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Can chemical castrastion be an immediate cure for Inceldom?

Should castration be openly allowed? And why?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 50.0%

  • Total voters


Nov 7, 2017
It'd be hard to mutilate your dick to be ridden off your horniness. Other than circumcision, which has a bit of an affect. 

I think the only way to attain castration is through being a sexual offender, but I ain't about that life.

They should castrate those that didn't get a girlfriend, by the time their 16, or probably had 100 rejections. It'd be easier to live a life, not chasing women, and getting you're heart trampled, and trampled over again. Also you'd automatically be low inhib and not give a fuck about validation, which is awesome.
You must be smoking crack or something
Your still going to have a sex drive
I was looking into real, not chemical castration, and it seems to be not the best decision. Apparently you get a lot of hormonal problems and, for some time after the operation, a most severe depression, not comparable to anything you've felt before.
no, It will get rid of the "wanting sex" part but I will not gid rid of I want a relationship part
idkwattodowithlife said:
It'd be hard to mutilate your dick to be ridden off your horniness. Other than circumcision, which has a bit of an affect. 

I think the only way to attain castration is through being a sexual offender, but I ain't about that life.

They should castrate those that didn't get a girlfriend, by the time their 16, or probably had 100 rejections. It'd be easier to live a life, not chasing women, and getting you're heart trampled, and trampled over again. Also you'd automatically be low inhib and not give a fuck about validation, which is awesome.

Its cope, you'll still long for female companionship.
There is still not enough technology to get a closer less colateral damage point. But is also needed to consider in the idea that somehow our release of neurotransmitters must be deviated to something (since the objective is being less and less slave of our biology including anything we consider negative such as pathological conditions) in the human body manipulation in a molecular level.
It would be easier to just rope.
Son, I knew your daddy.
HAHHAHAHA nice one OP... I feel like I played some role in seeding this thought on this forum. So, to briefly explain:

  1. To many incels or even men who are sexually frustrated for other reasons (e.g., paraphilia, or hypersexual libido), sex feels absolutely like a NEED 
  2. But the above (1) can only exist if there is desire there to begin with (i.e., the unfulfilled DESIRE --> SUFFERING) 
  3. Solution: Remove/minimize the desire? 
The "minimize the desire" approach, including temporary, reversible chemical castration with GnRH agonists, have already been used in the treatment of paraphilias and hypersexuality ( ). Chemical castration with GnRH agonists resulted in statistically significant reduction in sexual desire in one case series (http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199802123380702#t=article ), with the main side effects being hot flashes, erectile dysfunction (no shit), depression (responsive to Zoloft) and osteopenia/osteoporosis (managed with Vit D, Calcium, dosed hormonal addback and/or bisphosphonates).  

An alternative to chemical castration is the use of SSRI's that are associated with high rates of sexual desire reduction, like fluoxetine (Prozac).


(note the odds ratio here is comparing the odds of the Rx impacting men vs the odds of it impacting women; interestingly, drugs with sexual side fx preferentially impact DESIRE and ORGASM more for men, and arousal more for women)

Anyway, this would really be for those who feel their sexual desire/suffering is ego-dystonic and/or is resulting in significant dysfunction, and they wish to be productive, contributing members of society. I suspect it may not be the most popular approach, cuz it's arguably inceldom-defeatist in fully embracing LDAR.

Also, another hurdle is the mental health profession DOES NOT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT INCELS unless they have a recognized mood disorder/psychiatric illness, and "sexual frustration" is not currently recognized as one. Hell, the APA even rejected recognizing/adding hypersexual disorder (sex addiction) to the DSM V even though it seems to be a valid diagnostic construct and a disease that can result in significant dysfunction ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23035810)! So -- for those who are interested in this therapy -- don't expect to stroll into your local psych office complaining of intrusive thoughts of Chad fucking Stacy and expect to walk out with a Rx for Sertraline...

Even more tl;dr context below:

subsaharan said:
dr-problematic said:
end goal of any living human being is to live the offspring, therefore sex is the primary goal in all of us, it makes the world spin around and whole society mechanics revolves around sex and intimate relationships.
That's the evolved biological imperative. Personal endgoals usually exceed beyond that and may, occasionally, exclude that imperative entirely.
For instance, IMO, as an anti-natalist ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinatalism , and see work by David Benatar), I believe it is unethical and immoral to follow that evolved biological imperative and reproduce further beings into a world of suffering, destined to die.
Actually, IMO, human procreation isn't just destructive on an abstract philosophical level,
but also for all life on this planet (and the only known complex life in the universe).

"Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe." -- http://www.pnas.org/content/114/30/E6089.full
Isaac Newton most surely was obsessing over that shit, unless you managed to personally speak to the fella and he told you otherwise. He got to the heights of his discovers only because of his preternatural nature given talent. It was in his genes.
It's suspected he was aspie (or some other PDD) and it was known he didn't care for human relationships.
Others having higher testosterone due to having sex and consequent validation and high social status will live far higher quality life that you do.
"than you do" I'm a blackpilled normie (arguable volcel) homie. But as far as your point: it's not absolute. Slayers do off themselves too. For the average male with an intact libido, sexual validation will increase their quality of life. The lack of sexual relationships wouldn't matter much to an asexual aspie (or anyone with low libido) -- these people do exist, often sequestered in high level physics departments as I know of a few; mathematician Paul Erdos is also suspected of being one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Erd%C5%91s#Personality

