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Brother beats sister for not dressing modestly



Fesikhcel From Zabbaleen
Nov 10, 2017
I can never let my sister go out without wearing hijab and respectful clothes and most Muslims are the same.
what a brave gentleman, i appreciate sweden for how culturally tolerant they are. truly the most progressive nation in the world.
Lol at the cucked comments,
Stanx22 said:
I can never let my sister go out without wearing hijab and respectful clothes and most Muslims are the same.

You are an honorable man.
_incelinside said:
Lol at the cucked comments,

What did you expect from the alt-right?

Stanx22 said:
I can never let my sister go out without wearing hijab and respectful clothes and most Muslims are the same.

Practicing Muslims are the same indeed. Masha´Allah bro.

_incelinside said:
Lol at the cucked comments,

I'm waiting for the day famoids destroy the west. Not that i hate the west or anything, but because i hate the westerns cucks and normies. I know my fellow truecels wouldn't care if the west got destroyed because they're fucked either ways, but the cucks and normies will suffer like hell because of their stupidity.

It's going to be extremely funny lmao. It'll be written in books of history that the western civilization, one of the greatest, was destroyed by sluts and stupid cucks.

What did you expect from the alt-right?

Practicing Muslims are the same indeed. Masha´Allah bro.

Thanks my brother. 

Alhamduilliah for being a Muslim.
we need some form of Sharia adjusted for the west
Stanx22 said:
_incelinside said:
Lol at the cucked comments,
I'm waiting for the day famoids destroy the west. Not that i hate the west or anything, but because i hate the westerns cucks and normies. I know my fellow truecels wouldn't care if the west got destroyed because they're fucked either ways, but the cucks and normies will suffer like hell because of their stupidity.
It's going to be extremely funny lmao. It'll be written in books of history that the western civilization, one of the greatest, was destroyed by sluts and stupid cucks.

What did you expect from the alt-right?

Practicing Muslims are the same indeed. Masha´Allah bro.

Thanks my brother.
Alhamduilliah for being a Muslim.

You were welcome. Alhamdullilah. I strive to become a better Muslim everday but alas sometimes the devil tempts me because of my inceldom. (Yes, I am talking about masturbation...)
You were welcome.  Alhamdullilah. I strive to become a better Muslim everday but alas sometimes the devil tempts me because of my inceldom. (Yes, I am talking about masturbation...)

I know it's hard, but be strong and do your prayers everyday and read Quran. Also try cold showers to calm you down a bit when you're horny. And try to looksmaxx and moneymaxx and get arranged marriage with a good Muslim woman if you could and then you'll finally find peace and happiness :)
suicide fuel because no video imho
mashallah, only our muslim brothers can bring down roasties and chads
Of course it's in Sweden of all places. The whites have become cucked in favor of the ethnics raping their wives and daughters.
Kointo said:
Of course it's in Sweden of all places. The whites have become cucked in favor of the ethnics raping their wives and daughters.

Isn't that a good thing?
Good. A few lashes would've been good too. But let that be a lesson for her , because if she isn't whipped she will dress up as a slut in the eventual future. You have to teach them properly.

Now the "Alt Right" cucks of course will condemn this . They are white knights in denial
Stanx22 said:
It's going to be extremely funny lmao. It'll be written in books of history that the western civilization, one of the greatest, was destroyed by sluts and stupid cucks.

Every civilization comes to an end because of female hypergamy. Read 'Sex and Culture' by J.D.Unwin
tehgymcel420 said:

Pretty sure he enjoyed it
Stanx22 said:
I know it's hard, but be strong and do your prayers everyday and read Quran. Also try cold showers to calm you down a bit when you're horny. And try to looksmaxx and moneymaxx and get arranged marriage with a good Muslim woman if you could and then you'll finally find peace and happiness :)

Thank you for the advice and encouragement brother, same to you! I should definitely read the Qur'an everyday. What about you? Do you problems with it too? Fapping I mean.
Thank you for the advice and encouragement brother, same to you! I should definitely read the Qur'an everyday. What about you? Do you problems with it too? Fapping I mean.

I fap once every week or two. My sex drive is too weak because i'm mentally damaged.
Sandniggers are animals.
Such life fuel :'(
Stanx22 said:
I fap once every week or two. My sex drive is too weak because i'm mentally damaged.

Once every week or two? I'm jealous. During my last session I fapped three times in an hour.. lol.

Sadness said:
Sandniggers are animals.
Cucktear spotted.
Sadness said:
Sandniggers are animals.

Once every week or two? I'm jealous. During my last session I fapped three times in an hour.. lol.

Cucktear spotted.

lol that's a lot. It's just that i'm too broken to be horny and fapping affects my DHT and accelerates my hair loss.

tehgymcel420 said:

(Srs) are you an ex-Muslim ?

