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Discussion Being an incel isn't common at all

I don't understand these threads still popping up. There's solid research done now proving most men are single and struggling socially. Do you not see the rampant feminism and globohomo happening around you?
this tbh

when even the media is acknowledging a 'male loneliness epidemic,' despite generally not acknowledging male problems, idk why incels are going out of their way to deny any social issues exist
From my experience with normalfagmaxxing, the majortiy of people that I meet are in a relationship. The most basic, average height, average face guys have no issues with women. The vast majority of people are NT and have little issue with socialising and forming social circles. It's not normal whatsoever to be in your 20s and have never had a gf and having 0 friends. "Male loneliness pandemic" is a load of bullshit. The average man isn't truly lonely, sure they aren't getting tons of sex like chad, but they are still getting it. Feeling lonely is literally just that, just a feeling, you can be getting sex 7 days a week and still feel lonely because that's just how you feel. Being an actual loner sub 5 is probably as rare as being a chad. Most people aren't ugly or autistic and can easily find relationships.

We truly are a minority and it's fucking over for everyone here tbh ngl.
I bet there's a bunch of people on this forum who probably already got laid (excluding even escortcels)
Idk what to think about this. statistics, surveys and anecdotes show male sexual frustration and inceldom is becoming increasingly common
From my experience with normalfagmaxxing, the majortiy of people that I meet are in a relationship. The most basic, average height, average face guys have no issues with women. The vast majority of people are NT and have little issue with socialising and forming social circles. It's not normal whatsoever to be in your 20s and have never had a gf and having 0 friends. "Male loneliness pandemic" is a load of bullshit. The average man isn't truly lonely, sure they aren't getting tons of sex like chad, but they are still getting it. Feeling lonely is literally just that, just a feeling, you can be getting sex 7 days a week and still feel lonely because that's just how you feel. Being an actual loner sub 5 is probably as rare as being a chad. Most people aren't ugly or autistic and can easily find relationships.

We truly are a minority and it's fucking over for everyone here tbh ngl.
The statistics are pretty clear.

1/3 of young men 18-25 are incels (zero sex last year).

Of the remainder 2/3 non-incels, most only got sex once or twice from a prostitute or a drunk landwhale or some other thing.

Young men in semi-decent relationships are few, and they are getting cheated and cucked left and right.

Of the older 30+ males, most are married, yes, but these guys are mostly betabuxxers in "dead bedrooms" and get pity sex once every month, or two, or three times a year. Every prostitute says her clientele is comprised of married men who don't get any sex at home.

The men with fulfilling social lives and active sex lives are less than 10% and this figure decreases with age.
What the fuck you gonna do bro

How to live this life like this :feelskek:

Ded srs I think Ill sign up to russian contract millitary if my SEAmaxx fail. Not to kill anybody just have them drone me whatever. Also volunteers get put in better positions than conscripts so I will have higher chance of survival and get paid a lot of money so if I dont die at least I will be rich :lul:
Just mercenary max bro
I've been saying this for quite a while now. We're beyond bottom of the barrel.
unless your truly deformed you rlly can't be a incel plus most incels are autistic
Its the NTpill thats the most brutal, why do you think 99% of my posts for the past 4 months are about it
This sounds like more of a cope than what I said. I don't care about young males not being in relationships because they are just late bloomers for the most part, data shows that less than 4% of men over the age of 25 are virgins.
Omg there's hope for me?
People who are actually "alone" are also those that end up developing mental health issues due to said loneliness. The average person can feel levels of loneliness, but not to the extent an Incel does. Normies remind me of dogs, you leave them alone for several hours while you go out, they can get depressed a lonesome, but they also know their owner will come back and all of a sudden the dog becomes excited. That's the typical normie, they have enough people around them that loneliness and sadness are barely part of their emotion patterns on the daily.

