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Blupilled guy wonders why tinder etc aren't working



Nov 7, 2017
He posts on r/AmIUgly and says

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hey guys. I've never been rated really high in the looks dept. I've tried to mitigate that by dressing better, being fit, and really developing my personality. It still is impossible to get a date. Apps like Tinder and OKC have never worked. Never have ever gotten a match or a message.[/font]

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I keep my head up, but it's really frustrating. My male friends both gay and straight think I'm okay in the looks department, but females have never seemed to think so.[/font]


Lets have a look at the bluepilled advice

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]To be honest, you have a great face and you look nice, but the hair isn't your strong suit. I'm not trying to be mean, but you look like Weird Al so a shorter haircut will help you out quite a bit. Your face is fine![/font]

Is that really a great face?

[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Your face, style, and grooming all seem OK.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]What stands out to me first is your hair - It's like you had a bundle of telephone wires glued to your head. I'd recommend getting that cut short and styled by someone who knows how to pick for your face.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]By my estimate you're actually pretty handsome, but it's hard to see that when all I can think is "why is Weird Al on OKC and where is his accordion?"[/font]

Cut the hair, grow a beard. Problems solved

Dafaq, how is that going to fix his face?   :S

You look like someone that I would enjoy hanging out with and I'm 17. That's not normal. It's the hair.


This one was downvoted
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]DO NOT CUT YOUR HAIR. PLEASE DON'T. THERE ARE SO MANY WOMEN THAT WILL APPRECIATE YOUR HAIR.[/font]
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif]I'd recommend going completely clean-shaven. You are so frikkin cute. You remind me of Claudio from Coheed and Cambria! Keep on rockin' dude. You look awesome!!! :)[/font]
  • Sincerely, a girl

Original thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/amiugly/comments/3ua9ex/26m_girls_have_always_thought_i_wasnt_pleasing_on/
These advices are fucking retarded just like posters themselves.
Weed said:
These advices are fucking retarded just like posters themselves.

lel, so true
>-Sincerely, a girl

They just CAN'T go without mentioning their gender ever.
I think the beard idea is more to hide his face than to fix it
BasedTruecel said:
>-Sincerely, a girl

They just CAN'T go without mentioning their gender ever.

Yeah, looked at her pic. She looked the kind of girl who wanted attention, kek
His nose and recessed eye area makes it over. His brow ridge gives him some looksmax potential.
an incel who doesn't know he's an incel

that's gotta be one of the saddest things in this world
Why do people have to lie like this?
He's 26 going on 52. Fucking tragic.
I can't get past the fact he thought that cringey pose with the coffee maker was a good idea
Why would he use this picture? I bet he's used it for tinder as well.
Short hair, grow beard, go the gym, maybe rhino and he'd do okay tbh. As long as he is not a manlet.
He has a face like mine. Classic shrekface. You know its ogre when you look like a character whose main trait is being ugly.
Of course a female says he's cute but would never even touch him
Poor guy, he looks fine.
Btw anyone remeber FaceandLMS's video on cope-ing and how there were guys thinking tinder is bugged? Saddest thing ever.
Wot1994 said:
Short hair, grow beard, go the gym, maybe rhino and he'd do okay tbh. As long as he is not a manlet.

This. Im getting pissed off at these people who could easily looksmax, if i could switch faces with them i'd easily be outta here.
i legit feel bad for him
he's doing his absolute best and is still being fed with lies and deceit
why is this allowed, this is literally psychological torturing and tormenting
His problems already start with believing that smiling and standing in the kitchen makes him more attractive to women. He totally bought into this feminist idea that men are supposed to be harmless. But women want to be beaten and enslaved by dangerous and dominant high-status Chads. Only these otherwise dangerous and dominant high-status Chads may be sensitive and sweet here and there. (Just like that guy in the 50 Shades novel was abused as a kid or something, I think.) 

It's incredible how many men have bought these lies about how they have to render themselves harmless to attract women. They are the kind of men who tell the girls they're in love with that they want to go easy on it and don't want to pressure her into having sex - while the woman, upon hearing this, just cringes and has rape fantasies with a tall BDSM Chad.
One of the biggest problems of inceldom is the lies we are told especially from the despicable creatures the femoids.
I don't know why redditfags can't tell the truth. There's no point in a looksmax-esque forum when you lie to preserve feelings.
His individual features aren't awful, fine, but his face looks like it was blown up and misaligned in image editing.
You can't fix that with a haircut. He looks like a gungan.
he is fucking hideous, looks like hes deformed
Red Shambhala said:
His problems already start with believing that smiling and standing in the kitchen makes him more attractive to women. He totally bought into this feminist idea that men are supposed to be harmless. But women want to be beaten and enslaved by dangerous and dominant high-status Chads. Only these otherwise dangerous and dominant high-status Chads may be sensitive and sweet here and there. (Just like that guy in the 50 Shades novel was abused as a kid or something, I think.) 

