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Blackpill being good looking gives you a vigor and taste for life to conquer the world



Worst Stretch Marks
Mar 26, 2018
when you are good looking you seemingly have unlimited amounts of energy to go out and achieve your dreams. its a well documented fact that most CEO's are above 6ft tall. but nobody ever talks about how they are also good looking. most singers, most entertainers, and most top athletes are also good looking as well. some would argue that they are given helping hands along the way because they are good looking to begin with, but thats only half of the truth. the other half is that these people (who know they are good looking from birth due to constant validation) have an inner-drive in them that is stronger than you can imagine. they emit nothing but positive energy after waking up each morning, and have an overall positive outlook and attitude because they know they are good looking and have nothing to fear or be intimidated by. they yearn to share their good looking faces and bodies with the world. because of this they will do that extra set in the gym, go to that meeting and network with higher-ups, spend another hour at practice, model their bodies on stage/social media, etc.

along the way they are constantly validated on how good they are doing and how much good progress they are making, all the while making important social connections which will be used later in life. on the other hand, ugly people or incels are crippled by depression which drastically decreases your productivity. growing up, i wanted to stay in my room all fucking day and play vidya. i turned down school events, or anything to do with big crowds. i didnt attend many birthday parties or other social gatherings. i nervously stumbled my words while giving class presentations (because i was ugly and felt everyones eyes on me) which ultimately led me to receiving a bad grade. i performed poorly in team sports, but not because im unathletic, but because nobody on my team would ever pass me the ball (because i was the ugly loner kid) or because i was too nervous to handle it in front of crowds of parents/students. along the way, nobody ever gave me validation or special pats on the back. i was just barely treading along while chad was getting invited to valedictorian dinners, special charity events, and receiving scholarships for his athletic achievements. imagine the psychological effect this has on the average ugly person.

now imagine years and years of living like an ugly incel vs. the good looking person. the incel will end up with 0 social connections and no desire or confidence to do anything. on the other hand, the chad will be getting his first job as a wall street banker or being drafted to a famous sports team lol. there have been times in my life where ive gone to the gym, but as soon as i saw a glimpse of my shnoz and long neck in the mirror, i instantly lost desire and motivation to work out and ended up leaving. for truly ugly people, the same thing happens in life as well, not just the gym. instead of losing motivation to lift and wanting to "leave the gym", u just want to leave life entirely. when you suffer from depression (which stems from ugliness), you simply dont even have a desire or taste for anything other than vidya or death. its even worse when you are not only ugly, but have a fucked up situation (in my case, stretch marks) on top of being ugly. good looking people experience the exact opposite and have a bottomless well of passion to take over the world and achieve all their dreams.
Water is wet, anyway wtf is up with your avi?
Tbh, the only thing that ever prevented me from achieving my goals, has been my ugly face.
Something has to be done about this.
I couldnt read the whole text because it is to much to take. To much truth. Its horible those people live perfect lifes while we rott and they got this from DAY ONE! My youth was shit my childhood was fucking sad and my life now is fucking shit.

Its ogre.
I guess the key to succeed in those areas is to not depend on enthusiasm but on discipline.
I'm ugly too but I've been gymceling for 16 years even though 2-3 years were enough to see that muscles can't compensate for my ugliness.
I'm lucky in that I love doing my job, but even when it's not fun I just slog through the best I can until I achieve something that makes the whole thing enjoyable again.
My teeth are fucked up and ugly (and unfixable, I'm told) but I still brush them and floss because I force myself.

Fuck enthusiasm, it's fickle.
Didn't read because it's time for me to wagecuck but agree with the premise and will return later.
Agree. That is why i insist that suicide is the best option.
didnt read but its true good looks - better everything
Being GL or being female.
Good post, but your avi is cancer and makes everyone hate you.
Very true. The worst part is that people won't admit that the reason why these people are doing so well in life is cause of their looks. They will claim that it's their hard work that got them there which is bullshit.
Pin this.
@SergeantIncel @knajjd @mental_out @Ryo_Hazuki @i_a_m_i @Master @cocksucker
when you are good looking you seemingly have unlimited amounts of energy to go out and achieve your dreams. its a well documented fact that most CEO's are above 6ft tall. but nobody ever talks about how they are also good looking. most singers, most entertainers, and most top athletes are also good looking as well. some would argue that they are given helping hands along the way because they are good looking to begin with, but thats only half of the truth. the other half is that these people (who know they are good looking from birth due to constant validation) have an inner-drive in them that is stronger than you can imagine. they emit nothing but positive energy after waking up each morning, and have an overall positive outlook and attitude because they know they are good looking and have nothing to fear or be intimidated by. they yearn to share their good looking faces and bodies with the world. because of this they will do that extra set in the gym, go to that meeting and network with higher-ups, spend another hour at practice, model their bodies on stage/social media, etc.

