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Cope Can hypermasculinity help us cope with inceldom?



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
I remember reading constantly about prison and it’s interesting as hell. Prison apparently has a lot of hypermasculinity because in prison, in order to survive, you have to be as tough and manly as possible, and because prisoners have a homogeneous lifestyle, they build their own hierarchy on being manly because it’s the only type of hierarchy available. If you aren’t manly in prison, you won’t survive. They also have hypermasculinity in the military to prepare for war.

It seems that hypermasculinity will help us cope with inceldom. It will prevent us from roping and will help us persevere. We are doomed to have inceldom because of the blackpill but if we’re hypermasculine, we could cope. It’s time to masculinemaxx

we need to:


never cry

If someone messes with us, we kick their ass (No don’t go ER that’s a dumb idea just punch them)

become muscular and become ogrecels

wear clothes that make us look intimidating (skull shirt, baggy jeans and a baseball hat is good)

shave your head bald and grow a goatee

idk. But I think it can work to cope. Idc if this sounds dumb. It might work. If it works for military and prisoners it can work for us
Only bones can
i need to gain some muscle since im weak and skinny as fuck
Goes without saying that we will be tyrones bitch If we go to prison
Nah, man, you will be seen as a try hard and will end up dead or in prison.
Yes. Do not fap and lift weights
Maybe, but it's too much effort tbh.
only if I was an ogre of culture
Isn’t working hard in school effort too?
I have absolutely terrible grades at college and I don't care. Also, getting super buffed and shit is way harder than memorizing some textbook nonsense.
Even foids can get a college degree nowadays, how hard do you think it is.
how did you know it boyo
I guessed. Is that your height?
I have absolutely terrible grades at college and I don't care. Also, getting super buffed and shit is way harder than memorizing some textbook nonsense.
Even foids can get a college degree nowadays, how hard do you think it is.
It takes time to masculinemaxx but it’s worth it
Could be a major cope tbh
Going to prison is like going to high school over again. Except no foids, teachers or classes. Just more jocks and bullying.
Sure if you wanna intimidate other men. Girls could give a fuck. Acting hard is an attempt not to get assraped in jail by other men.
I agree with this in spirit. But in practice you have to 1.have a good natural frame and 2. be a pretty good actor and/or have some experience dealing with harsh socioeconomic circumstances. In short, it's not exactly a realistic strategy for some.
I agree with this in spirit. But in practice you have to 1.have a good natural frame and 2. be a pretty good actor and/or have some experience dealing with harsh socioeconomic circumstances. In short, it's not exactly a realistic strategy for some.
If you’re 5’2 it won’t work
No masculinity for a round/jawless face
Grow a beard
Resultado de imagen de soy face
Its genetics tbh. I will never be a muscular guy
Imagine telling a rice or currycel to ogremax. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
i believe so, hypermasculinity seems to be really work, but it is hard as shit to do it, so it makes sense to be a definitive way out of inceldom
i believe so, hypermasculinity seems to be really work, but it is hard as shit to do it, so it makes sense to be a definitive way out of inceldom
Isn’t a lot of stuff we do hard work?
Bruce lee
Bruce lee was 172 cm (5’8”) and 64 kg (141 lb). Can you call him ogremax with these stats? No doubt he was a universally respected role model, but he did not exude aggression or intimidation. Even if some manlet ethnic achieves Bruce lee status, you’re just gonna get mogged by all the other pills. Even “Bruce lee” got mogged in that scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The West will cuck us.
Bruce lee was 172 cm (5’8”) and 64 kg (141 lb). Can you call him ogremax with these stats? No doubt he was a universally respected role model, but he did not exude aggression or intimidation. Even if some manlet ethnic achieves Bruce lee status, you’re just gonna get mogged by all the other pills. Even “Bruce lee” got mogged in that scene in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. The West will cuck us.
His fighting skills were hypermasculine
Goes without saying that we will be tyrones bitch If we go to prison

False. Assaulting someone of another race will cause a race war in the prison. Inmates looks down on fags and rapists. The guy that causes the riot by assaulting someone of another race will probably get in trouble with his own race and get whacked.

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