It's incredible how many men have bought these lies about how they have to render themselves harmless to attract women. They are the kind of men who tell the girls they're in love with that they want to go easy on it and don't want to pressure her into having sex - while the woman, upon hearing this, just cringes and has rape fantasies with a tall BDSM Chad.

Very well said
He looks like a freakishly ugly curry, only the skin is lighter, poor fucked up guy.
throwzo said:
I think the beard idea is more to hide his face than to fix it

This guy gets it.
Red Shambhala said:
But women want to be beaten and enslaved by dangerous and dominant high-status Chads.

Exactly and do you know why? Because their species has been what we call today "raped"  for thousands of years by men. It's in their DNA and you can' fight evolutionary/biolpical instincts.
Morf12 said:
Exactly and do you know why? Because their species has been what we call today "raped"  for thousands of years by men. It's in their DNA and you can' fight evolutionary/biolpical instincts.

Yes. And 20% of the men are actually enough to care for the survival of the species and impregnate the majority of women. With men, evolution could afford to experiment, metaphorically speaking. Women just have to be mediocre and stable to give birth to and raise children. What you CAN'T do with only 20% of the men (and only 1% owning all the capital) is to build a prosperous civilization with an economic and a sexual "middle-class." What you get instead are high-tech dark ages or high-tech stone ages with the majority of peasants being like slaves and a tiny pharaoh class owning all capital and having harems full of females, while the low-status men blow themselves up to get at least 72 virgins in heaven.
Red Shambhala said:
Yes. And 20% of the men are actually enough to care for the survival of the species and impregnate the majority of women. With men, evolution could afford to experiment, metaphorically speaking. Women just have to be mediocre and stable to give birth to and raise children. What you CAN'T do with only 20% of the men (and only 1% owning all the capital) is to build a prosperous civilization with an economic and a sexual "middle-class." What you get instead are high-tech dark ages or high-tech stone ages with the majority of peasants being like slaves and a tiny pharaoh class owning all capital and having harems full of females, while the low-status men blow themselves up to get at least 72 virgins in heaven.

Well said. A little bit off topic but on a subreddit called purplepilldebate I noticed something interesting in a thread where women and men were asked to post pictures of the average man/women in the U.S. What I noticed was that nearly all women posted visibly obvious fitter males compared to females in pictures of what they assumed to be average between both genders. It seems like they're trying to make very mediocre women the norm while raising the standards for men. Unbelievable.
If people start saying crap about hair being your problem then you know the actual issue is the face.

Do you think thye would tell "fix your hair bro" if he looked like this:

incelman said:
If people start saying crap about hair being your problem then you know the actual issue is the face.

Do you think thye would tell "fix your hair bro" if he looked like this:


Legit. He would still look Incel would short hair and I guess that is why he gre his hair long so that the focus gets away from his face.
11gaijin said:
Legit. He would still look Incel would short hair and I guess that is why he gre his hair long so that the focus gets away from his face.

And now people focus on his hair which is considered bad because his face is bad
incelman said:
And now people focus on his hair which is considered bad because his face is bad

Haha, nobody would say its the face. That is why bluepilled faggots suck
11gaijin said:
Haha, nobody would say its the face. That is why bluepilled faggots suck

All these rate me style forum are all cope tbh. If the guy couldn't get laid in real life he won't do it via tinder either.
How are these fucking Redditors SO sheltered that they can't see why it's impossible to get dates? I figured this shit out when I first entered middle school and Chad mercilessly bullied me for being ugly and women never got within 10 feet of me. Yet this ugly motherfucker still believes he has a chance. In case he somehow makes it to this site, listen dude. Unless you're a 10/10 with money, status, and a jaw sculpted by the gods, life is hell for guys. Why do you think we die earlier? Once you take the blackpill and realize that all women are the same (just got rejected by the girl I've been best friends with for a decade lel) it makes it so much easier. Either try to cope with being an incel by going out into nature and fighting a bear or fucking blow your head off like the rest of us because you're a 2/10 at best.
Valinor said:
How are these fucking Redditors SO sheltered that they can't see why it's impossible to get dates? I figured this shit out when I first entered middle school and Chad mercilessly bullied me for being ugly and women never got within 10 feet of me. Yet this ugly motherfucker still believes he has a chance. In case he somehow makes it to this site, listen dude. Unless you're a 10/10 with money, status, and a jaw sculpted by the gods, life is hell for guys. Why do you think we die earlier? Once you take the blackpill and realize that all women are the same (just got rejected by the girl I've been best friends with for a decade lel) it makes it so much easier. Either try to cope with being an incel by going out into nature and fighting a bear or fucking blow your head off like the rest of us because you're a 2/10 at best.