I have also noticed, as I've become absolutely isolated more and more over the years, my desire for human contact is almost non-existent. I believe this is when most of become "doomed" to our own-selves. It's a switch that, once flipped, can never be undone. True loneliness fucks with your brain and many of us have fallen through the cracks, there's no hope of recovery. I can only hope I die young, because I ain't fucking living here for another decade.
This sounds like more of a cope than what I said. I don't care about young males not being in relationships because they are just late bloomers for the most part, data shows that less than 4% of men over the age of 25 are virgins.
I don't understand these threads still popping up. There's solid research done now proving most men are single and struggling socially. Do you not see the rampant feminism and globohomo happening around you?
Absolutely cope
Even if they dont get pussy much they still have friend groups
Oh, no... they have friend groups, therefore... "not incel" by your logic. Absolute cope. lmfao
Incels are rare, most men are not that cursed, unlucky and screwed as incels are. However, some inels do want to believe that, to ease the sense of separation/isolation and inadequacy that comes from incelation-inceldom
I'm 30 and I know quite a few guys my age that are perma-virgins and have never had a gf. There's even more that I suspect are this way, but I can't totally confirm it. It's definitely not uncommon nowadays, I'll say that much
That's not true, more men are becoming incel every year. If you think it's "rare" then what's the issue? Why complain about it. The majority of guys growing up today are either friendless or have never been kissed. The fact that there's more and more 30 year old virgin males than there ever has been is enough to say it's a problem, but you're claiming it isn't.

There are more virgin males now than in the past, sure that is a given. But the reality is that we as a whole with incels in denial included, are still a massive minority in the big picture.

If you were to ask every 10 men walking around in your downtown, how many do you think will be legitimate virgins ?

Normie men are struggling with maintaining healthy relationships and starting a family, they dont struggle with getting sex.

What you're seeing happen now, is that men in general are waking up to the disgusting nature and habits of the modern foid. They get called incel in social media for calling them out despite being men who got to enjoy sex early in life and probably still do well into their adult life.
Bro... men (publicly) aren't going to admit they're virigins, lmfao. Nice try, Kangaroo Jack.
Yep. Seeing men on your looksmatch, or occasionally even below get girlfriends is brutal. It really makes you question yourself
I concur...

However, after considered it I think its because they are gullible, stupider and more malleable. (Easily played)

They seem to be more "eager to please" and more willing to jump through hoops.

Plus, they often have "toxic positivity" and are more "now oriented." Instead of forward thinking. More animalistic. Less human. More niggery.
It's all a question of numbers, guys.

Take a country like America. 333 million people. So about 166 million men or boys (future men).

Of those men, maybe 20 percent get a little but not too much sex, 10 percent get almost nothing, and 5 percent nothing.

So that's 33 million getting very little, 16 million getting almost nothing, and 8 million getting nothing.

That leaves 75% of men, or 124 million, who have competed and at least gotten something, maybe a relationship, maybe marriage/kids etc. Sounds about right.

So every poster here in America, you are a minority amongst about 8 million men who actually talks about it.
Bro... men (publicly) aren't going to admit they're virigins, lmfao. Nice try, Kangaroo Jack.
Nope not true at all, we are a hard minority and you need to accept this fact.

This post here sums up the big picture

It's all a question of numbers, guys.

Take a country like America. 333 million people. So about 166 million men or boys (future men).

Of those men, maybe 20 percent get a little but not too much sex, 10 percent get almost nothing, and 5 percent nothing.

So that's 33 million getting very little, 16 million getting almost nothing, and 8 million getting nothing.

That leaves 75% of men, or 124 million, who have competed and at least gotten something, maybe a relationship, maybe marriage/kids etc. Sounds about right.

So every poster here in America, you are a minority amongst about 8 million men who actually talks about it.
The most valid post in this thread

The statistics are pretty clear.

1/3 of young men 18-25 are incels (zero sex last year).

Of the remainder 2/3 non-incels, most only got sex once or twice from a prostitute or a drunk landwhale or some other thing.

Young men in semi-decent relationships are few, and they are getting cheated and cucked left and right.

Of the older 30+ males, most are married, yes, but these guys are mostly betabuxxers in "dead bedrooms" and get pity sex once every month, or two, or three times a year. Every prostitute says her clientele is comprised of married men who don't get any sex at home.

The men with fulfilling social lives and active sex lives are less than 10% and this figure decreases with age.
This one highlights the problems most sub6 sexhavers have to deal with.


