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Boyos, what was the event that made you realize that blackpill was real



Nov 7, 2017
There must have been some major event that made you realize how bullshit the bluepill nonsense we have been taught since we were born was. Be nice to ladies, focus on studies, women like confident guys, looks are only a part of the equation etc etc. For me it was this bitch roastie colleague who behaves like what I feel a typical roastie in the West would behave. My experiences with her, her attitude difference towards other attractive guys and ugly guys, including me was probably the most important thing why I got blackpilled.
I always sort of knew about it. I always knew that females had life on easy mode, handsome guys could never go wrong but my views were still pretty bluepill. Only by watching FACEandLMS and lurking r/incels for some time I finally got a grip.
CamelBlueFilters said:
I always sort of knew about it. I always knew that females had life on easy mode, handsome guys could never go wrong but my views were still pretty bluepill. Only by watching FACEandLMS and lurking r/incels for some time I finally got a grip.

I agree. It was always the good books.

my heartbreak at 18
11gaijin said:
There must have been some major event that made you realize how bullshit the bluepill nonsense we have been taught since we were born was. Be nice to ladies, focus on studies, women like confident guys, looks are only a part of the equation etc etc. For me it was this bitch roastie colleague who behaves like what I feel a typical roastie in the West would behave. My experiences with her, her attitude difference towards other attractive guys and ugly guys, including me was probably the most important thing why I got blackpilled.

Just by observing femoid behavior. Femoid friends who expressed their desire for a tall, dark, thug.
My best friend getting all the cute girls because he was chadlite even though I had the better puhrsunaletee.
I thought I was above average looking because I had gotten some attention from women 5+ years ago before I got some health issues, depression and started to LDAR.

But 1 year ago I started feeling better healthwise and also less depression. Then I decided to give online dating a shot. But Tinder brought me back to reality, pretty much zero matches. After improving my pics I got 2 matches who ghosted me. Then I made a catfish profile using male model pics, literally dozens of matches within a few hours.

That's when it all finally clicked.
It wasnt a single event, but a sum of various experiences.

It began when I was in high school and noticed that everyone around me started to get laid but I didn't. So I did what a true outcast would: literally typed "how to get a girlfriend" in google.
That was the start of my journey in PUA. I went to a forum thats probably defunct now. Despite all the stupid cope, I still rate that time as a valuable experience: I learned basic redpill concepts like nice guys finish last, also thanks to all those attempts at escaping inceldom, I know that the normie meme of "dude you didnt try it enough" is false.

College was when I took the next dose. When I was in highschool, it was easy to ignore how other people had a social life and relationship. But after I moved into a dorm that had parties all the time - it was blackpill time. I saw how women would - sometimes literally - jump on Chads cock at the first opportunity. I saw how even average looking normie guys were making out with girls 5 minutes after meeting for the first time in their life. I experienced a shitload of rejections because somehow I still believed that by gymceling and cold approaching enough might get me laid.

The next big dose was when my younger sister became a teenager. She grew up in the same shitty environment as me, descended from the same genebase but her life was VASTLY different than mine, thanks to simply having a vagina. I remember reading a post on r/theredpill titled "sperm is cheap and expendable, eggs are valuable" and that perfectly fit the situation. She was surrounded by thirsty betas who would even buy her stuff without asking. She went through highschool with a big social circle. The years that I spent in isolation were a dreamland for her.

The previous experience overlapped with the time when at the end of college, a lot of couples got married.
That was all of it clicked together.
I saw how other people have their life together and starting families, while I'm a KV and spend my time on websites reading about how to grind on some bitch at a nightclub. My eyes were open, and I couldnt fool myself any longer: it was obvious that even if I put in all my energy and do all the redpill tips&tricks, I still would only get 1% of what a normie gets without any effort, and that even if I somehow got a female, it wouldnt be anywhere near to what a normie who naturally got laid in his teens experienced.

That was when I said "fuck it". But that's another story.
Tinder expirements. Women throw themselves at self proclaimed nazis and child molesters. Personality does not matter. If you are not 6'3" with a jawline created from that of pure marble, you have no business to try and happily assimilate with women in sexual relationships, let alone emotional.

Think about it. These people have no faith in God. You could be Jesus H. Christ himself in the second coming, women would ignore you and slander you to be able to sleep one night with Chad rather than have eternal salvation. 

These women do not care about repercussions in this world. They do not care about you, religious or not. Religious ones will care about Allah SWT above all (rightfully), or they will not care about you and only themselves. The ones that faithfully believe are an endangered species. In fact, I'd say absolutely extinct in the west.

There is no point in chasing this life. Consider it over before it happened. 

If I had the chance to become Chad right now, I wouldn't. I don't care about this world. I don't want to participate in degenracy. I only seek salvation. This is the true blackpill.

There are those who realize that Stacy fucks Chad. Exactly. So why would you try to work with it or change it? Why would you speculate for government provided wives? It's all over regardless.
Sparky said:
First getting cucked

Then reading ERs manifesto

Then reading PSL forums

Then hearing girls gossip on public transport and the direct correlation with what they say and what is preached on incel forums

Then a Chad tinder experiment

Who cucked you? Wha did girls say?

workcel 4ever said:
It wasnt a single event, but a sum of various experiences.