along the way they are constantly validated on how good they are doing and how much good progress they are making, all the while making important social connections which will be used later in life. on the other hand, ugly people or incels are crippled by depression which drastically decreases your productivity. growing up, i wanted to stay in my room all fucking day and play vidya. i turned down school events, or anything to do with big crowds. i didnt attend many birthday parties or other social gatherings. i nervously stumbled my words while giving class presentations (because i was ugly and felt everyones eyes on me) which ultimately led me to receiving a bad grade. i performed poorly in team sports, but not because im unathletic, but because nobody on my team would ever pass me the ball (because i was the ugly loner kid) or because i was too nervous to handle it in front of crowds of parents/students. along the way, nobody ever gave me validation or special pats on the back. i was just barely treading along while chad was getting invited to valedictorian dinners, special charity events, and receiving scholarships for his athletic achievements. imagine the psychological effect this has on the average ugly person.

now imagine years and years of living like an ugly incel vs. the good looking person. the incel will end up with 0 social connections and no desire or confidence to do anything. on the other hand, the chad will be getting his first job as a wall street banker or being drafted to a famous sports team lol. there have been times in my life where ive gone to the gym, but as soon as i saw a glimpse of my shnoz and long neck in the mirror, i instantly lost desire and motivation to work out and ended up leaving. for truly ugly people, the same thing happens in life as well, not just the gym. instead of losing motivation to lift and wanting to "leave the gym", u just want to leave life entirely. when you suffer from depression (which stems from ugliness), you simply dont even have a desire or taste for anything other than vidya or death. its even worse when you are not only ugly, but have a fucked up situation (in my case, stretch marks) on top of being ugly. good looking people experience the exact opposite and have a bottomless well of passion to take over the world and achieve all their dreams.
I disagree with parts of your self evaluation, otherwise you post truth.
I guess the key to succeed in those areas is to not depend on enthusiasm but on discipline.
I'm ugly too but I've been gymceling for 16 years even though 2-3 years were enough to see that muscles can't compensate for my ugliness.
I'm lucky in that I love doing my job, but even when it's not fun I just slog through the best I can until I achieve something that makes the whole thing enjoyable again.
My teeth are fucked up and ugly (and unfixable, I'm told) but I still brush them and floss because I force myself.

Fuck enthusiasm, it's fickle.
I do not believe your teeth can't be improved. I've seen guys whose teeth were knocked out get an artificial set that looked much better. Get a second (and third and fourth) opinion before you accept that verdict.
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If I was gl I would do great things
rich become richer.etc.
Is this the part where we scream “Sieg Heil” in unison?
You are correct but you can always motivate yourself and use your isolation to your benefit
Just reading the title I agree
Maybe it does, and good looking people get a helping hand. Water is wet, life is unfair. I mean it really, really is unfair.

Don't let it destroy you though. I guess I always knew I was ugly, and it always had a strong adverse impact on how I was treated by others, but it never stopped me from having ambition, and pushing forward. There is no point getting into specifics, but I have been through a lot by objective standards, and have dealt with much more at the hands of intolerant people than the majority of normal people have gone through. I have also accomplished 2 life dreams. Both were hard fought, both also had a negative social component, but I legit got what I wanted. I'm still striving for more. I will accomplish more major dreams. Don't let other people's easier lives make you quit yours.

The only thing being ugly will stop you from is being socially popular, maybe even socially accepted, getting a mate, and unearned promotions. The world is still yours for the taking, but it will take hard work, and lots of pain.

I just thought I would mention 2 people who are not really good looking who are successful due to hard work, and hustling. Yes, they are exceptional, and talented, but Mike Tyson, and Arnold Scwarzennegar are not good looking guys. Arnold has wierd side set eyes, and Tyson is ugly. Both of those guys worked excruciatingly hard, and accomplished a great deal because of their WORK. It can be done, in spite of your looks.
Maybe it does, and good looking people get a helping hand. Water is wet, life is unfair. I mean it really, really is unfair.

