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Venting Blonde whore goes missing = Major Nationwide News Alert

There's THOUSANDS of missing people.

And they give this 1 white foid Nationwide coverage. Never change America :feelsseriously:
I hope he actually did off her (in Minecraft)
If she chose to date an incel she would be worshipped and treated like a queen, but instead she is likely dead, chopped up in pieces and dumped in the woods.
Woman of IT this is what happens for when you go after Chad. Remember it is always right to fuck the incel. This is the correct response. So therefore do it. It is a universal code of law:feelsjuice:
Shit just blew up. The boyfriend went missing. The FBI is searching for him now.
Well shit it's over bald chad
If she chose to date an incel she would be worshipped and treated like a queen, but instead she is likely dead, chopped up in pieces and dumped in the woods.
All because she dated a "good man" who most likely beated her to death and who ran from the authorities:feelshaha::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelskek::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha::feelshaha:
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Further evidence of JBW/JBTall

her friend says the guy didn’t have any friends and just spent his time painting drawing and keeping to himself. But he found a 10/10 because he’s good looking
Stacey's bf is bald low tier face normie? Wtf? I guess looks theory denied, I guess he must be very witty and caring
at least it's not a subhuman sheboon landwhale. stacy worship > f*id worship in general
Looks like they might've found her body:

It's such a shame cause if she had dating an incel this would never have happened, she would've been loved and worshipped :feelsLSD:
Who gives a shit about some random pigskin, especially a whore, going missing? :feelskek:

Good riddance tbh. Two birds with one stone
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Who gives a shit about some random pigskin, especially a whore, going missing? :feelskek:

Good riddance tbh. Two birds with one stone
normies on the left and right have historically used high-profile cases of pigskin whores getting raped or killed for their own political agenda

the SJWs get to say, "foids are oppressed because they keep getting themselves killed", and the cuckservatives get to say, "we need more tough-on-crime laws to protect muh qweens"
normies on the left and right have historically used high-profile cases of pigskin whores getting raped or killed for their own political agenda

the SJWs get to say, "foids are oppressed because they keep getting themselves killed", and the cuckservatives get to say, "we need more tough-on-crime laws to protect muh qweens"
It's funny, because I could understand if she was a renowned scientist or scholar. But she's literally just a blonde pigskin hole.

You're right though, her death will amount to nothing more than being used as an agenda for both sides, which If you think about it is all she really deserves for getting herself into that situation.

A few weeks later and she'll be forgotten like everyone else
Have they looked in the washing machine already?
fox news jews talk about it all day long cuz they wanna protect muh blond trad qweens
It's funny, because I could understand if she was a renowned scientist or scholar. But she's literally just a blonde pigskin hole.

You're right though, her death will amount to nothing more than being used as an agenda for both sides, which If you think about it is all she really deserves for getting herself into that situation.

A few weeks later and she'll be forgotten like everyone else
The scale of the news coverage for this one blonde whore was absolutely staggering. By herself she had more value than 10,000 ethnic foid murder victims, and at least 10 million incels.

This news story isn't going anywhere cause the boyfriend is still at large, so now they have a fugitive to cover 24/7.
Reminds me of the missing jogger Phillip Kreycik. Dude was a tall beta looking white guy and was ivy league educated from a high class background. With a noodlewhore wife.

There was a massive fuckin search for the guy. I'm talking hundreds from his social network alone. Thats pretty insane.

I guarantee you if I went missing, no one, and I mean NO ONE would go searching for me. Like if nothing happened. Killed or found alive, still doesn't matter.

Now I know another reason as to why there are so very few AMWF couples in the bay area. You would think there would at least be one of those couples seen every few months because of the close proximity of Asian men and white women (due to a relatively high Asian population). But thats not the case. Not even one. It has to do with white women's specific mindset.

One whitecel once said here, by numbers alone, there should be some around, but he too sees that there is basically none around where he lives despite living in a high Asian population area, and it has to do specifically with white women's extreme pride and high self worth.

They know that they lose their naturally high status when they stoop down with an Asian guy (who western Anglo-American society, particularly the liberal mainstream portion of American society, looks down on and likes to mock and bully). While at the same time, White American society in general highly values young attractive white women from middle or upper class backgrounds.

