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Discussion Can someone here list the steps that a normie goes through to get laid? If you can't, then why is there such a thing as "failed normies"?

I’m not trying to insult him when I say this: either he is below average or he lacks the social ability to have a social circle and pass as a normie. I feel like a cunt pointing this out but it is really salient, given his avi is a picture of a Yu-Gi-Oh character and he’s in his mid 20s I am leaning towards the idea that perhaps it is the latter, though he may be deluding himself about his looks level as well.
yeah, you summed it up very well. if you're an average looking guy with proper social ability, you'll meet a lot of girls within your (or adjacent) social circles whom you share interests, social experiences and common ground with. it's very natural for two people in that situation to just take a liking to each other and decide they want to be boyfriend and girlfriend (especially if they're both decently good looking, or 'average' people). this idea that there's some secret method to "approaching women" that gets you a gf is, frankly, autistic and shows a lack of social development

I also thought that this might sound like a personal insult so I wasn't sure how to express it but I want to get this point across. even if OP met a girl who was attracted to him and wanted to date him I guarantee he would not have the social experience required to maintain a healthy interpersonal relationship with her. what would they talk about? what mutual life experiences would they have? how would they be able to relate to each other? one can't expect an average girl to feel any personal affinity with a life-long social reject in his mid 20s who has spent 1863 hours browsing an incel forum and has no significant talents or interests other than anime, video games etc. it's two completely different worlds. there are clearly factors at play here other than "women don't want average men"
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Normies have to pay for it aka pay for dates and betabuxx her

Chad just tells her to come over
Betabuxxing is another way of getting laid. Also the girl might be dating someone she isn't attracted to. There are countless stories of women who have non Chad boyfriends (Chad can't commit to them all) and as a result are unattracted to their boyfriend.
Derp Meme swallower perspective. Betabuxxing doesn’t exist below the age of 30, anyone who says otherwise gets all their information online and is trying to shoehorn theories into demographics where they just do not exist.
because women find them attractive, that's how. if you agree that women select their sexual partners based on looks, you agree that most men are attractive enough to get laid, considering that the vast majority of them do. incels are the outliers. do you think that it's your personality or some shit that makes women attracted to you? lmao
Shut the hell up, femoids are not genuinely attracted to normies, it's just that there are only so many chads out there and most femoids logically have to settle with a normie at some point.
Plus you must be delusional beyond the moon if you think inceldom is not a wide spread problem among normies during the time frame when femoids don't yet have to settle down. That is teens until late 20s.

Anyways, back2topic:
Normies can get laid through their real life or through the internet. Normies can have social gatherings, for example they are students and they decide to drink and have fun on a Friday night. Typically there will be a few femoids. Here's the problem: most of the time the femoids are outnumbered by the men. So often times you will have a ratio of 60:40 - 80:20 in favor of men.
They talk and if someone has the intention of getting laid or form a long term relationship, they flock to the few femoids and try to befriend them. Basically they still have to compete with the other normie men. And that is essentially how normies get laid.

Another option is through the internet, and that is through discord communities for example. They share interests, they selfpost to each other and eventually if they are lucky they live close enough to each other so they can meet up.

