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Being overweight is also genetics.

  • Thread starter the kurdish loner
  • Start date
There's not a mystery magical force that allows you to consume infinite calories without gaining fat. That would directly contradict the laws of thermodynamics.
Its called metabolism, some people eat slop all their life and maintain skinnyness while some people have been fat all their life inspite of their weight. Also if overcoming genetic determinators like work effort you might as well tell low IQ nigger criminal blacks to overcome their low IQ retard
Keep coping bro the average maintenance calories from person to person has very low variance. Unless this chad in question literally towers over you, your maintenance calories is likely similar to his. The gene that triggers obesity is related to hunger, not maintenance calories. If you are obese, it's likely because you have a stronger desire to eat more food than those around you. If chads around you are seemingly consuming more food than you but yet not gaining weight, the only explanation is physical activity. There's not a mystery magical force that allows you to consume infinite calories without gaining fat. That would directly contradict the laws of thermodynamics.

If chad eats over his maintenance calories daily for a consistent period of time, he will gain a considerable amount of fat tissue. The energy needs to go somewhere, if you consume an excess amount of calories, your body will increase it's weight to compensate for the increase in calories, unless of course you exercise enough to burn the excess calories off. There is no contradicting this, this is fact. It's not obesity that's heritable, it's laziness and a lack of impulse control. I guarantee you the same people who are obese are more likely to be addicted to substances.

It’s called metabolism, some people eat slop all their life and maintain skinnyness while some people have been fat all their life inspite of their weight. Also if overcoming genetic determinators like work effort you might as well tell low IQ nigger criminal blacks to overcome their low IQ retard
Literally this
There are many people who despite taking a very good care of themselves are still overweight or still above the normal BMI which obviously proves how weight is also genetic, while you can manage weight you can never have it as easy as the chad.
yes it takes a lot of dedication to overcome it.
he actually proves my point, he was genetically thin but he just started eating a lot himself and put down all the weight in only 6 months because his genetics are simply not programmed to have a lot of fatcell, and he has zero lose skin which is honestly so self explanatory
How’d he get so fat in the first place
Yes nigga, I got to starve with 1600-1800 calories for shit progress while others can eat way more.
You could probably become a muscle monster so easily man. I cannot gain past 155 pounds despite eating 3,500 calories a day. Makes me wanna die seeing my skinny body after eating so much and gymceling
You could probably become a muscle monster so easily man. I cannot gain past 155 pounds despite eating 3,500 calories a day. Makes me wanna die seeing my skinny body after eating so much and gymceling
Mass gainer?
Mass gainer?
Already use it a lot. No way I’m eating like 5k a day or something. I don’t wanna feel sick all the time. I just need to accept my fate that 155 is my genetic limit (because it is)
Literally this
Metabolism is a cope for women. Fat people actually have faster "metabolisms" than thin people jfl. The maintenance calories of a 300 lb person is significantly higher than that of a 120lb person. Meaning the 300lb person must consume significantly more calories than the 120 lb person if they want to gain weight. So, technically speaking, it's the obese people who have the fast metabolism. If the 300 lb person started eating as many calories as the 120lb person does, their weight would plummet.

There is very little variance in maintenance calories from average person to person, unless one person has a gigantic skeleton compared to the other. There's not a normal weight person on this planet who can consume 5000 cals a day without gaining weight, it's physically impossible. If you are witnessing chads eat a lot of food and not gain weight, it's because they are very physically active. As I said there is literally no other explanation, he didn't use his magical chad powers to evaporate the extra calories, they had to have gone somewhere.

Please link me the source of information that you have for "metabolism" being the determinant of weight. Guys I thought we were blackpilled here, this is like a level 1 beginner cope. How somebody could be blackpilled and still fall for body positivity misinformation is crazy.