subsaharan said:
Is this being prescribed for a moderate to severe depression? Or some other diagnosis (OCD? Panic disorder?)
It causes sexual dysfunction in >70% of men &, as a result, reportedly shows some effectiveness in numbing sexual preoccupation when it's used for that indication (off-label).
Take it and report back in a few months... will test my hypothesis (albeit N=1 lol) on where the mental anguish of inceldom utimately comes from that I posted about in https://incels.is/Thread-RageFuel-Masturbating-Sex-and-Testosterone-production-its-fucking-over
subsaharan said:
it wasn't tho. Probably qualify as volcel these days (dry for awhile, too ugly to get desired mates but I'm too high status -- by profession -- to fuck everything walking)
I stand by my points on desire and suffering. Ultimately more of an Eastern/Buddhist philosophy, but I think most of incel anguish stems from having a healthy T. That is to say, healthy T --> strong libido --> high desire and NEED for sexual validation --> sexual frustration.
The high T & libido is what makes it hard to ignore the biological imperative to procreate.
I experience this as well, it's an agonizing DISTRACTION thinking about sex and women all of the fucking time. Obsessing with envy on those who are able to more easily fuck the women you find desirable.
Since I recognize it as an unhealthy, completely counterproductive obsession, I've flirted with the idea of seeking out fluoxetine (antidepressant with sex-suppressing side fx) and/or GnRH agonists (anti-hormone/chemical castration) for no other reason than to vaporize my libido.. in hopes it will turn me into a Newton lol

subsaharan said:
nausea said:
now I want to actually help him truly but I cannot, for I have now to start a silly internet battle with the user I quoted, who speaks of "sexual dysfunction" without even knowing what it is and most importantly speaks about a specific drug without even knowing what it is
While psychiatry isn't my specialty, I am a medical doctor.
Below are my sources for my statements.
Article: https://www.mdedge.com/jfponline/article/78568/mens-health/how-do-antidepressants-affect-sexual-function
Relevant table:

Source data reported in that table from a meta-analysis from your Italian colleagues at University of Bologna (not a pun) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19440080 (Serretti et al 2009)
Note in the Table above, fluoxetine (PROZAC) is associated with a "treatment-emergent sexual dysfunction" (SD) in 70.6% of 1,718 patients on the drug, with an odds ratio of 15.59 over the placebo (total N & exact OR reported in original article by Serretti). The definition of SD generally encompasses problems with desire, arousal and orgasm -- but you can read Serretti's full text yourself to see the exact breakdown of the variables.
My statements cautiously generalizing this fluoxetine data to possibly helping with "sexual preoccupation" comes from https://www.nice.org.uk/advice/esuom46/chapter/Key-points-from-the-evidence :
No randomised controlled trials (RCTs) which evaluate the use of fluoxetine in the treatment of hypersexuality were found, nor any studies that compared fluoxetine with any of the hormonal treatments licensed to treat hypersexuality. Limited evidence from 3 small, short‑term observational studies suggests that fluoxetine may improve some measurements of hypersexuality and sexual preoccupation in men who have either been convicted of a sexual offence or who have a paraphilia or a non-paraphilic sexual addiction. However, these studies had a number of limitations which make it difficult to draw conclusions on the use of fluoxetine for this indication.
What exactly is your point of contention?

As an aside, I honestly think time spent thinking about, chasing, and catering to pussy is the biggest source of opportunity costs in male societal productivity. I'm sure everyone knows someone who fucked up their whole lives pursuing, or trapped in, toxic courtships. I just think there should be a way out this hell with out checking out completely (aka rope)
Yes, I think your thread, may have influenced me into making this thread.

Some philosophers and scientist avoid women to complete their work, also accomplish their goals. Yes, sometimes women could be a distraction.

Anyways, thanks @subsaharan
idkwattodowithlife said:
Yes, I think your thread, may have influenced me into making this thread.

Some philosophers and scientist avoid women to complete their work, also accomplish their goals. Yes, sometimes women could be a distraction.

Anyways, thanks @subsaharan

Appreciate you making this thread homie. And glad you included a poll too, I'm actually pleasantly surprised to see I'm not the only one who looks upon such an option favorably.

subsaharan - 1 | r/IncelTears - 0 

subsaharan said:
Appreciate you making this thread homie. And glad you included a poll too, I'm actually pleasantly surprised to see I'm not the only one who looks upon such an option favorably.

subsaharan - 1 | r/IncelTears - 0 


Look bruz you know my position by now. I would never chemically carstrate myself lol
Look OP you know my position by now, you know that I would never castrate myself
Battlefield3cel said:
Look OP you know my position by now, you know that I would never castrate myself
Well, you're the fella that hits up on hookers whilst everyone is wageslaving away lol.
Bjrgaminggod said:
no, It will get rid of the "wanting sex" part but I will not gid rid of I want a relationship part

Wanting relationship is tightly connected to sex drive. You find women attractive because of your dick, not because of your eyes. Crushes are unconsious desires to impale that chick on your penis.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Well, you're the fella that hits up on hookers whilst everyone is wageslaving away lol.

Too bad. They had their chance lol
I was essentially neutered when I took propecia to help with hairloss.

If you can deal with the physical symptoms of having no energy etc. then yes, it feels like a huge weight just got removed from your shoulders.
And for the poll of course it should be allowed. It's my body and I can do whatever I fucking want. No roasties, abortion is not the same case. You carry a body of another person therefore you're responsible for it and can't do whatever you want with it.
wtf 16? it should be 20 and I have looked into it and the closest thing to it is [font=q_serif, Georgia, Times,]antidepressants[/font]

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