How can you be too lazy for it now? It's like the easiest thing to do, way easier than preparing tons of foods and planning 5 meals a day. Meat and animal products are the only foods we actually digest properly. If you are lazy you can just pretty much live on eggs and milk for a few days. (if consumed raw at least.)
Also don't fall for the natural sweeteners as mentioned above it's as bad as sugar. And never ever take supplements, get it naturally.
Meat takes the longest to digest and it comes from sick birds and mammals pumped with growth hormones and live in bad conditions, and it increases your cholesterol. There are some natural sweetners that make me sick but most of them are ok, a lot better than white sugar and high fructose corn syrup. Supplements help me out a lot and every year I get a blood test to make sure all my readings are in range. You can make an account on to see if your diet is missing any vitamins.
Zesto had some good recommendations too.
Vitamin C (2000mg dose) - which is good for skin and also lowering cortisol. most vitamin c has an acid base and is derived chemically (artificially) but I specifically chose a calcium ascorbate base as this is much healthier for the stomach and there is evidence to suggest better absorption rates of this kind compared to the chemical acidic vitamin c
I then have Vitamin D3 5000mg - this is a natural anti depressant and for me who avoids the sun to try to remain youthful as possible (all contact with the sun is cancer, wear sunscreen everyday and limit exposure, it ages you like nothing else) I need to sup vit d to get my daily dose
Next is Magnesium Glycinate - this is very good for men, and more than half of USA population is magnesium deficient, not all magnesium is the same most magnesium is not very absorbable (especially the cheap kind) but glycinate is highly absorbable by the body as well as very light effects on the stomach, this vitamin is good to help sleep, and also to lower cortisol
I have Omega 3 Fish Oil, the important part with this is making sure you have very high EPA and DHA concentrations as well as high overall Omega 3 concentration. another sup good for CalmMaxxing
Then I bought Ashwagandha this is an oriental medicine herb. It's supposed to be natural anti-anxiety. There are scientific studies that prove it has cortisol lowering effect with control groups given placebo and up to 30% cortisol reduction in comparison.
Lastly I have L-Theanine 200mg, this is the main compound in tea that provides anti-oxidants. This is good for CalmMaxxing because in tea you will get 25-50mg maybe and this is much easier to take one of these.