It began when I was in high school and noticed that everyone around me started to get laid but I didn't. So I did what a true outcast would: literally typed "how to get a girlfriend" in google.
That was the start of my journey in PUA. I went to a forum thats probably defunct now. Despite all the stupid cope, I still rate that time as a valuable experience: I learned basic redpill concepts like nice guys finish last, also thanks to all those attempts at escaping inceldom, I know that the normie meme of "dude you didnt try it enough" is false.

College was when I took the next dose. When I was in highschool, it was easy to ignore how other people had a social life and relationship. But after I moved into a dorm that had parties all the time - it was blackpill time. I saw how women would - sometimes literally - jump on Chads cock at the first opportunity. I saw how even average looking normie guys were making out with girls 5 minutes after meeting for the first time in their life. I experienced a shitload of rejections because somehow I still believed that by gymceling and cold approaching enough might get me laid.

The next big dose was when my younger sister became a teenager. She grew up in the same shitty environment as me, descended from the same genebase but her life was VASTLY different than mine, thanks to simply having a vagina. I remember reading a post on r/theredpill titled "sperm is cheap and expendable, eggs are valuable" and that perfectly fit the situation. She was surrounded by thirsty betas who would even buy her stuff without asking. She went through highschool with a big social circle. The years that I spent in isolation were a dreamland for her.

The previous experience overlapped with the time when at the end of college, a lot of couples got married.
That was all of it clicked together.
I saw how other people have their life together and starting families, while I'm a KV and spend my time on websites reading about how to grind on some bitch at a nightclub. My eyes were open, and I couldnt fool myself any longer: it was obvious that even if I put in all my energy and do all the redpill tips&tricks, I still would only get 1% of what a normie gets without any effort, and that even if I somehow got a female, it wouldnt be anywhere near to what a normie who naturally got laid in his teens experienced.

That was when I said "fuck it". But that's another story.

That was a sad story man. How old are you now if I may ask? I guess everyone goes through these phases.

opsec said:
Tinder expirements. Women throw themselves at self proclaimed nazis and child molesters. Personality does not matter. If you are not 6'3" with a jawline created from that of pure marble, you have no business to try and happily assimilate with women in sexual relationships, let alone emotional.

Think about it. These people have no faith in God. You could be Jesus H. Christ himself in the second coming, women would ignore you and slander you to be able to sleep one night with Chad rather than have eternal salvation. 

These women do not care about repercussions in this world. They do not care about you, religious or not. Religious ones will care about Allah SWT above all (rightfully), or they will not care about you and only themselves. The ones that faithfully believe are an endangered species. In fact, I'd say absolutely extinct in the west.

There is no point in chasing this life. Consider it over before it happened. 

If I had the chance to become Chad right now, I wouldn't. I don't care about this world. I don't want to participate in degenracy. I only seek salvation. This is the true blackpill.

There are those who realize that Stacy fucks Chad. Exactly. So why would you try to work with it or change it? Why would you speculate for government provided wives? It's all over regardless.

Very deep stuff. I think you are the real blackpilled person. Salute !!
honestly the first year i was on tinder. when even the most repulsive women wouldn't swipe me. i was forced to looksmatch and i still dont get shit. its all about genetics
Sparky said:
First girlfriend, PSL 6 blonde girl cucked me.

Overheard a girl say to another girl about a boy being nice but ugly and contemplating whether she should give him a chance to date her. This happened on a bus

Confirmed fakecel
11gaijin said:
That was a sad story man. How old are you now if I may ask? I guess everyone goes through these phases.

I'm 25 now.
My last year in high school.
I already suspected that shit was not the way I was told a few years before, but being rejected by my crush, making it clear that I'm not wanted around anyone, least of all my "friends" made it abundantly clear that I'll be forever alone.
The last bit of hope that I had somewhere in me died during college when I saw people around me getting married and starting families.
My entire life. kek

Making it to 21 and was still a manlet virgin, I had to start escortceling before I went mad. A couple of years later I started balding rapidly and I have still never had sex without paying for it to this day. Fucking OVER.
I have honestly no idea. I just looked myself in the mirror one day and though "Am I ugly?" even though I knew I was deep down. Then I browsed the net for shit like "how to know if you are ugly" and "what makes a guy attractive", etc. Then I found out what reddit was along with /r/amiugly and /r/rateme. Posted on amiugly and got some bluepilled "8/10 I'd date you!!!1!1". Obviously realised that was not true as I'm ugly af. Found out what /r/incels was. Joined it, making fun of it at first and behaving like a typical cuck. Finally realised how ugly I truly was, that I was not "average at worst" but "subhuman at best" and I got so depressed that I didn't want to leave my house to do anything. After quite some time on r/incels I found out lookism.net and I began my looksmaxxing journey. Still looksmaxxing but already made huge improvements from where I started, but that just brought me to a 4/10.
I recently (1month ago) came to the realization that there is no hope for me, no matter what I do. From that point on, malincony, sadness and depression started hitting like a truck and I became more and more numb to life.
The LDR "relationship" I was in really put a dent in my perception. Here I was thousands of miles away, a fucking failure and she already had sex with people. Later on after I ended things with her I came to learn that she had like 5 guys after that. It's just over.
Being rejected and the discovery of Elliot Rodger's Manifesto, along with being bullied by guys with girlfriends.

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