Don't let it destroy you though. I guess I always knew I was ugly, and it always had a strong adverse impact on how I was treated by others, but it never stopped me from having ambition, and pushing forward. There is no point getting into specifics, but I have been through a lot by objective standards, and have dealt with much more at the hands of intolerant people than the majority of normal people have gone through. I have also accomplished 2 life dreams. Both were hard fought, both also had a negative social component, but I legit got what I wanted. I'm still striving for more. I will accomplish more major dreams. Don't let other people's easier lives make you quit yours.

The only thing being ugly will stop you from is being socially popular, maybe even socially accepted, getting a mate, and unearned promotions. The world is still yours for the taking, but it will take hard work, and lots of pain.

I just thought I would mention 2 people who are not really good looking who are successful due to hard work, and hustling. Yes, they are exceptional, and talented, but Mike Tyson, and Arnold Scwarzennegar are not good looking guys. Arnold has wierd side set eyes, and Tyson is ugly. Both of those guys worked excruciatingly hard, and accomplished a great deal because of their WORK. It can be done, in spite of your looks.
Schwarzenegger is a chad and just cope thinking gl people dont have a huge advantage
Schwarzenegger is a chad and just cope thinking gl people dont have a huge advantage
Never said they didn't have an advantage. Seriously you don't think Arnie looks off? If he were not built today, just his natural frame as a 6'2" tall guy, are you saying he would be in the top 5% on tinder? I'm saying no. Because if he is then even low tier normies could gymcel if they were decent framed, and had faces that were on the masculine side.
The only thing being ugly will stop you from is being socially popular, maybe even socially accepted, getting a mate, and unearned promotions.
Maybe it does, and good looking people get a helping hand. Water is wet, life is unfair. I mean it really, really is unfair.

Don't let it destroy you though. I guess I always knew I was ugly, and it always had a strong adverse impact on how I was treated by others, but it never stopped me from having ambition, and pushing forward. There is no point getting into specifics, but I have been through a lot by objective standards, and have dealt with much more at the hands of intolerant people than the majority of normal people have gone through. I have also accomplished 2 life dreams. Both were hard fought, both also had a negative social component, but I legit got what I wanted. I'm still striving for more. I will accomplish more major dreams. Don't let other people's easier lives make you quit yours.

The only thing being ugly will stop you from is being socially popular, maybe even socially accepted, getting a mate, and unearned promotions. The world is still yours for the taking, but it will take hard work, and lots of pain.

I just thought I would mention 2 people who are not really good looking who are successful due to hard work, and hustling. Yes, they are exceptional, and talented, but Mike Tyson, and Arnold Scwarzennegar are not good looking guys. Arnold has wierd side set eyes, and Tyson is ugly. Both of those guys worked excruciatingly hard, and accomplished a great deal because of their WORK. It can be done, in spite of your looks.

good post but disagree on arnie and tyson. arnie WAS ugly (many people dont know he had plastic surgery), but eventually became a chad. plus he was always 6'2 with god tier physique potential waiting to be unleashed (which he eventually unleashed). tyson was an ugly manlet but he had thanos level punching power mixed with god tier speed. he also had a solid frame. thats extremely rare and hes such a 1 in a billion outlier that he shouldnt even be mentioned
True. I feel zero motivation to do anything, even if everything goes absolutely perfect I'm still ugly and alone.
good post but disagree on arnie and tyson. arnie WAS ugly (many people dont know he had plastic surgery), but eventually became a chad. plus he was always 6'2 with god tier physique potential waiting to be unleashed (which he eventually unleashed). tyson was an ugly manlet but he had thanos level punching power mixed with god tier speed. he also had a solid frame. thats extremely rare and hes such a 1 in a billion outlier that he shouldnt even be mentioned
Curious what Arnold had done? I know both are outliers. Arnold is freaking incredible because he dominated bodybuilding, built a real estate empire, did well in movies, and became gov. That is one accomplished dude. Anyways, the point was neither were good looking, but it didn't prevent them from doing well. The magnitude of their success doesn't detract so much as actually make the point. Being ugly isn't stopping anyone unless they want to model or be some lightweight that gets socially promoted.

