Something like 40% of the population using eugenics platforms dating apps, and somehow people behave pathologically on those apps? Tinder is actually how humans make mate choice anyways, tinder just makes it much easier, faster,. More efficient, and makes it anonymous so girls can outwardly reject males without any social repercussion. Tinder has dropped the curtain and allowed undesirable men to see what women are really like behind the scenes, something that normally chad would be the only one to see.. there’s a reason so many men got blackpilled after online dating became popular.. there’s no denying it. Everybody now knows girls care about looks as much as or more than men do. Hence the massive recent rise in men’s genefrauding efforts... Less men are deluding themselves with “muh game wasn’t on point” and realizing that they just don’t have the right genes.
Sperm quality and resources are the only forms of currency that can purchase sexual access.. not personality, not behavior, not being funny/kind/caring, not game, not career, not hobbies.. genes/looks and money. Nothing more .. and where SMV is concerned, for ONS (not marriage), it’s only sperm quality. Someone with poor genes can NEVER get prime pussy.. the only option ugly men have is to careermax till 30, hope you’re making 99th percentile income, and save a used up hag. Put in literal decades of effort “improving yourself”, court and purchase a used up, post prime hag with no ability to pair bond.. while some chads 10 years ago were pumping her prime holes full of cum the same day they met her, without having to put in any effort other than being good looking, existing and showing up.. maximum effort for minimum reward, with the same girl that gave up maximum reward for minimum effort to some other guys.. that’s gonna be the mother of your children.. Jfl at this clownworld