Therapy begets a more interesting question. Enslavement. I remember reading on the subject of slavery during the early united states. Blacks weren't just
physically enslaved. They were mentally enslaved as well. They were fed the opiate of the masses. Religion fed into a mindset of imagined, future joys which couldn't be experienced on earth. Slaves were less likely to rise up if they believed their lives, albeit agonizing, were to be rewarded after death. If they were to understand their predicament fully, a sense of fury would have risen up inside between the two options in front of them: Enslavement until death, or freedom.
Now, the modern incel is just as mentally enslaved as any servant. But how do you enslave someone when religion as fallen out of favor? Society spins their prison as
self-deserved. Men are taught that the sorrow and loneliness they feel is all self-caused. A slave would never rise up if the whip and cane he were subjected to were all well-deserved. Imagine if you didn't just accept the lash, but you ran toward it, embraced it? You are the problem after all, and all your ills are traced back to you.
This is why the blackpill is freedom. It is mental liberation. Take a look at /r/foreveralone. Sorry incels mope around in a self-created prison of blame. All directed to where they believe the problem lies. A fist will never be raised. A concern never expressed. All because men feel such insecurity and pain at what they imagine to be their own flaws. Imagine if all men could accept the blackpill? Imagine if all men could turn toward the system which seeks to misuse them? To stop supporting single moms? Refusing to pay taxes or contribute? Society is in the business of keeping losers occupied. The Blackpill FREES men from this mental prison they place themselves in. The blackpill IS the secret to men's rights. The Blackpill is Zen. It is Mental Clarity and Beauty
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