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JFL Ben Garrison (famous Nazi) put RooshV (PUA scammer) in his cartoon



> > > > FAT GIRLS REJECT ME! < < < <
Nov 11, 2017
It is called "Burning free speech." Alex Jones was banned from Google and iTunes. And RooshV and his books was banned from Amazon.

What is Shiva and No Vax?

Edit: as much as I hate censorship coming from these tech giants etc. etc. I can't really feel sorry for the people in that bonfire there. They are all trash. Jones, Milo, Roosh, Gab ... they can all go to hell as far as I care.
Why are you calling him a "famous Nazi"? It's the same tactic lefties use against incels, despite the fact that this forum is at least 50% ethnic.
Why are you calling him a "famous Nazi"? It's the same tactic lefties use against incels, despite the fact that this forum is at least 50% ethnic.
Nazis are good. I agree, though, Garrison is a fag that doesn't deserve the title.
Kek, the memeing with Ben Garrison went to far.
He used to bitch about free speech and wanted edits of his comics removed from the internet.
He used to bitch about free speech and wanted edits of his comics removed from the internet.
He cried like a little wussy over a few /pol/tards meming him. That old burger should leave the web and fuck some cows
His drawings are great
It's over for Xi Jinpingcels.
"nazi", he draws cartoons, is this what made you call him that?
nice, his cartoons are often pretty spot on
Lmao at calling him a nazi. Fucking leftwingfags need a genocide
Why are you calling him a "famous Nazi"? It's the same tactic lefties use against incels, despite the fact that this forum is at least 50% ethnic.
Nazis are good. I agree, though, Garrison is a fag that doesn't deserve the title.
Kek, the memeing with Ben Garrison went to far.
"nazi", he draws cartoons, is this what made you call him that?
Lmao at calling him a nazi. Fucking leftwingfags need a genocide
I swear a bunch of guys here would fit in very well at buzzfeed and other liberal sites with their quickness to call everyone a nazi.
What is Shiva and No Vax?

Shiva Ayyadurai is a curry entrepreneur campaigning for Elizabeth Warren's Senate seat in Massachusetts; kind of a Trump-like figure.

No Vax is probably the anti-vaccination movement. In that case, Garrison forgot the fucking Rational fucking Reddit alien.
ben garrison isn't a nazi
his comics get edited a lot by neo-nazis
It is called "Burning free speech." Alex Jones was banned from Google and iTunes. And RooshV and his books was banned from Amazon.

I understand that ben garrison being a nazi is the meme, but I don't know if you actually meant it or not here.
I fucking sear, autists, all of you.
Why are you calling him a "famous Nazi"? It's the same tactic lefties use against incels, despite the fact that this forum is at least 50% ethnic.

It's a meme, like the Sam Hyde thing. His political drawings are so comically blunt and obvious 4channers had a field day using them for anti-semitic jokes:

Roosh is the only PUA who isn't a scammer.
Roosh is the only PUA who isn't a scammer.

RooshV is incel as fuck. He tried becoming Alt Right and get a traditional red pilled wife. He failed hard. He is an Ethnic and Trad Thots wont touch him.
Every alt right eceleb is a cuckold
Those are two of the books that weren't banned. They didn't ban everything.

Holy shit that's brutal. Sucks for him. This is the problem when you have private corporations running monopolies over entire market sectors. There is no accountability. He could try to sue them, but you can't win against a titan like Amazon. They'd bankrupt him in court and he'd still get nothing because Amazon could say: "Well we decide what books we do or don't want to sell. Tough luck." and there's no law against that.

This is why sites like this one are so important. Everywhere else, the things we talk about would have to be censored and sanitized. People don't want the truth. But the truth does have value.
Why are you calling him a "famous Nazi"? It's the same tactic lefties use against incels, despite the fact that this forum is at least 50% ethnic.

Was going to say this. In what dimension is Ben Garrison a “Nazi”??

Unless OP is just another retarded BLM SJW
Isn't this forum filled with 4chan rejects how do you guys not know about the Ben Garrison memes?
It is called "Burning free speech." Alex Jones was banned from Google and iTunes. And RooshV and his books was banned from Amazon.


Roosh deserves it. Cunt loved banning people from his forum for dissenting views. These right wing twats love to scream "muh freedom of speech!!!" but they never practice what they preach. Fuck Roosh.
Isn't this forum filled with 4chan rejects how do you guys not know about the Ben Garrison memes?

This isn't voat. Get out, alt-right normie.

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