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Blackpill Bullies typically go on to lead more fufilling, healthier lives than their victims.

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The two Canadian studies may go some way to explaining why celebrity bullies like Gordon Ramsay are a hit with women - even though they have explosive tempers.
Simon Fraser University criminologist Jennifer Wong surveyed 135 teenagers from a high school in Vancouver with a questionnaire about bullying. The pupils were asked how often they were hit, kicked or shoved and from that they were divided into categories; bully, bystander, victim or victim-bully. The results showed that bullies, who accounted for around 11 per cent of the group, scored highest when it came to social status and self-esteem. They also came lowest when it came to depression.


Copeland and his colleagues took advantage of a database involving 1420 children who were followed from the age of 9 to 21, and who were tested at nine different times during that period. They were asked about their bullying experiences, and researchers took their blood to measure things like C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker for inflammation that is an important for predictor of heart disease, among other ailments. Victims of bullying showed the greatest increases in their CRP levels, compared to where they started, which wasn’t surprising, since inflammation can spike due to stress, anxiety, and lack of sleep—all of which bullying victims experience. The more often victims were bullied, the more their CRP levels rose. But the real shocker came when the scientists analyzed the CRP levels of the bullies. Their inflammation rates were lower even than those children who had never reported being bullied or being a bully. Bullying seemed to protect the aggressors from inflammatory diseases. “We found that the enhanced social status that came along with being a bully did seem to advantage them over time,” says Copeland. “That finding more than anything else surprised us.”

Chad always wins. He won from grade school. You never had a chance.
this is the blackpill which makes me saddest.

I had a FUCKING SHIT time in school and the only thing that pulled me through it was the idea that I'd get a better life at the end.

I didn't.

This is why I FUCKING HATE Inceltears because ultimately I am here, on this site, with all my problems due to bullying.

And those pieces of shit still bully even though they're adults. Punching down on people with mental illnesses. Trying to hurt people who they should have helped.

They are fucking scumbags and the adult equivalent of the people that ruined my life.

And then when fucking twats on this site say I'm a cucktears infiltrator, I see red because I understand exactly what it's like to feel at the bottom of every food chain. And so I come here looking for people like me, trying to help pull them up because let's face it; the rest of the world is dog eat dog, let's bully whoever we can because punching down feels good and elevates our status.

And then people come here and tell me I'm a fucking infiltrator because I want to stop people feeling like I have done my whole life and because I want to pull people out of the hole - avoiding the suicides and the Elliot Rogers...

fucking scumbags.

I'm so mad right now I need a break from everything
I fucking feel you bro!
Fucking assholes and cunts, Im not an aggressive person but the ppl who bullied me I wish them the most painfull, brutal and agonizing death that a man can imagine.
I dont understand why rampage shooter only kill ppl they dont know, if I already finished with my life why dont send these bastards who did unimaginable things
to you directly to hell?
Im truly not a violent person but bullys are the worst humanity has to offer, imho its on the same level as raping children, my life is irreversible damaged by these cunts, I suffer to this day from that what they did to me.

And what did the teacher on my school? Nothing! Because the bullys always outnumbered me so they could tell the teacher anything and they would rather believe them than me.
Fucking hell, I hate this world!

Btw, a short while ago I learned that one of my bullies died namely my teacher from elementary school who started this whole mess, I managed to track down where she is burried, Im planning to visit her to spit on her grave.
Have fun in hell fucking bitch!
Oh boy. In the unlikely but possible event that I eventually have a son I am going to teach him everything about women, bullies and life from a young age. I will teach him to fight and maintain frame with females from a young age when he is impressionable and non-rebellious/will listen to me. I will teach him to fight and kick the shit out of people who fuck with him; I will tell him that women hate losers and that bullies always win unless you physically beat them. It sucks but at the end of the day might is right to a certain extent.

All this social knowledge can now be spread across the world between men using the internet. In the past, people had to work it out for themselves and few could fit the pieces of the puzzle together. Now, we have filled in the whole mosaic, mostly it seems. The only white pill I have is that a lot of men who got into the PUA scene back in the day and then the red-pill scene will have kids and raise them with anti-blue pill mentality. Of course, the real truth is black pill in that alpha-male attractiveness is heavily heavily heavily influenced by practically unchangeable genetic phenotypes like facial bone structure and height but physical alpha males (high test good looks) can still get cucked/dumped for having a beta personality/not controlling frame/being bullied/being weak/not leading/
Thats the way of nature :feelsrope::feelscry:
Nuke it all to fucking hell.
Nietzsche was right, the will to power is the driving force of the human experience. The self pity those without power feel comes out of a mutated urge to make suffering more bearable. There is no worth in being weak, bullied, or poor, but society has been trying to lie to us so that people accept their weaknesses.
Pretty much when people say bullies will have shit life later on is the biggest cope ever to make victims feel better.
Most of the time they mean it as in "don't worry, just work hard and you'll get to betabux his leftovers some day" which is extra erfuel
Bullies will be sent to the lake of fire
JFL at bullies using lifesteal on betas

fucking everything in society is zero sum, never let some kumbaya faggot tell you otherwise
It's because People who get bullied are little bitches that can't even defend themselves. So they remain unhappy forever since they're pussies.
Refugees welcome
Foids and Normiechads are baboons.
Nothing new.
This is the exact and precise reason why I think school shooters are doing a public service, and are either a necessary evil or a moral good.

