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JFL Bitches think all men can do is rape, hahaha

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Extra Virgin
May 16, 2024
Whores complain that they are at constant risk of getting assaulted. For them it's as if men have nothing else to do but rape and kill them, omegalulz.
Men don't have to go school or work, they aren't stressed out about family affairs, this worlds ailments, NNOOOO, all we care about is getting our rape quota right for the day. A man who is not a Chad looked at me, baaahhh I'm ssooooo scared.
Stupid, paranoid cunts. Hope your wishes come true and you get brutalized as much as you claim you do.
i cant even hold eye contact with a foid for longer than 0,5 seconds
i cant even hold eye contact with a foid for longer than 0,5 seconds
I can, but I do not think I respect foids enough to look anywhere but their asses (if they have any)
Bruh I can't even make eye contact or stand too close to one without sperging out
Mogs me tbh, 0.000000001 second of eye contact with a foid and my eyes get watery
never began for 0.000000001 second of eye contactcels
i cant even hold eye contact with a foid for longer than 0,5 seconds

Bruh I can't even make eye contact or stand too close to one without sperging out

Mogs me tbh, 0.000000001 second of eye contact with a foid and my eyes get watery

How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
You sound like a woman :worryfeels:
How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
I'd get fakecels?
you'd get some fakecels

Nick Young Wtf GIF
How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
I'd get fakecels?
I've fucked up interpunction, should have been "you'd get some, fakecels..."
You sound like a woman :worryfeels:

I can interact with foids normally, talk to them and they don;t give a fuck about me, cause I'm ugly but you might be able to pull something if you, YOU KNOW, actually tried interacting with them.
TO know whether it's over for you, you gotta at least try.
JFL, it sounds like some bluepilled faggot
Am not
they complain that while typing on their phone which is product from a man, in their home which men built and in city protected by men for generations. if anything the world run by men cause men pay far higher tax if theres no man whole country would collapse completely. they should be gladful if anything tbh
2024cel does a thing called irony and all autisticels lose their shit
they complain that while typing on their phone which is product from a man, in their home which men built and in city protected by men for generations. if anything the world run by men cause men pay far higher tax if theres no man whole country would collapse completely. they should be gladful if anything tbh
Yeah, but men are evil, cause some of them are unattractive and still want to get laid. Horror
I've fucked up interpunction, should have been "you'd get some, fakecels..."

I can interact with foids normally, talk to them and they don;t give a fuck about me, cause I'm ugly but you might be able to pull something if you, YOU KNOW, actually tried interacting with them.
TO know whether it's over for you, you gotta at least try.

Am not
Nigga I'm a fucking truecel, and why should I try talking to foids when they look at me with disgust and laugh at me when I'm minding my business, all I would get from trying to talk to a foid would be more suifuel
Nigga I'm a fucking truecel, and why should I try talking to foids when they look at me with disgust and laugh at me when I'm minding my business, all I would get from trying to talk to a foid would be more suifuel
You sure, they laugh at you? Maybe you are catastrophizing things.
Lots of depressed fucks with anxiety do that.
How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
2024cel does a thing called irony and all autisticels lose their shit
I imagine myself in ID, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop GrAY dogs from advancing. We mow down GrAY dogs but they keep coming. I shoot GrAY dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering GrAYs, since GrAYs are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. GrAYs were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see ER smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in the sewers, my homeland. My PARAGON brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
I imagine myself in ID, leading my Platoon. Our mission is to stop GrAY dogs from advancing. We mow down GrAY dogs but they keep coming. I shoot GrAY dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering GrAYs, since GrAYs are way more psychially inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn’t fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. GrAYs were shooting me from a distance like the cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see ER smiling at me, I smile back… Then I woke up, in the sewers, my homeland. My PARAGON brethen gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
Remembering Never Forget GIF
I have a dick. not boobs.
I'm not sending you my nudes, you faggot.
Your username and your avi does not imply that you are a new member in this community, therefore your redpill/bait tier post -
this post:
How are you fucks supposed to ask anyone out, if you can't muster up tiny levels of courage to talk to someone, who's supposedly inferior?!?!
Maybe if you were capable of talking to anyone, you'd get some fakecels, huh?!
is untolerable.
is untolerable.
Shiver me timbers, what am I gonna DOOO?!?!?
I was trying to get action instead of just staring awkwardly at someones ass and failed.
I'm more qualified to talk here.
Shiver me timbers, what am I gonna DOOO?!?!?
I was trying to get action instead of just staring awkwardly at someones ass and failed.
I'm more qualified to talk here.
Chad never needed to talk; he just walked in the door of life and succeeded.
Chad never needed to talk; he just walked in the door of life and succeeded.
Chads have to do something, his chances are far greater than anyone elses. sometimes they don;t get what they want immediately.
We, on the other hand, are not Chads (surprise!) we have to try and then get rejected.
we have to try and then get rejected.
What's the point if you get rejected anyway? And even if you succeed, you become a betabuxx cuck to a middle-aged woman with Tyrone's kids.
What's the point if you get rejected anyway? And even if you succeed, you become a betabuxx cuck to a middle-aged woman with Tyrone's kids.
I phrased it rather poorly.
I was trying to say that Chads have to put some (little) effort to get something and they succeed. Things don't come automatically in life.

