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Serious Calling out BrendioEEE - GTFIH [JEALOUSCELS STFO]

Whores always virtue signal.
She better suck Brendio's dick or she is a shallow whore
She literally rejects him in the next reply - "Teehee, I'm traditional"
Silly tradthot.
The 200 IQ play would be for Brendio to ask her out publicly as a reply to her comment, knowing that if she rejects, her virtue signalling will be evident to all except those who need to wear a helmet 24/7 and her image will take a hit as a result. Women always hate it when people think she's the bad guy and at fault.

It's a good opportunity. Best case scenario: you ascend. Worst case: she rejects you (like everyone before), but now you have sympathy and potentially follow-ups by other women upping the virtue signalling ante and trying to show you that they're better than this bitch.

Not doing anything about this now would be cucking yourself.
This would be entertaining
How can she claim to he traditional and then say, "not a fan of the homophobia". This is a massive cope.
I always knew he was a chad.
How can she claim to he traditional and then say, "not a fan of the homophobia". This is a massive cope.
don't run away brendio.you have a chance here bro!just ask for her phone number bro
How can she claim to he traditional and then say, "not a fan of the homophobia". This is a massive cope.
Try and date her to see if she's sincere. I smell BS from her honestly, but we won't know for sure unless you make the move. So what are you waiting for? Ask her out and see what happens.
This is bluepilled bullshit you're falling for OP
theres no proof shes even real
Its a chinese neckbeard who is trying to capture brendioo and harvest his organs or maybe its a gay neckbeard who wants to touch his chubby little ass and cum in his yellow jacket
>i'm traditional
>not a fan of homophobia

these cuckservatives are mentally ill where do you draw a line for being a conservative? are cuckservatives going to talk in 10 years about sacred tranny marriage as a core conservative value?
Guy is so short, no slut would want to even look at him, JFL if you believe this shit.

She's virtue signaling.

Low IQ, if you don't see that.
How can she claim to he traditional and then say, "not a fan of the homophobia". This is a massive cope.
Expose her for being the virtue signalling cunt that she is
Brendio has an above average face but let's not kid ourselves and pretend like he's a volcel Chad or something. His height and build are a death sentence.

Screenshot 20191209 011111 YouTube

Keep us updated.
The bullshit thing about this and why it is likely virtue-signaling is that there is a presumption that Brendio is the only traditional-male available. I'm sure traditional guys ask her out all the time (taller better looking guys) but somehow she wants to date an incel who isn't locally available??
The bullshit thing about this and why it is likely virtue-signaling is that there is a presumption that Brendio is the only traditional-male available. I'm sure traditional guys ask her out all the time (taller better looking guys) but somehow she wants to date an incel who isn't locally available??

Well maybe since Brendio has been on the media a couple of times now he is kind of starting to get a celebrity status and celebrity status makes cunts wet.
Obvious virtue signal, probably made the comment after a withdraw of no chad sex in a week
Feels like obvious virtue signaling to me.

He blowing up. She wants to leach on a piece of those millions of views to bring attention to her career.
>i'm traditional
>not a fan of homophobia

these cuckservatives are mentally ill where do you draw a line for being a conservative? are cuckservatives going to talk in 10 years about sacred tranny marriage as a core conservative value?
Conservatives don’t conserve anything. They are useless Jew worshippers.
@BrendioEEE buddy it's now or never!!!
I wonder if she will get triggered enough by people calling her out for virtue signalling that she forces her brain to overwrite her default 'fuck chads only' instinct and get down with BrendioEEE to prove herself
pounce on this little minx and fuck the shit out of her like its your last day on earth bro slay that hoe.
This is the absolute state of incels.co smh.
I wonder if she will get triggered enough by people calling her out for virtue signalling that she forces her brain to overwrite her default 'fuck chads only' instinct and get down with BrendioEEE to prove herself

She will probably throw up after fucking him and realizing it was only due to virtue signalling but then BrendioEEE has officially lost his virgin status to a reasonably attractive foid.
She will probably throw up after fucking him and realizing it was only due to virtue signalling but then BrendioEEE has officially lost his virgin status to a reasonably attractive foid.
:feelskek: :feelskek:hoping BrendioEEE impregnates her
Its a chinese neckbeard who is trying to capture brendioo and harvest his organs or maybe its a gay neckbeard who wants to touch his chubby little ass and cum in his yellow jacket

Fucking lol'd out loud in the library
She's just another typical
virtual signaling whore
on the internet. They always claim that we just have to make the first move and they'll date us but that's never actually the truth. Lying cunts just want to look like they're the good guys when they're not.
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How'd this fakecel fag make it this far on .is before getting banned

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