How is me writing long text a bad thing? I put in more effort to even a simple comment than 90% of other users on this site.
And that's the thing, if we allow "jokes" such as this, then where do we draw the line?
By allowing this, it's basically giving a green light to trolls, LARPs, etc. who just want to come here & disrupt this place.
And yes, even if they do get banned after awhile, it provides them with a way to "blend in" which should be a way to easily identify them.
And this is the problem. Sure, some users may genuinely just be joking, but as I said, it will allow for clear trolls, infiltrators, etc to disrupt this place.
"dAtA" I have my eyes & intuition, that's all I need.
There was also @Vale as well as @Ausbloke @foidrapist69 who was unbanned for some reason, despite being a faggot.
Not to mention, the topic of this post is about a 2024cel, and I'm sure I can dig up many examples.
Nope. I'd say way more trolls, LARPs, infiltrators, etc.