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Discussion Being an incel isn't common at all

Giga cope
Calling something "giga cope" isn't evidence nor excusable as an argument, lol. If anything, all you schmucks yelling "cope" are coping yourselves, just like all the fags that scream "JBW" at the very existence / thought that a white man can be incel.. whom literally make up the majority of incels. lol

Also, if inceldom isn't as widespread as it is sold as, then why complain about it or bring it up at all?
Calling something "giga cope" isn't evidence nor excusable as an argument, lol.
Post evidence that the majority of guys are kissless virgins or have no friends then.
Post evidence that the majority of guys are kissless virgins or have no friends then.
No, you're the one making the claim by calling it "cope", I don't have to do shit. Also, you clearly haven't read my past comments on this very thread. Until you do so and understand my logic, you're as good as ignorant / low-IQ as the next faggot here.
No, you're the one making the claim by calling it "cope", I don't have to do shit. Also, you clearly haven't read my past comments on this very thread. Until you do so and understand my logic, you're as good as ignorant / low-IQ as the next faggot here.
You're retarded if you think the average guy hasn't kissed a foid or has no friends. Even between the ages of 18-20 half of all guys have had sex and under 2% of men between the ages of 25-30 are virgins. You can logically assume that pretty much every guy who's had sex has also kissed a foid before and there would be even more out there who haven't had sex but have kissed before.
But per Data Psychology: 50.52% of men between 18-20 are virgins. For men over age 25 (but not older than 30), only 1.9% are virgins.
What you're doing is that you're trying to make yourself feel better by trying to say that most guys are friendless incels. But this is cope. We are in the bottom percentage of society.
We truly are a minority and it's fucking over for everyone here tbh ngl.
I think the same, theres no male in real life I can relate with. Im the only incel in my entire country.
how is zero sex last year = incel?

if someone came here and wrote i had sex 2 years ago you would instantly call for his ban - and rightfully.

Incel is someone who never was desired by any women and never will.

Only exception can be if someone endured burns or other injuries that severly deformed his looks and brought him to subhuman tier.

Otherwise someone who could get sex 2 years ago can get it now, its possible. For incel it is impossible.
Absolute THIS.
How many of those normies are in actual loving relationships though? My mom seems like she despises my father and I don't imagine other old couples are all that different.
no bro im the one acknowledging the bitter truth, that in order to be sexless you need to be true genetical outlier, exceptionally unlucky person. You are the one coping by pretending more people are in the same boat as us.
Go to the gym and there's a bunch of short and/or ugly guys there who go by themselves. Especially at night. Most incels are either neeting, working some low end job where they don't talk to anyone, or rotting in the gym. They’re not going to tell you that they’re a 25 year old virgin.
You explained my whole existence. Fml:cryfeels:
no bro im the one acknowledging the bitter truth, that in order to be sexless you need to be true genetical outlier, exceptionally unlucky person. You are the one coping by pretending more people are in the same boat as us.
youre denying hypergamy? wow
From my experience with normalfagmaxxing, the majortiy of people that I meet are in a relationship. The most basic, average height, average face guys have no issues with women. The vast majority of people are NT and have little issue with socialising and forming social circles. It's not normal whatsoever to be in your 20s and have never had a gf and having 0 friends. "Male loneliness pandemic" is a load of bullshit. The average man isn't truly lonely, sure they aren't getting tons of sex like chad, but they are still getting it. Feeling lonely is literally just that, just a feeling, you can be getting sex 7 days a week and still feel lonely because that's just how you feel. Being an actual loner sub 5 is probably as rare as being a chad. Most people aren't ugly or autistic and can easily find relationships.

We truly are a minority and it's fucking over for everyone here tbh ngl.
Yeah I see most people in relationship or even interacting with foids male loneliness is overblown only we are truly suffering.:feelsrope:
Go to the gym and there's a bunch of short and/or ugly guys there who go by themselves. Especially at night. Most incels are either neeting, working some low end job where they don't talk to anyone, or rotting in the gym. They’re not going to tell you that they’re a 25 year old virgin.
I’ve noticed that as well
to my completely valid argument and explanation you responded by accusing me of saying something i never said. Thats what low iq people always do in conversation.
dude youre a fagot
some ppl like to cope that every man facing this problem, no most live normal life we are at bottom of barrel
Male loneliness is NOT overblown among my cohort, pre-covid was way easier to ascend or navigate society in general, now everything is fucked. I don't hang out with giga nt normies but I would say that they are in a good amount of social circles while being normies facially and some still struggle at the end of the day since the women in their friend groups or mutual friend groups end up orbiting the two most attractive guys.

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