Very true. Reddit is filled with coping normanfags and Incels in denial. Bluepill needs to be extinct. Blackpill is the truth.
Red Shambhala said:
It's incredible how many men have bought these lies about how they have to render themselves harmless to attract women.

None of the men who hold the feminist placard in those protest marches are getting laid. It's again a chad.

When will this cucks and the men in cucktears learn these brutal truths? Perhaps they know, but can't internalize it- if so, then feminists and other femoids are successful in converting the entire men into three categories:

1) chads, whom they want to fuck and willing to wait

2) placard holding, whiteknighting soft men who just need ''oh you are so good to me'' words.

3) incels & other enlightened men who are pushed out of the society.

Note how they project their rape fantasies about category 1 men on category 3 men.
It looks like his chin grew downwards.
incelman said:
If people start saying crap about hair being your problem then you know the actual issue is the face.

Do you think thye would tell "fix your hair bro" if he looked like this:


now imagine the guys face replaced over this Chad, tinder guy needs rope
Otan said:
now imagine the guys face replaced over this Chad, tinder guy needs rope

If you need tinder it's over to begin with
incelman said:
Otan said:
now imagine the guys face replaced over this Chad, tinder guy needs rope
If you need tinder it's over to begin with

have my upvotes please, this place needs a rating system, fuck what everyone else says, that was the real validation.
Otan said:
have my upvotes please, this place needs a rating system, fuck what everyone else says, that was the real validation.

Yeah man, upvotes would be cool. Its the only validation I used to receive.
11gaijin said:
Otan said:
have my upvotes please, this place needs a rating system, fuck what everyone else says, that was the real validation.
Yeah man, upvotes would be cool. Its the only validation I used to receive.

I would have upvoted this comment, and you would have felt good without me even needing to type this garbage
Otan said:
have my upvotes please, this place needs a rating system, fuck what everyone else says, that was the real validation.

Ratings are cope. Real validation is when a girl comes to you, takes of her clothes, grabs your dick and puts it in her smelly pussy
incelman said:
Ratings are cope. Real validation is when a girl comes to you, takes of her clothes, grabs your dick and puts it in her smelly pussy

Or puts it in her mouth.
incelman said:
Otan said:
have my upvotes please, this place needs a rating system, fuck what everyone else says, that was the real validation.
Ratings are cope. Real validation is when a girl comes to you, takes of her clothes, grabs your dick and puts it in her smelly pussy

if you say so, some of us are never gonna get that regardless of anything, escortcel and the rest is all cope, the small feel goods are all i lived for and still live for, this place is missing that.

Categorizing posts wont change anything unless theres a reward to give to good posters and punish for shitty ones.
11gaijin said:
Or puts it in her mouth.

But she can't get pregnant from there

Otan said:
if you say so, some of us are never gonna get that regardless of anything, escortcel and the rest is all cope, the small feel goods are all i lived for and still live for, this place is missing that.

Categorizing posts wont change anything unless theres a reward to give to good posters and punish for shitty ones.

Ratings won't make you happy. Passionate sex with a gf will.
incelman said:
11gaijin said:
Or puts it in her mouth.
But she can't get pregnant from there

Otan said:
if you say so, some of us are never gonna get that regardless of anything, escortcel and the rest is all cope, the small feel goods are all i lived for and still live for, this place is missing that.
Categorizing posts wont change anything unless theres a reward to give to good posters and punish for shitty ones.
Ratings won't make you happy. Passionate sex with a gf will.

fuck off with the female worship cope, upvote system was just better
Looks like he's done for...

The only looks max option he has to lower his bodyfat more and grow a beard, to hide those chubby cheeks. He could possibly looksmatch with a vegan hippy girl, but she'd probably reject him on the spot and maybe decide to rather date a meateating Chad, try to forcily, or slowly convert him into veganism, or whatever.
idkwattodowithlife said:
Looks like he's done for...

The only looks max option he has to lower his bodyfat more and grow a beard, to hide those chubby cheeks. He could possibly looksmatch with a vegan hippy girl, but she'd probably reject him on the spot and maybe decide to rather date a meateating Chad, try to forcily, or slowly convert him into veganism, or whatever.

Power of chad

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