Very interesting thought.
I'm telling you guys, the one thing the feminist movement fears is not a cheap male contraceptive pill, not fully functional artificial womb technology, and as much as you guys may cope around this one thing
ITS DEFINITELY NOT REALISTIC SEX ANDROID TECHNOLOGY. They are "annoyed" by these things but they are
NOT WORRIED about them.
The one thing feminists and women alike fear the most, is the legalization of prostitution, all their power and special privileges rely on the fact that women as a collective have a monopoly over sexual resources, sex is the one thing that drives men to do everything they do for women and society as a whole.
Once sex become something that is easily accessible by the average man, poof goes all women's power, no more leverage.
What I would like to see done is a study on how dating differs in countries where prostitution is legal versus a country with similar wealth and demographics where prostitution is illegal. In fact as a small test of this, why don't one of you do that using tinder, change the country (however you do that) and make profiles using 5/10 males in countries where prostitution is legal (and a cultural norm in that society) and then do the same in the good old USA, see the difference.
After a few decades of legal prostitution in America, I'd bet my life that a 4/10 guy will have no problem getting a date, once it becomes a cultural norm and there are enough outlets to service the male population sufficiently not only will men who would have been virgins into their 20's be sexually versed and confident, but having so many men have access to pussy lowers the collective value of it, its no longer a scarce resource, its no longer this "members club" kind of thing where you have to meet certain requirements and then jump through hoops to get it.
Women's SMV will fall through the floor, worse yet for women who are single mothers, they will be completely fucked, and the younger women observing this trend after a few years will have no choice but to adapt, they'll still be whoring around, but they'll be smart enough not to get pregnant for fear of becoming a "leftover woman". The marker for "the wall" will likely be moved up a bit as more and more women will be in a rush to get married before their looks fade, so those women in their 30's "building careers" will be seen as even more past their prime.