Obese people don't want to admit that it's a willpower issue. I understand it's a struggle but it's ultimately no different from any other addiction, and obese people should be discussed in the same way that alcoholics are. They have a habit that is destroying their life and they don't have the willpower to stop. This willpower is ultimately genetic, which I will concede, but we gotta stop this misinformation as if it's some mystical force that causes 40% of americans to be obese, rather than overconsumption of calories and a sedentary lifestyle
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Its called metabolism, some people eat slop all their life and maintain skinnyness while some people have been fat all their life inspite of their weight. Also if overcoming genetic determinators like work effort you might as well tell low IQ nigger criminal blacks to overcome their low IQ retard
Cite a single source. Sorry bro, you don't have a "slow metabolism", you eat more than everyone else around you due to low impulse control and you don't exercise enough to offset it, it's that simple. Your maintenance calories IS YOUR METABOLISM, and there is very little variance in maintenance calories from person to person. In fact, the more you weigh the higher your maintenance calories is. Meaning that technically speaking, fat people have faster metabolisms than skinny people lmao. Whether or not you eat slop has little to do if you're fat or skinny, calories are always the determinant of weight.

I feel like i'm arguing with blue-pillers right now
Cite a single source. Sorry bro, you don't have a "slow metabolism", you eat more than everyone else around you due to low impulse control and you don't exercise enough to offset it, it's that simple. Your maintenance calories IS YOUR METABOLISM, and there is very little variance in maintenance calories from person to person. In fact, the more you weigh the higher your maintenance calories is. Meaning that technically speaking, fat people have faster metabolisms than skinny people lmao. Whether or not you eat slop has little to do if you're fat or skinny, calories are always the determinant of weight.

I feel like i'm arguing with blue-pillers right now
Source, go back to pleddit retard, with your bluepilled just hit the gym. KIll yourself faggot GrAYcel
Source, go back to pleddit retard, with your bluepilled just hit the gym. KIll yourself faggot GrAYcel
Did you forget that we are black pillers?AKA the analytical people who use actual data to prove our points, you’re a blue pilled body positivity coper jfl. You are using the exact same copes that lizzo does. You’re not even black pilled you just come here to complain, you don’t actually care about being factually correct.
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being overweight is such a massive turn off for foids. Fat/bloating is feminine. They want lean, hollow-looking chads
Did you forget that we are black pillers?AKA the analytical people who use actual data to prove our points, you’re a blue pilled body positivity coper jfl. You are using the exact same copes that lizzo does. You’re not even black pilled you just come here to complain, you don’t actually care about being factually correct.
The Blackpill is the fact that genetics is all that matters and someones propensity to work hard is just as genetically heritable and predictable as intelligent. So unless your going to come in here and spout bluepilled retardation about genetics not being a factor in your personality and psychological traits than your just a fucking retarded bluepilled faggot.
The Blackpill is the fact that genetics is all that matters and someones propensity to work hard is just as genetically heritable and predictable as intelligent. So unless your going to come in here and spout bluepilled retardation about genetics not being a factor in your personality and psychological traits than your just a fucking retarded bluepilled faggot.
I have said multiple times that I agree genetics contribute to obesity, but it’s due to a lack of impulse control, not an actual difference in metabolic rate. I’m saying obese people tell themselves that it’s not a willpower issue because it makes them feel better about not losing the weight. If you want to be obese that’s chill but you must recognize that it is your brain that is causing the problems, not your body. You have the same metabolic hardware as Chad, unless he is significantly taller than you. The genes that cause obesity are the same genes that cause drug addiction. Nobody is naturally obese. You’re just addicted to food, in the same way others are addicted to cigs.

in conclusion obesity is caused by laziness, if you are obese it’s likely because you are genetically lazier and have lower impulse than everyone else, not because your body operates in a different way.
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stop being a fag. just eat well and you will lose whight i was fat my self just replace shit food with good quality food like red meat,eggs,raw milk and fruits thats literally what you need to eat to maintain a normal bmi.
Yes. I have no doubt that genetics plays a role in some people weight. But more than 50% (except in poor countrues) of population os overweight. Its really hard to believe ALL of these folks have predisposition to be fat.
stop being a fag. just eat well and you will lose whight i was fat my self just replace shit food with good quality food like red meat,eggs,raw milk and fruits thats literally what you need to eat to maintain a normal bmi.
Stop being an inkwell just treat women well and you will get pussy :foidSoy:
Stop being an inkwell just treat women well and you will get pussy :foidSoy:
i know i sound like a foid or a redpiller but i agree it's genetics my mother,sister,uncles and aunts are obese.but the thing is you can 100% lose weight to be normal. you wouldn't be able to escape inceldom anless you have a good bone structure under the fat. me myself i have a wimp bone structure so i couldn't escape inceldom but atleast people treated me like somthing close to a humen.

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