This is true. Dravidians have astronomical IQ and brainmog me to oblivion. I say this as someone from literally the most northern part of curryland.

North Hindu dindus and Sikh towelheads are also not very nice, idk if it is because I am Muslimcel
Look at this shit. In one image you can get idea how bad things are getting in Canada.


View: https://twitter.com/therealhebrahim/status/1723958984812683310?t=v4K5b5id3PTFISfuxanafA&s=19

Yes this Canada. It's just outside of Toronto. The shitskins have taken over. The Hindus and Sihks are having fights in the streets during some Indian holday that isn't recognized in Canada. I guess they're arguing about which group has worse smelling poop. There's no white people anywhere anymore. I don't know where they're going, but I want to leave too.

RICHMOND IS BEING ALREADY TAKEN BY CHINKS INFO FROM DIRECT SOURCE (IN VIDEO GAME) Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidenta
All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

Every single post written on this account is fiction. Account was created as an social experiment. Do not attempt this at home. Doing so could lead you but is not limited to death, breakage, screaming parents, dismemberment, leakage, foul discharge, mutilation, humiliation, dehydration, itchy feet, hypertension, a splinter - And you know how painful those can be! This is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this post are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.

All my post is fiction. Attention to any and all intelligence agencies: every post ever made by this IP and any other associated with it have been done for no purpose other than satire. I hereby absolve myself of any and all intent to commit acts of violence or terror against any party be they fictional or existing, furthermore, any post made in the future by this IP or any associated will have been done for the sole purpose of research and/or satirical purpose.
imma just say it that i have a cousin who was THIS near to immigrate to cucknada but at final moment he got the really honest opinion of lives of immigrating curries there from some other relative, and he decided to rather go to russia for doing some masters in biotechnology and other degree (dual degree thing) at Moscow State University;
he is a well of researcher in some field of medicine now and earning euros at a big lab with french acronym name

he was about to waste himself in cucknada but life saved him
as a western born curry why are they all moving here? some of them move here and do shitty manual labour work to survive even if they have the money and luxury to shut up and live back in the homeland one of them openly told me while working a shitty job that he never knew moving abroad would be like this

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