But again, these guys that have to deal with this bullshit still have more opportunities than the average poster on this forum, their life experience can never be compared to ours because that door was never opened for us to even get as far as they did.
cope. 80/20 is law
every group i was ever part of im the only inkwell or among the very small minority, together only with absolute bottom of the barrel
Of those men, maybe 20 percent get a little but not too much sex, 10 percent get almost nothing, and 5 percent nothing.
I think the number of "little but not too much sex" is much higher than that. Agreed on incels, though. Incels are the minority, but frustrated men overall is definitely the majority now from what I'm seeing.
1/3 of young men 18-25 are incels (zero sex last year).
how is zero sex last year = incel?

if someone came here and wrote i had sex 2 years ago you would instantly call for his ban - and rightfully.

Incel is someone who never was desired by any women and never will.

Only exception can be if someone endured burns or other injuries that severly deformed his looks and brought him to subhuman tier.

Otherwise someone who could get sex 2 years ago can get it now, its possible. For incel it is impossible.
I've worked alongside people for a while, buddy. When you work in the restaurant industry for over a decade, you tend to see patterns and can make good judgements about people (customers, co-workers, etc). I can safely say, it's gotten worse. Most people either are socially retarded / inept or they choose to be alone. Covid didn't help either, it only worsened the issue. Inceldom has in fact increased in just a decade. Most foids are misandrists and want nothing to do with men. Most men are either afraid of or resent said foids (for obvious reasons).

You say it's not common, I heavily disagree. It's more visible everyday. I rarely see couples and foids would rather either be alone with a bear or hang out with their girlfriends. Most guys are either sitting at home playing vidyagames or offing themselves. Foids have also taken over the job market, so more guys are living off the grid. Nobody speaks to each other anymore.

Thank you for existing and responding to the guys who want to believe themselves special for being incels when reality shows the opposite.

It has been demonstrated with numbers and statistics how inceldom has been increasing since the last decade but these guys keep repeating that only a minority are.

I don't know if they do it out of masochism, because they believe that being an "incel" gives them status and makes them "special" with respect to the rest of society or because perhaps in some twisted way that makes them believe in their minds that they have some chance of ascend
this tbh

when even the media is acknowledging a 'male loneliness epidemic,' despite generally not acknowledging male problems, idk why incels are going out of their way to deny any social issues exist

Some guys in these forums are going to deny everything that the official media says

If one day it comes out on the news that the Jews are the owners of the world and Hitler was right, these users are going to say that in reality the Jews were good people and Hitler was an evil dictator who wanted to conquer the world.
I want to have sex. I don't know what's going on with this shit. I have girls at work sending mixed signals and all I have to go on is a laminated piece of paper listing the phonetic alphabet randomly placed here for no understandable reason. What am I supposed to do with that?
how is zero sex last year = incel?
The academic definition of "incel" is 6 months without sex.
if someone came here and wrote i had sex 2 years ago you would instantly call for his ban - and rightfully.
That's forum rules.
Incel is someone who never was desired by any women and never will.
That's the definition of an omega male. Most omegas are incels, but most incels are normies who are still looking for a foid to exploit them.
i just wanted a normal life
I want to have sex. I don't know what's going on with this shit. I have girls at work sending mixed signals and all I have to go on is a laminated piece of paper listing the phonetic alphabet randomly placed here for no understandable reason. What am I supposed to do with that?
When they like a guy, they make it obvious, it's not mixed signals, they're just being nice or something and you take it as them liking you.
When they like a guy, they make it obvious, it's not mixed signals, they're just being nice or something and you take it as them liking you.
Hmm. You know what, I think you might be right about that Wolnir. Yeah, I can totally see myself foolishly mistaking those little things as signs of attraction. Maybe she's just being nice.
From my experience with normalfagmaxxing, the majortiy of people that I meet are in a relationship. The most basic, average height, average face guys have no issues with women. The vast majority of people are NT and have little issue with socialising and forming social circles. It's not normal whatsoever to be in your 20s and have never had a gf and having 0 friends. "Male loneliness pandemic" is a load of bullshit. The average man isn't truly lonely, sure they aren't getting tons of sex like chad, but they are still getting it. Feeling lonely is literally just that, just a feeling, you can be getting sex 7 days a week and still feel lonely because that's just how you feel. Being an actual loner sub 5 is probably as rare as being a chad. Most people aren't ugly or autistic and can easily find relationships.

