And he that seeketh, findeth
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- Dec 29, 2023
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This is why I don't believe in NT-Pill. It's retarded. All mental diseases have physical side effects or origins. It's never purely mental or physical.
That's why normal people can spot something is wrong with people like us.
It's not the "weird vibe" or that they somehow can see your soul.
They can just subconsciously or consciously see you are unhealthy.
There are also upsides though, because it means we can fix some of this stuff. Carnivore diet helped me fix my skin issues and lowered anxiety because my gut healed. The gut-brain axis shit is 100% real. I am still rotting but at least I am not constantly in pain.
I will also put a warning here: Most autistic people online are higher-functioning, in the sense that they hold jobs, have relationships etc...
These outliers dominate the airwaves on reddit and youtube. Do not trust them.
They can only be so prominent and outspoken because their lives are good in the first place. They have the health to do that.
A really fucked up, or even homeless autistic person, will never post on reddit. That's ridiculous.
Let's not forget 1% rule - only a tiny minority of people online actually post shit and make content. Like 10% reshare it, 90% just lurk.
When you find an actual autistic person online, like on yt, you can tell instantly.
I will give an example of a girl:
View: https://youtu.be/8mVV0CggiaQ
look at her
1. terry davis looking face (weird wrinkly forehead)
2. looks kinda masculine and unhealthy
3. dark eye rings -> autistic people very often suffer from sleep issues, there is tons of research on this. They lack sleep hormones.
Information I gained from her videos about her life:
1. over 30
2. lives with dad, mom died of cancer (unhealthy mom = autism in child, you will find this pattern in your research, trust me)
3. dad also dying
4. never had a job
5. never had a relationship
6. on disability
Also note, her videos get almost no views, despite her obviously being actually fucked up with autism.
Instead, channels with foids that have
a) families with kids
b) jobs
c) are certified high iq ("mom on the spectrum" is one such channel. Another is josamidy sam and purple ella)
these channels get 100s of 1000s of views, despite the people running them have quite literally zero impairment from their alledged condition.
This is a pattern you will find.
Real autism = no views, no attention, sickly looking individuals with health issues
fake autism = tons of attention, giga narciissim, no impairment, successful in life
I want to go back to my earlier point about how outliers dominate autism discussion online.
This is very common human fallacy. We almost exclusively look to outliers for advice. Bodybuilding, finance, advice on how to do shit.
However, it makes no sense to listen to outliers. By definition, an outlier can not have succeeded based on merit.
If the majority of businesses fail, why would I listen to a businessman that succeeded? Am I really supposed to believe that the majority of people are just too retarded to run a business? They lost the gamble because of merit?
We should be listening to mumbai dogs that didn't make it instead.
Any mumbai street kid has more understanding of human psychology than some fucking Harvard PHD white boi lecturing you on yt.
The reason why the autism discussion has shifted away from autism being treated like a disease is because white chicks on the left that have no impairment from their "autism" project onto the majority of autistic people. Meanwhile most real autistic people are sick and need help.
For instance, the /aspergers subreddit is the only good autism subreddit left. Why? Cuz leftists hate the name. Aspergers = Nazi or something.
So you get a lot of posts on there saying life sucks, NT people are shitty etc...
However, there are users like this one foid called moonsal.
Moonsal is a 50 year old, hyper successful foid. If you read her post history you see her literally saying that the autism diagnosis changed nothing for her, she just got it out of boredom. She also says she worked internationally for years and has friends all over the earth.
She is obviously independent, wealthy and a high-achiever.
And yet, this bitch will pop literally into every. single. fucking. thread talking about how life sucks for autistic people. She pops in an counter signals, tells you to get therapy bla bla bla - this bitch has never suffered in her entire life and yet commands people around.
She also reports any mention of lookism, blackpill etc...
This is precisely what I am talking about. This one cunt dominates the entire discussion despite not even being affected by her condition (if she even has it). And I have watched her do this for years.
I just wanted to point this out, so you don't get confused when you go out there and it seems like everyone with autism on youtube and reddit is super high functioning, has jobs, gets pussy etc...
these people are not the average autist, many of them are foids.
Thats all I wanted to say.
Holy actual quality post