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Best thing about living in 3rd world shitholes

Why doesn't she take off her jacket? Looks retarded
Thanks for the life fuel, my man!
You're a literal psychopath if you get genuine joy out of seeing this. Get help.
Framecel222 said:
You're a literal psychopath if you get genuine joy out of seeing this. Get help.

Keep kissing the ground females walk on, maybe one day you'll get a sympathy handjob. Maybe..
BasedTruecel said:
Keep kissing the ground females walk on, maybe one day you'll get a sympathy handjob. Maybe..

Because not getting giddy when I see someone tortured to death means I'm a white knight. Best logic I've ever heard, I would watch your Ted Talk tbh, I bet you have a lot more great ideas in that big brain of yours.
Framecel222 said:
Because not getting giddy when I see someone tortured to death means I'm a white knight. Best logic I've ever heard, I would watch your Ted Talk tbh, I bet you have a lot more great ideas in that big brain of yours.

I'm starting to believe what this entire website is saying about you being a fakecel now.
BasedTruecel said:
I'm starting to believe what this entire website is saying about you being a fakecel now.

Right because only a fakecel would be disturbed when he sees other people celebrating torture. God damn you're smart!
Framecel222 said:
You're a literal psychopath if you get genuine joy out of seeing this. Get help.

Framecel222 said:
Right because only a fakecel would be disturbed when he sees other people celebrating torture. God damn you're smart!

Nah, my dude, it only proves women don't treat you like subhuman trash, because if they did, you would have developed a natural hatred toward them as a response, and you are clearly lacking that. Fuck off, go cry to your CuckTears friends and tell them how evil and misogynistic I am, see if I give a damn.
BasedTruecel said:
Nah, my dude, it only proves women don't treat you like subhuman trash, because if they did, you would have developed a natural hatred toward them as a response, and you are clearly lacking that. Fuck off, go cry to your CuckTears friends and tell them how evil and misogynistic I am, see if I give a damn.

Women (and men) do treat me like subhuman trash. The difference is that I have enough sense to still know that torture is wrong lmao.
Framecel222 said:
You're a literal psychopath if you get genuine joy out of seeing this. Get help.

LMAO aren't you the faggot who pointed a gun threatening us members? Yeah yeah I get ya. Seeing a video like this is worse than actually getting a gun and pointing it at the camera stating "this is what will happen if you keep on bullying me"
Earthbound said:
LMAO aren't you the faggot who pointed a gun threatening us members? Yeah yeah I get ya. Seeing a video like this is worse than actually getting a gun and pointing it at the camera stating "this is what will happen if you keep on bullying me"

That's a BB gun and it was clearly a joke you autist.
fuck off fakecel222

thanks for the life fuel btw.
knajjd said:
if you don't feel an urge to enact revenge on people that have wronged you, you are either an emsaculated cuckold, or a rotfraud that only pretends to be persecuted.

They're not wronging me. I wouldn't want to fuck a subhuman either if I were them.
Framecel222 should have been banned the moment he shared his pics back in r/incels. The final straw should have been when he said that hating females is illogical and a cope. His ban is overdue.
Framecel222 said:
Because not getting giddy when I see someone tortured to death means I'm a white knight. Best logic I've ever heard, I would watch your Ted Talk tbh, I bet you have a lot more great ideas in that big brain of yours.

Implying that the Crazycels on here ever had logic to begin with
knajjd said:
well, if they aren't wronging you (other than the fact that not having sex with a sexually starving man is wronging them) then yeah you aren't incel lul the fact is females are much more severely affected by halo effect than males and literally hate and love people according to their looks. if you've never noticed this then you are GL and should just go out and slay

They just ignore me and pretend I don't exist. I don't consider that being wronged since I can see why they do it. And I'm very far from good-looking.
Do they not teach stop drop and roll in other countries?
throwzo said:
Do they not teach stop drop and roll in other countries?
What would you expect from countries with inhabitants that are still stuck in the neolithic era? They're all unevolved cretins. Don't expect people to be booming with rational thoughts there.
Earthbound said:
What would you expect from countries with inhabitants that are still stuck in the neolithic era? They're all unevolved cretins. Don't expect people to be booming with rational thoughts there.

You support them so you're just as much of a cretin and irrational as they are.
Nautica1983 said:
You support them so you're just as much of a cretin and irrational as they are.

Hahahaha yeah, it's so ironic how he insults them while at the same time praising their most barbaric practice. OP must be drunk or something.
I think I enjoyed triggering you two moralfags more than watching the vid itself. BTW who said I enjoyed watching the vid? XD I only post it here so others can see it. Nice try tho.
BasedTruecel said:
Keep kissing the ground females walk on, maybe one day you'll get a sympathy handjob. Maybe..

Because thinking this is disgusting = kissing the ground women walk on.

Get help, you need to looksmax your face and your brain.
Framecel222 said:
You're a literal psychopath if you get genuine joy out of seeing this. Get help.

No. Femails deserve the ultimate punishment.
Fucking BEAUTIFUL. Every single western slut deserves this.
Cheating should always end like this
Framecel222 said:
Women (and men) do treat me like subhuman trash. The difference is that I have enough sense to still know that torture is wrong lmao.

Get your PC(politically correct) BS out of here, you dont know if she deserved the torture or not so calling it wrong in the first place is what makes you wrong. so GTFO or get banned like the rest of the trash.
I am an incel but I think "Hating women ≠ Taking pleasure in watching them burn alive[font=arial, sans-serif]".[/font]

[font=arial, sans-serif]That's just the humanity in me.[/font]

Edit: Grammar
knajjd said:
if you don't feel an urge to enact revenge on people that have wronged you, you are either an emsaculated cuckold, or a rotfraud that only pretends to be persecuted.

You're 14, who wronged you? XD

On topic: Ouch...
knajjd said:
the females for not giving me any attention,,,,,

How is that possible? You're cute as fuck.
You need to post your picture more on teen FB groups.
/r/watchpeopledie is addicting as fuck, I'm I a mentalcel?
These third world shitholes are more hypergamous than the civilized world. They are even worse for low-status men. Men who have all the money and all the women let low-status men blow themselves up to get 72 virgins etc. And this is only the most radical form of more subtle forms of tribal primitive hypergamy. The real problem is NOT that the civilized world moved away too far from these primal primitive societies, but that it actually moves BACK to primitive hypergamous hierarchies. We're heading back to some high-tech dark ages were some Lord has all the capital and a harem or whatever and the majority of peasants live in misery, and the economic "middle-class" is destroyed just like the sexual middle-class. A process up to a point where the peasants are so damaged that only seeing other people suffer and burn gives them some sadist joy, like seeing prisoners being torn apart by lions or whatever.
Now that's what you call a roastie getting toastie. This shone a light on my day.

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