If it wasn't for school shooters, then people would not have a direct slap in the face understanding that their behavior is wrong and has consequences. And nothing shouts, "bullying has consequences" louder than a bullying victim shooting people.

Also, school shooters tend to target bullies, so it's sweet karma.
Such is the way of nature:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/14gxdcx/is_adolescent_bullying_an_evolutionary_adaptation/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=post_title
Such is the way of nature:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPillScience/comments/14gxdcx/is_adolescent_bullying_an_evolutionary_adaptation/?utm_source=embedv2&utm_medium=post_embed&utm_content=post_title

the post is true but it's not "nature" it's environment. my bullies were the opposite of chads, they were short skinny thugs, but they live a much better life than me even though I am mogging them all in looks
Fucking hell, show this post to the right person and parkland will look like a fucking joke. Or show it enough to the right type of people and itll be a shit show. When the right type of incels see this. Nothing but revenge becomes sacred to them. Then again not me because I can outsmart them. Case in point Im just as good fixing as I am fucking up cars. And if I get horny. Well its a matter of time before I move to nevada were the hookers are legal. For real out smart your enemies instead of pulling a Eliot Rodger. Sabotoge there lives to were you dont get caught
Pretty much when people say bullies will have shit life later on is the biggest cope ever to make victims feel better.
Cage I remember telling my friend in 6th grade that bullies become losers. Even back then he knew that that was just Hollywood nonsense
Fucking hell, show this post to the right person and parkland will look like a fucking joke. Or show it enough to the right type of people and itll be a shit show. When the right type of incels see this. Nothing but revenge becomes sacred to them.

Then again not me because I can outsmart them. Case in point Im just as good fixing as I am fucking up cars. And if I get horny. Well its a matter of time before I move to nevada were the hookers are legal. For real out smart your enemies instead of pulling a Eliot Rodger. Sabotoge there lives to were you dont get caught

This guy tormented me back in high school. He worked as a barman in a fancy big bar in my native city (over 1+million citizens) and he bragged about it on his Instagram and said he met so many girls thanks to his job. I wanted to get back at him from the hell he caused me during high school so I... looksmax.org
That site looks horrible all the replies some terrible thats an extremely based post. I should honestly ruin some peoples lives like this from high school, some of those fucking niggers deserve it.
I should honestly ruin some peoples lives like this from high school, some of those fucking niggers deserve it.
Wish I had the time and skills to destroy someone from the shadows like that as well tbh:feelsokman::feelsokman::hax::hax:.
God has favourites we are not one of them
So what? If you cannot be great physically, you can still be great in another way like: financial, academic, social (this may be difficult for us incels). Getting to fuck a femoid early in their life is not make the man better. Who in the hell will be happy with a pussy or two, but fail in everything else?
So what? If you cannot be great physically, you can still be great in another way like: financial, academic, social (this may be difficult for us incels). Getting to fuck a femoid early in their life is not make the man better. Who in the hell will be happy with a pussy or two, but fail in everything else?
Seen this happen in real-time, They go on to lead better lives in every aspect.
My bully literally is social litter tier NEET, so no. If I was such a morale failure as him, I would go see him to laugh at him.
My bully literally is social litter tier NEET, so no. If I was such a morale failure as him, I would go see him to laugh at him.
Well that's good that you are doing better than your Bully and choose not to rub it in his face. Nice to See Incels win for a change. A reminder that only the looks hold back Pure Incels.
Pretty much when people say bullies will have shit life later on is the biggest cope ever to make victims feel better.
So what you're saying is that I need to bullimaxx. See you virgins later.
This is what pisses me off the most. They deserve nothing but hate and horrible lives. They deserve to be bludgeoned with a hammer to the point of disfigurement but still be capable of living and breathing.

Useless scum. They are still tied to the apes in intellect - it's sad.
Comes back to the who-whom question. If I have to be the bully in order not to be bullied - provided I the have power to be a bully and dominate I'd choose that option 100%, I am not gonna pretend I am a 'nice guy'. Maybe I would have fought knowing what the price of not fighting and avoiding confrontation was going to be growing up.

Being nice when you can easily afford not being nice is the mark of power, of aristocratic largesse and of benevolent Chadness. Being nice because you'd certainly get crushed if you weren't is the mark of a subordinate, powerless serf.

I think this is what dumb boomers talk about when they say bullies are 'insecure' - insecure in that they are not total Chads, so they bully to cruelly affirm their position in the SDH underneath Chad but certainly above incels and normies. In the studies cited in 2 year old OP the benevolent non-bully Chads who were unconcerned with losers and misfits were inadvertently categorized as normies and their life accomplishments were averaged out in a pool bystander normies.
Your room must be super clean
I used to be a big bully. I feel bad now
Who can help but hate the whole world?
Karma is fake exposed there’s no karma in this world everything is chaotic mess nothing really matters there’s no sort of metaphysical justice giver we’re all alone in this chaotic world just to suffer
The entirety of existence is built upon bullying, which is why non-existence is the only acceptable state
Just lol at being "bullied" fucking low t cucks here
Honestly so real, if I get bullied I blame myself and only my self, get a bike chain and choke them tf out when they aren't looking
How are your bullies doing?
My bullies always had girlfriends and where good at sports so I assume they are living like chads right now.
Yes,unfortunately..."God will punish them!"-Yeah,priest!Fuck you!
And then soyciety spergs out when their victims become antisocial.

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