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Black is the new Asian?



Feb 4, 2020

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18uu5zw/im_a_black_woman_whos_not_attracted_to_black_men/

This is going to sound strange but the problem is, that the majority of black men remind me of family members. So I do not feel sexually attracted to black men although I find them physically attractive. :feelswhat:
Of course I can date outside of my race, I have done this before. But I feel like it is a lot harder to find men of other races that are compatible or attracted to black women so my dating pool is greatly narrowed. I feel like I’m missing out on love because of this strange issue.
1.1k soyvotes.

Imagine if a guy posted this, he'd be immediately called a racist.
Black people used to be pioneers of culture before 2000, now theyre just slop people. Their ancestors had so much respect for god, and had actual suffering yet still progressed
@Rabbi Schneerson
Black people used to be pioneers of culture before 2000, now theyre just slop people. Their ancestors had so much respect for god, and had actual suffering yet still progressed
i find it funny, nowadays only white people play traditional american music such as jazz
The post is literally Friendly fire, sometimes justified
Nothing new under the sun, even during Apartheid Black domestic workers fucked their white bosses in large numbers
Sounds like the title of a new cuckflix show
one of the rare ones on the right end of the bellcurve
watch the comments all say "its internalized racism !!!11! :soy::soy::feels:"
Stormfront copers on suicide-watch jfl at muh precious white wimmenz
Jesus Christ, go to that reddit post & sort comments by Controversial, it's literally over for non-white men in White countries lol
@Rabbi Schneerson
Been knowing this , even young black women 15+ are slutting themselves out to white chad . I keep telling these non blacks cels to focus or irl black boys are very very very facially unattractive in a disproportionate manner and most young bw outperform them in everything . So again blacks have the highest virgin population and incel population
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I hate ethnic foids they make me sick
Stormfront copers on suicide-watch jfl at muh precious white wimmenz
View attachment 1143828
We already know mayowhores are race-traitors.
Black people used to be pioneers of culture before 2000, now theyre just slop people. Their ancestors had so much respect for god, and had actual suffering yet still progressed
Black "culture"

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18uu5zw/comment/kfn6ejx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

I am a white woman who is almost exclusively attracted to Asian men.

So please, do not fret over it. We all have different tastes. There is nothing wrong with being more attracted to another race than to your own
lifefuel for ricecels kek.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18uu5zw/comment/kfo2x1o/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

I'm a white woman married to my first love a black man (we got married in March). I have only been with a couple of white guys and married 1. I always wondered why I was always attracted strictly to dark men. Thought I was weird, but it's just me.
Fucking mud shark.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueOffMyChest/comments/18uu5zw/comment/kfo2ynk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

Oh love, I used to have this issue as well. I'm Indian... Guess imagining dating what type of men repulsed me? It felt like everyone looked like my nephews or uncles or whatever and we have a LOT of family as Indian people lol.
Over for curries.

Jesus Christ, go to that reddit post & sort comments by Controversial, it's literally over for non-white men in White countries lol
See above, it goes both ways.

But when I say it
According to you, anyone who isn't Black is somehow "White"
I hate ethnic foids they make me sick
not reading a molecule of that racebait olympics, but a girl my age just did the politicians face when we had eye contact lol
How was it "racebait olympics" when this is literally a racebait thread :feelsjuice:

I'm just discerning the fact some White women in the comments were discussing how they found non-Whites attractive, another brown woman also claimed she was dating a Latino, who is White.

And sorry to hear that, are you black?
mayowhores are race-traitors.
True, but large majority do not fall for the race-mixing propaganda & still heavily prefer white males, stats can prove it whereas non-white whores spread their legs for colonial invaders when the first ships arrived here
True, but large majority do not fall for the race-mixing propaganda & still heavily prefer white males, stats can prove it whereas non-white whores spread their legs for colonial invaders when the first ships arrived here
Check these stats out:


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