That's a very flawed article that misrepresents the Islamic position on several issues and even where it's correct, it throws away the baby with the bathwater. Not suprising given that the main author seems to be an SJW cuck.
Feminists often claim that men and women are equal and that there is no difference between male and female sexuality. Nothing could be further from the truth. Muhammad did not invent the custom of veiling women; he merely endorsed it. It was already commonplace in Arabia centuries before he was born and similar customs also existed in other ancient cultures. The reason women, and not men, were expected to veil themselves in both Pagan and Islamic Arabia is because, as third-century church-father Tertullian
wrote, "females are more apt to be fallen in love with than to fall in love". Any young woman can provoke men by showing her face or dressing immodestly, but only Chad is capable of provoking women. Bluepilled SJW morons don't understand this and complain that it's unfair that only women are expected to veil themselves in Islamic culture.