I was talking to brocels, who complain about not having a gf when they can't hold a conversation or an eye contact with foids.
How are those retards supposed to get a gf, when they don't talk to themat least?
I was trying to say that Chads have to put some (little) effort to get something and they succeed. Things don't come automatically in life.
What did Jeremy Meeks do to succeed? He beat a kid to near death and got his mug shot taken, which blew up on the internet. Is that what you mean by a little effort?
What did Jeremy Meeks do to succeed? He beat a kid to near death and got his mug shot taken, which blew up on the internet. Is that what you mean by a little effort?
Old story. One Meeks doesn't define the world.

I'm saying, that you have to talk to people, get to know them, see whether they are interested in talking to you back and see what happens.
Nothing changes when nothing is done, YOU BLITHERING IDIOT.
Old story. One Meeks doesn't define the world.

I'm saying, that you have to talk to people, get to know them, see whether they are interested in talking to you back and see what happens.
Nothing changes when nothing is done, YOU BLITHERING IDIOT.
One Meeks is the spitting image of the black pill, hardly "old." It doesn't even matter if it was a hundred years ago. Human nature doesn't change.

You seemed to be very bluepilled for a fucking "inkwell," but sure, I suppose some people are just slow. You don't get that it doesn't matter if you get to know people or women in this case because this is the primary reason this forum even exists. If you truly believe in these things, why are you even here? Stop wasting your time and go out and grind, bro! Go out and talk to women, get to know them, understand how they think and feel, etc.

You don't seem to understand the very definition of black; LOOKS MATTER! Looks are everything; lookism is all. Genetic determinism is the ultimate blackpill truth. You can't change your looks by talking to women; you can't change your genes by working on yourself. It's a simple biological impossibility. It cannot be done. Stop this bluepilled nonsense.
One Meeks is the spitting image of the black pill, hardly "old." It doesn't even matter if it was a hundred years ago. Human nature doesn't change.

You seemed to be very bluepilled for a fucking "inkwell," but sure, I suppose some people are just slow. You don't get that it doesn't matter if you get to know people or women in this case because this is the primary reason this forum even exists. If you truly believe in these things, why are you even here? Stop wasting your time and go out and grind, bro! Go out and talk to women, get to know them, understand how they think and feel, etc.

You don't seem to understand the very definition of black; LOOKS MATTER! Looks are everything; lookism is all. Genetic determinism is the ultimate blackpill truth. You can't change your looks by talking to women; you can't change your genes by working on yourself. It's a simple biological impossibility. It cannot be done. Stop this bluepilled nonsense.
I'm here, because I made a meaningful effort to find someone and kept failing. Behaviour was ok, money and status, too. I'm athletic as well.
What kept me from succeeding was being actually ugly.
There are some of you that are probably acceptable looking, but you are too feminine and scared to even try anything, so you sit on your asses and cry before making any approaches.
Yell at me for being bluepilled, but my experience proves Blackpill.