We truly are a minority and it's fucking over for everyone here tbh ngl.
Truth. Hypergamy and all that is cope. Is till see people my age who aren’t even close to chad in relationships and @Emba knew plenty of incels back in his day.
When they like a guy, they make it obvious, it's not mixed signals, they're just being nice or something and you take it as them liking you.
If a girl likes you she’ll ask you questions, your stats, your socials, your friends, and eventually to hang out. All you have to do is not be a sperg and you ascend
its not rare nowadays and even if it isnt dont admit that lmao
stats say 1 in 3 young Men are incelibates and 63% of them are single
a lot of people think incel = terrorist so they dont identify as one while being a virgin
you should also mention how its a FEMINISM issue and incels are just the bottom of the barrel victims of it - mention how the divorce rate is near 50%, college jocks getting accused of rape, and cheating etc..
its not rare nowadays and even if it isnt dont admit that lmao
stats say 1 in 3 young Men are incelibates and 63% of them are single
a lot of people think incel = terrorist so they dont identify as one while being a virgin
you should also mention how its a FEMINISM issue and incels are just the bottom of the barrel victims of it - mention how the divorce rate is near 50%, college jocks getting accused of rape, and cheating etc..
dont forget to mention how the divorce rate is the same for religious people
If a girl likes you she’ll ask you questions, your stats, your socials, your friends, and eventually to hang out. All you have to do is not be a sperg and you ascend
Lol! U r silly!
Truth. Hypergamy and all that is cope. Is till see people my age who aren’t even close to chad in relationships and @Emba knew plenty of incels back in his day.
Most of the dudes my age were cels. Relationship's were very rare. The foids were well aware of male thirst back then and used it as a life strategy to wealthmaxx by finding the most hard working yet stupid guy they could. Meanwhile they fucked as many chads as they could find
It depends on your age mainly. Being an incel in your late teens and early twenties isn't that uncommon but still in the minority of people. Once you hit 25+ it is extremely rare
I concur...

However, after considered it I think its because they are gullible, stupider and more malleable. (Easily played)

They seem to be more "eager to please" and more willing to jump through hoops.

Plus, they often have "toxic positivity" and are more "now oriented." Instead of forward thinking. More animalistic. Less human. More niggery.
Yep. I have seen examples of this. Even a couple relatives I know would go out of their way to please their wives. They’d almost let the woman control what they can and can’t do. I won’t let a woman control me like that, and many females I’ve interacted with can probably sense that my hobbies mean a lot to me, and I’m not gonna change for a female like many men.
Yep. I have seen examples of this. Even a couple relatives I know would go out of their way to please their wives. They’d almost let the woman control what they can and can’t do. I won’t let a woman control me like that, and many females I’ve interacted with can probably sense that my hobbies mean a lot to me, and I’m not gonna change for a female like many men.
I lost my college buddy to a single mom that told him to ditch me as a fren!

Then a few years later she divorce raped him and had him sent to prison! It was brutal.

He turned into a thieving scumbag after that. As well as a compulsive gambler! (Loser);;
I lost my college buddy to a single mom that told him to ditch me as a fren!

Then a few years later she divorce raped him and had him sent to prison! It was brutal.

He turned into a thieving scumbag after that. As well as a compulsive gambler! (Loser);;
Damn, truly shows how evil some women can be. Even if I somehow get a gf in the future, I’m not gonna let her control me. I’m big into cars, and no woman is ever gonna make me give that up. Also not gonna let anyone tell me I can’t hang out with the only two friends I have.

Some men are truly blinded by a tiny bit of female attention, sadly
Damn, truly shows how evil some women can be. Even if I somehow get a gf in the future, I’m not gonna let her control me. I’m big into cars, and no woman is ever gonna make me give that up. Also not gonna let anyone tell me I can’t hang out with the only two friends I have.

Some men are truly blinded by a tiny bit of female attention, sadly
It was like 10+ years after his college gf... He was a pot salesman.... (7:

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