On a related topic, this is why I truely believe white foids do not want black men whatsoever. But mainstream white American society pressures them to be together. It is the ultimate form of White Anglo society begrudgingly sacrificing one of their sacred and highly valued prizes to virtue signal. They are essentially forcing young white females (through media and culture), to take one for the team for white America. Because even with all of this, you rarely see BMWF couples even in the so called liberal bay area. If it wasn't for this sense of white guilt, you'd see just as much BMWF couples as you would see AMWF or Indian male-WF couples. That is to say none at all. And looks alone wouldnt be enough to explain it, and the explanation of white female's high sense of self worth is needed in addition to explain. And even then, the white females that you see in BMWF couples are white females that mainstream liberal White America doesn't care much about. As in poor girls from working class families or fat landwhales.
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I guarantee you if I went missing, no one, and I mean NO ONE would go searching for me. Like if nothing happened. Killed or found alive, still doesn't matter.
if this was an ethnic missing, and their body was found in the middle of the street, it would have been left alone for 2 years straight rotting until they needed to fix some potholes.

A white foid or man goes missing and there's a nationwide search :feelsclown:
if this was an ethnic missing, and their body was found in the middle of the street, it would have been left alone for 2 years straight rotting until they needed to fix some potholes.

A white foid or man goes missing and there's a nationwide search :feelsclown:
I remember very clearly several years ago in SF (It wasnt even on the local TV news stations). A black street walker got murdered the previous night and her body dumped out in the open in the Mission district pretty darn close to the main center where there are tens of thousands of people.

The EMT just poured bleach on the pavement where her blood soaked the streets and life went on as usual. The only reason why I found out about that story was through an obscure local news organization on facebook.
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Always a white foid. Society doesn't even care when other races of foids go missing. :ahegao:
Some blonde cunt goes missing and it instantly becomes national news. Every fucking time.

View: https://youtu.be/AzCwXQXqtzw

Reading between the lines it sure seems like this bitch got offed by her based boyfriend, who left her body in a national park and just decided to drive home and pretend nothing happened. LOL

I'm hoping for happy ending :feelsLSD:

you got happy ending
how did the bald dude in his 20s obtain her?

Did no Chad want to put up with her
Reminds me of the missing jogger Phillip Kreycik. Dude was a tall beta looking white guy and was ivy league educated from a high class background. With a noodlewhore wife.

who? i don't know who this fucker is, and i consume a lot of news. oh, that's because as privileged as a chad is, he can never hope to be as privileged as a stacy

this gabby potato cunt has made news even outside of the US
You mad?

White foids are the most privileged beings on this clown earth :feelsclown:
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imagine if it was an ugly currycel. the media wouldn't care at all, and the few people who knew about it would just laugh.
He didn't off her. What happened is after staying in the hotel room provided by CK and filling out the paper work to wave the protective order the police put in place to protect him from her crazy bitch antics, he gave her a call to come pick him up.

But she ended up being late to pick him up. When she rolled up, there were four black bucks in the van that she had met the night before and allowed them all to run a train on her so she could spite him and rub it in his face.

He calmly asked them to get out of the van, including his girlfriend, and then he just calmly drove off as the full force of the black pill hit him. Then the black dudes invited her back to their crack house and are pimping her out to the neighborhood.
he did. the only reason she'd give a subchad like him a chance, and even stay with him, is because he's a dark triad thug
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If one of us went missing, we wouldn't even be mentioned in one of second third-rate tabloids that no-one actually reads.

Unless you were born female, soyciety will never care about you.
She cheated on him with better looking Chads and he snapped, the end. Hypergamy 101, why would she stay with this bald skinny terrorist looking guy when they can all get Chad?
he did. the only reason she'd give a subchad like him a chance, and even stay with him, is because he's a dark triad thug
He isn’t dark triad he probably didn’t even kill her jfl.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?t=1829&v=zJafbksSnJc&feature=youtu.be

Body cam footage of the bf and foid being pulled over by the police. JFL she is a crazy bitch.

I'm following the story. It's blowing up even more cause now it actually looks like he may not have killed her.

The whore, or somebody using her phone, sent a text message on Aug 30th from Yosemite park, the boyfriend was in Florida on Sept 1st, and the drive back to Florida takes like 60 hours. So there's no possible way for the boyfriend to have sent the message.
In this video you can see she’s a crazy bitch who would attack him while he’s driving. Cops let her go because she’s “only” 22 y/o jfl. She probably was only with him to fund her insta influencer van life and secretly resented him for being sub-chad.:blackpill:
It was over the minute he went bald
Oh look a female that is mentally fucked up. What a surprise.

In the old days we'd just diagnose them all with hysteria (i.e. being a female), and rightfully so.
If one of us went missing, we wouldn't even be mentioned in one of second third-rate tabloids that no-one actually reads.

Unless you were born female, soyciety will never care about you.
Oh look a female that is mentally fucked up. What a surprise.

In the old days we'd just diagnose them all with hysteria (i.e. being a female), and rightfully so.
in Europe and the Americas most females now even up to age 50 are hysterical af.

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