Sadness said:
Sandniggers are animals.

At least they're not cucks whose women control them.
Stanx22 said:
(Srs) are you an ex-Muslim ?

Na, ex Coptic christian. I don't believe in any gods but I agree with many of Islam's teachings.
tehgymcel420 said:
Na, ex Coptic christian. I don't believe in any gods but I agree with many of Islam's teachings.

Christianity was the same until neckbeards and white trash ruined it.
White Sharia has been downloaded onto this device
Stanx22 said:
lol that's a lot. It's just that i'm too broken to be horny and fapping affects my DHT and accelerates my hair loss.

(Srs) are you an ex-Muslim ?

At least they're not cucks whose women control them.

My record is fapping 7 times in 2 hours. Probably could beat that record but I'm doing nofap. I would like to test my t-levels one day. Apparently there is no correlation to t-levels and amount of fapping, and it makes sense. You're the perfect example. You can't fap much (which would SEEM low t) but you are balding (according to you, and that's a sign of high t). Have you checked your t-levels bro?
hehe xd said:
what a brave gentleman, i appreciate sweden for how culturally tolerant they are. truly the most progressive nation in the world.

Sweden, Norway, Germany, anything Germanic=cuck these days.
My record is fapping 7 times in 2 hours. Probably could beat that record but I'm doing nofap. I would like to test my t-levels one day. Apparently there is no correlation to t-levels and amount of fapping, and it makes sense. You're the perfect example. You can't fap much (which would SEEM low t) but you are balding (according to you, and that's a sign of high t). Have you checked your t-levels bro?
No bro, i haven't. I think the reason my sex drive is low is because i'm too depressed and going through rough time. I used to be a sexual beast back when i hit puberty,  but now, not much actually. I think horniness is corelated with high T lvls, it's just that i'm far from normal.
I like how the sissies on breitbart have a problem with this.
Stanx22 said:
No bro, i haven't. I think the reason my sex drive is low is because i'm too depressed and going through rough time. I used to be a sexual beast back when i hit puberty,  but now, not much actually. I think horniness is corelated with high T lvls, it's just that i'm far from normal.

Are you depressed because of the blackpill of because of your looks? You mog me, so you shouldn't feel depressed.
Are you depressed because of the blackpill of because of your looks? You mog me, so you shouldn't feel depressed.

I'm depressed because of a lot of things. I've been depressed way before the blackpill  (i think it was because of being short and outcast).
Stanx22 said:
I'm depressed because of a lot of things. I've been depressed way before the blackpill  (i think it was because of being short and outcast).

I'm sorry to hear that brother.. :(
hehe xd said:
ethnic cope

I don't cope, I know Chad rates are higher among Germanics due to more Cromagnid origins, but what kind of men allow niggers and Arabs to rape their women, it's a fact modern Germanic=cuck.
lol you have to teach them early that way they don't grow up to be degenerates like all these white girl sluts in my uni
Stanx22 said:
It's okay. Alhamdulillah for everything.

Indeed brother. Other people have it much worse. Yeah I know other people hate it when you say that, but it's definitely true.
Indeed brother. Other people have it much worse. Yeah I know other people hate it when you say that, but it's definitely true.

Amen my brother.
:) how have you been today?

Better than before. I like being on this forum a lot, it really helps the loneliness and it's good to relate to others. How about you ? I didn't see you on here that much today.
Stanx22 said:
Better than before. I like being on this forum a lot, it really helps the loneliness and it's good to relate to others. How about you ? I didn't see you on here that much today.

I slept for most of the day despite having gone to bed the night before way earlier than normal. I got out of bed at 3:30pm and didn't use my phone until I was on my way to my aunt's. I arrived here at around 6pm and around that time I was able to use the internet. 7pm or so. Anyway I'm glad your situation has improved, you know you can always reach out to me, right brother?
I slept for most of the day despite having gone to bed the night before way earlier than normal. I got out of bed at 3:30pm and didn't use my phone until I was on my way to my aunt's. I arrived here at around 6pm and around that time I was able to use the internet. 7pm or so. Anyway I'm glad your situation has improved, you know you can always reach out to me, right brother?
Yes my brother, knowing you was one of the best things that i got from this forum. If anything ever happens, i'll be sure to tell you because you're my brother and i want you to also do the same and tell me anything on your mind, so that i can always help you.
Stanx22 said:
Yes my brother, knowing you was one of the best things that i got from this forum. If anything ever happens, i'll be sure to tell you because you're my brother and i want you to also do the same and tell me anything on your mind, so that i can always help you.

Aww brother I appreciate the nice words. I'm glad I met you too. You're one of my favorite people here. You and @Allblueeeee. Yes, I will make sure to share my story if my life ever improves, but I doubt it ever will. But I hope yours does, insha'Allah. And I definitely will thank you for the offer brother.

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