I know of a intellectually mediocre chadlite who makes $300k per year. Not personally, just from a military buddy. Dude's mom was on admissions board in the Ivy League. So he got in on mediocre everything, and went to some 3rd rate law school, barely passing. But, he can say I went to Princton, and I'm a lawyer. Doesn't even work hard, screws around on his gf. But, honestly guys like Tyson or Arnold earned their lives, and many others earn less accomplished, but gratifying lives too. I would never want to be that chadlite tard who lives some fancy consumerist dream of hollow pleasure seeking. That guy only knows going through the motions. People who earn success know deep, deep pain, but also the value of winning.
I couldnt read the whole text because it is to much to take. To much truth. Its horible those people live perfect lifes while we rott and they got this from DAY ONE! My youth was shit my childhood was fucking sad and my life now is fucking shit.

Its ogre.
This is why attractive men desERve to have their faces destroyed.
Imagine having the self confidence to be able to walk with proper posture and to look ahead of yourself instead of at the floor.:cryfeels:
If you look closely, most overweight people are facially ugly, balding, and short. They aren't incel because they're fat, they're fat because they're incel.
Beimg ugly gives you vigor to destroy the world within good looking people.
The Grass is green.
Water isn't wet. Wetness is a description of our experience of water; what happens to us when we come into contact with water in such a way that it impinges on our state of being. We, or our possessions, 'get wet'. A less impinging sense experience of water is that it is cold or warm, while visual experience tells us that it is green or blue or muddy or fast-flowing. We learn by experience that a sensation of wetness is associated with water: 'there must be a leak/I must have sat in something.'
Are you stoned
To much truth. Its horible those people live perfect lifes while we rott and they got this from DAY ONE! My youth was shit my childhood was fucking sad and my life now is fucking shit.

Its ogre.

i just dont give a fuck about anything

when you are good looking you seemingly have unlimited amounts of energy to go out and achieve your dreams. its a well documented fact that most CEO's are above 6ft tall. but nobody ever talks about how they are also good looking. most singers, most entertainers, and most top athletes are also good looking as well. some would argue that they are given helping hands along the way because they are good looking to begin with, but thats only half of the truth. the other half is that these people (who know they are good looking from birth due to constant validation) have an inner-drive in them that is stronger than you can imagine. they emit nothing but positive energy after waking up each morning, and have an overall positive outlook and attitude because they know they are good looking and have nothing to fear or be intimidated by. they yearn to share their good looking faces and bodies with the world. because of this they will do that extra set in the gym, go to that meeting and network with higher-ups, spend another hour at practice, model their bodies on stage/social media, etc.

along the way they are constantly validated on how good they are doing and how much good progress they are making, all the while making important social connections which will be used later in life. on the other hand, ugly people or incels are crippled by depression which drastically decreases your productivity. growing up, i wanted to stay in my room all fucking day and play vidya. i turned down school events, or anything to do with big crowds. i didnt attend many birthday parties or other social gatherings. i nervously stumbled my words while giving class presentations (because i was ugly and felt everyones eyes on me) which ultimately led me to receiving a bad grade. i performed poorly in team sports, but not because im unathletic, but because nobody on my team would ever pass me the ball (because i was the ugly loner kid) or because i was too nervous to handle it in front of crowds of parents/students. along the way, nobody ever gave me validation or special pats on the back. i was just barely treading along while chad was getting invited to valedictorian dinners, special charity events, and receiving scholarships for his athletic achievements. imagine the psychological effect this has on the average ugly person.

now imagine years and years of living like an ugly incel vs. the good looking person. the incel will end up with 0 social connections and no desire or confidence to do anything. on the other hand, the chad will be getting his first job as a wall street banker or being drafted to a famous sports team lol. there have been times in my life where ive gone to the gym, but as soon as i saw a glimpse of my shnoz and long neck in the mirror, i instantly lost desire and motivation to work out and ended up leaving. for truly ugly people, the same thing happens in life as well, not just the gym. instead of losing motivation to lift and wanting to "leave the gym", u just want to leave life entirely. when you suffer from depression (which stems from ugliness), you simply dont even have a desire or taste for anything other than vidya or death. its even worse when you are not only ugly, but have a fucked up situation (in my case, stretch marks) on top of being ugly. good looking people experience the exact opposite and have a bottomless well of passion to take over the world and achieve all their dreams.
tbh the most exilariting feeling on this earth is looking in the mirror and getting that endorphine rush , knowing that you look good .
When i was still in puberty , sometimes when i got a haircut or something , i got that shit to a lesser degree , but i was lying to myself , as soon as i got a good reality check i lost all hope again .
But i know how it feels and everyone here knows cause we have all lied to ourselves in fron of the mirror before we lost all hope .
Its the single best feeling there is .

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