BUT both of those options require to be a high tier normie.
Derp Meme swallower perspective. Betabuxxing doesn’t exist below the age of 30, anyone who says otherwise gets all their information online and is trying to shoehorn theories into demographics where they just do not exist.
Chances are betabuxxing won't ever be as prevalent in our generation as it was in the boomer generation. Money is not really a valuable resource for femoids anymore, because they can make enough of it on their own since the job market is heavily in favor of femoids.
Which is one reason why I believe there is a possibility that inceldom can become mainstream.
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Shut the hell up, femoids are not genuinely attracted to normies, it's just that there are only so many chads out there and most femoids logically have to settle with a normie at some point.
Plus you must be delusional beyond the moon if you think inceldom is not a wide spread problem among normies during the time frame when femoids don't yet have to settle down. That is teens until late 20s.
lmao. where are you getting this from? statistically speaking, 44% of men ages 15-19 in the US have had sex. even more than that have had affectionate relationships. this fantasy of normies as poor, innocent victims is beyond laughable. I don't have sympathy for average men and if you do then you are the one who is delusional. they have plenty of opportunities for affection and intimacy. most of them end up acting on them, and that's why they view people like me as 'below them' and treat us like garbage. this is literally self evident; if it wasn't true incels would not be the outcasts. I'm sick of people making excuses for normies here. fakecels should just go hang out with r/trufemcels, they have more in common with them than they do with me.
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lmao. where are you getting this from? statistically speaking, 44% of men ages 15-19 in the US have had sex. even more than that have had affectionate relationships. this fantasy of normies as poor, innocent victims is beyond laughable. I don't have sympathy for average men and if you do then you are the one who is delusional. they have plenty of opportunities for affection and intimacy. most of them end up acting on them, and that's why they view people like me as 'below them' and treat us like garbage. this is literally self evident; if it wasn't true incels would not be the outcasts. I'm sick of people making excuses for average men here. fakecels should just go hang out with r/trufemcels, they have more in common with them than they do with me.
Even if that number is true, if 44% of men have had sex during their highschool years, it still means 56% didn't. 56% is the majority. You're literally proving my point. What do you think happens after highschool? You think all these sexless normie tier men suddenly ascend during their college years? Why would they? If they didn't manage to successfully compete against others during highschool, why would they be able to later? Most likely they can't, because they won't suddenly gain the ability to grow bones.
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Even if that number is true, if 44% of men have had sex during their highschool years, it still means 56% didn't. 56% is the majority. What do you think happens after highschool? You think all these sexless normie tier men suddenly ascend during their college years? Why would they? If they didn't manage to successfully compete against others during highschool, why would they be able to later? Most likely they can't, because they won't suddenly gain the ability to grow bones.
most of them do, 86% of men aged 20-24 have had sex. not getting laid in highschool doesn't mean that you were a sexually undesirable KHHV who never experienced intimacy ever. again, incels are the outliers. it is very rare and unnatural for men to go their entire lives without touching a girl. even within this community there are a significant amount of guys who have had unpaid sex (17% of the forum according to our demographic poll). although women have inflated standards due to hypergamy and the sexual market is heavily tilted in their favor, normies still can not relate to the life experiences of a KHHV with no sexual value whatsoever
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Thats insane lengths to go to try to "prove" that normies can ascend, anyone that looks at his face can easily tell he isn't and will never be normie. There are better examples to use (for normies can ascend thing) but jfl if this is normie tier minimum chadlite facially
It's probably because of his pheno. It looks weird and distinctive and very vampiresque.

There's a reason why this dude was posting his face around everywhere and it wasn't because he was a normie. Although you can find some cherrypicked pictures where he looks worse.
here's an interesting article by cdc.gov: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2017/201706_NSFG.htm

An estimated 55% of male and female teens have had sexual intercourse by age 18 and approximately 80% of teens used some form of contraception at first sex, according to a new report by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).

Among those teens who had not yet had sex, the most common reasons for abstaining were: “it was against religion or morals,” “haven’t found the right person yet,” and “don’t want to get (a female) pregnant.”

boo hoo. it's a hard knock life for normies. they really have it just as bad as us. I guess that vast majority of 17 year olds who have gotten laid are all just betabuxxing?
Derp Meme swallower perspective. Betabuxxing doesn’t exist below the age of 30, anyone who says otherwise gets all their information online and is trying to shoehorn theories into demographics where they just do not exist.
Some people cope here by believing that paying for a date = betabuxxing = same thing as escorts.

I'd agree with you except for late 20s. If a girl is with you while she's young the primary reason is your genetics. She wouldn't want the time, attention, or experiences in her youth from a subhuman.

Really what "betabuxxing" is, is getting settled for late in life for them to find someome to marry and to start a family. It's just that income becomes one of the most important traits for that.
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I'd agree with you except for late 20s. If a girl is with you while she's young the primary reason is your genetics.

Really what "betabuxxing" is, is getting settled for late in life for them to find someome to marry and to start a family. It's just that income becomes one of the most important traits for that.
Yes - agreed. I think the age where this begins to happen likely varies dependent on area. Where I live women settle down pretty late and hardly anyone is religious so it’s more around the 30 mark.
most of them do, 86% of men aged 20-24 have had sex. not getting laid in highschool doesn't mean that you were a sexually undesirable KHHV who never experienced intimacy ever. again, incels are the outliers. it is very rare and unnatural for men to go their entire lives without touching a girl. even within this community there are a significant amount of guys who have had unpaid sex (17% of the forum according to our demographic poll). although women have inflated standards due to hypergamy and the sexual market is heavily tilted in their favor, normies still can not relate to the life experiences of a KHHV with no sexual value whatsoever
I don't know where you get those numbers from, I assume they are outdated. If they are from the 2000s, then that doesn't accurately represent todays situation, since the introduction of social media and dating apps changed the dating market drastically. What I am focusing on is the current generation of 18-25 aged men. If normie tier men of this generation manage to ascend during the time frame when femoids settle down, then yes there is a fundamental difference between normies and truecels, because I believe femoids would rather kill themselves than to settle down with a truecel.
If you want change, the best you can hope for is that inceldom becomes a widespread problem among the majority of men. Because for a change to happen (enforcing monogamy by law, patriarchy, ownership of females), you need to have a majority.
Failed normie = incel
You can't betabux unless you have a lot more money than the foid, which simply isn't the case for most people who are getting laid.
Women under 30 already out-earn men under 30