I'm done responding to your sperging out.
Live in my shoes, do what I've done, then we will talk.
Whores complain that they are at constant risk of getting assaulted. For them it's as if men have nothing else to do but rape and kill them, omegalulz.
Men don't have to go school or work, they aren't stressed out about family affairs, this worlds ailments, NNOOOO, all we care about is getting our rape quota right for the day. A man who is not a Chad looked at me, baaahhh I'm ssooooo scared.
Stupid, paranoid cunts. Hope your wishes come true and you get brutalized as much as you claim you do.
bitches want to be raped by chads its a fact. Not to mention how bts fans posted things like getting raped by bts is a dream
I'm here, because I made a meaningful effort to find someone and kept failing. Behaviour was ok, money and status, too. I'm athletic as well.
What kept me from succeeding was being actually ugly.
There are some of you that are probably acceptable looking, but you are too feminine and scared to even try anything, so you sit on your asses and cry before making any approaches.
Yell at me for being bluepilled, but my experience proves Blackpill.

I'm done responding to your sperging out.
Live in my shoes, do what I've done, then we will talk.
You once again have missed the point. It doesn't matter how much you work on yourself if you are Sub-Five. Women want Chads, not ugly men, not short men, not balding men, not ethnic men, Chads. Not only that, you can't just "work" on your autism or trauma; it doesn't work like that. Some of us are fucked, so "IMPROVING" doesn't mean shit. You have negative reinforcement in your life, and it doesn't matter anymore; it's over.
You once again have missed the point. It doesn't matter how much you work on yourself if you are Sub-Five. Women want Chads, not ugly men, not short men, not balding men, not ethnic men, Chads. Not only that, you can't just "work" on your autism or trauma; it doesn't work like that. Some of us are fucked, so "IMPROVING" doesn't mean shit. You have negative reinforcement in your life, and it doesn't matter anymore; it's over.
It's you who missed a point. tried and failed, cause I'm ugly.
You are talking about Chads getting everything, I'm just saying that some of you don't try at all. Chat up some foids, pretty, average, uglier ones. Play safe, don't show your cards right away. Get to know them as people, then attack.

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It's you who missed a point. tried and failed, cause I'm ugly.

"tried and failed, cause i'm ugly." Then why do you keep pushing these bluepill/redpill copes? You cannot improve if you are Sub-Five; some of us are fucked from birth.

Why do you think any of us are on this forum instead of partying with Chad and Stacy? We aren't attractive; we possess no talents or skills, and we aren't intelligent to any notable degree. We are the genetic dead-end men, so yes, we don't talk to people. Some of us NEETmaxx or hermitmaxx. Why talk to people if it only brings pain and misery? I fail to see how it's difficult to understand that simple fact. Not all of us are NT, JFL.
OH SHIT, absolutely degenerate. They should get raped by bears instead.
nah they feel safer with them how can a bear rape. Sex by any man is fine until its incel. Then it becomes rape
Eye contact is still possible, communication is another matter
"tried and failed, cause i'm ugly." Then why do you keep pushing these bluepill/redpill copes? You cannot improve if you are Sub-Five; some of us are fucked from birth.

Why do you think any of us are on this forum instead of partying with Chad and Stacy? We aren't attractive; we possess no talents or skills, and we aren't intelligent to any notable degree. We are the genetic dead-end men, so yes, we don't talk to people. Some of us NEETmaxx or hermitmaxx. Why talk to people if it only brings pain and misery? I fail to see how it's difficult to understand that simple fact. Not all of us are NT, JFL.
Blah, blah, blah making excuses. You seem to have convinced yourself that there's no use trying anyway or you are scared shitless of talking to bitches, because you still have hope at the back of your head that you might have a chance and you don't wanna blow it.
Well, I bit the bullet and tried and that's how I figured out where I stand.
I had the balls to put blackpill to practice.

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