Exactly. this is not even an option anymore. Also @rightfulcel this shit is so fucking emasculating. Working hard for little money while females have a cozy job and outearn you.
Exactly. this is not even an option anymore. Also @rightfulcel this shit is so fucking emasculating. Working hard for little money while females have a cozy job and outearn you.
Clown world tbh
Exactly, I totally agree. It’s such and an autistic mentality to believe there is some regimented process to achieving some social goal, that is what deluded PUA copers believe. Normies meet people through gatherings because they have social circles. OP is projecting his own situation onto the majority of normies because he considers himself in the average looks range, I’m not trying to insult him when I say this: either he is below average or he lacks the social ability to have a social circle and pass as a normie. I feel like a cunt pointing this out but it is really salient, given his avi is a picture of a Yu-Gi-Oh character and he’s in his mid 20s I am leaning towards the idea that perhaps it is the latter, though he may be deluding himself about his looks level as well.
Without acne scars he's above-average. Though his surgeries for it got postponed.
Incel: Never had sex, but wants to have sex
Failed Normalfag: Has had sex, believes he's an incel anyways
Incel: Never had sex, but wants to have sex
Failed Normalfag: Has had sex, believes he's an incel and understands what it's like to be an incel anyways
so a sexhaver claims inceldom? Why don't we have Chads acting like they are incels.
Truecel + failed normie = all incels
Without acne scars he's above-average. Though his surgeries for it got postponed.
Have you rated him personally? If that is the case then it must be a social issue, I actually find people like that are more likely to cope with sub 8 theory because your social behaviour is a wilful act you have some degree of control over and it’s actually easier to tell yourself you’re just an average guy that society hates for not looking good enough than to admit you are a social failure and that you could’ve done something different.
Have you rated him personally? If that is the case then it must be a social issue, I actually find people like that are more likely to cope with sub 8 theory because your social behaviour is a wilful act you have some degree of control over and it’s actually easier to tell yourself you’re just an average guy that society hates for not looking good enough than to admit you are a social failure and that you could’ve done something different.
Yeah, I've seen his pictures where he frauded away his acne scars and he's GL 6.0-6.5. I probably would've rated him higher but he looked a bit older than his age.

Probably due to poor skin quality or something from the acne scars even though they're not visible. Although, he said someone told him he looks younger than he was so maybe it's just the picture.
I'll just guess it was straight up luck or betabuxxing.
Yeah but it's neither. The fucking normies have actual steps and actual how they live and what gets them laid. Is not random, saying it's luck or betabuxx are both very false - in most cases.

I don't know how they do it, I'm not a normie
Yeah, I've seen his pictures where he frauded away his acne scars and he's GL 6.0-6.5. I probably would've rated him higher but he looked a bit older than his age.

Probably due to poor skin quality or something from the acne scars even though they're not visible. Although, he said someone told him he looks younger than he was so maybe it's just the picture.
I mean, I think there are a lot of guys here who would look normie if their skin was airbrushed tbh, skin is underrated, that’s why girls look so much better when taking a picture with a filter on. Sounds a bit suspect to me. But even so, I think social circle / ability clearly plays a role here regardless of looks as (and I really do hate saying this but it kind of goes without saying) I have never seen someone who can realistically be described as a normie who was a YuGiOh fan in their mid 20s.
I have never seen someone who can realistically be described as a normie who was a YuGiOh fan in their mid 20s.
I'm not really a yu-gi-oh fan tbh. I simply used it as my avi because I noticed anime avis were used and yu-gi-oh was an anime I liked when I was younger.
I mean, I think there are a lot of guys here who would look normie if their skin was airbrushed tbh, skin is underrated, that’s why girls look so much better when taking a picture with a filter on. Sounds a bit suspect to me. But even so, I think social circle / ability clearly plays a role here regardless of looks as (and I really do hate saying this but it kind of goes without saying) I have never seen someone who can realistically be described as a normie who was a YuGiOh fan in their mid 20s.
I agree but I don't think he airbrushed it rather just took a photo from an angle and in lighting where you couldn't see his scars.

Also @Personalityinkwell even though it sounds gay you can consider using foundation or something to cover up your scars in the mean-time.
I'm not really a yu-gi-oh fan tbh. I simply used it as my avi because I noticed anime avis were used and yu-gi-oh was an anime I liked when I was younger.
Fair enough man, you know I’m not judging you when I say that. I am merely trying to understand where you’re coming from, everyone here is mentally more resilient than the average person, so on that level I have a high amount of respect for most everyone here. But you really need to reestablish a social circle if you want any hope at all, and I do think that if you do that you’ll be able to see this sub 8 nonsense for what it really is.

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